God Emperor

Chapter 1221 - Death by Trial

Chapter 1221: Death by Trial

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

Both Zhang Ruochen and the Death Knight wore Ten Saints Blood Armor, fighting each other, trembling the air around them and shaking the earth.

The Death Knight was way more powerful than Zhang Ruochen. After nine exchanges, he knocked Zhang Ruochen away.

Just as the Death Knight rushed forward to kill Zhang Ruochen, the seventy-seventh trial lightning hit both him and Zhang Ruochen.

The trial lightning was very fierce. Even the Death Knight was knocked down.

Zhang Ruochen took a long breath and rushed out of the mud, carrying the Abyss Ancient Sword and triggering thousand-patterns destruction, slashing downwards.

Hong Long.

The Death Knight reached out his iron fist to ward off the attack from Abyss Ancient Sword.

They started to fight each other again.

Trial lightning kept hitting, seventy-eighth, seventy-ninth, eightieth.

Each lightning strike would force the Death Knight and Zhang Ruochen to the ground.

They were more and more wounded and spat blood, and their attacks became slower and milder.

The Death Knight had been severely injured before coming to Taiyin Ancient City, and after the lightning, he was even more so.

Originally, it was easy for him to kill a saint at Xuanhuang realm, but now, he couldn’t even defend himself against an upper-class saint.

The eighty-first lightning was about to fall. The Death Knight put back his spear without hesitation and ran away.

Zhang Ruochen didn’t chase him as he was more wounded than the Death Knight. He had been powering through with his will.

Hong Long.

The trial cloud kept spinning, and then, the eighty-first trial lightning hit the head of Zhang Ruochen like a spear.

The ground under Zhang Ruochen’s feet immediately caved, leading to an abyss.

The temperature from the lightning melted all the rocks, forming crimson lava. There were electric inscriptions flowing in the lava.

The life or death trial was finished?

The trial clouds dissolved, and the stars and the moon showed themselves, giving out mild light.

The forces of sky and land were completely gone.

The human monks in Taiyin Ancient City were all relieved.

“Finally, it’s finished. Did Zhang Ruochen pass the third pre-saint trial?”

“Difficult to tell. Even the Death Knight fled at the last moment. Zhang Ruochen was just as injured. How can he still be alive?”

Qing Feng Saint flew to beside the abyss, releasing his mind power to investigate.

He didn’t detect any life forces.

“Zhang Ruochen failed to pass the life or death trial. He’s been killed by the trial lightning,” Qing Feng Saint concluded.

All the monks in Taiyin Ancient City sighed.

Some of the young monks who idolized Zhang Ruochen were in sorrow as they didn’t think Zhang Ruochen deserved this.

“Zhang Ruochen has unrivalled talents, and he’s able to kill an upper-class saint. How could he fail the life or death trial?”

“The more potential someone has, the fiercer the life or death trial is. It’s normal for him to be killed by trial lightings.”

“Many talents in history were killed by life or death trials.” Many monks sighed.

Some of the monks spread the news using signal flares.

Both the news that ‘Zhang Ruochen is Gu Linfeng’ and the news of Zhang Ruochen’s death would lead to a sensation in Kunlun’s Field.

The Death Knight and Ya She Saint didn’t go far. They also paid attention to Zhang Ruochen’s life.

Ya She Saint’s mind power spread across the sky above Taiyin Ancient City. He didn’t detect the forces of Zhang Ruochen. He then retracted his mind power, smiled and said, “Zhang Ruochen must’ve been killed already. We’ve finished our job.”

“Zhang Ruochen’s dead?” the Death Knight asked.

“Even Qing Feng Saint from Yin and Yang Sect has confirmed this. This should be correct,” Ya She Saint said.

The Death Knight shook his head and said, “Doesn’t make sense. Even if Zhang Ruochen was annihilated by the trial lightning, his Abyss Sword and Ten Saints Blood Armor should still be there.”

Ya She Saint’s smile froze and he nodded. “You’re right.”

“Zhang Ruochen must be alive. That Qing Feng Saint from Yin and Yang Sect must be covering for him. He wants to seize this chance to get away and hide Zhang Ruochen somewhere,” the Death Knight said.

“I’ll contact the Immortal Temple now. They should figure out whether Zhang Ruochen’s alive or not.”

Ya She Saint took out his bronze compass, infused it with mind power and contacted the Immortal Temple.

After a while, Ya She Saint received the message from the Immortal Temple: “Zhang Ruochen didn’t die. He’s in the east now.”

“Zhang Ruochen should’ve arrived in the north through the space worm hole already. Let’s go to the east to kill him.”

“Wait a second.” Ya She Saint then said, “There’s another message from the Immortal Temple. They’ve sent another three Death Knights to the east to kill Zhang Ruochen to prevent him from growing to become a great enemy of immortal vampires.”

