God Emperor

Chapter 1215 - Arrived at Taiyin Ancient City

Chapter 1215: Arrived at Taiyin Ancient City

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

The blood-red spear was as thick as a bowl. And then, traces of erosive power spread, robbing him of his life essence.


After a breath, the veins and apertures on Nie Lin’s body turned black, and his skin quickly bulged like a balloon.

He was too injured to run away.

Nie Lin wanted to make his lower abdomen explode to meet his death together with the Death Knight.

The Death Knight looked very indifferent. He twisted his arm, piercing through the lower abdomen of Nie Lin with his blood-red spear, and then, he swung the spear, sticking it to the ground with Nie Lin’s body.

One of the ten palace rulers of Blood God Sect, a saint at Xuanhuang Realm, was killed.

The Death Knight stood on the back of the dragon, wearing Ten Saints Blood Armor. There were horrifying forces coming out of his body. Killing a saint at Xuanhuang Realm was like killing a pet for him.

As for the vice rulers of Kun Heavenly Palace, Yao Han and Mu Changfeng, were both horrified.

The two vice rulers immediately performed escape techniques, rushing toward two different directions. Their extreme speed made cracking sounds in the air, leaving two traces of fire.

“Light of Death.”

The Death Knight pulled out the blood-red spear and hit it on the ground.


A blood-red halo showed up, covering an area of a hundred square miles.

He looked down, and a circular blood river showed up on the ground, giving off weird light.

Yao Han and Mu Changfeng didn’t manage to get away. They hit the halo at the same time, which knocked them away.

The Death Knight grabbed the shoulders of Yao Han. His iron arms had invincible power, completely suppressing her and taking away all her saint power.

Yao Han was terrified. He was an upper-class saint, and he had never been through a danger like this.

At the next moment, Yao Han felt a sting on his neck, and arteries had been broken.

The armor on the Death Knight’s face had disappeared. He showed his ferocious face and clenched the neck of Yao Han with his sharp teeth, drinking his saint blood.

“No! I’ll take you down with me!”

Yao Han kept struggling, triggering the saint Qi in his lower abdomen, trying to explode.

The Death Knight stared at Yao Han coldly. He yelled, opened his mouth wide and broke Yao Han’s neck. And then, he ate his head and half of his body.

The scene was bloody and tragic. Yao Sheng had goosebumps everywhere, and he wanted to run away as fast as possible, yet after witnessing the power of the Death Knight, he didn’t dare run.

At the other end, Mu Changfeng was extremely scared and knew that he couldn’t run away. He then ran toward the Death Knight and ignited his lower abdomen.

The Death Knight noticed the danger. He threw the other half of Yao Han’s body away, picking up a long spear and throwing it toward Mu Changfeng’s waist.


Mu Changfeng bounced back tens of miles away before his saint body exploded, releasing destructive power.

The destructive power from the explosion of an upper-class saint was inconceivable.

Hong Long Long.

The ground within hundreds of square miles was burnt, and all the mountains collapsed while all the lakes were dried. Even the area within a thousand miles was affected.

Yao Sheng was staying at the edge. When Mu Changsheng ignited himself, he immediately rushed underground and saved his life.

He climbed out of the ground and looked at the scorched earth and said, “That Mu Changfeng was impressive. He became this strong after hundreds of years of refinement, yet he ignited his lower abdomen and saint source without any hesitation.”

Yao Sheng pondered whether he would do the same if he was also in a hopeless situation.

‘Ending lives together’ was no easy task.

It was very difficult to survive and refine for hundreds of years, and nobody was willing to kill themself.

Yao Sheng climbed up and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, he felt a cold force coming from behind him. He trembled and stopped, looking back.

Da Da.

The Death Knight walked out of the fire, wearing Ten Saints Blood Armor and holding a spear as if he were Death walking out of hell.

The destructive power from the explosion of Mu Changfeng was horrifying. However, the Death Knight hadn’t stood at the center. Instead, he was ten miles away.

Besides, the Death Knight was wearing Ten Saints Blood Armor, which saved his life.

“Even the explosion of an upper-class saint couldn’t kill him. He’s way too powerful.”

Yao Sheng couldn’t help sweating and wasn’t able to walk anymore. He stood there, still.

The Death Knight showed his eyes and shot a gaze at Yao Sheng. He said, “Now that you’ve submitted yourself to me, why haven’t you kneeled down and saluted to me yet?”

“I am a saint. I don’t need to kneel in front of anyone,” Yao Sheng said.

“If you don’t do it, I’ll kill you.”

The Death Knight raised his spear and pointed at Yao Sheng’s head.

