God Emperor

Chapter 805 - Buddha Xinshu, Beautiful Ghost King

Chapter 805: Buddha Xinshu, Beautiful Ghost King

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

Poof, poof.

Buddha Xinshu raised his head and looked up at the dozens of incoming tombstones. Each one was hundreds of feet tall. They looked like rectangular mountains.

Black Ghost Qi covered the tombstones, making them seem to be made out of steel.


Buddha Xinshu formed a Buddhist gesture with his left hand and placed it before his chest. His right hand moved.

Immediately after, golden Buddhist light transformed into various Sanskrit runes and flew out. They swept towards the dozens of tombstones and pulverized them.

Rustling could be heard on the bank of Blood River. The stone powder rained down, sprinkling on the ground.

Wuchang Haochuan and the other five fanned out. They charged quickly, attacking the four evil monks of the Death Zen Sect.

Buddha Xinshu remained on the riverbank like an unmovable boulder. The other three evil monks led hundreds of Half-Saint puppets to face the Wuchangs.

The appearance of the six Wuchangs immediately lessened the danger that Zhang Ruochen and Han Xue were in. The pressure on them vanished instantly.

They retreated quickly, not stopping until they were miles away.

“Master, is that Buddha Xinshu the ‘Nan Xinshu’ on the Five Heroes List?” Han Xue asked.

“It should be him. I didn’t think that such a powerful figure would come to the netherworld.”

Zhang Ruochen gazed toward Blood River. There, beams of Ghost Qi and Buddhist light clashed, setting off rings of energy shockwaves.

The powerful waves naturally shocked Mu Lingxi. She immediately hurried over with Blackie, the demon rat, and Wuchang Xinkong, regrouping with Zhang Ruochen and Han Xue.

Seeing that Zhang Ruochen wasn’t hurt, Mu Lingxi was slightly relieved. “What happened?” she asked.

“A strong cultivator of the Death Zen Sect is fighting with a group of Wuchangs,” Zhang Ruochen explained. “It seems to be because of the Sun-moon Crystal Coffin.”

“The Sun-moon Crystal Coffin.” Blackie looked around. Sharpening its claws with its teeth, it cackled. “That’s the legendary saint weapon that helps Monks cultivate. If you lie inside it, the coffin will absorb the Sun-moon Essence and send it into the Monk. This increases the Monk’s cultivation speed. Zhang Ruochen, we can’t let this treasure go.”

Zhang Ruochen thought back to the young monk standing on the riverbank and shook his head. “The Death Zen Sect has a powerful figure watching the Sun-moon Crystal Coffin. If we don’t want to die, we need to leave immediately.”

If that young monk really was the legendary Nan Xinshu, then all of them working together wouldn’t be able to hurt a hair on his head.

Wuchang Haochuan was powerful too, but he still wasn’t Buddha Xinshu’s match. This man was a legend.

Zhang Ruochen was always careful, so Mu Lingxi naturally agreed with him.

Just as everyone was about to leave, they heard Blackie exclaim, “Look up!”

Blackie liked to be dramatic, so Zhang Ruochen didn’t take it seriously. He just looked up casually.

Suddenly, his neck went stiff and his eyes hardened. There was a beautiful woman in a blood-red robe above the black clouds. She stood there without moving as if she was frozen.

She was very far from the ground, so no one would notice her unless they looked carefully. This was why this scene was so eerie.

“It’s her.” Zhang Ruochen’s expression turned uncomfortable.

The woman in the blood-red robe was the beautiful Ghost King who guarded the outside of the Tomb Forest. He didn’t expect that she would chase them all the way to Ghost King Shenchu’s territory.

When Wuchang Xinkong saw the beautiful Ghost King, joy filled her eyes. She spat out a plume of ghostly mist and a strange sound came from her.

The beautiful Ghost King looked down as if she’d heard the sound. Her cold eyes stared at Wuchang Xinkong. Extending a finger, she sent out a blue flame that connected the sky with the ground.


Seeing that snake of fire, Zhang Ruochen immediately released his Holy Qi. It curled around Mu Lingxi, Blackie, and Han Xue and flew hundreds of feet back.

Sizzle, sizzle!

The blue fire hit the chain on Wuchang Xinkong. The metal melted almost instantly, turning into drops of liquid metal. Not only that, the ground was also melted. It turned into a red lake of lava.

After Wuchang Xinkong recovered her freedom, she glared at Zhang Ruochen and Blackie with resentment. Then she ran away, rushing towards Blood River.

