Gourmet Food Supplier

2432 Peach-like snacks

Sun Ji took a deep breath and felt the faint rose fragrance lingering. He seemed to see a real flower in his mind. The fragrance, shape, and the dew on the petals were all crystal clear, as if they would roll down in the next second.

It was half-bloomed and had an authentic red color. Even the pistil was clearly visible. It felt very wrong to say that it was fake.

Sun Ji felt that reason and emotion were competing with each other. Reason felt that what was placed on the plate must be delicious, but emotionally, he felt that this was a real rose.

What made Sun Ji so conflicted was the Rose, pine nut, and pomegranate cake. He didn’t know what the cake originally looked like, but the one in Yuan Zhou’s restaurant looked like a very vivid rose.

“This is the most exquisite dish I’ve ever eaten. What kind of craftsmanship is this?” Si Jinning said.

The ferry stops were famous for their exquisiteness and perfection. They could pass off as the real thing and create a realistic image. However, what Yuan Zhou did looked like the real thing no matter how one looked at it. Even si Jinning, an outsider, knew the difference.

“It’s indeed good. ” Although he didn’t have high hopes for the taste, he was still a little worried.

The main reason was that he was afraid that he couldn’t taste it. However, he could give her full marks for her current style, and he could even give her a little more marks.

Although the three of them could smell the faint, cold fragrance, they couldn’t do anything. They really couldn’t bear to do it. It was really too beautiful. It felt like if they did anything, they would destroy the overall balance.

There were four small plates, and there were three in each plate. It was obviously prepared for three people. Xiao Ma, who was sitting at the same table, was already holding his chopsticks and ready to eat.

He couldn’t do something like eating first before the master had even started eating. After all, he still wanted to save some face. However, this didn’t prevent him from waiting for the master to start eating.

Young MA held his chopsticks tightly in his left hand. He curled his index and middle fingers to form a strong grip, waiting for si Jinning and the others to start eating.

Unfortunately, the few of them had been staring at the good-looking snacks and did not touch them. This made Xiao Ma very anxious, and he directly coughed twice to get everyone’s attention.

Si Jinning was the first to recover from his shock. Having eaten Yuan Zhou’s delicacies for quite a few times, he naturally had some resistance to Yuan Zhou’s cooking. Moreover, he was the main organizer of the banquet this time. Therefore, he directly said,””Let’s try it. You won’t be full just by looking at it. “

After he finished speaking, he took the lead and picked up the ginger-colored dessert that looked like a real Buddha’s hand. This was his favorite dessert, Osmanthus candy Buddha’s hand.

The size of this snack was extremely small in the traditional boat dish, almost the width of two fingers. However, in order to blend the concept of Chinese food and dinner in the boat dish, Yuan Zhou had improved the size of this snack.

The sweet osmanthus Buddha’s Palm made by Yuan Zhou was as big as half a palm. It stood quietly on the plate as if it were a real Buddha’s hand.

As the dessert got closer, si Jinning could clearly see that there was a layer of crystal-clear outer layer on the surface of the Buddha’s hand. It was like a layer of muslin that wrapped around the Buddha’s hand, as if it was holding a pipa and half-covering its face.

Si Jinning couldn’t be bothered to probe further. He stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite. The first thing he felt was sweetness, then softness, and finally the sweet taste of the Osmanthus. The taste progressed layer by layer, with sweetness leading the way first, then the taste of the glutinous flour, and finally the Osmanthus. It didn’t seem to be sweet. On the contrary, it had a little saltiness after being marinated. However, this saltiness wasn’t strong, and it played a good role as a catalyst to make the Buddha’s hand taste even sweeter and more delicious.

“Sweet but not greasy, soft and tender. When you eat it, you feel as if there’s a light wind blowing in your mouth. It feels like you’re admiring the lake and mountains in the middle of a Lake. It’s a wonderful enjoyment.” Si Jinning raised his head slightly, looking intoxicated.

The moment si Jinning picked up his chopsticks, Li Jianhua also moved his chopsticks. He wasn’t aiming for si Jinning’s favorite Buddha’s hand or the roses that dazzled Sun Ji’s eyes. Instead, he was aiming for the minty jujube paste peach cakes that looked like real peaches.

Li Jianhua’s favorite fruit was peaches, so he naturally wanted to try pastries that looked like flat peaches first.

Yuan Zhou didn’t change the size of the pastries randomly. They were almost the size of the Buddha’s hand, half the size of a palm. Even the flat peaches were no exception.

The surface of the peach was slightly red, a sign that it was fully ripe. The concave lines in the middle indicated that the peach had ripened just right.

Jin Jianhua’s mouth was big, so he took a big bite, revealing the soft and dense jujube paste filling. It had a little luster, but it didn’t look dark. On the contrary, it looked very attractive.

The soft dough matched with the soft stuffing was easy to miss. It was either too greasy or too light in taste, but Jin Jianhua felt that it was just right. Whether it was the combination of glutinous rice flour and date paste or anything else, it was just right.

“This date paste doesn’t seem to be fried. It doesn’t have a greasy taste, and it’s perfectly matched with the soft and tender dough. It tastes really good. In the end, there’s even a faint peach taste. It feels like I really ate a peach just now. It’s delicious.” Jin Jianhua savored every taste in his mouth.

When the entire dessert was in his stomach, he immediately picked up another peach and ate it. He only came back to his senses when he had finished it and there was nothing left on the plate.

“Did I taste so many different flavors just now?” Jin Jianhua found it unbelievable.

He could only taste the saltiness of his food now. If there was too much sugar, he could taste the sweetness, but it was definitely too sweet for ordinary people. It was not suitable for ordinary eating. However, he seemed to have tasted all kinds of flavors just now, and even tasted some hidden flavors.

It hadn’t happened in the last ten years, so he wasn’t sure.

“I think I need to eat a little more to test it out.”

After making up his mind, he looked at the other plates and saw three empty plates, as well as si Jinning and sun Ji, who were a little dumbfounded.

“These two people are eating too fast. They don’t know how to respect the old and care for the young at all. Simply too fast.” Jin Jianhua cursed in his heart.

Li Jianhua was a month older than si Jinning, but he didn’t usually admit it. He had always thought that he was younger than si Jinning. This was the first time he had ever talked about age.

In fact, Li Jianhua didn’t know that Sun Ji and Si Jinning were also secretly scolding him in their hearts. Everyone had one dessert each, so each person should have eaten four desserts, one for each dish. However, they knew very well that they had only eaten three, and Li Jianhua must have eaten the rest.

Xiao Ma, who had sneakily eaten four peaches, quietly put down his chopsticks and hid his achievement and fame. Then, he directly put the blame on Jin Jianhua, who had only eaten two peaches. The key point was that he didn’t know about it. He felt even more wronged than Dou ‘e.

Just as everyone was having their own thoughts, the next round of cooked Wheaten food was served.


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