God Emperor

Chapter 973 - Blood Spiritual Meridian

Chapter 973: Blood Spiritual Meridian

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

Zhang Ruochen kept his eyes fixed on the stone wall above.

Nothing about it seemed special.

The bulge and jut on the surface seemed natural and not man-made.

“Is this really the ‘Blood God Map’ by the Patriarch of Blood God Sect?”

Zhang Ruochen was puzzled.

Ji Shui, who was standing afar, was pleased to watch the arrogant Zhang Ruochen being clueless on how to activate the Blood God Map.

“Let me try again using the Eyes of the Deity Print.”

Zhang Ruochen channeled his Holy Qi into his eyes and the deity print glowed in his pupils.

When he looked at the stone wall once again, what had been invisible to him now became visible. The sixty-meter tall wall was covered in a network of glowing fibers connected by fine lines and spots.

The number of the fine lines was at least a few thousand.

The spots connecting those lines were like stars at night – uncountable.

“This is the Blood God Map. It is only visible to those who possess the Eyes of the Deity Print.”

For a thousand years, there had only been one man in all of the Blood God Sect who was capable of comprehending the Blood God Map. Zhang Ruochen now understood the reason why.

Without the Eyes of the Deity Print, one could never see the Blood God Map.

And since he could, he casted his Spiritual Power upon the map and started meditating.

When he had come to a deeper understanding of the map, his blood boiled.

Banging, popping and rumbling sounded within him as the blood flowed through his body.

Even Ji Shui and the young Monkey-Human boy who remained distant could hear the pulsating turbulent flow of blood.

“Why are there multiple rivers flowing in his body? It’s as if his body contains a whole new world.”

The young Monkey-Human boy was shocked. He stopped burying, and widened his golden pupils to watch Zhang Ruochen, who he found was meditating underneath the stone wall.

“Did he manage to comprehend the map? Has he achieved enlightenment?”

Ji Shui was even more shocked to realize the Blood Qi in Gu Linfeng’s body was stronger than hers.

There was a Blood Spiritual Meridian connecting his blood to his lower abdomen.

Yet the Blood Spiritual Meridian came off from his lower abdomen and attached to the Blood God Map.

Looking from the distance where Ji Shui stood, it appeared to her that Gu Linfeng and the stone wall were connected by a fine blood capillary.

“What’s happening? Why would his body connect to the Blood God Map?” The young Monkey-Human boy opened his eyes even wider, his lids stretching far enough for his eyeballs to fall out.

An old man’s voice rang behind him. “That’s the Blood Spiritual Meridian.”

“What meridian? How could the meridian connect to the stone wall? Old man, are you kidding me …”

The young Monkey-Human boy choked, his face turning blue.

Who was talking to him?

He turned to check on the half dug hole.

It was the old man he had been burying, standing alive.

“You… you… are still… alive…”

The Monkey-Human boy’s voice was quivering.

“Taishang Elder.”

Ji Shui knelt on one knee, paying respect to the elder in grey robes.

The Monkey-Human boy followed, bowing his head so low that it nearly hit the floor.

The magic that brought the elder back to life was ancient, so powerful that it instilled fear into the others.

The elder did not look at Ji Shui and the Monkey-Human boy. Instead, he fixed his gaze on Zhang Ruochen and muttered, “It has been a thousand years. Finally, someone who could read the Blood God Map! How many of the Blood Spiritual Meridians can he cultivate?”

The Monkey-Human boy asked further questions when he noticed the elder was not angry at all. “Elder, does comprehending the Blood God Map help to cultivate the Blood Spiritual Meridian?”

The elder nodded, “A thousand years ago, a legendary man from the Blood God Sect had cultivated seven Blood Spiritual Meridians just by comprehending the Blood God Map.”

“What can the Blood Spiritual Meridian do?” the Monkey-Human boy asked.

“Refines one’s blood, then sanctifies his body,” said the elder.

A short answer, but precise enough to make Ji Shui and the Monkey-Human boy gasp, their eyes twinkling.

A monk could achieve the saint level by means of martial art, spiritual power, and sanctification of the human body.

Out of the three, the third was the most powerful. A saint who had his body sanctified wielded the strongest power. With a single punch, he could destroy saints of equivalent levels of the other two ways.

That said, a sanctified saint could defeat a bunch of saints of Martial Arts and Spiritual Power by himself.

Of course, it was extremely difficult to achieve the level of sanctified saint and rare to find one. Perhaps one in a million?

It was difficult enough to be a saint, let alone a sanctified saint.

The Monkey-Human asked again, “A thousand years ago, the legendary man…did he manage to achieve the state of sanctified saint?”

