God Emperor

Chapter 1234 - Ancient Dead Soul Ship

Chapter 1234: Ancient Dead Soul Ship

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

The Crazy Alcoholic had no restraint. He might’ve really emptied the Divine Dragon and Half Human Clan’s wine cellar. Knowing this, Zhang Ruochen obviously couldn’t reveal his true motive at Yin Yang Sea.

“Yin Yang Sea is very dangerous,” he said. “Senior, you don’t need to take risks with us. Please return!”

Zhang Ruochen insisted on going to Yin Yang Sea. This meant that there must be a rare treasure there. How could the Crazy Alcoholic not go?

“Don’t leave me behind!” He hurried over and shamelessly followed Zhang Ruochen. At the same time, he took out a pouch and drank some Dragon Fire Wine. “Feels great! Do you want to drink some? You won’t feel cold anymore!”

Ao Xinyan’s eyes turned menacing. She felt like this Crazy Alcoholic was provoking her.

He’d stolen it from the clan, but he actually dared to drink it in front of her like this. If it was not provocation, then what was it?

However, Ao Xinyan also knew that even though the Crazy Alcoholic acted frivolous, he actually had immeasurable abilities. Her cultivation wasn’t enough to counter him at all. Thus, she worked hard on controlling her emotions, not letting them burst out.

The Crazy Alcoholic seemed not to see the anger in Ao Xinyan’s eyes. He got close, saying, “Girl, would you like some? Drinking it can help you against the cold and also challenge your physical body, improving your cultivation.”

“Go away,” Ao Xinyan said impolitely.

The Crazy Alcoholic didn’t get angry. He just shook his head sadly, thinking that Ao Xinyan’s temper was too bad. He kind of understood why Zhang Ruochen didn’t want to be responsible for her.

If you got involved with a bad-tempered girl, you’d have bad luck for the rest of your life.

Thus, he went toward Zhang Ruochen again.

After causing trouble while drunk, Zhang Ruochen didn’t dare drink wine again, so he refused.

“Senior,” Zhang Ruochen said, smiling. “If I remember correctly, I should have a tripod of Dragon Fire Wine saved with you, right?”

Last night, Zhang Ruochen had only drank half a jar. It was only a bit of the tripod. Dragon Fire Wine was comparable to a divine pill. It had extraordinary effects in both raising cultivation and training the body.

Zhang Ruochen had only drank half a jar, but he could clearly feel that his physical strength had improved. He didn’t plan on drinking anymore, but he wanted to get the wine back and gift it to his friends. He couldn’t let the Crazy Alcoholic get the advantage.

“I always keep my word. The wine that I give you is forever yours.”

The Crazy Alcoholic didn’t go back on his word. He quickly took out Zhang Ruochen’s wine and gave it to him.

Ao Xinyan just huffed. She felt that the Crazy Alcoholic was even more shameless. He talked as if the wine was his.

The land was completely covered in ice and snow. It was all white and devoid of any living creatures.

Whoosh, whoosh. Cold wind blew past, sharper than blades.

Finally, Zhang Ruochen’s group came to the edge of Yin Yang Sea. A boundless sea appeared before their eyes. The calm surface and dark blue water stood in stark contrast with the white snow on the land. It was extremely beautiful.

“This is Yin Yang Sea? It doesn’t look that scary.” The Crazy Alcoholic laughed and walked toward the sea.

Ao Xinyan didn’t like him, but she still yelled, “Don’t touch the water. The Yin Yang Sea’s water is piercingly cold. Even a Saint can freeze to death if they step into it.”

The Crazy Alcoholic’s smile froze. Gasping, he retreated hurriedly. “How can it be that cold? If even a Saint will freeze, then what creature can go into it?”

“No living being can enter the Yin Yang Sea ever since the forbidden formation was activated,” Ao Xinyan answered. “Otherwise, why would it be called a forbidden zone?”

Zhang Ruochen didn’t believe this. After all, Saints were the strongest existences in this land. They could overturn mountains and seas; they were invincible. If even a Saint’s cultivation and physical body couldn’t withstand the coldness of the seawater, then that was a bit too dramatic.

Zhang Ruochen walked toward the edge of the water.

“Group Leader,” Ao Xinyan called. “Be careful. Don’t go.”

“Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”

Zhang Ruochen came to the water. He lifted a foot and stepped into it.

Crackle, crackle. Thick ice formed where his ankle was and quickly snaked up. It went past his calf, knee, thigh, waist… Soon, Zhang Ruochen’s entire body was covered in ice.

It kept thickening, transforming into a 70-meter-tall mountain of ice that was still getting bigger.


Ao Xinyan summoned her saintly sword. She was about to hack open the ice mountain to save Zhang Ruochen.

With a boom, the ice mountain shattered first. Fragments the size of a man’s head fell into the sea. A shadow flew out quickly, consolidating into Zhang Ruochen’s body.

He let out a long breath. When he looked back at the water, there was more fear in his eyes. “Such powerful cold Qi. It can invade your meridians and Saintly Meridians, slowing down the speed of your Holy Qi’s circulation. A regular Saint really might die if he falls into the water.”