The Death Knight was furious. He clenched his fist so hard that there was a cracking sound.

This time, they had completely failed at encircling Zhang Ruochen. They lost three upper-class saints, and Zhang Ruochen passed the life or death trial, improving his cultivation.

Ya She Saint and the Death Knight could feel the indignation from the Immortal Temple. If the other three Death Knights killed Zhang Ruochen before they could, they would definitely be severely punished by the Immortal Temple.

“We have to kill Zhang Ruochen before those three Death Knights,” Ya She Saint said.

The guarding formation of Taiyin Ancient City had been activated. Even Ya She Saint and the Death Knight couldn’t trespass in the city.

Which meant they couldn’t use the space wormhole in Taiyin Ancient City. They had to head to somewhere else to get to the east.

Yin and Yang Sect in the east.

Zhang Ruochen had passed the third pre-saint trial, which severely wounded him. He looked pale and feeble.

At this moment, he was sitting right across from one of the three sword saints in the east, Moon-Burier Sword Saint, drinking some healing tea.

Although it was herb tea, it only had satisfying fragrance instead of the pungent smell of medicine.

Qing Feng Saint was carrying a saint sword, sitting close.

Zhang Ruochen looked to Qing Feng Saint and smiled. “Why aren’t you drinking with us, Mr Qing Feng?”

Qing Feng Saint looked sorry and said, “I’m guilty. I can’t drink with the hierarch and sword saint.”

When the Death Knight had been slaughtering the disciples from Yin and Yang Sect in Taiyin Ancient City, Qing Feng Saint hadn’t tried to stop him because of his fear.

Qing Feng Saint knew that he would be punished, so he was tense the whole time instead of drinking tea and making small talk like Zhang Ruochen and Moon-Burier Sword Saint.

Moon-Burier Sword Saint was one of the three sword saints heading to Taiyin Ancient City.

Moon-Burier Sword Saint had arrived in Taiyin Ancient City before Zhang Ruochen started his life or death trial, yet he had never shown up. Moon-Burier Sword Saint took Zhang Ruochen away after he passed the trial and went back to Yin and Yang Sect through the space wormhole.

Also, Moon-Burier Sword Saint asked Qing Feng Saint to tell others that Zhang Ruochen had been killed by trial lightning to help him get away.

Zhang Ruochen had a lot of questions. He looked to Moon-Burier Sword Saint and asked, “I’m confused. If you arrived in Taiyin Ancient City, why didn’t you kill the Death Knight and the silver-caped elder?”

Moon-Burier Sword Saint smiled. “You have a five town saint suppression rune, but the Death Knight also has something like that. If I made attacks, or even just showed up, the Death Knight would have used that to kill me.”

“A valuable more powerful than five town saint suppression runes?” Zhang Ruochen asked.

“That’s right.”

Zhang Ruochen was still confused. He said, “But why didn’t the Death Knight use the valuable to kill me?”

Moon-Burier Sword Saint said, “That valuable is integrated with the body of the Death Knight. Once he activates that valuable, the Death Knight will also be killed.”

Zhang Ruochen understood it now.

It was not that the Death Knight didn’t want to use that valuable, but he thought that it was unnecessary to use that kind of valuable to fight Zhang Ruochen.

However, using that valuable to kill a sword saint was more than worth it.

“Isn’t that valuable as terrific as the explosion of the lower abdomen and saint source?” Zhang Ruochen asked.

Moon-Burier Sword Saint said, “If I want to kill an ordinary Death Knight, I can totally destroy his lower abdomen before he ignites himself, and I can also erase his consciousness before he ignites his saint source.

“But that valuable is different. Even if the Death Knight loses his lower abdomen and consciousness, the destructive power will immediately be released once he’s killed.”

Zhang Ruochen frowned and said, “Which means it’s useless to kill the Death Knight.”

“That’s right.” Moon-Burier Sword Saint sighed.

Zhang Ruochen, “Does that mean one will certainly die if they run into a Death Knight.”

“That’s why they’re called the Death Knights.”

Moon-Burier Sword Saint smiled. “You might be the only one who can kill a Death Knight and still survive.”

“Me?” Zhang Ruochen said.

Moon-Burier Sword Saint said, “If you can tear the space and send him to the hollow space, then the valuable from the Death Knight won’t affect you.”

Zhang Ruochen smiled. “Only if the Death Knight thinks he can kill me instead of using that valuable. Otherwise, I’ll be killed also.”

Moon-Burier Sword Saint stared at Zhang Ruochen for a while and asked, “You’re not just the hierarch Gu Linfeng of Blood God Sect, but also the disciple Lin Yue from Yin and Yang Sect, aren’t you?”

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