God of Fishing

Chapter 3206 - 3206 Birth and Farewell (2)

3206 Birth and Farewell (2)

Of course, the main function of the law of life was not to fight, but equaled a super strengthened version of the Heaven Enlightenment Divine Technique. He no longer needed to consume his lifespan to release the healing divine light. Furthermore, the healing effect was much stronger than the Heaven Enlightenment Divine Technique. Even if his body was pierced, he could recover in the blink of an eye. This was the power of the life law of origin.

Now that he had already grasped the law of life, there was only the law of death left. There was only one drop of the Dew of Origin, so it couldn’t allow him to grasp a second original law. Therefore, he could only go to the Immortal Temple.

However, Han Fei felt that even if he really reached the Immortal Temple and mastered the law of death, he probably wouldn’t be able to master the law of death to a level comparable to the law of life.

After all, the life law of origin contained all branches of the law of life, and it was difficult to master the law of death to this extent.

However, he couldn’t stop trying to master it just because he couldn’t easily master it completely. It was necessary to master both laws.

Half a year later.

Han Fei went to the Sea of Stars three times and killed a total of 150,000 ominous creatures, which made the Distanceless Gate very happy.

This person was indeed very strong. The original City of Origin and the Ten Thousand Scale Race combined couldn’t kill as many as Han Fei in half a year.

However, when Han Fei went for the fourth time, he found that the ominous-enshrouded areas were gone. They seemed to have retreated.

After asking Fifth Senior Brother, the latter said, “The high-level ominous creatures are intelligent. They found that the ominous creatures below the doomsday level can no longer deal with you, so they chose to retreat for the time being. After all, the ominous creatures are not fools. There’s no need to keep sending their lives to you.”

Han Fei was helpless. He didn’t expect to repulse the ominous creature so easily.

Fifth Senior Brother seemed to understand Han Fei’s thoughts and couldn’t help but say, “Little Junior Brother, don’t think that the ominous retreated because they were afraid. It’s just that they are restricted in the Chaotic Ice Domain. Otherwise, with your killing method, they would have already gathered their army and released doomsday-level ominous creatures.”

“Huh? Why are they restricted here?”

Fifth Senior Brother said with a smile, “Because the ominous hasn’t fully returned. Furthermore, in the depths of the Sea of Stars, there are countless people resisting. The Chaotic Ice Domain is just a battlefield in the rear. The existence of the ominous creatures here is just to test the situation here. Only when the ominous discovers that there are no strong masters guarding this place and there is a possibility of breaking through will a big battle break out here. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, a big battle won’t break out in the Chaotic Ice Domain.”

Han Fei raised his eyebrows. “So, the Chaotic Fire Domain and the Chaotic Lightning Domain are also the same?”

“Of course.”

Fifth Senior Brother said lazily, “So, guarding here is actually quite boring.”

Han Fei asked, “Does the wars breaking out in the Sea of Stars refer to the front line? I went to the front line once when I was in the Hidden Monarch City. The battle there seems to be quite fierce.”

Fifth Senior Brother said, “That’s just a certain line of defense in the rear. There are dozens of such lines of defense in the rear.”

“Hiss ~”

He couldn’t help but be shocked. He seemed to have underestimated the intruding ominous.

On this day.

Han Fei was eating barbecue and exploring the magical effects of laws with Fifth Senior Brother. It turned out that Fifth Senior Brother’s understanding of laws far exceeded his own. The laws he grasped also far exceeded his imagination. Fifth Senior Brother knew every idea he proposed and could also derive many magical effects of laws.

Suddenly, Han Fei sensed the fluctuations of Xia Xiaochan’s life. In addition to Xia Xiaochan, he also sensed another young life fluctuation.


Han Fei threw away the barbecue in his hand and summoned the tree coffin. Xia Xiaochan frowned slightly and seemed to be about to wake up.

Han Fei didn’t intend to keep it a secret that Xia Xiaochan could pass three hundred years in half a year, and Fifth Senior Brother was not surprised at all.

Since Fifth Senior Brother was so knowledgeable that he even knew about the Dew of Origin, it was almost certain that he knew that the Demon Purification Pot could accelerate time.

In fact, if it weren’t for the fear of insufficient resources, Han Fei would have continued to strengthen the time chain in his Origin Star.

After all, after the battle in the Godfiend Sea, he had consumed a lot of resources. Not only had he left half of the resources for the human race, but also the food for Little Black and Little White, the food for the Emperor Sparrow, the need for his advancement, the compression of his Origin Star core, and the cultivation needs of the billion human beings on the periphery of his Origin Star…

All of this was like a big mouth swallowing the resources in his body. In the battle in the South Sea Divine Realm, although many Great Monarchs died, he didn’t obtain the resources in their Origin Stars.

This time, Xia Xiaochan’s recovery and the birth of his child also consumed a lot of resources. Therefore, Han Fei finally started becoming frugal again.

At this moment, Han Fei asked nervously, “Fifth Senior Brother, why don’t I see Xia Xiaochan’s belly bulging?”

The fifth senior brother said, “She’s a Monarch after all. It’s not surprising that she has an entire world in her body. Otherwise, do you think that within such a small space, it would be enough for a divine child to draw energy and be born?”

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