God Emperor

Chapter 1365 - Hottest Fire and Coldest Water

Chapter 1365: Hottest Fire and Coldest Water

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

“Why, master? Why? Why…”

Huang Yanchen groveled on the ground outside Saint Palace Yuanchu. She couldn’t help crying, and she couldn’t even stand up. The only thing in her mind was the cold look Zhang Ruochen gave her as he left.

The colder the look was, the more pain she felt.

The voice of Empress Chi Yao came out. “You have to make a choice in your life. Since you’ve decided to side with me, you were going to lose him anyway. Even I, as a God, can’t balance both, not to mention you.”


“There’s no but. Once you’ve made up your mind, you can only go along.”

The voice of Empress Chi Yao couldn’t sound more apathetic. Each word she spewed was like an iceberg, causing Huang Yanchen’s heart to ache.

Prime Minister Wang Shiqi was wearing a purple official robe. He walked toward Saint Palace Yuanchu quickly, shot a glance at Huang Yanchen and kneeled on the ground. He said, “Zhang Ruochen is indeed a peerless genius. If he can submit himself to the imperial government, he’ll definitely be a great talent of the human race. I really appreciate him, however, his mind is a mess, and he couldn’t hate your majesty more. He’ll be a great threat to us all in the future. For the sake of the imperial government, and world, and the peace in Kunlun’s Field, I reckon we have to kill him.”

Saint Lady, Martial Saint Canglan, and Qing Mo, who were groveling on the ground, were all dazed.

They all knew that Wang Shiqi was very observant, and he was right that Zhang Ruochen was a peerless talent. He was able to defeat all nine heirs by himself. Once he really grew in power, he would be a great enemy against the imperial government for sure.

Which was why they were worried that Zhang Ruochen might get killed if he couldn’t make it out of the empire city.

Empress Chi Yao said, “A great enemy?”

“That’s right. We’ve been focusing on him a long time, and with his speed of advancing, perhaps it’ll only take him fifty years to become a supreme saint, and three hundred years to become a God. I reckon Zhang Ruochen is actually far more of a threat than Death Zen Leader and Kong Lanyou. Your majesty, we have to be prepared. We have to kill him now,” Wang Shiqi said.

“Fifty years to become a supreme saint, and three hundred years to become a God. Has anyone in history ever achieved that?” Empress Chi Yao said very calmly, but everyone could tell that she said it with disdain.

“No, but Zhang Ruochen has super talents…”

Empress Chi Yao stopped Wang Shiqi from finishing his line. “So what? Are you saying nobody has the same potential Zhang Ruochen does?”

“Not quite… Although Zhang Ruochen has special talents, which makes him the most gifted person since ancient times, every one hundred thousand years, or hundreds of thousands of years, there will be someone who has that potential. For example, Thousand-bone Empress was just as gifted as him. And in the more ancient history, there might have been eight hundred, if not one thousand beings like them.”

Empress Chi Yao said, “Did they all become supreme saints or even Gods?”

“No. Even Thousand-bone Empress didn’t become a God,” Wang Shiqi said.

“Then why should I be intimidated by someone who’s still nothing?”

Empress Chi Yao said with majesty, “There’re countless hero bodies in Kunlun’s Field. He’s someone who doesn’t matter at all. Fifty years to become a supreme saint, and three hundred years to become a God? Wang Shiqi, how many years have you refined?”

Wang Shiqi felt gigantic pressure in front of a God. He couldn’t help sweating. He said, staring at the ground, “One thousand, two hundred and forty years.”

“What do you think about your talents?”

“I, I don’t think I’m any less talented than anyone else,” Wang Shiqi said.

Empress Chi Yao said, “Those who can reach your level all have the best talents and comprehension, but do you know why you still haven’t become a supreme saint after one thousand, two hundred and forty years?”

“Please tell me, your majesty,” Wang Shiqi said.

“Potential doesn’t mean anything if you want to become a supreme saint, especially a God. What matters is your will. When you kneel before me, you’re already doomed never to become a supreme saint,” Empress Chi Yao said.

Wang Shiqi sweated more heavily. He asked, “Why…”

Empress Chi Yao said, “Supreme saints are the kings of saintly way. Those who have the mind to become a king will never bow in front of others. Those who aspire to become gods have great perseverance. Those under supreme saints rely on their talents, and those who want to become supreme saints rely on their hearts.

“Those who aspire to become emperors will never bow in front of others, and those who aspire to become gods have great perseverance.”

“Never bow to others, and great perseverance.”

Wang Shiqi mumbled the words while trying to comprehend them.

“When you kneeled in front of me, you already lost your chance to become a supreme saint. You’re way weaker than Death Zen Leader and Kong Lanyou. They’re destined to be more accomplished than you,” Empress Chi Yao said.

Wang Shiqi said, “Your majesty, could you tell me how to train my will?”

