God Emperor

Chapter 1024 - Fifth Level Half-Saint

Chapter 1024: Fifth Level Half-Saint

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

As the Dancing Fairy, Qin Yutong owned a palace in the depths of the Phoenix Dance Palace.

The palace hung on a cliff in the valley, from which the view was beautiful, and the complete picture of Phoenix Dance Palace could be seen from it. It was a perfect spot.

No man had ever been able to step inside it.

It was extraordinary that Zhang Ruochen could be invited by Qin Yutong to get in the palace, which made Yan Wenqi and Fu Shang jealous.

They thought that Qin Yutong valued this mysterious man too much and overtreated him above his own status.

Entering the palace, Qin Yutong stepped in the hidden part to activate the Formation in the palace, in case anyone should intrude.

“Are you with the Princess Royal?” asked Qin Yutong.

Zhang Ruochen didn’t know the current structure of the Zhang Family, so he said casually, “I am not with anyone. I’m on my own.”

Qin Yutong frowned her black eyebrows slightly, and stopped asking. She took Zhang Ruochen to the lowest floor of her palace. They got to the door of an exercise room. Qin Yutong opened the stone door.

“This is the exercise room with the Defensive Formation, which can only be opened and closed from the inside. Once the Formation is on, even saints couldn’t crack it from the outside.”

Then she added, “If you need anything, you can ask Xuanshuang and Xuanyu. They can report your needs to me.”

“I don’t need anything now.”

Zhang Ruochen walked into the room. Then he closed the door and activated the Defensive Formation immediately.

Outside the room, Bai Xuanshuang was curious. “Senior Sister, you said he wasn’t sent by the Princess Royal, but was on his own. What does it mean? Could it be that there are other royal heirs besides the Princess Royal and the Lord Twelve who can cultivate a strong person like him?”

Qin Yutong thought carefully, and said, “In the chaos 800 years ago, many indirect descendants of the royal family escaped to the Savage Barren Territory or the Void World outside the Realm. He could be an heir of one of the indirect houses who just returned to the Kunlun’s Field. So he reached us.”

“You two stay here. If he needs anything, you must let me know at once. I will discuss it with Granny Bai Su. We have to find out his identity.”

Apparently, Qin Yutong had some precautionary measures on Zhang Ruochen, since he was so mysterious and yet powerful.

Zhang Ruochen examined everything carefully after he entered the exercise room. Then he took out the Universe Spiritual Map and entered the Scroll World.

In fact, Zhang Ruochen wasn’t hurt. He had just exhausted all his Holy Qi after using the Destruction of the Thousand-patterns, appearing to be weak.

Zhang Ruochen went back to his peak in a short while.

Then he took out the Fifth Class Divine Origin Pill and held it in his palm. He said to himself, “It’s time to reach the Fifth Level Half-Saint.”

Swallowing the Fifth Class Divine Origin Pill, Zhang Ruochen operated his exercises immediately to reach the next state with his full power.


The power contained in the Fifth Class Divine Origin Pill was strong. It entered his belly and exploded. Massive energy released from it poured into his veins and blood.

Zhang Ruochen hadn’t reached the peak of the Fourth Level Half-Saint yet. It was actually difficult for him to reach the Fifth Level now. He was highly likely to fail.

But he had to take his chances to reach the Fifth Level now.

He surely could compete with a Ninth Level Half-Saint now with his cultivation. But he was weaker than their powerful figures

Like when he had fought Han Ying, Zhang Ruochen couldn’t have beat him without the Destruction of the Thousand-patterns, but could merely keep himself safe.

The root of it was his low cultivation.

Zhang Ruochen also refined the divine blood while he was refining the Fifth Class Divine Origin Pill, hoping to make up for the weakness of his state.

The two strong strands of power from the divine blood and the Fifth Class Divine Origin Pill clashed violently in Zhang Ruochen’s body, severely hurting his organs. Blood came out of his mouth and nostrils.

But Zhang Ruochen went on and didn’t give up.

After two whole days and nights, Zhang Ruochen’s organs, veins and meridians were hurt to different extents. His body hurt, as if fire was burning inside every spot of his body.


Zhang Ruochen endured it with great willpower. He broke through the bottleneck and reached the Fifth Level of Half-Saint.

After it, spiritual Qi gushed constantly in his lower abdomen through the Sacred Mark between his brows like tides running over every one of his saintly meridians and veins.

The super relaxation relieved the pain brought by his wounds.

After stabilizing his state, Zhang Ruochen took out a Withered Pill and swallowed it.

After about an hour, Zhang Ruochen was fully recovered, reaching an unprecedented peak.

Zhang Ruochen ran Emperor Ming Nine-sky Scripture, and the Holy Qi inside his body revolved crazily, slightly shaking the spiritual Qi in the area around dozens of kilometers.

My cultivation now can help me easily kill Han Ying without using the Destruction of the Thousand-patterns nor the Power of Time and Space. Zhang Ruochen thought.