Zhang Ruochen estimated in his mind. Even with his physical strength, he might only be able to survive for 15 to 30 minutes if he fell into the water. The cold Qi of the water was very strange.

“It’s clearly extremely cold,” Blackie said. “But it hasn’t frozen over. Clearly, the icy Qi is only part of the formation of the Divine Dragons.”

The Crazy Alcoholic was a bit disappointed. “So the path into Yin Yang Sea is really cut off? We can’t go in?”

“It might not be so complete,” Ao Xinyan said.

Everyone looked toward her.

“Dusk and dawn of every day is when Yin and Yang interchange,” she continued. “If you use an ancient spell of the Divine Dragons, you can summon an ancient dead soul ship from the sea. If you board it, you can pass through the formation and enter the depths of the sea.”

“From what you’re saying, there’s an ancient ship floating on the sea. But it’s been preserved since the ancient times without decaying?” The Crazy Alcoholic shook his head, not believing Ao Xinyan at all. He found it ridiculous.

“No, not only one. There are many of them. Apparently, these ships are made out of Divine Dragon bones. Each one is different too. They contain mysterious power that even a Saint cannot comprehend.”

Ao Xinyan spoke very seriously. She didn’t seem to be joking as she continued, “Some ships are relatively safe. Others are extremely eerie. Boarding those ships is even more dangerous than jumping into the sea.”

“A ship made out of Divine Dragon bone? Isn’t that a divine corpse?” The Crazy Alcoholic laughed loudly. “If that’s true, then the various ancient human sects and savage beast tribes would’ve come long ago to steal the ships. Getting one is like getting an awesome saintly weapon.”

“How do you know that the top strong cultivators haven’t tried to steal the ancient dead soul ships?” Ao Xinyan asked in return.

“There really have been strong cultivators who’ve tried?” Zhang Ruochen asked.

Ao Xinyan nodded. “According to the ancient records of the Divine Dragon and Half Human Clan, not long after the last Divine Dragon died, large groups of humans and beasts came to Yin Yang Sea. They tried to break in and steal the Divine Dragon relics. They also had their eyes on the ships, wanting to take one away.”

“What happened?” Zhang Ruochen asked again.

The Crazy Alcoholic stood to the side. He listened carefully with his ears perked.

“They all died!” Ao Xinyan said. “I heard that the human and beast emperors died and countless Saints died as well.”

“I have heard of this too,” Blackie said. “At that time, many Supreme Saints died. The Divine Dragons died and became corpses, but the Yin Yang Sea was a saintly land of the Divine Dragon race. Their corpses floating on the surface might contain remnants of power. We cannot counter or even imagine how that power is. So if we really do board a ship, we must be respectful.”

The Yin Yang Sea was once a saintly land for the strongest tribe of Kunlun’s Field. Now, it was the most terrifying and forbidden zone.

No creature could be arrogant here. They could only survive by being careful.

“I am skilled in Divine Dragon spells,” Ao Xinyan said. “When dawn comes, I can help you summon an ancient dead soul ship.”

“There’s still some time before dawn,” Zhang Ruochen said. “I will first create a spatial transfer formation.”

After coming to Yin Yang Sea, Zhang Ruochen felt extremely restricted. Even though he’d become a Saint, he still felt very insignificant and fragile.

Creating a spatial transfer formation beforehand would give him an escape route.

First, Blackie set up an invisibility formation that covered ten miles in diameter. Everyone went into the formation, disappearing from the coast of Yin Yang Sea.

While Zhang Ruochen was building the spatial transfer formation, the strong cultivators of Ancient Dragon Mountain also came to Yin Yang Sea.

The 12 saintly beasts were all in human form. The handsome man at the front was the Sky-swallowing Demonic Dragon. His eyes were extremely sharp and radiated with thick murderous Qi as he observed the surroundings.

A beautiful woman around 20 years old had a human body but a dozen-meter-long snake tail. “Your Majesty,” she said coldly. “Do you think they’ve already gone into Yin Yang Sea?”

“No. You can only summon an ancient dead soul ship at dawn. They can’t enter the sea without the ship. They must be hiding nearby.”

The Sky-swallowing Demonic Dragon looked at Saint Beast Xuanwei. “Can you find them?”

Saint Beast Xuanwei shook its head and sighed. “After coming to Yin Yang Sea, I’m restricted by a mysterious force. Both my vision and smell have decreased greatly. I can’t find them at all.”

“No matter. Let them continue to hide. When I enter Yin Yang Sea and take that item out, I’ll take my time dealing with them.”

The Sky-swallowing Demonic Dragon closed his eyes and started cultivating with all his might.

After the war in Blue Dragon Void World, he realized that he wasn’t undefeatable in his realm. There were some powerful figures who could counter him. He felt pressure, because he could only race against time and cultivate with all his might. He couldn’t waste a single second.

He could only improve faster by pressuring himself.

The Sky-swallowing Demonic Dragon’s race had been invincible figures during the ancient period of gods fighting. There was no reason why he had to be defeated by some lower races now.

If he wanted to become undefeatable, he had to work harder.

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