Gourmet Food Supplier

2324 Continuous exclamations

At first, there was a little sourness, then the taste of Hawthorn, and then the sweetness. After the rice was fried, some white sugar was sprinkled on it to season it. It was sprinkled very evenly, but it was not thick, so it would not be seen if one did not look carefully.

It was different when he put it in his mouth. It was mixed with the sourness of the Hawthorn, and the sweetness burst out in his mouth. Gradually, sweetness became the main theme. After the soft and mushy rice, there was the mellow taste of the dried fruit. With a ‘Kacha’ sound, it combined with the rice, giving him a whole new taste.

At the end, when he felt a little greasy, a sour taste swept over him again, eliminating the greasy feeling.

“Sweet but not greasy, sour but not bitter. He managed to mix the soft and hard sides perfectly. As expected of head chef Yuan.” Director Wang was very satisfied with this sweet.

Huo ting also liked this dish very much. He felt that it was mild, sweet, and sour. It was very delicious.

Although the others didn’t like sweet food very much, they also had a very high evaluation of Yuan Zhou’s stir-fried Eight Treasures with fine sand. The craftsmanship was perfect and the taste was full. There was nothing to be picky about.

The more director Wang ate, the more he discovered a small phenomenon. At first, he thought it was an illusion, but the more he ate, the more he felt this way. When he ate this dish, he liked grapes and green plums more, and dates and lilies less. This way, the sourness would be stronger than usual, and the sweetness would be relatively lower.

At the first bite, he was conquered by the perfect taste and didn’t taste it carefully, but the more he ate, the more director Wang found that this was his favorite sweet and sour combination.

“It shouldn’t be a coincidence, right?” Looking at Yuan Zhou’s busy figure, director Wang’s heart was in turmoil, but he still appeared calm on the surface.

As long as one knew how to cook, or even the more proficient one was, the more one would know how incredible it would be if Yuan Zhou could really grasp the taste preferences of the customers without asking.

Although director Wang felt it was nonsense, he felt it was a matter of course when it happened to Yuan Zhou. It seemed to be very contradictory, but it was actually inevitable.

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, director Wang’s movements weren’t slow. Using the matching spoon, the chopsticks and spoon were used together, opening and closing left and right, supplementing each other, and he scooped up a little more than half of the beets into his stomach.

As expected of someone with a good brain, paying attention to military tactics while eating.

However, the bad thing about eating too fast was that there would be too many plates and it would affect his performance!

Yan Xiliang noticed the situation of Mao Xiong and the others in his busy schedule.

Occasionally, he would glance over and see that the two people beside him never had more plates. This made him very curious. Were the two of them too poor to only eat three or four dishes?

Then, Yan Xiliang was lucky. This time, he saw that the two of them were cleaning up the dishes. After they finished eating, the man with the small mustache stacked the plates together and placed them on the long table.

“So you’re the one who keeps the plates, no wonder.” After Yan Xiliang learned it, he did the same.

As expected, the table was empty again, and the new dishes were served.

This time, it was Huo ting’s warm shredded kidney. This dish was a typical example of low-grade ingredients being made into high-end dishes. It was famous for its meticulous cutting skills and exquisite cooking.

“It smells so good.” Gan Zhong sniffed, his eyes following the movement of the plates.

As the dish was brought out after hot oil was poured on it, it was still sizzling when it was placed on the table.

At a close distance, he could even see some oil droplets rolling on the plate. This resulted in the fragrance being very overbearing and very attractive to the nose.

On the other hand, Huo ting had already squeezed between gan Zhong and director Wang. Otherwise, even though he ordered this dish, he would definitely not be the first to eat it.

Even though he had already experienced Yuan Zhou’s cutting skills before, he still couldn’t help but want to praise Yuan Zhou’s cutting skills when he saw this warm mixed shredded waist. It was really great.

No matter if it was shredded kidney, wood ear, or lettuce, they were all of the same thickness, the same length and width as the starch noodles. The starch noodles used here were very thin, just a little thicker than a pinhole. The most rare thing was that even though the kidney silk was so thin, there were no signs of breaking, and each piece was in good condition.

It wasn’t that there weren’t any chefs who could make all the threads of the same thickness and length, but the thickness of the vermicelli had to be at least as thick as a needle. Otherwise, it would be easy to cause the waistline to break.

No matter how calm Huo ting was, he couldn’t help but want to curse when he saw this dish. It wasn’t because Yuan Zhou was too good, but because he himself wasn’t good enough. He couldn’t even see Yuan Zhou from such a long distance, let alone chase after him. Not everyone was like second Chu who was stupid.

He picked one up and put it in his mouth. The first feeling he got was that it was fresh, spicy, and not the spiciness of chili, but the spiciness of minced garlic. The second feeling was that it was crunchy. Whether it was the kidney strips, the fungus strips, or the celtuces, they were all very crisp and tender. Together with the slightly glutinous vermicelli, the combination was perfect. It was crisp and refreshing, and the fragrance lingered on the lips and teeth.

Moreover, although it was a cold dish, it was not cold but warm. It would not feel cold or hot when eaten. It was just right, just like this dish. It was just right.

“There’s no strange smell at all, and it’s even more fragrant and crunchy. It’s really delicious. ” Miao Zhonghua really liked this dish.

He would get fat no matter what he ate, so he especially liked to eat things related to the internal organs. In his words, there was definitely less fat in these things, so he was not afraid of eating too much!

It was well known that if the pork kidney was not done well, there would be a strange smell. Even after many skilled people removed the smell, they always felt that there was a little smell left.

This dish of Yuan Zhou’s didn’t have such concerns. It didn’t have any special taste except for its good taste. Even after swallowing it, there was only a little numbness and a little spiciness left in the mouth. Besides that, there was no other taste.

“I also think it’s pretty good.” Director Wang also liked this dish very much.

Warm-mixed was a unique way of mixing vegetables in Qin cuisine, and among them, warm-mixed loaves were the most common and rare. It was easy to make it, but it was very rare to make it well.

Even the final amount of oil was just right according to Yuan Zhou’s calculation. After the vegetables absorbed the oil, there was no oil left at the bottom of the plate. Up until now, Yan Xiliang and the others had never seen such a perfect dish.

Every time a dish was served, everyone would gather around to eat. Although they had to comment from time to time, their voices were very soft so that they wouldn’t affect others. Although almost no one did this, everyone had their first time in master chef Restaurant, so the customers were not surprised.

Of course, it was better to fight to eat. So when the five of them fought to eat the already delicious dishes together, they felt that it was even more delicious. One dish was served, and it was gone in a few minutes. Then, the same thing happened to the other dish.

Of course, he definitely couldn’t compete with Wu Hai for the dishes. It wasn’t a matter of whether he enjoyed the food or not, but whether he could eat it or not. After all, the title of “King of good-for-nothing” in the restaurant was not an undeserved reputation.

It didn’t take long for most of the dishes to be served, and there was basically only one dish left. Now, the first dish to be served was director Wang ‘s, because he ordered the most and was also the fastest to be served, so this was also his last dish.


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