Gourmet Food Supplier

2302 Three consecutive days of celebration

“Pa pa pa”

Don’t think too much. It wasn’t the sound that you had imagined. Instead, it was Yuan Zhou who picked up the table and restored it to its original state. It was really exactly the same as the two-seater table before.

The size, color, and appearance were all the same, so the chair was naturally the same. The only difference was that it had a folding function. The products of the system must be the same.

“You’re so thoughtful. ” Even Yuan Zhou had to admit defeat to the system.

He planned to put it up when the store was open and put it away when the pub was open. It was convenient and fast, and it didn’t take up much space. It was killing two birds with one stone. It was a thrifty arrangement that took care of both sides.

“Thank you for your praise, host.” The system said.

The system was very active today. Yuan Zhou felt that it was probably because of the 5th anniversary that the system was a little free. However, he was also very happy to receive the big gift bag.

“Since it’s the fifth anniversary, let’s serve Qin cuisine and Spain cuisine together tomorrow. There will be two more seats so that more customers can enjoy the food. We can celebrate together.” Yuan Zhou’s way of celebration was very simple. He directly served the new dishes.

Of course, many customers liked this way of celebration very much. However, more customers were very conflicted. Yuan Zhou serving new dishes meant that their wallets would have to be slimmer, which was really a happy yet sad thing.

Yuan Zhou took out his phone and gave su Ruoyan a call. He reminded her about what would happen tomorrow and to inform her about the increase of seats in the restaurant one by one. He also told her when he should inform her.

After all the arrangements were made, it was almost time for the pub to be opened. Yuan Zhou didn’t go back to the second floor, but went to the pub to help send the customers away.

Naturally, it was inevitable that he would be surrounded and pestered by a group of master brewers. They had nothing more than one purpose, which was that there was too little monkey wine, and the number of pub slots was too small. They could open it more, and they all liked it.

Occasionally, there would be two people who were more clear-headed. They would catch hold of Yuan Zhou and ask him a series of questions, mostly about some knowledge about wine making. This was also allowed by the title after his strength had been improved. Otherwise, even Yuan Zhou wouldn’t be able to withstand the questions of these professional masters.

After sending away the customers with great difficulty, Yuan Zhou took advantage of the remaining time and explained to Mao Ye about the restaurant’s renewal and the fifth anniversary. Of course, he was talking about the part about the pub, such as the change of the type of cold cup to celebrate.

After that, they went back to their own homes.

Soon, the noisy streets gradually quieted down because of time. Everything was quiet, and even the faint chirping of insects had died down. It was as if the whole world had become quiet.

The silence was only temporary. As the light of the moon grew fainter and fainter, a trace of green and gray began to appear on the horizon. It was dawn.

Yuan Zhou’s biological clock woke him up on time. He washed up, changed his clothes, jogged and greeted his neighbors. Everything seemed to be the same as yesterday.

“Boss, Please note down two bowls of instant noodles. You won’t be coming for dinner today.” When Yuan Zhou ran to the door of the restaurant to be eaten, he directly shouted inside.

“Got it, boss Yuan. The old rules.” The owner’s loud voice came from the shop, adding some vitality to the summer morning.

After getting the reply, Yuan Zhou continued to run forward. Soon after he finished running, he returned to the restaurant and then did a series of familiar operations.

He washed up and prepared breakfast. Today was the day to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the opening of his restaurant. Yuan Zhou planned to release the new dishes on the first day, offer a discount on the second day, and treat the friends of the queuing Committee to a meal on the third day. In this way, he would celebrate for three consecutive days.

Previously, Yuan Zhou had considered giving a discount on the first day as well. After thinking for a while, he decided to serve two new dishes and unlock the table. If he gave a discount, it would be too much and might cause a stampede.

Secondly, there were too many customers. Yuan Zhou was just an ordinary chef. No matter how fast he was, there was still a limit. He couldn’t take care of too many customers. He didn’t want the customers to come here in high spirits but leave in low spirits. That would be bad.

Therefore, Yuan Zhou decided to celebrate by unlocking new tables on the first day, giving a discount on the second day and treating on the third day. This was a gradual process that the customers should be able to accept. That was what Yuan Zhou thought.

However, the first person to celebrate the fifth anniversary was definitely him, the boss. This was also the reason why he didn’t eat instant noodles in the morning and had breakfast in his own shop.

“There’s nothing wrong with having the same breakfast as the customers to celebrate. ” Yuan Zhou thought that while preparing the breakfast.

Of course, if the customers knew that Yuan Zhou had such a dangerous idea, they would definitely rush to him and try to persuade him to give up the idea without saying anything.

Unfortunately, there were no’ if ‘s. There were only 98 sets of breakfast in the morning, which was a matter of fact.

There were two more seats, and the number of breakfast wasn’t much, so breakfast time ended faster than usual.

After the breakfast time ended, su Ruoyan didn’t leave. Instead, she immediately did what Yuan Zhou had instructed her to do last night.

He logged into the group chat of all the restaurants and told them about the fifth anniversary, the new dishes, and the new location.

With such a deep water bomb in, all the groups exploded.

“What did I see when I got up so early? boss Yuan actually served two new cuisines at the same time. I have to go. I have to.” Lonely spinach.

“I’ve been waiting for a long time and finally, the Qin cuisine is here. Boss Yuan, you’re so nice. It’s a dish from my hometown. I must go and support it. ” Shuilu town.

“The 5th anniversary. It turns out that it’s already the 5th anniversary of our restaurant. Time has passed so quickly. We have to go and celebrate it. Fortunately, we just got a bonus two days ago, so we can eat more. Spain Food is not bad. Boss Yuan’s food must be delicious.” The sixth bubble.

“What a lucky day today. Not only can we have breakfast, but we can also have lunch. Furthermore, new dishes have been served. It’s not just because of the good sunlight.” abalone。

In every group, the 999+ comments were scrolled through extremely quickly. It was as if the screen was flooded. Everyone’s speed was extremely fast, mainly because this was the first time that two new cuisines were on the menu at the same time. It was easy to imagine how excited everyone was.

Those who were smart and calm would realize that there were more benefits. Unlocking a new table meant that the number of people eating in a round would increase, which meant that there would be more spots for each meal to eat delicious food. These were all invisible benefits. Those who understood began to gloat silently in their hearts, not planning to share their findings yet.

The discussion in the group was about the new dish. Some people had specially sent out the signature dishes of two cuisines and planned to eat them. Some had called their friends and wanted to form a team. There were even some impatient people who had already set off.

It could be said that the news spread by Yuan Zhou was the welfare for many foodies. Naturally, everyone would participate enthusiastically. Moreover, everyone wanted to participate in the 5th anniversary of the restaurant as if it was a common Festival for them.

Chengdu was even more lively than the Chinese New Year. On the other side, however, Wu Hai and the others, who were staying in the small mountain village, were a little speechless.

Today was the seventh day since Wu Hai left Chengdu. He was supposed to go to the airport early in the morning and leave the village to return to Chengdu. However, due to the limited conditions in the village, his car had broken down and needed to be repaired. Therefore, he had not set off yet.

Wu Hai wasn’t very happy in the first place. After he looked at his phone just now, he felt terrible all over.


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