Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 908 - Lord Liu

Chapter 908 Lord Liu

“Han, I can’t really tell them what you said just like that, can I?”

Fifth Elder smiled wryly. “They’ve promised us many resources, like 500 kilograms of Holy Spirit Water.”

“Just tell then I don’t have time. We can let them wait for some time until Mengmeng goes back to school,” said Zhang Han.

With Si Nan’s character, he probably hadn’t told all the resources they prepared. If Zhang Han made them wait for a few days, resources must be added.

Zhang Han didn’t want those extra resources; he just wanted to spend time with Mengmeng.

“Okay. I’ll tell Lord of Dragon Scale City that you need to look after the child.”

Fifth Elder answered and informed Dong Chen of the news.

At that time, Dong Chen was still watching the new disciples’ cultivation at Heavenly Knights Sect.

Receiving the news, he went to Ancient Mine to meet Si Nan near the Dragon Scale City gate as soon as possible.

“You said he doesn’t have time?”

Si Nan was instantly infuriated, thinking, “He doesn’t have time even when Lord Liu wants to go out? How is there such a thing? He doesn’t have time even if we give him so many resources?”

“Yes. Young Lord has to take care of his child,” Dong Chen answered smilingly, “in Young Lord’s eyes, taking care of his child is more important. And Young Lord really doesn’t lack resources. A few days ago, he had a chat with Holy King John from North America who also has a lot of resources there.”

Dong Chen was just bluffing, trying to get more resources. He carefully observed Si Nan’s expression.

Sure enough.

He frowned.

“Taking care of his child? What kind of excuse is this? Tell him I’ll give him 20% more of the resources!”

“Okay. I’ll go back to inform him right away.”

Dong Chen quickly left. Exiting Ancient Mine, he strolled on Ancient Mine Plain appreciating the views and then went down to find Si Nan.

“Well, I tried so hard to persuade Young Lord.”

Dong Chen wiped the sweat he managed to force out on the forehead.

“Young Lord offered two choices. First, he’ll pick you up in half a month, but he asked for 40% extra of the resources. Second, he’ll pick you up in a month with an additional 30% of the resources. Third, you can wait for a year or two for him to pick you up. In that case, you can just give 20% more of the resources and that’s something I can decide on my own.”

“What did you say?”

Si Nan’s eyes slightly widened.

He looked a little angry.

“Dammit. Won’t Zhang Hanyang spare any benefits for me?”

“You’re just too ruthless!

“At least I’ve fought for you on the battlefield and also killed two men. You just totally ignore that.

“Well, well. Great!

“You’re evil.

“I finally get to know your true colors.

“Just great!”

“Tell him!”

Si Nan sounded cold. “Pick us up in half a month!”


A nice surprise, a completely nice surprise.

Dong Chen didn’t hide his smile and cupped his hands toward Si Nan extremely courteously.

Hahaha, 40% more of the resources!

Zhang Han knew nothing about his being a scapegoat at all.

“Tell him?


“At least I’ll wait until I see the resources. At that time, Dong Chen must be running here with glee. I can’t drive him away even if I want to.”

It turned out that things weren’t what Dong Chen had imagined them to be.

After just a week, he suddenly slapped his forehead.

“Zhang Han has to be the one to bring them in. I haven’t told him about it yet. If I don’t prepare in advance, and if Zhang Han refuses to come, won’t Si Nan explode with rage?”

Therefore, the fellow prepared himself and went to Mount New Moon.

“Han, you’ve cultivated well recently. I can feel that your strength has progressed a lot again. Too much to define!” said Dong Chen with a beam.

Zhang Han looked kind of hesitant. “But I haven’t cultivated recently. I’m just hanging out with Mengmeng.”


“He doesn’t pull any punches at all?”

Dong Chen appeared awkward as he waved his hand to say, “Never mind. I’ll tell you. I asked for 40% more of the resources. You can just pick up Lord of Dragon Scale City and his men on the day when Mengmeng starts school. But remember, I asked for 40% more resources. You have to give all of them…”

“Oh, I don’t seem to have time on that day.”

Zhang Han smilingly answered.

Dong Chen immediately corrected himself.

“Well, you have to think about it. I’ll give your Heavenly Knights Sect 30…”

“I’ll see at that time.”

“20%! Will you go or not! 20% at most! Heavenly Knights Sect is your sect.”

“Well… okay, I’ll make the time.”

In the end, Zhang Han reluctantly agreed.

Dong Chen scratched his head in the end.

“I remember that before I came, I’ve decided to have all the 40% to myself. How did it become 20%?

“Ah, I’ve miscalculated. That foxy guy is just too cunning.

“How many resources will 20% be?”

Dong Chen became somewhat expectant. There were still a few days left. He decided to stay at Mount New Moon because he didn’t have any other business anyway.

After sitting in the pavilion under Thunder Yang Tree and chatting with Zhang Han for a while, Dong Chen asked for 10 top-grade crystals to go to cultivate.

That was right. He asked for them from Zhang Han.

Since he was at Mount New Moon, instead of scrounging off the rich guy, would he pay on his own?

Zhang Han sat there, drinking tea and watching Mengmeng play in the pet area.

Mengmeng had really become dexterous at that moment.

Dahei squatted and the little kid dashed forward. She stepped on Dahei’s leg and could then climb onto Dahei’s shoulder.

When Dahei threw her up in the air, it was 10 meters above the ground, much higher than before. It looked like the little girl really like a thrilling feeling.


Zi Yan ran from behind and heaved a long sigh.

