Gourmet Food Supplier

2623 The heart of the old father

Zhou Shijie had always felt that he had a barbecued pork son. The barbecued meat had a burnt smell when it entered his mouth. However, no matter how much he hated that he only had this piece of barbecued pork in his life, it was not good for his wife to practice her alternate accounts anymore. He could only look forward to the descendants of his barbecued pork son.

Therefore, he changed his attitude towards Zhou Xi’s free-range animal and wanted to adopt the method of rearing it in captivity. Unfortunately, he had raised it in the wild in the past and couldn’t raise it at home, so he had to find a way.

In the beginning, Zhou Shijie and Zhang Yan, who was also worried about their daughter, hit it off and tried to match them together. However, one was a strong woman who was dedicated to following the example of Jiang Changxi, while the other was pursuing a free and undisciplined life as an artist like Wu Hai. They would never get along. After trying to match them together a few times, Zhou Shijie and Zhang Yan gave up.

After that, Zhou Shijie started to torture the granddaughters, nephews, or granddaughters of his old friends in the circle. If they were chefs, he would give them priority so that he could have a grandson with the excellent genes of a chef.

In Zhou Xi’s eyes, the first one was his super idol, Wu Hai, followed by Yuan Zhou. After that, he didn’t care about the other chefs at all. When Zhou Xi went on a blind date, he almost made the other chef shut up because of his dissing. His template was exactly Yuan Zhou.

Not to mention the younger generation, even among the senior chefs, there were very few who could be compared with Yuan Zhou. Moreover, Zhou Xi was really a straight man. He didn’t even know how to be tactful with his words, so one could imagine what happened to the girl who went on a blind date with him in the end.

During that period of time, Zhou Shijie would receive phone calls from his old friends every day. Naturally, he could only give up the idea of having a grandson with the genes of a chef.

Recently, Zhou Shijie had figured out something. The reason why his son was called barbecued pork was definitely because of his ordinary IQ. He felt that if he had a daughter-in-law with a high IQ, it could make up for some of his shortcomings. Then, he recalled that Yu daoyi had mentioned that he had a niece who graduated from Qing University and was both good at literature and martial arts.

The top students who graduated from higher education institutions were definitely considered to have high IQs. Although Zhou Shijie felt that it was a little like placing a flower on cow dung, he could only give it his all for the sake of the IQs of his grandchildren.

As a result, Yu daoyi received a call from Zhou Shijie when he was on Heron Island and learned that Yuan Zhou was serving new min cuisine.

Upon hearing Zhou Shijie’s words, Yu daoyi’s body stiffened. Then, he returned to his original state and said,””You’re talking about that girl QiuQiu? when she came to see me in March this year, she didn’t have a partner yet. I don’t know if she has one now. I can help to ask before I tell you. This girl QiuQiu doesn’t care about her own affairs at all. It’s really worrying.”

QiuQiu wasn’t his daughter, but the daughter of his uncle’s brother, so they were quite close. Moreover, QiuQiu had learned the zither and martial arts from Yu daoyi since she was young, so she was naturally more familiar with him. That was why he was worried.

When they said this, the two of them instantly felt a sense of sympathy for each other and immediately found each other more pleasing to the eye. It couldn’t be helped that the new year was approaching and their niece/son were still alone. As parents, it was inevitable that they would be a little anxious.

It was rare for Yu daoyi and Zhou Shijie to chat together. Now that they had a common topic, or to put it another way, they had a common enemy. Naturally, their relationship grew closer. Even when they were snatching snacks, they couldn’t help but show some mercy and ended up in a draw.

Normally, Zhou Shijie didn’t even have the qualifications to compete with Yu daoyi. Otherwise, Yu daoyi wouldn’t have been able to sit firmly in the third position of the restaurant ‘s’ rice bucket ‘before Liao wenkai. His strength was definitely strong.

Zhou Shijie’s table was bustling with noise and excitement. The table with Wu Hai was even more chaotic. Wu Hai had never been afraid of anyone when he ate. Not only the pastries and the dishes with wine, but also the wine. He would not refuse any of them. He poured the wine into his mouth very nimbly, making the people at the same table feel as if they were facing a great enemy. They didn’t dare to relax for even a moment, fearing that Wu Hai would finish it all at once and they wouldn’t have anything to eat.

The pub was very boisterous. Yuan Zhou didn’t pay much attention to it. He had been busy for some time and now that he finally had some free time, he naturally had to deal with the mission.

As the test, it could be said to be simple, but it was actually very difficult. One ingredient had to be turned into three different ingredients, so the range of choices was not that wide.

After all, it was impossible to turn a mushroom into mushroom slices, shredded mushrooms, or mushroom pieces. It was definitely impossible to think that these were three different ingredients.

The first thing he thought of was naturally beans. Whether it was black beans, soybeans, green beans, or peas, they could all be transformed into other kinds of food.

For example, peanuts could grow into peanut buds and could also be fried into peanut oil. They could also be made into pastries, peanut crisps, and other food items. They could also be considered as a few different ingredients.

Or, like Xiao dang’s family, they could make the catfish into noodles with the theme of noodles and then use the fish bones to make soup. They could also be considered as having catfish steaks.

Of course, Yuan Zhou wouldn’t force himself to do things. If he wanted to complete the mission, he would naturally complete it 100%. Just like the previous real perfume, even if the system had already determined that he had completed the mission, he still felt that the method was not perfect and thus would continue to study it.

It was because of this spirit of never giving up on research that Yuan Zhou was able to develop two collector’s level knife skills better than the previous host. There might even be a third and a fourth one in the future.

“Let’s try the beans first. These are the easiest ingredients to change their texture.” Yuan Zhou decided to start from the simplest way.

He didn’t choose the commonly used soybeans and green beans. Instead, he chose the black beans. The black beans provided by the system were already the best of the best. However, with Yuan Zhou’s eyesight, he could naturally see the subtle differences between each bean.

Therefore, even if he got the beans provided by the system, Yuan Zhou would still pick them again patiently. After he picked them out one by one, he would start to soak them and then do other things.

Although the mission requirement didn’t state that other ingredients couldn’t be used as auxiliary ingredients, Yuan Zhou still automatically felt that other ingredients were not suitable for the mission except for the seasoning. This would make the mission more prominent.

Only Yuan Zhou could do such a thing.

When Yin ya came back home from working overtime that day, there was not only hot black soybean milk waiting for her, but also a bean paste cake fried with black bean dregs.

Even though she knew that a lot of oil was used, the crisp and crunchy taste was still irresistible, not to mention that it was accompanied by the sweet and smooth black bean pulp. After walking for a while, her body, which had been blown by the cold wind, slowly warmed up in this warmth, which was very comfortable.

Yin ya forgot all about her weight. In winter, she should eat more so that she could gain more fat to resist the cold. Winter was a time to store fat and people should adapt to the season.

Thinking of that, Yin ya started to enjoy the black bean midnight snack with Yuan Zhou with a peace of mind. From time to time, the two of them would whisper to each other with their heads touching, holding the hot soybean milk and feeding each other a mouthful of the cake. Even the biting cold wind couldn’t stop the pink bubbles from being produced.


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