God Emperor

Chapter 872 - Ten Powerful Figures

Chapter 872: Ten Powerful Figures

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

What was more disturbing to King Thousand-elephant was that Zhang Ruochen had already reached the Tenth Change of the Fish-Dragon Realm, and yet Divine Fire Jingmie didn’t disperse, but shined on the skin of Zhang Ruochen, and burnt the surrounding space, making it misshaped.

It meant that with the help of divine fire, Zhang Ruochen could give out a battle power several times stronger than his original cultivation.

Zhang Ruochen of the Tenth Change of the Fish-Dragon Realm must have improved greatly from that of Ninth Change of the Fish-Dragon Realm. Even for a highly cultivated figure like King Thousand-elephant, he couldn’t guarantee that he would surely beat him.

“How’s that possible?” King Thousand-elephant felt puzzled.

He didn’t know that during the battle before, Zhang Ruochen had comprehended seven Rules of the Saintly Way in Fire, which was why the Divine Fire Jingmie kept on burning.

Now that Zhang Ruochen had comprehended more than one hundred Rules of Saintly Way, he continued to study the secret of time rules.

“King Thousand-elephant, you could never stop me on your own. Do you think, we still need to fight?”

Zhang Ruochen didn’t want to fight against King Thousand-elephant. All he wanted was to find a quiet place to study time rules.

After al, thel Divine Fire Jingmie didn’t come to him everyday. Once he missed tonight’s chance, it would be too difficult for him to study time rules in the future.


Blackie skipped out of the ruins with a shape of a black shadow, and landed at the back of King Thousand-elephant, giving out cold Qi.

As Zhang Ruochen had reached Tenth Change of the Fish-Dragon Realm, its strength had greatly improved as well. It wanted to fight King Thousand-elephant again very much, intending to teach him a bad lesson.

King Thousand-elephant kept his breath and looked solemn. He thought about running away now.

Suddenly, the ears of King Thousand-elephant moved, and he heard a light sound passing from the horizon. Then delight other than solemnity showed in his eyes, and he laughed without scruples. “Zhang Ruochen, I can’t stop you by myself indeed. But how about ten powerful figures from the Ministry of War attacking you together?”

A white vertical eye appeared at the center of Zhang Ruochen’s brows. He used it to look to the horizon, and saw several clouds of Holy Qi flying toward him rapidly.

“We have enough time to compete in the future.” Zhang Ruochen gave a glance at King Thousand-elephant, then landed on the back of Blackie. He threw Elephant-swallowing Rabbit and monster ape into the Scroll World, and grasped the wrist of Li Min to lay her on the back of Blackie as well.

Li Min wasn’t one of them, and Scroll World was the biggest secret of Zhang Ruochen. Naturally he couldn’t let her in the Scroll World in order to protect his secret.

The body of Blackie turned into about 33 meters long. It became a giant black beast, and spread its wings to more than 33 meters wide.

With a flap of its wings, two hurricanes were raised and rushed to the top of sky.

At that moment, a black and white chessboard flew from the east, showing with a square shape, and covering the void more than 5 km long in diameter to stop Zhang Ruochen from running away.

Hundreds of black and white chess pieces continuously flew from chessboard to hit Zhang Ruochen, who was on the back of Blackie. They were like powerful stars.


Zhang Ruochen threw the Abyss Ancient Sword in front of him with his fingers pinched into a sword sign.

The Abyss Ancient Sword hovered in midair with its hundreds of sword Qi blades flying to crash with the black and white chess pieces, like a meteor shower.

Boom boom.

The chess pieces and sword Qi crashed into each other and cracked with bursting noise, then quickly vanished.

But Zhang Ruochen had to retreat to the ground with the obstruction of the chessboard. If they kept flying in midair, they would become live targets for the powerful figures of the Ministry of War.

Li Min recognized the black and white chessboard, and said, “Yin and Yang Chessboard…it’s the saint weapon of Zhuang Xuankong. It is said that he has just reached Sixth Level Half-Saint, and become a well-known giant of the Ministry of War in Yuan Mansion.”

A soft voice sounded in the dark, and its sound waves passed on to them like water waves. “Little girl, it’s clever of you to recognize my saint weapon.”

A man in scholar robes walked from afar with his feet stepping on a fog bridge. He was about the age of 30, and looked extremely fair. His eyes rose up a little, and his lips were thin. Although he was a man, he gave out a Feminine Qi.

He was Zhuang Xuankong, one of the ten powerful figures picked out by Wan Zhaoyi from the camp of the Ministry of War in Yuan Mansion.