The elder’s eyes twitched. “Not only was he a sanctified saint, but he was so close to achieving the Supreme Saint level.”

This time, both the Monkey-Human boy and Ji Shui were stunned and they stopped breathing.

A long time ago, a sanctified saint of the Peacock Clan had achieved the Supreme Saint level. Weapons could not cleave him. Fire could not burn him, nor could water wet him. He was indestructible to anything that was made of the five elements. Even after taking three hits from the God, he remained alive.

If the legendary man had achieved the Supreme Saint level, he would have possessed the indestructible body.

By then, even Empress Chi Yao would not be able to defeat him.

“He was so close,” the elder sighed.

Meanwhile, a second Meridian sprung from Zhang Ruochen’s body, connecting to the Blood God Map.

The third, and the fourth followed after.

Ji Shi and the Monkey-Human clan held their breath, their eyes fixing on Zhang Ruochen, wondering how many more Meridians he could cultivate.

A thousand years ago, the legendary man managed to cultivate seven, and his sanctified body was close to achieving the Supreme Saint level.

If Zhang Ruochen could cultivate eight, would he stand a chance to surpass the legendary man?

“Cultivating five Blood Spiritual Meridians is sufficient to sanctify your body,” the elder explained.

Ji Shui could not believe her eyes at all. How could someone like Gu Linfeng surpass the legendary man? It was good enough if he could cultivate five Blood Spiritual Meridians.

After all, achieving the state of sanctified saint would put him above all other saints already.

But to become the sanctified saint of the Supreme level..that had always only been a legend.


The fifth Meridian bounced off Zhang Ruochen’s body, hanging between his body and the stone wall.

“My dear lord, it’s already the fifth Meridian! That means he could be the sanctified saint! This brother is gifted! I knew he was when I first met him,” the Monkey-Human boy exclaimed.

The elder’s eyes flashed and said, “Monks who have cultivated five Blood Spiritual Meridians will get to have their bodies sanctified, so long as they continue to absorb and refine blood of a high and fine grade.”

Ji Shui pursed her lips while watching Gu Lin Feng and the five Meridians connecting him to the stone wall.

She could not understand how someone arrogant and ruthless could comprehend the Blood God Map.

If Gu Linfeng became the sanctified saint, his combat power would exceed Discipline King Haiming and he’d become the main pillar of the Blood God Sect.


The sixth Meridian came rolling out of Zhang Ruochen’s body.

“One more and he will be on par with the legendary man.”

The Monkey-Human jumped off from the ground out of excitement, staring at Zhang Ruochen with admiration.

Ji Shui was in disbelief. How could Gu Linfeng be on par with the legendary man?

While the man had not achieved the Supreme Saint Level, he was referred to as the Tenth Emperor, a title equivalent to the nine emperors at that time.

As much as she despised Gu Linfeng, he managed to cultivate the seventh Meridian.

Even the elder who had stayed calm throughout commented with his upper lip twitching, “This young man’s talent is no less than the legendary man. As he continues to grow, the Blood God Sect will rise again and no longer be at the bottom of the seven sects.”

The comment left Ji Shui speechless. Is Gu Linfeng really that talented? Perhaps he’s gotten lucky and happened to read the Blood God Map by chance.

For a thousand years, there has only been one–now two if Gu Linfeng is included–man that could read the Blood God Map. How could this happen by chance?

An hour had passed and no more Blood Spiritual Meridian had formed since the seventh.

The Monkey-Human boy swallowed, taking his time to speak. “This should be it. He is on par with the legendary man. Seems like the Blood God Sect will have another legendary man.”

The elder nodded lightly. The seventh Blood Spiritual Meridian was Zhang Ruochen’s limit. There was no way he could cultivate the eighth Meridian.

Suddenly, his eyes flared in astonishment.

The young man meditating underneath the stone wall glowed in blood-red, and then a newly cultivated Blood Spiritual Meridian sprung out from his body.

He had cultivated the eighth Meridian, outperforming the legendary man.

Would he follow in the footsteps of the legendary saint of the Peacock Clan who had achieved the Supreme Saint level?

“Will he be able to cultivate more?” The Monkey-Human boy said with his knees on the ground.

The ninth Blood Spiritual Meridian!

The tenth Blood Spiritual Meridian!

The glow Zhang Ruochen emitted had finally dimmed down.

He opened his eyes gradually, then shook his head and sighed, “Ten Blood Spiritual Meridians is the limit. What a pity.”

Zhang Ruochen’s comment angered the three who were watching from the side with an urge to strangle him.

As a matter of fact, he was truly upset about his achievement, and was clueless about their feelings.

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