God Emperor

Chapter 1372 - Rebellious God Stele

Chapter 1372: Rebellious God Stele

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

“Heaven World?” the Crazy Alcoholic asked curiously. “What kind of place is that?”

Gu Songzi pointed at the broken stele and said, “According to the records on the stele, a huge change occurred in the world around 100,000 years ago. The various worlds of the vast universe almost all turned to dust. It was because of this huge change that the various worlds united to form a saintly world and fend off the troubles. The name of the saintly world is the Heaven World.”

The Crazy Alcoholic was part of the group of figures who stood at the top of the world. He knew many secrets about Kunlun’s Field, but right now, his face was filled with confusion. “The saintly world, Heaven World. How come it sounds so absurd to me? I’ve never heard of these secrets before. What if it’s made-up?”

“Judging by the horrible cultivation of the one who carved this stele, how can it be made-up?”

Gu Songzi rolled his eyes at the Crazy Alcoholic. His expression was one of disgust, thinking that the Crazy Alcoholic was stupid.

“That also means that there are other large worlds in the universe other than Kunlun’s Field?” the Crazy Alcoholic asked.

“It’s not impossible,” Gu Songzi said. “The universe is vast and boundless. The world we see now may only be a corner of the sea.”

“One hundred thousand years ago, a huge storm occurred in Kunlun’s Field too. All the gods died. Could it be related to that change?” Zhang Ruochen furrowed his brows. After a pause, he said, “Does the stele record what exactly happened 100,000 years ago?”

Gu Songzi shook his head. “The words on the stele are incomplete. It doesn’t have the record.”

“Then who is the one that carved this stele?” Zhang Ruochen asked again.

“Doesn’t say,” Gu Songzi answered. “But that person must be a powerful existence. It’s hard to decode it even with my Spiritual Power.”

“Earlier, you mentioned Rebellious God Stele. What does that mean?” Zhang Ruochen asked again.

“Those are the three words at the top of the stele. I don’t know what it means either.” Gu Songzi combed his whiskers. He was in deep thought too.

“Could it be that this stele is able to go against gods?”

The Crazy Alcoholic widened his eyes. With a hot gaze, he reached out his hands and pressed on the stele. Holy Qi flowed into it continuously.

Unfortunately, the stele was still ice-cold. It didn’t change at all.

Next, the Crazy Alcoholic cut open his finger and let a drop of saintly blood fall onto the stele. Unfortunately, the stele was still dead.

“Stupid stele, it’s just a broken piece of rock. The name is pretty impressive, huh.”

The Crazy Alcoholic kicked the heavy broken stele and sent it flying. Then he punched the stele.

With the Crazy Alcoholic’s cultivation, any random hit was strong enough to destroy the world. However, he couldn’t damage the stele at all. It was extremely strange.

“How did the Rebellious God Stele fall to Kunlun’s Field? Who shattered it?”

Zhang Ruochen had Zhang Shaochu order more people to continue digging. He wanted to find more broken steles. If he could collect them all, he should be able to understand the true meaning of “Rebellious God Stele.”

Luo Water was thousands of miles long. A regular person wanting to find a remnant stele was no doubt like searching for a needle in the sea.

Gu Songzi was also curious about the Rebellious God Stele. He used his Spiritual Power to investigate. He searched the river but unfortunately found nothing.

After searching three times without finding anything, Gu Songzi felt defeated too. After returning, he found Zhang Ruochen drinking wine under a tree. Frowning, he walked over. “Do you want to be an alcoholic like the Crazy Alcoholic from now on?”

“Is there anything bad about that?” Zhang Ruochen asked.

Gu Songzi naturally knew what had happened a year ago. He also knew how much it had impacted Zhang Ruochen, so he said, “The statues of Empress Chi Yao are still shining with divine light in all the temples. However, the Saintly Qi of the Central Emperor City is thinning greatly.”

“What are you trying to say?” Zhang Ruochen drank some wine.

“The Empress has left the Central Emperor City. She even left Kunlun’s Field.”


“Now, the ruler of the First Central Empire is…your ex-wife, Huang Yanchen. Do you find this to be unexpected?”

Gu Songzi watched Zhang Ruochen’s expression while speaking.

However, Zhang Ruochen’s expression didn’t change at all. It was as if he’d heard a stranger’s name. “Not unexpected.”

“This woman betrayed you for honor and riches and followed your enemy. Don’t you want to kill her?” Gu Songzi had a cruel look in his eyes and mimed slitting someone’s throat.

He wanted to stimulate Zhang Ruochen with this and make him recover his motivation and vigor, instead of just waiting for death like this.

“I do,” Zhang Ruochen said carelessly. “But she became dead to me one year ago outside Ziwei Palace.”

“Why didn’t you kill her?” Gu Songzi asked.

“Ending all connections means we have no more relationship. We’re no different from strangers. Why should I kill someone who has nothing to do with me?” Zhang Ruochen asked in return.

“That’s true. After all, she once owed you and you felt love towards her. Killing her would make you seem too heartless. After ending all connections, you don’t have to feel a burden anymore.”

