Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1075 - worthy death

Chapter 1075: Chapter 1074-worthy death

"I'm quite happy. " Yuan Zhou nodded his head and then continued eating the porridge with the snow vegetables.

"Give me another bowl." Wu Hai put down the bowl and then said.

"One bowl for each of you, no more." Yuan Zhou took a glance at Wu Hai's clean small celadon bowl and said indifferently.

"Can't you feed the cat with a bowl? we're friends, after all. How can you not let your friend eat?" Wu Hai knitted his brows and said with dissatisfaction.

"Not friends, but a customer and a shop owner." Yuan Zhou corrected her.

"I misjudged you, compass. You're not only a compass but also a stingy compass." Wu Hai stroked his small mustaches and said angrily.

"Thank you for the compliment." Yuan Zhou nodded his head to express his gratitude and then quickly finished the porridge in his bowl unhurriedly.

What a joke, if he didn't finish it earlier, this shameless Wu might just snatch it away.

Coincidently, Wu Hai was really staring at Yuan Zhou's bowl. Not until Yuan Zhou put down the bowl and he found that the bowl was also empty did he move his eyes away pitifully.

"I'll leave after I'm done eating. Goodbye. " Yuan Zhou felt lucky in the heart and then started to drive him away without changing his expression.

"I've never seen such a petty person like you!" Wu Hai looked around and found there was nothing to eat. He could only stand up and prepare to leave.

"Take care, I won't send you off." Yuan Zhou said calmly.

When Wu Hai walked to the door, he didn't turn his head but just said,""Thank you," he said.

Yuan Zhou's reaction was to wave his hand and say nothing.

That's right. Wu Hai knew why Yuan Zhou didn't allow him to eat more. He didn't eat much for the whole day yesterday and didn't rest at night either. If he ate too much at once, he might have to go to the hospital.

But now, he could only eat more at noon if he ate less to nourish his stomach. Thinking of the delicious food at noon, Wu Hai decided to leave cleanly.

Not until Wu Hai went upstairs did Yuan Zhou turn back to the courtyard and start to clean the table.

When Yuan Zhou finished cleaning up, there wasn't much time left in the morning. Therefore, he didn't go out to sculpt again. He just sat on the edge of the bed and closed his eyes to rest for a while.

With a book in his hand, Yuan Zhou slightly closed his eyes and relaxed his legs. He sat on the edge of the bed with his back against the wall and appeared quite calm.

After all, Yuan Zhou had not slept for an entire night and was a little tired.

On the other side, Wu Hai continued to immerse himself in the painting after he went upstairs. However, his spirit seemed to be much better.

This made Zheng Jiawei, who had been keeping watch for the whole night, feel much more at ease.

"Fortunately, little Hai's body is much better now. Otherwise, I'm really afraid that little hai won't be able to endure it." Zheng Jiawei looked at Yuan Zhou's restaurant outside the window downstairs gratefully.

Time passed by minute by minute and soon it was lunchtime. This time, the first five people in line were Wu Hai, Ling Hong, Jiang Changxi, Yin ya and the brawny man.

The man who liked listening to Grandpa Jia's stories but was also very afraid had also come.

Among them, Ling Hong was wearing a black mourning cloth on his arm, which was pinned on his white short-sleeved shirt. He didn't have a sunny smile on his face like he usually did. Instead, he was expressionless.

Seeing these people, the customers who already knew about them stopped chatting. Instead, they discussed in extremely low voices.

This was probably the quietest time that Yuan Zhou had ever waited in line since he opened for business. Even today, there were very few people who wanted to cut in line. Therefore, the crowd just stood there quietly.

She waited quietly for five minutes before the opening of the store and queued up quietly to get her number.

"The first twelve customers, please come in for your meal." Zhou Jia's voice wasn't as clear as usual, but it sounded a little choked.

As soon as they entered the restaurant and took their seats, the restaurant became even quieter. For a while, no one spoke.

Even Wu Hai, who was usually in a hurry to eat, became quiet.

Yin ya, on the other hand, looked at Yuan Zhou worriedly and then sat on the chair without saying anything.

"What would you like to have for lunch?" In the end, Yuan Zhou stood in the middle of the curved long table and asked.

"Yes, it's time to order." The burly man reacted and nodded.

"Zhou Jia, go and order the dishes." Yuan Zhou stopped Zhou Jia who was in a daze.

"Oh, okay. What would you like to eat?" Zhou Jia tried her best to collect herself and then asked calmly.

"I'll have a Dongpo pig knuckle and plain white rice today. " The brawny man flipped through the menu and recalled Grandpa Jia's words. He said without hesitation.

"Okay. Would you like to pay by bank transfer or cash?" Zhou Jia nodded the head and then asked.

"Transfer the money." The brawny man transferred the money quickly and then sat down without saying a word.

"Order me some food too." Ling Hong said at that time.

"Right, I'll order too." Wu Hai said.

"Jiajia, come over and order for us when you're done." Yin ya said warmly.

"Alright, please wait a moment." Zhou Jia nodded her head hurriedly and answered.

"I'll also help everyone order their food. What do you want to eat?" Master Cheng took the initiative to come over and started to help.

After someone ordered, the atmosphere in the restaurant became a little livelier, and everyone began to look at the menu seriously.

After a short while, everyone had ordered their own dishes. At that time, everyone became relaxed again. Yuan Zhou was the only busy one now.

Yuan Zhou's hand that was holding the knife was very steady. As usual, his movements were as smooth as floating clouds and flowing water. His cooking speed was extremely fast.

"After you finish eating, come with me to the studio to get something." Wu Hai turned his head and said to Ling Hong at the side.

"Why are you sitting beside me?" Ling Hong turned his head and looked at Wu Hai doubtfully when he heard the voice.

That's right. Wu Hai and Ling Hong had a very good relationship. However, they didn't usually sit together to eat. After all, Wu Hai was not joking about his shamelessness. He wouldn't snatch other people's things, but he wouldn't feel any burden if he snatched Ling Hong 's.

"Listen to me." Wu Hai pulled a long face and said solemnly.

"Alright," he said. Ling Hong answered and didn't ask what it was.

"But don't steal my food today." Ling Hong emphasized.

"Rich man, you're as stingy as ever." Wu Hai stroked his small mustaches and looked at Ling Hong impatiently.

"Same to you." Ling Hong looked at Wu Hai from head to toe and said.

The two of them quarreled for a while and then stopped. At that time, the brawny man sitting on the other side of Ling Hong suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Ling Hong, please restrain your grief." The burly man consoled.

"Thank you," he said. Ling Hong nodded his head and said nothing more.

"Actually, Grandpa Jia died a worthy death. He was a soldier. Although he wasn't on the battlefield, he was still a hero when he died for justice." The burly man said seriously.

After the brawny man finished speaking, the other diners at the side couldn't help but nod and discuss Grandpa Jia's courage, saying that he was a hero.

"F * ck, who the F * ck wants to die? so what if I'm heroic? Being alive is the best. " Ling Hong suddenly stood up and said loudly.

"Living is the best. Who doesn't want to live?" The more Ling Hong said, the lower his voice became.

How could Ling Hong not understand that Grandpa Jia was a brave man? but just like what Ling Hong had said, it was best to be alive, not to let them reminisce about him.

Therefore, as soon as Ling Hong said that, the restaurant quieted down instantly. Even Yuan Zhou's knife paused for a while before he continued to wave it.

"Shua, shua, shua." No one spoke in the restaurant. For a while, only the sound of Yuan Zhou's Kitchen knife touching the cutting board could be heard.


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