Gourmet Food Supplier

Chapter 1008 - The extinct Xiang city pigs  

Chapter 1008: The extinct Xiang city pigs

After washing up, Yuan Zhou changed into the Han Chinese clothing for work. Today, Yuan Zhou chose a set of Han Chinese clothing that matched his breakfast.

This was because the lower hem of the Han Chinese clothing was embroidered with the leaves of horse hooves. The green color matched with the White Han clothing looked very harmonious.

Of course, the sleeves of the clothes were still embroidered with the pattern of lotus leaves. After all, it was the flower of the shop and had to be worn at all times.

“These Dragon Eye buns should be enough for two in a steamer.” Yuan Zhou took out the soaked bamboo steamer from the pool and put it aside to drain.

The steamer this time was much larger than the one for the steamed buns. After all, it was the steamer drawer for steamed buns.

While he was draining the bamboo steamer, Yuan Zhou didn’t stay idle. He went to the water tank to check the crabs provided by the system yesterday.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make you into delicious food when I’m free today. Don’t come to me at night.” Yuan Zhou looked at the crab in the water tank and said earnestly.

After doing that, Yuan Zhou started to prepare to make the steamed buns.

He had forgotten to mention that the Dragon Eye bun was a specialty snack of the Han people in Sichuan Province, which was also included in the accompanying snack reward of the system.

To make a steamed bun, one naturally had to start from the meat filling. However, Yuan Zhou didn’t start from this place today. Instead, he started from the foam dried prawns.

That’s right, the Dragon Eye bun needed to be added with Jinkou, which was dried shrimp.

The dried prawns didn’t need to be soaked too much. They only needed to be soaked slightly. However, the water used by Yuan Zhou to soak the dried prawns this time was different.

Because the shrimp meat was soaked in the Longjing tea before the rain, Yuan Zhou even used the Longjing tea before the rain three times in order to prevent the freshness of the shrimp meat from being taken away by the tea.

In this way, it could remove the fishy smell and also add a trace of tea fragrance.

Of course, Yuan Zhou didn’t waste the tea that had been prepared beforehand and directly drank it.

After all, Yuan Zhou was a very thrifty person.

But now, the people who were thrifty were a little full.

“Pa”, Yuan Zhou took out two pieces of pork. The outer layer of the pork didn’t have any fascia and looked like a whole piece. After a slight cut, one could see the beautiful lean meat with white fat inside. It was more lean than fat.

Moreover, when Yuan Zhou cut it open, the meat emitted a slight fragrance. The taste was different from that of the pig that grew up eating watermelons. It was more like the taste of sweet sugar cane.

When he smelled the smell, Yuan Zhou immediately had a bad feeling.

“System, are you clear about the origin of this pork?” Yuan Zhou asked in his mind.

The system displayed,”the host can check it by himself.”

After the display, a file appeared in Yuan Zhou’s mind, emitting a faint fluorescent light.

“This is really a gentle reminder, but I have an even worse feeling.” Yuan Zhou thought of the system’s crude explanation in the past.

That’s right. In the past, if Yuan Zhou asked this question, the system would immediately provide him with a lot of popular science, causing Yuan Zhou to sigh with emotion that a human being was not as good as a pig.

However, he didn’t do that this time. Instead, he let Yuan Zhou check it by himself.

Yuan Zhou didn’t stop. He picked up the kitchen knife and chopped the meat evenly with a sound of “shua shua shua.” However, he opened the file sent by the system.

The system displayed,[Xiangcheng pig, one of the extinct animal species, exists among more than 170 extinct animals and plants.]

As soon as he saw the beginning, Yuan Zhou felt dizzy.

“System, are you saying that this pig is an extinct species?” Yuan Zhou asked.

The system displayed,”yes, this is an extinct breed in Sichuan Province. However, the quality of this pork is excellent. Therefore, the system has specially preserved it and then cultivated it.”