Gu Songzi nodded. Then he narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively, “How about I take a risk and go to the Central Emperor City to kill her?”

“If you’re that bored, you can go try.”

Zhang Ruochen picked up his flagon and stood up. He gazed at the setting sun; his gaze was a bit deep.

“Never mind. The imperial court is filled with strong cultivators and the waters are deep. Unless the Saint Elder acts personally, there won’t be any possibilities of success. No one can return, no matter who they are. But it’s weird. The Saint Elder said to wait for her to return a year ago, but she never returned. What if she ran into trouble? Could the Empress have killed her?” Gu Songzi was provoking Zhang Ruochen again.

Right now, sharp light indeed shone from Zhang Ruochen’s eyes.

Gu Songzi realized that Zhang Ruochen’s trouble wasn’t actually focused on Huang Yanchen, but on the Empress instead. Thus, he continued on and said animatedly, “The Saint Elder is the Empress’ great enemy. After the Empress became a god, she killed ten Blood Emperors in a row and washed the Savage Barren Empire and the four seas with blood. How could she not kill the Saint Elder?”

“Enough!” Zhang Ruochen roared coldly. “If Lanyou dies, I’ll destroy Chi Yao’s entire clan.”

“If you want to kill a god’s clan, you have to first be able to counter a god, right?” Gu Songzi said. “If you numb yourself with wine, you’ll only become more and more of a failure. Even I could beat you horribly, let alone a god.”


Zhang Ruochen’s eyes turned dark red. His aura changed and formless cold Qi surged on him. He flashed and crashed toward Gu Songzi.

He was clearly a human, but when he charged, he actually transformed into a sword that stabbed at Gu Songzi’s chest.

Gu Songzi was shocked. He hurriedly activated his Spiritual Power, forming a two-meter-long formation print in his palm. He pressed forward, blocking Zhang Ruochen’s attack.

However, Zhang Ruochen’s sword had extremely consolidated power.


The sword passed through the formation, stabbing Gu Songzi’s chest.

The defensive rune on Gu Songzi exploded. It blocked the sword, but he was also sent flying by the sword’s force.

He landed on the ground. Clutching his chest, he stared at Zhang Ruochen, who’d turned back into a human. “Sword intent into a sword,” he said, shocked. “You’ve already become a Sword Saint?”

“How come you’re fighting all of a sudden?”

Carrying the Rebellious God Stele, the Crazy Alcoholic hurried over. He appeared between Zhang Ruochen and Gu Songzi, separating them.

The Crazy Alcoholic was actually very surprised to see that Zhang Ruochen could force Gu Songzi back.

Gu Songzi wasn’t skilled at fighting, but he had great attainments in formations. Any random formation print was difficult for a typical Saint to penetrate.

“Isn’t it a good thing that we can fight?” Gu Songzi asked in return. Suddenly, his eyes hardened and he scoffed. “Such powerful infiltration skills. You’re only within a few hundred feet and I just noticed you.”

At the same time, Zhang Ruochen and the Crazy Alcoholic sensed something too. They both looked at the ground.

The red light in Zhang Ruochen’s eyes scattered gradually. Stepping on the ground, he sent a gust of strong Xuanhuang Qi into the ground. It was like a wave.


A pained cry came from underground. Then, an extremely ugly, short, and thin man flew out of the ground. He landed heavily.

“Lord Chen, Lord Chen, it’s me, the demonic rat. I’m the Captain Rat from the Moon-Worship Demonic Sect. I’m on your side…”

The short and thin man climbed up from the ground and bowed respectfully to Zhang Ruochen. He smiled submissively. “Congratulations Lord Chen on becoming a Sword Saint. This calls for celebration.”

Zhang Ruochen’s attack from earlier had made Captain Rat feel great pressure. He was undoubtedly a Sword Saint. He no longer acted as casual as before. He had to be respectful toward a Sword Saint.

Zhang Ruochen picked up the flagon. He sat on the ground and began drinking again. “How did you find this place?”

“Blackie told me that you’re here,” Captain Rat said.

Some vigor reappeared in Zhang Ruochen’s eyes. “Blackie? How does it know I’m here?”

“Blackie said that it’s everywhere, knows everything, can kill everything, and can do everything. It can know information of the world in an instant.”

As Captain Rat spoke, his eyes shone with reverence and worship.

Zhang Ruochen could tell that Captain Rat must’ve been brainwashed by Blackie. “Where is it?” he asked.

“Didn’t I say already?” Captain Rat said.

In the distance, the Crazy Alcoholic and Gu Songzi were taken aback. When did he say it?

“It’s everywhere?” Zhang Ruochen asked.

“Indeed,” Captain Rat said seriously.

Hearing this, the Crazy Alcoholic and Gu Songzi felt very done. They’d heard bullshit before, but not as dramatic as this.

More importantly, even a Taigu Remain in the Saint Realm believed the bullshit. The Crazy Alcoholic and Gu Songzi both thought that the disciples of the Demonic Sect were getting worse each year.

“Why did it tell you to come?” Zhang Ruochen asked.

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