Yao Sheng knew that the Death Knight must’ve been severely injured, and perhaps he was able to kill him if he made efforts.

However, the power and force that the Death Knight had shown before were too terrifying. Even if he knew that the Death Knight had been severely injured, he didn’t dare attack the Death Knight.

After a long inner struggle, Yao Sheng kneeled down on one knee and said, “I salute you, Lord Death Knight.”


The Death Knight put back his long spear and looked to the sky with his red eyes.

Four black spots quickly flew toward them.

With the four black spots getting closer and closer, Yao Sheng saw that they were four immortal vampire saints with flesh wings. Some were male, and some were female. All of them were mighty.

One of the immortal vampire saints looked old and had wrinkles on his face. He was wearing a silver cape with a moon character on it, and he was holding a saint scepter.

“Silver-caped Elder from Immortal Temple.”

Yao Sheng had figured out the identity of that elder, which surprised him.

That silver-caped elder was called Ya She Saint. He had a hoarse voice. “I’ve heard from the Immortal Temple that the hierarch of Blood God Sect, Gu Linfeng, is the same person as the Time and Space Descendant, Zhang Ruochen.”

Yao Sheng was in shock. “How is it possible?”

Ya She Saint shot a cold glance at Yao Sheng and said, “The information from the Immortal Temple is almost always accurate.”

The Death Knight said, “Gu Linfeng is in Blood God Sect?”

Ya She Saint shook his head and said, “According to the information from the Immortal Temple, Gu Linfeng is heading to Taiyin Ancient City in Qingli County. He’s meant to get to the east through the space wormhole.”

“Okay, I’ll go kill him now,” the Death Knight said.

“You’ve been severely injured. Rest and recover first before so you have the strength to fight Gu Linfeng,” Ya She Saint said.

Yao Sheng knew now that the Death Knight, the silver-caped elder, and the other three saints were all here to kill Gu Linfeng.

Yao Sheng also hated Gu Linfeng’s guts. If it wasn’t for Gu Linfeng, he could’ve already been a senior in Blood God Sect instead of a servant of the Death Knight.

Yao Sheng stood straight and said, “Gu Linfeng has barely sanctified his body, which means he’s not that powerful yet. I can easily kill him as well. If he really is Time and Space Descendant Zhang Ruochen, he’s not going to be too powerful. His level is the biggest limit of his power.”

The Death Knight knew about the power of Gu Linfeng and Zhang Ruochen. He nodded and said, “Let’s head to Taiyin Ancient City Now.”

Taiyin Ancient City was in Qingli County of the state of Tiantai. It was built during ancient times, and many saints had gone there before.

There was indeed a space wormhole in Taiyin Ancient City, which connected to the Yin and Yang Sect in the north.

Which was why most of the monks in the city were disciples from Yin and Yang Sect.

This was the bridge that connected Yin and Yang Sect and the central region. Meanwhile, many monks from the central region would also pass by Taiyin Ancient City when they were heading to the north.

Zhang Ruochen changed his clothes to a Taoist cape worn by the disciples of Yin and Yang Sect, and he took out a token from his space ring, walking into the city.

After asking around, Zhang Ruochen knew that the space wormhole would only open tonight when there would be lots of monks heading to the east.

Blackie shrunk to the size of a fist and lay on the shoulder of Zhang Ruochen. It could tell that Zhang Ruochen was in a rush, so it said, “You don’t need to worry. The Death Knight might not even know where you are.”

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and said, “I’m not worried about the Death Knight. This is Taiyin Ancient City after all, which means there must be saints from Yin and Yang Sect guarding this place. And even if the Death Knight comes, I can be sure that there’re mind power supreme saints in the Immortal Temple, and I’ll make some adjustments to my following plans.”

“Then what’re you worried about?” Blackie said.

“I’m worried that sister Huang might come here,” Zhang Ruochen said.

Blackie smiled. “Mind power supreme saints are able to track you, but do you really think that Huang Yanchen can also track you?”

“I can feel that she’s getting closer and closer. It’s ineffable,” Zhang Ruochen said seriously.

Ever since he’d met Huang Yanchen again in Shengming City, Zhang Ruochen found out that there was a mysterious connection between him and Huang Yanchen.

The closer they got, the stronger the connection was.

Zhang Ruochen sighed and said, “The worm whole will only open after nine tonight. Let’s walk around Taiyin Ancient City first. Perhaps we can buy something amazing.”

“It’s very dangerous to enter the savage barren territory. We should indeed buy some protecting valuables beforehand, or some exceptional attack valuables. You have more than enough saintly stones anyway,” Blackie said.

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