God Emperor

Chapter 997 - Opening the Third Seal

Chapter 997: Opening the Third Seal

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

After killing Saint General Yan Xu and the seven elders of Pearl Light Pavilion, Zhang Ruochen had proven that he was able to fight a ninth level Half-Saint.

However, everyone still believed that he couldn’t defeat Ouyang Huan.

The ninth level was divided into the beginning, middle, later stages, and the pinnacle. Saint General Yan Xu had just reached the beginning stage.

Plus, Ouyang Huan had been able to kill a ninth level Half-Saint when he’d only been in the sixth level. Now, he was a ninth level Half-Saint. He could even kill someone in the pinnacle with a mere finger.

In the distance, Saint General Gui Gu thought that Zhang Ruochen was an idiot. Snickering, he said, “So arrogant. A mere low-level Half-Saint just said he’ll disable an Heir. Is there anything more laughable than this?”

Zhang Ruochen had purposely collected his aura. Only someone at Ling Feiyu’s level could see his true cultivation level. Thus, Gui Gu only guessed that Zhang Ruochen was still a low-level Half-Saint.

After all, he’d reached the Half-Saint Realm a few months ago. Unless he had another great opportunity, he couldn’t reach the middle levels.

“Zhang Ruochen is just making a scene. He wants to scare the Demonic Sect and then escape.”

Kong Hongbi thought that he’d seen through Zhang Ruochen. His eyes fell on Beauty Shi. He was even surer that she was extraordinary. She wasn’t a simple woman.

When needed, Kong Hongbi was prepared to move and snatch Beauty Shi.

Some Monks of the Demonic Sect stood at the side of the street. Others stood on rooftops or hid in the darkness. Now, they all let out muffled laughter, seemingly laughing at Zhang Ruochen for not knowing his own strength.


Huffing coldly, Zhang Ruochen stepped forward. When his foot landed, the ground caved in. The cracks were like a spider web and it made popping sounds. At the same time, golden Buddhist, Scripture, and Sanskrit runes flew out of his chest, forming a sea of words.

Wispy Buddhist sounds filled the world. It was like thousands of monks were chanting.

Just that moment, Zhang Ruochen had opened the third seal of the sarira. Vast Buddhist Qi instantly surged out, entering his body. After opening the third seal, he would have a Saint’s combat ability for two hours.


Golden Buddhist runes gathered toward Zhang Ruochen. They formed a 100-meter-tall golden Buddha. The image glinted and looked somber. Watery Buddhist Qi rippled in all directions. It stood in stark contrast with the blood-red Ghost Qi in the Pearl Light Pavilion.

“How is this possible? Zhang Ruochen’s aura is getting stronger, almost reaching the Saint level. It’s still getting stronger.”

“Is there a Saint Buddha living in him?”

“No wonder he dares to go against the entire Demonic Sect. He still has a trump card.”

The Demonic Sect Monks immediately used physical techniques to escape.

Only Ouyang Huan charged forward. Taking out a white spear, he applied pressure and thrust it out. He could see that Zhang Ruochen had a Buddhist treasure that increased his cultivation to the Saint Realm.

Zhang Ruochen wasn’t at his strongest state yet. It was the best time for Ouyang Huan to attack. Once he reached the peak, no one present would be able to stop him.

Flames shot out of the spear tip. It formed a fiery cloud with a long trail behind it. The stone on the ground melted into lava.


The white spear pierced the layers of Buddhist light. With destructive force, it stabbed at Zhang Ruochen’s chest. However, it crashed against Zhang Ruochen and released the sound of metal clashing. It was like a huge hammer had hit a bronze bell.

Zhang Ruochen retreated hundreds of feet before steadying himself. A half-meter-deep ditch, hundreds of feet long, extended from under Zhang Ruochen’s feet.

He wasn’t hurt. There was only a white scratch on his chest. His entire body had turned golden as if made out of gold. Thousands upon thousands of Buddhist runes emerged on his skin.

“Undying Golden Body?” Ouyang Huan shuddered inwardly.

That previous hit would’ve pierced even a lower level Saint. However, Zhang Ruochen wasn’t even hurt. How could this not shock someone?

Black lotuses appeared under Ouyang Huan’s feet. Increasing his speed to the extreme, he grabbed the white spear and attacked Zhang Ruochen again.

Poof, poof.

Flames spewed from the spear. They formed a menacing fiery beast that attacked Zhang Ruochen’s eyes with the spear.

Zhang Ruochen extended a hand and grabbed the spear. The other hand chopped down, snapping the spear.

Without slowing down, the golden hand smashed against Ouyang Huan’s chest like a five-fingered mountain. Ouyang Huan spat out blood and fell to the ground.


The ground collapsed, forming a broken ditch. Ouyang Huan lay inside with his chest caved in. More than half of his bones had broken. His internal organs were severely injured too.

It was obvious how terrifying Zhang Ruochen’s attack was.