He reached out his palm and took the black and white chessboard back.

Li Min was a little scared of Zhuang Xuankong, so she hid behind Zhang Ruochen, and said, “This guy used to be a court eunuch of Lingxiao Heavenly King Mansion. Then he devoted himself to the army with his supreme talent. He won countless battles and reached the level of Half-Saint with one swoop.”

Zhuang Xuankong could hear clearly what she was talking about, even though she said with a really low voice.

He hated people saying “eunuch” behind his back, and now he put on a gloomy look and wanted to skin the girl alive.

Li Min naturally didn’t know that she had irritated Zhuang Xuankong, and added, “Although his cultivation is really powerful, he has weak points. It is said that his way is too feminine. Once it encounters flame and Masculine Qi, it can’t give out its full strength.”

Zhuang Xuankong’s fingers pinched into a claw, and his handsome face twisted. “Horrid girl, after I capture Zhang Ruochen, I will make you suffer and have you beg me to kill you.”

Li Min was shocked by his words, so she shut up and dared not to say anymore.

King Thousand-elephant riding on Silver Moon Dragon-Elephant and holding Thunder God Axe and Spear in his hand, rushed out from the ruined ancient city, and shouted, “Zhang Ruochen has reached the Tenth Change of Fish-Dragon Realm, and killed the Werewolf King of the North. Let’s beat him together. We should never let him run away.”

Zhang Ruochen had truly stabbed through the heart of the Werewolf King of the North before, but he only wounded him. The real killer of Werewolf King of North was King Thousand-elephant.

King Thousand-elephant blamed him instead to avoid responsibility.

Zhang Ruochen smirked and stared at King Thousand-elephant coldly.

King Thousand-elephant stared back at Zhang Ruochen and smirked as well. He appeared to be really calm. Although he had mistakenly killed the Werewolf King of the North, he couldn’t run away from the punishment of the Ministry of War once the message was out.

So, why shouldn’t he blame Zhang Ruochen instead?

Besides the powerful figures of the Ministry of War, other monks from different forces arrived here as well.

But the power of the Ministry of War was too strong to be defeated by them, so monks from other forces hid themselves and didn’t come close.

The words of King Thousand-elephant was like a bomb to cause waves of disturbance among monks. They all felt completely shocked.

“The so-called Tenth Change of Fish-Dragon Realm…how’s that possible?”

“Did Zhang Ruochen condense Divine Life Chart? No way. Nobody could accomplish it, even those as talented as nine Kunlun’s heirs.”

“It would be a good thing if Zhang Ruochen condensed Divine Life Chart. If I could capture him, and take his Life Chart, I could become at least a saint if it weren’t enough for a deity.”

King Thousand-elephant was a well-known figure of the Ministry of War, so his words about Zhang Ruochen reaching the Tenth Change Fish-Dragon Realm must have some proof.

Therefore, people onsite more or less bought his words.

But the thought that someone had completed the cultivation of the Divine Life Chart was extremely exciting for them all.

Zhang Ruochen let out his spiritual power and detected at least five Half-Saints in the dark. And they were not Half-Saints of low level, but as strong as the ten powerful figures.

Being surrounded by them, he could hardly escape, even with a saint decree.

“Now that I have to struggle with them. Maybe by forcing myself to fight, I could display more potential and comprehend more about time rules.”

Zhang Ruochen didn’t have many choices now. He could ask Ghost King Bloodmoon to vanquish all the powerful figures.

But in that way, he would lose a precious chance to practice.

More importantly, once the Ministry of War found out about the existence of Ghost King Bloodmoon, they would send troops at the level of saints to capture him next time.

By then Zhang Ruochen wouldn’t even have a chance to escape.

So if he could conceal his last resort, he would rather not expose it.

“Tenth Change of Fish-Dragon Realm… Haha, interesting. I’ll play with you.”

Zhuang Xuankong gave a gloomy laugh, and slashed the chessboard to the ground with his palm.

Black and white lights rushed out quickly from the chessboard, giving a whistling noise like flying swords and blades, to attack Zhang Ruochen.

Zhang Ruochen was reminded of Li Min’s previous words, so he wanted to test if Zhuang Xuankong had weak spots for real.

Zhang Ruochen stepped on the ground and pressed a cloud of Divine Fire Jingmie to its bottom. The terrible heat given by divine fire melted the earth around within 33 meters into a small magma lake.

Then Zhang Ruochen waved his sleeve to gush his strong Masculine Qi out of his palm. It carried the red magma with it, and rushed toward Zhuang Xuankong.

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