The beautiful Ghost King in the sky didn’t attack Zhang Ruochen’s group. Instead, she looked toward Blood River and at the Sun-moon Crystal Coffin.

A strong gust of icy Qi spread from her. Black snowflakes fluttered in the netherworld.


The beautiful Ghost King descended, cutting an arc in the sky. She landed on Blood River and stood on the surface. Reaching out a hand, she distorted the air in an attempt to snatch the Sun-moon Coffin back.

“One Palm, One Universe,” Buddha Xinshu chanted.

His right hand formed a print. Then various lines appeared on his palm, forming mountains and rivers. The lines on his fingers became miles long. They turned into a golden world that hit forward to the beautiful Ghost King.

The huge palm made the entire world seem gold. The light fell upon the tombstones, making them seem to be made out of gold.

When the palm landed, there was a huge boom. The land beside Blood River caved in.

Dozens of huge cracks opened up in the ground and extended into the distance. The ground caved in wherever the cracks reached.

Neither Buddha Xinshu nor the beautiful Ghost King were good people and their cultivations were frightening as well. Thus, Zhang Ruochen didn’t go and chase after Wuchang Xinkong. The only thing on his mind was: leave.

He led his group and escaped into the distance, getting as far from Blood River as possible.

About an hour later, they were very far from the river and finally stopped.

Han Xue looked around for Blackie but couldn’t find it. “Master, Blackie isn’t here.”

With Blackie’s speed, it should have been the fastest amongst the group. How could it lose them?

Mu Lingxi furrowed her brow. “I’ll go look for it.”

Zhang Ruochen immediately grabbed Mu Lingxi’s wrist to stop her. He shook his head and looked into the distance. “Look, it’s coming already.”

Mu Lingxi looked over and really did see Blackie. The fat cat was pouncing and jumping over.


A long crystal coffin was propped on its neck as it sprinted with full speed, its tail upright.

A monk of the Death Zen Sect chased after it. There were dozens of Half-Saint puppets behind the monk. Some of them ran speedily while others flew in the sky, attacking Blackie from all around.

The Death Zen Sect monk was named Jialuo Yuan. Furious and in a panic, he roared, “Fat cat! Put down the Sun-moon Crystal Coffin and I’ll let you have a body to bury!”

“If you can catch me, then I’ll give it to you!”

Blackie’s speed was amazing. It kept a specific distance from Jialuo Yuan so that none of his attacks could hit it.

Eerie black wind blew from the other direction. The icy Qi curled around Blackie.

The wind consolidated into three ghostly bodies—three Wuchangs with icy Qi. They flew down from the sky, blocking Blackie’s path.

One of the Wuchangs was clad in black armor. He pointed his sharp spear at Blackie and growled, “Where do you think you’re going? Hand over the Sun-moon Crystal Coffin right now.”

Blackie stopped. But instead of handing over the coffin, it laughed. “You’re not strong enough to guard it so why can’t I keep it for you?”

“You stole it while I was busy fighting with two Wuchangs.” Jialuo Yuan brought his dozens of Half-Saint puppets over. They formed a line, blocking Blackie’s exit as well.

“Fat cat,” Jialuo Yuan continued, “Give the Sun-moon Crystal Coffin to me and I can spare your life. If the Wuchangs in the netherworld catch you, they might even devour your beastly soul.”

Jialuo Yuan seemed friendly and compromised with Blackie first.

But Blackie obviously didn’t believe Jialuo Yuan. Cackling, it said, “If you want the Sun-moon Crystal Coffin, come get it yourself.”

Jialuo Yuan immediately wiped his smile away. His eyes turned cold and filled with murderous intent. Huffing, he said, “Since you want to die, I’ll make it easy for you.”


Jialuo Yuan didn’t attack. Instead, he quickly made a Buddhist print and used his Buddhist Qi to make two Half-Saint puppets attack.

A golden rune appeared on the foreheads of the two Half-Saint puppets. Their eyes also turned gold.

These two Half-Saint corpses hadn’t been refined in a specific way, so they were only puppets. They couldn’t be called battle corpses yet.

Blackie was about to get attacked from all sides.


Just then, a blur streaked over. Zhang Ruochen appeared beside Blackie.

He activated his Holy Qi and poured it into the Abyss Ancient Sword. Wielding it, a crescent-shaped Sword Qi cut down on the two Half-Saint puppets.

They flew back and hit two tombstones, shattering the stone.

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