The surge of his cultivation made his will to kill even stronger.

Of course, Zhang Ruochen didn’t walk out of the Scroll World, preparing to improve his power. There were figures who were stronger than Han Ying in the ten commanders of the Canglong Army.

Then, Zhang Ruochen took out the beast soul of the Green Armor Divine Elephant, planning to refine it into his right arm.

It was a beast soul which had cost Zhang Ruochen 7,000 saintly rocks in auction. As long as he could refine it, his right arm and body would build up greatly.

And only after refining a dragon soul and an elephant soul in the saint state would Zhang Ruochen have the chance to exercise the Tenth Palm of the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Palm, improving this palm play to the state of saint spells.

Although Zhang Ruochen had only finished exercising the Ninth Palm, he was able to burst its power of a saint spell.

Zhang Ruochen had successfully refined a saint dragon soul before, so he had the experience and didn’t come across much trouble refining the elephant soul.

Just in a half day, he had finished refining the elephant soul into his right arm, blending it completely with his bones, muscles, veins and blood.

Zhang Ruochen raised his arms to transfer the Holy Qi to the veins and meridians of his arms and activate the dragon soul and the elephant soul.


Dragon scales the size of nails grew on his left arm. And green armors grew on his right arm.

Deafening roars of a dragon and an elephant were heard at the same time.

A giant green dragon’s shadow and a mountain sized green saint elephant’s shadow showed up behind Zhang Ruochen at the same time, reflecting the sky with green light and giving out two terrible strands of Qi of savage beasts.

Zhang Ruochen pressed his palms to his front.

Two giant handprints showed up in the void, violently shaking the heaven and the earth.

“The saint beast’s soul is surely extraordinary. If I could operate the power of the dragon soul and the elephant soul together to play the Ninth Palm of the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Palm, my attack might be 36 times more powerful than before.”

Before refining the elephant soul, the Ninth Palm of Dragon and Elephant Prajna Palm played by Zhang Ruochen could only burst 34 times of its original power.

Although it looked like there was only two times the attack added, the power had increased greatly.

Normally, a martial move which could increase 30 times could be called a saint spell.

And among the Ninth Level Half-Saints, only a few would have practiced a kind of saint spell to its utmost.

In other words, most Ninth Level Half-Saints would only play 20 times the attack.

If Zhang Ruochen could burst 36 times the attack, he would be able to defeat Ninth Level Half-Saints who were stronger and higher cultivated than him.

Of course, after refining the dragon soul and the elephant soul, the power of Zhang Ruochen’s palm play went up a little as well.

“If I could finish the Tenth Palm, I wonder how much power the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Palm would explode…”

Zhang Ruochen looked forward to it.

But he also knew that it was not easy for him to finish practicing the Ten Palm of the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Palm, even if he had refined the dragon soul and the elephant soul.

At least, he couldn’t make it in a short time.

Zhang Ruochen didn’t try to crack the seventh aperture of the Seven-Apertures Blood Palm, planning to try it after he stabilized his state.

It was risky for him to reach the Fifth Level Half-Saint this time, leaving some hidden wounds which were hard to be cured.

Before they were cured, Zhang Ruochen didn’t want to take a second risk.

Zhang Ruochen visited Sikong One, Sikong Two and Murong Yue. Seeing them busy practicing, Zhang Ruochen didn’t bother them.

In fact, Sikong One and Sikong Two were powerful figures. Borrowing their strength would make it easier for Zhang Ruochen to defeat the ten commanders of the Canglong Army.

But Zhang Ruochen didn’t do it. They were Buddhist monks and shouldn’t engage in killing people and feuds.

He had to deal with his issue alone.

Zhang Ruochen left the Scroll World and put the Universe Spiritual Map away. Zoom. He opened the door of the practicing room.

Bai Xuanshuang and Bai Xuanyu were waiting outside. Seeing Zhang Ruochen going out, they approached him immediately.

Zhang Ruochen observed them for the first time. They were both rare beauties, maybe sisters, as they looked alike.

Zhang Ruochen asked, “Are you both descendants of the Zhang Family?”

Both Bai Xuanshuang and Bai Xuanyu worshipped Zhang Ruochen very much. Seeing him ask them, they felt delighted and nodded at once.

Bai Xuanshuang was a little extroverted. She said, “I’m Bai Xuanshuang. This is my little sister, Bai Xuanyu.”

Bai Xuanyu was a little gloomy. She sighed, “Our Bai Family used to be a distinguished household of the Sacred Central Empire. In the war 800 years ago, the empire was overthrown. Any family who didn’t surrender to the First Central Empire was brutally cleared out.”

“Some of the males in the family were killed. Some were sent to the frontier to fight with savage beasts and ended up being eaten by them.”

“Women suffered even more. Most were collected by the generals of the Ministry of War as playthings. The rest became the government’s hookers. Some ended up in brothels and some became slaves.”

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