“Training your will is like making weapons. You need to use the hottest fire and coldest water to make weapons, and with the best weapon maker, you can design an invincible weapon. However, if you want to withstand the hottest fire and coldest water, you need to find the best iron in the world. You need all of them to succeed.”

“What are the hottest fire and coldest water?” Wang Shiqi asked.

“The most blazing fire to train one’s heart is anger. As for the coldest water…” Empress Chi Yao stayed quiet for a while, then she said, “Go comprehend it yourself.”

The Empress started to mutter in Saint Palace Yuanchu, “Fifty years to become a supreme saint, and three hundred years to become a God. How is that even possible? Perhaps the hottest fire and the coldest water can’t do the trick.”

“That means there’s no need to be intimidated by Zhang Ruochen at all.”

Wang Shiqi thought for a while and said, “Another thing. The Heaven and Earth Chessboard indicates that the ten blood emperors and the leader of the Immortal Temple have fled the north, heading toward Manji Island.”

Empress Chi Yao looked disdainful. She said, “Those ten blood emperors are just arrogant fools. Even Lord Pluto, he only dared claim himself to be king, yet they dared claim themselves to be emperors. Well, better to be an arrogant fool than to be a pathetic nobody. I’ll go end their lives myself.”


A seven-colored godly cloud flew out of Central Empire City, heading toward the north.

“Didn’t the Empress say she’s not going to kill anyone tonight? You never know what’s going on in a God’s mind.” Wang Shiqi shook his head, looking at the departing godly clouds. He mumbled again, “Those who aspire to become Emperors will never bow in front of others, and those who aspire to become gods have great perseverance.”

All the monks were thrilled after learning that Zhang Ruochen had managed to injure all the nine heirs by himself.

They saw Zhang Ruochen glaze over and walk toward the gate of the empire city, yet nobody dared attack him. They weren’t the nine heirs who had great body constitution. Even if their bodies were cut in half, they wouldn’t die.

However, if the same thing happened to them, they would die instantly.

“No need to rush. When he bleeds out, he’ll die for sure. After that, we can go seize his treasures.”

Many monks with malicious intents followed Zhang Ruochen just to wait until he fell.

As for those who admired Zhang Ruochen, they didn’t dare help him. The best they could do was to show some sympathy. After all, Zhang Ruochen had offended the Empress, the entire imperial government, even the entire world.

Nobody could deal with the repercussion of helping him.

Every step he took, Zhang Ruochen would bleed heavily from his chest. His face turned paler and paler, and his body got colder. The snow didn’t even melt after touching his face, instead, it was further frozen.

More and more monks followed Zhang Ruochen, but he didn’t fall down at all. He walked all the way out of Central Empire City.

“So disturbing. When is he going to fall?”

“Just die already. His heart has been pierced through, and he has almost bled out. How is he still alive?”

Someone had lost their patience, and they wanted to attack Zhang Ruochen.

Two elders rushed out of the clouds and landed in front of Zhang Ruochen.

One of the elders held Zhang Ruochen’s shoulder and said, “Finally we found you. Quick, give me Thousand Leaves Saint Core Grass. If it weren’t for the Crazy Alcoholic’s nose, we might’ve lost you forever. What happened? Why are you so injured?”

“Really? Is he dead?”

The Crazy Alcoholic was dazed. He put his ears against the wound in Zhang Ruochen’s heart, and then, he took a deep breath.

Both the elders had just arrived in the empire city, so they had no idea what happened.

After they escaped Xianji Mountain, they had been looking for Zhang Ruochen. After all, Zhang Ruochen had the recipe to make Six Saints to Heaven Wine and Thousand Leaves Saint Core Grass, both of which were things they had been craving, so they feared that Zhang Ruochen might keep them for himself.

“How amazing. He’s already bled out, yet he’s still breathing.” Gu Songzi stroked his beard and shook his head.

“What’re you waiting for? Save him now,” the Crazy Alcoholic said, urging him to act.

The Crazy Alcoholic hit Zhang Ruochen’s back, and a trace of thick saint Qi gushed out, flowing into Zhang Ruochen’s body.

The ice on Zhanng Ruochen immediately melted.

Meanwhile, Gu Songzi took out three saint pills, a Blood Qi Saint Pill, a healing saint pill and a life saint pill, feeding Zhang Ruochen all of them.

Seeing the Crazy Alcoholic and Gu Songzi saving Zhang Ruochen, those monks who had followed Zhang Ruochen for a long time were all furious.

“Where did you come from? How dare you save Zhang Ruochen?”

“He offended the Empress. How dare you save him? I’ll kill you all for the Empress.”

The monks stopped waiting and rushed out, dashing toward the Crazy Alcoholic, Gu Songzi and Zhang Ruochen. They wanted to kill them first before seizing their treasures.

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