Without hesitating, Kong Hongbi and Saint General Gui Gu turned. They escaped with the fastest speed. The combat ability of the current Zhang Ruochen was too scary. He’d flattened Ouyang Huan with only one strike.

Who could fight with him?

The Monks throughout the Black Market were too shocked to speak.

The pavilion lord of the Pearl Light Pavilion walked out of the darkness. “Zhang Ruochen,” he said coldly. “If you dare to hurt the Deity, no one in Kunlun’s Field would be able to save you.”

He’d been gravely injured by Ghost King Bloodmoon earlier. After taking a Withered Pill, he’d healed 50 percent.

He emanated with the aura only a Saint could have. He was like the sky’s incarnation, looking down at the people.

To regular Monks, a Saint was all-powerful. There was no difference between a Saint and a god.

Zhang Ruochen replied with silence. He shook his head, not caring about the pavilion lord’s threat at all.

He didn’t even fear the Empress and imperial court. Why would he fear the Moon Worship Demonic Sect?

The Pearl Light Pavilion lord continued, “You used a secret spell to have a Saint’s combat ability temporarily. But you aren’t a Saint. You don’t understand the Saint Realm’s mystery and your abilities are limited. You’ll only die if you face a true Saint.”

“Are you talking about yourself?” Zhang Ruochen asked.

The pavilion lord chuckled. “I may be injured, but it’s not hard for me to take you down.”

“In that case, why are you still talking?”

Zhang Ruochen brandished his sword. A beam of black Sword Qi connected the earth and sky, flying toward the pavilion lord.

The pavilion lord didn’t realize that he’d underestimated Zhang Ruochen until he’d struck with his sword. This man’s combat ability was much stronger than he’d imagined.

The pavilion lord didn’t dare to take the attack directly. He used a physical technique and moved to the side.


A crack opened up in the road. The crack kept widening and extending to the distance, 100 miles away. If one looked down from the sky, one would see that Zhang Ruochen’s strike had split the Black Market in half. The center was this bottomless gully.

The pavilion lord stood in the air. He took out a tower-shaped saint weapon. This was called the Thousand Lock Tower. With 893 runes, it was close to a Thousand-pattern Saint Weapon.

The palm-sized tower gradually rose up. It spun while enlarging and soon became hundreds of feet tall. It radiated with looming aura, like a black mountain floating in the air.

As it spun, it released wailing wind and thunder.

Other than Zhang Ruochen and Beauty Shi, all the other Monks on the ground had escaped.

A Saint-level fight had shocking destructive abilities. A regular Monk could die from the shockwaves even when standing hundreds of miles away.


The pavilion lord controlled the Thousand Lock Tower to crush Zhang Ruochen and Beauty Shi. This was a Saint’s attack. It could crash through the earth and destroy a city. A regular city’s defensive formation might not be able to stop it.

Zhang Ruochen clutched his sword with both hands and gradually raised his arms.

Various Buddhist runes flew out. They became one with the Abyss Ancient Sword. The sword spirit had woken up and all the runes within the sword emerged. Bounding power burst from the sword, still growing stronger.


Sword Qi flew out, halving the Thousand Lock Tower.

“The destruction of a thousand patterns. You have a Thousand-pattern Weapon?” The pavilion lord’s expression was of shock. He immediately crushed a defensive badge to form a wide shield of light.

The Abyss Ancient Sword came down powerfully through the shield of light and struck down at the pavilion lord’s head.

Just then, a jade stamp flew from the side. It hit the Abyss Ancient Sword, causing it to swerve, saving the pavilion lord.

Zhang Ruochen glanced to the side. He saw Ouyang Huan standing in the center of the street. His fingers formed a gesture to control the jade stamp and attacked Zhang Ruochen again.

The jade stamp was the Heir Stamp.

Empress Chi Yao had personally given it to the nine Heirs when they went out. It represented their status and also contained the Empress’ Saintly power. The nine Heirs could use it to suppress any Saint in the world.

Ouyang Huan was seriously injured and kept spitting out blood. Still, he used unwavering will to control the Heir Stamp. He activated unparalleled emperor-like Qi, radiating with golden light.

The Heir Stamp was the size of a small city. It continued crushing down to kill Zhang Ruochen and Beauty Shi.


The Heir Stamp hit the ground. The entire earth was shaking.

The defensive formations of the forces nearby were all trembling. They were a step away from shattering. Thankfully, they stayed up and didn’t break. Otherwise, many low-level Monks would have evaporated.

“Did Zhang Ruochen and Beauty Shi die from the Heir Stamp?”

That hit had carried the Empress’ power. It could kill a Saint. Many people suspected that Zhang Ruochen and Beauty Shi had been pulverized.

The Demonic Sect Monks carefully hurried back to see Zhang Ruochen still standing under the Heir Stamp.

Zhang Ruochen shone with gold light. He’d reached up with one arm to hold up the Heir Stamp that was the size of a city. It hadn’t fallen down.

Blood trailed out of his lips though. He’d obviously been hurt. Holding up the Heir Stamp wasn’t an easy task.

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