Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1118 - Three servings

Chapter 1118: Three servings

"Master Yuan and Xiaosi are back. This way, please." Wen Fei Zhi quickly led the group to the first long table.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, just leave it here." Wen si said as she carefully placed the tray down.

"Okay. Master Yuan, my granddaughter didn't cause you any trouble, did she?" Wen feizhi couldn't help but ask when he saw how happy Wen Si was.

"No, I didn 't," Yuan Zhou shook his head.

"That's good. " Wen Fei Zhi nodded with a smile.

On the other hand, Wen si stuck out her tongue and made a funny face at her grandfather's disbelief. She looked very lively and happy.

"Ta ta." Liu Zhi also followed Wen feizhi over.

"Please take a seat." Yuan Zhou first said to Wen feizhi and Wen si.

"I wonder how many people would die of envy if they knew that I could eat the dishes cooked by master Yuan in my kitchen." Wen Fei Zhi said proudly as he sat down.

Liu Zhi sat down slowly with a noncommittal expression.

"I'll sit down and help. " Wen si said immediately when she saw Yuan Zhou lift the lid off the tray.

"Okay, thank you." Yuan Zhou lowered his head and thanked her. Then, he carried two plates out.

"You're welcome. I also want to eat. " Wen si happily helped to set the table.

While they were cooking, Wen si had already known that Yuan Zhou had prepared her share, because she had asked him directly.

Foodies were just so persistent.

"It smells so good." Wen Fei Zhi's nose twitched.

That's right. Ever since the two of them came in, the main hall had been suffused with a fragrance. The fragrance of the dishes was very alluring and made people drool uncontrollably. After Yuan Zhou lifted the lid and carried the plate out, the fragrance became even stronger.

While Yuan Zhou was arranging the plates seriously, Wen si neatly arranged three sets of bowls and chopsticks. That's right, three sets.

Wen si placed a pair of glasses on the table for Yuan Zhou, another for her grandfather, and then another in front of her. After that, she sat down obediently.

"It's indeed very fragrant. " Liu Zhi swallowed his saliva without a trace and nodded.

"Master Wen, please have a taste of the Twin Dragons playing with a Pearl." Yuan Zhou said.

Wen feizhi immediately looked at the two plates in front of him after Yuan Zhou greeted him.

"Beautiful!" Wen Fei Zhi looked at the food in front of him and immediately praised.

That's right, the dishes in front of him were really too beautiful.

Two Antique Green glazed flat plates were placed together, with the bumps and bumps embedded together. Along the Dragon pattern, there were two real Dragons dancing.

The two true dragons were golden in color, and the scales on their bodies were clearly visible. They even shone with a beautiful golden light.

At the place where the two plates were connected, there was a Pearl made of white jade. The Dragon heads in the two plates opened their mouths wide and bit at the Pearl.

The most important thing was that the angle at which the two dragon heads opened their mouths and the emotions in their eyes were completely different.

The Dragon pattern on the celadon plate itself was a perfect reflection of the Golden Dragon.

The position of Yuan Zhou's dish was so ingenious that the lines on the plate itself became the reflection of a Golden Dragon. With the soup poured on the plate, the whole Dragon looked like a flickering light and a fleeting shadow, while the Dragon Shadow on the celadon plate was partly hidden and partly visible under the effect of the soup.

It was like a dragon chasing a Pearl in the waves of the deep sea, and then the head of the Dragon, which was slightly above the plate, emerged from the water and rushed towards the Pearl that was slowly rising into the sky.

One should know that Yuan Zhou had used a celadon plate as the base of the deep sea Blue wave and carved a picture of two dragons playing and chasing a Pearl out of the deep sea.

"What a good pair of Dragons playing with a Pearl. It's really vivid." Wen Fei Zhi praised.

"It's a plate of two dragons playing with a Pearl. It's basic to do a game of two dragons playing with a Pearl." Liu Zhi frowned, disagreeing with Wen feizhi's evaluation.

"Thank you," he said. Yuan Zhou nodded his head at Wen feizhi and accepted the praise.

"I didn't expect that master Yuan would complete the plate in this way. They really complement each other." Wen Fei Zhi touched his short beard, his face full of praise.

"I think any chef can do this kind of plate presentation." Liu Zhi said again.

"But it will never be as perfect as master Yuan 's." Wen Fei Zhi turned his head and said.

Liu Zhi just glanced at the plate and then said,""It's your work that's more perfect, master Wen. "

"No, it's master Yuan who filled up all the empty spaces on my plate." Wen Fei Zhi shook his head and said seriously.

Exactly. As Yuan Zhou had made full use of every aspect of the plate, there were no other dishes that were more suitable for the plate.

This time, Liu Zhi was silent and did not speak.

Wen feizhi, on the other hand, was directly intoxicated by the aesthetics of Yuan Zhou's plate presentation.

"Beautiful. I didn't expect someone to fit this plate so well. It's so beautiful." Wen Fei Zhi praised.

Delicacies and beautiful artifacts had always complemented each other. Delicacies needed beautiful artifacts to serve as a foil, and beautiful artifacts naturally needed to be on par with delicacies.

"Grandpa, can I eat now?" Wen si suddenly interrupted Wen feizhi's exclamation.

Wen Si was young, after all. Of course, she felt that it was pretty. However, as a foodie, the aroma was too alluring, and she couldn't help it.

"You really don't have a good eye for appreciation." Wen feizhi glared at Wen si in annoyance.

"Food is meant to be enjoyed." Yuan Zhou said quite naturally.

"Yes, yes, yes." Wen si nodded and picked up her chopsticks, waiting for the meal to start.

"Wait for me, I have to take a picture as a memento." Wen Fei Zhi immediately stopped Wen SI's chopsticks from moving.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. I've already taken the photo. I'll send it to you from any angle." Wen si immediately raised her hand and said.

"At least a little girl like you is of some use." Wen Fei Zhi immediately smiled in satisfaction.

"Of course," Wen si muttered softly.

"Come, come, come. Let's start eating. Let's try this pair of Dragons playing with a Pearl." Wen Fei Zhi acted as if he didn't hear anything and excitedly raised his chopsticks, ready to eat.

"I'm still missing a set of chopsticks and a bowl. " However, the meal was interrupted again. This time, it was Liu Zhi, who had been silent at the beginning, who suddenly spoke.

Wen Fei Zhi paused and looked around the table. He realized that there were only three sets of bowls and chopsticks. Only the table in front of Liu Zhi was empty.

"Xiaosi?" Wen feizhi looked at Wen si.

Wen si stuck out her tongue discreetly and didn't say anything. On the other hand, Yuan Zhou opened his mouth at the side.

"I'm sorry. I thought that you, as a visual artist, would not be interested in such mundane food, so I didn't prepare your share. " Yuan Zhou said to Liu Zhi who was frowning.

Liu Zhi was stunned at first. Then he realized that this was what he had said to Yuan Zhou before. What would a chef like him know? even the sentence structure and most of the words were the same.

The only difference was the subject, which was obviously intentional.

"Cough, cough, cough." Wen Fei Zhi coughed, picked up his chopsticks, and began to seriously and quietly tell his granddaughter about ceramic art. He clearly didn't want to get involved in this matter.

"You!" Liu Zhi's face turned stiff as he looked at Yuan Zhou.

"Please enjoy your meal. The dishes won't taste good if they get cold." Yuan Zhou turned his gaze back indifferently and said to Wen feizhi and Wen si.

Was Yuan Zhou a stingy person?

Of course it was.


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