“Yes, that makes sense. Delicious food can’t go extinct.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head in a decent manner, but he still couldn’t help cursing in his heart.

“He’s always getting food that’s either extinct or precious. Those who don’t know might think that he’s involved in the smuggling of wild animals.” Yuan Zhou ridiculed expressionlessly.

After complaining, Yuan Zhou continued to read the information. It was a must for Yuan Zhou to have a better understanding of the ingredients every time.

Although he felt that it was self – abuse every time he saw it, these animals lived better than him. At least they ate the food provided by the system for free.

Speaking of which, ever since he had the system, Yuan Zhou had never said that he lived like a dog again. Without even asking, he knew that the dogs raised by the system would definitely live better than him.

The system displayed,[Xiangcheng pig’s body is brownish – yellow in color. Its fur is short and light. It has a medium – sized body and a strong physique. Its head is big and has wrinkles on its forehead. Its ears are big and droopy.]

“Its body is narrow, its back and waist are straight, its abdomen is slightly droopy, its rear drive is developed, its limbs are thick, its hooves are strong, the skin on the upper part of the knuckle is slightly wrinkled, the root of the tail is thick, and the tail is longer than the knuckle.”

“Xiangcheng pigs need to grow between 100 – 110° west to 25° north latitude. They like the environment of the warm climate and the monsoon climate of the mainland. The food they eat also needs to be a combination of fine, green, rough, and secondary to produce high – Quality Xiangcheng pigs.”

“System, I think I’m also suitable to live in such a precise climate.” Yuan Zhou couldn’t help grumbling.

The system displayed,[the system is not responsible for the host’s feeding.]

“Hehe …” Yuan Zhou was quite speechless.

“Shua, shua, shua.” Although Yuan Zhou was ridiculing him, he continued to chop the meat stuffing without any deviation in strength.

From this, it could be seen that the friendly exchange with the system had helped Yuan Zhou practice his cooking skills. Therefore, Yuan Zhou continued to read.

The system displayed,”for the feeding of the green ingredients, the system usually uses dandelion, dandelion, titago, indigowoad root, Big Green leaf heart – piercing Lotus, duzhong leaf, glossy ganoderma, Hawthorn, and milk vetch root according to the season. Some top – grade Xinhui tangerine peel is also added to enrich the diet of Xiangcheng pigs.”

“For coarse grains, the system has matched Alpine corn and sweet sorghum for Xiangcheng pigs. Although the growth cycle of the Alpine corn is slow, it is rich in nutrients. The sweet sorghum is delicious. After the meal, the Meishan sugarcane is sweet and juicy.”

“Mei mountain sugar cane? I also like to eat this. ” This time, Yuan Zhou didn’t sound like he was ridiculing her, but more like he was reminiscing.

In the past, Yuan Zhou’s parents would always buy several tens of kilograms and store them at home to eat slowly during the new year.

This kind of sugar cane was much softer than the Arhat sugar cane and was easier to bite. At that time, Yuan Zhou liked to eat it very much and liked to dance around like a treasured sword before eating it.

However, Yuan Zhou’s reminiscence only lasted for a moment before he immediately recovered his usual appearance.

When the stuffing was chopped and mixed well and the flavor was put there, Yuan Zhou had already started to knead the dough.

Apart from the filling, the skin was the most important part of the Dragon Eye bun. The most important part was that the skin had to be as smooth and soft as silk.

Therefore, the kneading technique was completely different from that of the soup dumplings.

After kneading the dough and mixing the stuffing, it was time to make the buns.

This explained the name of the Dragon Eye bun.

This Dragon Eye bun was named so because it looked like a Dragon’s Eye. Therefore, the way it was wrapped was different from other buns.

It was necessary to leave a hole when wrapping the bun, but the gravy contained in the bun could not flow out when it was steamed. When the bun was steamed, the round filling inside could be seen from the outside and its fragrance could be smelled.

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