“Changqing and Feifei had a fight just now.”

“What for?” Zhang Han felt strange.

“Changqing said when little Chen Chuan is two or three years old, he’ll personally teach him cultivation. Feifei doesn’t want that. She’s like me. She wants to teach little Chen Chuan cultivation when he grows a little bit older. But Changqing doesn’t agree, so they had a fight.”

“Who won at last?” Zhang Han smiled as he asked.

“You don’t need me to tell you that. Changqing is pretty responsible though. After the fight, he saw Feifei really got angry, so he immediately apologized. You can’t compare with him when it comes to that. Keep going, young lad.” Zi Yan sat beside Zhang Han and pretentiously patted Zhang Han’s shoulder.

“Changqing doesn’t have much experience, so it’s normal that he gets mad easily.”

Zhang Han couldn’t help smiling.

“So what’s their final decision?”

Actually, Zhang Han had guessed it. However, it was how a chat went. Moreover, he also enjoyed Zi Yan’s chattering and gossiping by his side.

“There’s no decision. Changqing tried to cheer Feifei up and didn’t talk about it at all. Obviously he’ll try to persuade Feifei later. I don’t know why he’s in such a hurry to make little Chen Chuan cultivate. I think it’s just fine to let him be carefree like Mengmeng. Cultivation is good, but it’s also dangerous,” Zi Yan said.

“I think he’s planning something. He wants Chen Chuan to cultivate early so that he doesn’t fall too much behind Mengmeng. Hmph.”

Zhang Han pursed his lips. “He’s eyeing my daughter. I might have to find him to practice some secret skills tonight.”

“Look at you. You look like you’re guarding against a bad guy.”

Zi Yan couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

In her eyes, it was normal for people to marry each other. However, Zhang Han was extremely cautious about Mengmeng’s romantic relationships.

“Daddy, Mummy.”

There was some sweat on Mengmeng’s head; some of her hair was even stuck on it.

“Sit down and get some rest. You look like a mad girl,” Zi Yan said, feeling it funny.

She made Mengmeng sit by her side and poured her a glass of juice.

“I’m not.”

Mengmeng refuted it and picked the juice up with both hands to drink.


Zi Yan slightly raised her slender eyebrow. “Mengmeng, tell me. Will you help Mummy when I have a fight with your dad?”

“Hmm? No.”

“No? Why?” Zi Yan was dazed.

“Daddy and I can’t defeat you even together,” Mengmeng answered, looking innocent.

In the little kid’s eyes, she had to seek permission from Mummy when she wanted ice cream, when she wanted snacks, when she wanted to watch cartoons, and when she wanted to go out to play.

Daddy… didn’t say anything at all.

“You little brat. You two are just the same!”

Zi Yan couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

“She talks like I’m being unreasonable. Actually, I listen to everything my hubby says.”

“Mengmeng, you just see the surface of things. Don’t let your dad deceive you.”

“What does that have to with me?”

The corner of Zhang Han’s mouth quivered and then he smilingly shook his head.

Happy time always flew.

Without anyone knowing it, the summer vacation had come to an end. As for that vacation homework, she had finished them in early August. Moreover, Mengmeng would occasionally read two-grade textbooks.

On September 1, the school opened.

Mengmeng had gotten used to attending an elementary school. She had a few good friends among her classmates; they would gather to hang out on weekends from time to time.

“Han, let’s go. We should go there now. It’ll be noon when we arrive.”

Dong Chen earnestly waited for Zhang Han. The moment Zhang Han returned to the mountain, he said, “If they leave impatiently, how many resources will we lose?”

“Let’s go,” Zhang Han said helplessly.

“Without doubt, they’ll still go out to see even if they wait for two more days. Uncle Dong is really obsessed with money.”

In fact, Zhang Han planned to return after a short visit. He would still need to pick up Mengmeng from school.

The two didn’t waste time and directly headed for Kun Xu World. They came to Ancient Mine Plain, entered Ancient Mine, and went straight to the front of Dragon Scale City.

“Secular martial artists!”

“They should dare to walk to the Dragon Scale City gate?”

“What’s going on?”

A group of a dozen people was discussing in surprise.

They were just more than a hundred meters away, which was simply a provocation. Why hadn’t Lord of Dragon Scale City made a move?

Even guards above the city walls ignored them.

It was strange.

“What a fuss.”

“You don’t know? Our Lord of Dragon Scale City now has a friend who is an Outer Domain martial artist. What is power? He even has connections in Outer Domain. What do you know?”

“Careful! Lord Liu is in the city. If your gossiping is heard, you might lose your lives.”

An Earth Realm guard berated.

They all shut their mouths and stopped talking.

“That’s Lord Liu, Si Nan’s boss. He’s powerful even in King’s Domain. Who dares to offend him?”

As soon as those words came out—

“Swoosh, swoosh!”

Two figures flew out from Dragon Scale City like lightning.

They were Si Nan and Lord Liu.

Zhang Han eyed Lord Liu. He was shorter than Si Nan and much leaner. He had sharp features, among which the pair of vicious eyes was the most eye-catching.

It was like the pair of eyes had ruined his originally somewhat gentle face.

“Zhang Hanyang?”

Lord Liu opened his mouth, using standard Hua language.


“I’ll trouble you with it this time.”

Lord Liu signaled to Si Nan.


Si Nan took out a cloth bag, a treasure that could temporarily store things.

“These are half of the rewards. When we come back, I’ll give the other half.”

Si Nan sounded a little cold and didn’t act very courteously toward Zhang Han.

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