God Emperor

Chapter 1008 - The World Was Shocked

Chapter 1008: The World Was Shocked

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

The loud crash of the Saintly Source’s explosion was terribly scary, as if the sky had broken into pieces.

The space within the surrounding 5,000 kilometers quaked violently. All forces in this area were frightened to death, thinking that doom had come.

In the central area where the Saintly Source had exploded, no living creatures had survived, and an area of hundreds of kilometers turned into wildness.

Such a terrifying destruction was enough to crack the defense of a saint.

Even Chu Siyuan, who had confidence in Luo Xu, put on a grave face to express his concerns.

No wonder the so-called Catastrophe at the end of the Middle Ages broke all of the Kunlun’s Field into pieces, which later turned into dotted islands. The fights among saints were truly terrible, Zhang Ruochen thought.

Luo Xu didn’t return for a long time. They became more worried and upset.

Chu Siyuan went to the central area where the Saintly Source had exploded, but he didn’t find Luo Xu.

He returned to the green boat and told Zhang Ruochen and Luo Shuihan. Then, he sighed.

Zhang Ruochen said seriously, “You didn’t find the Ancient Abyss Sword, which means, Elder Luo Xu must still be alive.”

“Maybe, the Ancient Abyss Sword has been destroyed as well. You have no idea of the explosive destruction of the Saintly Sources from figures like King Taige.”

Zhang Ruochen put on a smile and shook his head. He looked to the horizon.


Suddenly, his eyes squinted. A man in green was seen flying to them. He soon landed on the bank of the old river.

Luo Xu’s green robes were still unstained. Only his face had lost a little color. He laughed, “Luckily, I had the Great Emperor Bell of the Saint Academy with me and used it just in time. It has protected me from the explosion of the Saintly Source, otherwise, the result would have been a disaster. Zhang Ruochen, your sword is truly a rare treasure. It might be able to contend with the Divine Blood Sword in the future.”

Then, Luo Xu returned the Ancient Abyss Sword to Zhang Ruochen by handing it over to him.

Chu Siyuan was curious, and asked, “Where did you go after you killed King Taige?”

“There are five Blood Kings in the army of the Immortal Vampires. Besides King Zhiyu and King Taige, there are three other saints. I wanted to kill them all, but it’s a pity I only killed one Blood King. The other two had gone so fast that I lost them.”

Three Blood Kings had been killed in this fight, including a core figure, King Taige. The Immortal Vampires did pay dearly.

But the Immortal Vampires would get back at other human monks ferociously. Nobody knew how many innocent human monks would die.

Luo Xu held the newly robbed Saintly Source in his hand, finding it hard to be happy. He shook his head and sighed slightly.

Many old creatures of the Evil Ways were shocked by the scene they had witnessed.

They returned to the Black Market secretly and spread the word.

Monks in the Tiantai State and even the Central Region boiled over with enthusiasm. Many were full of all kinds of feelings and emotions.

Five saints had been killed in one day.

The names of Zhang Ruochen and Luo Xu spread among the monks once more, and even spread in the society to be discussed as legends by vendors and lackeys.

Zhang Ruochen was pushed into the spotlight one more time.

Some worshipped him as an idol crazily, regarding him as the best human monk in Kunlun’s Field, even stronger than the Nine Hiers.

Some thought that Zhang Ruochen used secret spells to kill the two monks of the Demonic Sect. It’s not the true power, so he couldn’t compare with the Nine Heirs.

Others compared Zhang Ruochen with Luo Xu and found many similarities.

They were both born in the Heavenly Devil Mountain, both had reached the Peak Realm of the Heavenly Realm, both graduated from the School of the Martial Market and both had a special love affair.

Luo Xu had been in love with the first beauty, Lin Suxian. But he was stopped by the Hierarch of the Demonic Sect. They failed to be together.

Zhang Ruochen had been about to marry Huang Yanchen, who was one of the Nine Heirs. But he was stopped by an order of the Empress. They were now separated in two places.

Saintess Palace, the headquarters of the Demonic Sect.

The Saintess Palace was one of the nine palaces of the Demonic Sect. It was located at Mount Tianshui. It only recruited female students.

Spiritual fog curled up the mountain. There were many red palaces, where many beautiful ladies could be seen flying. It was like a home of the fairies.

Mu Lingxi, as one of the 13 Saintess of the Demonic Sect, had her own secret house for practicing on the hillside, which was filled with spiritual Qi.

A female student at the state of Heavenly Realm rushed back to Mu Lingxi’s practicing house in Mount Tianshui, and she reported, “Your Highness, more news about Zhang Ruochen was heard from the State Tiantai.”

Mu Lingxi was holding her face with her hands, and now was awakened from the trance. Delight showed on her face. She changed into a pretty shadow and landed to the student’s front. She asked in a hurry, “Really? Really? He didn’t die in the Ancient Race of Prison Guardians? He’s still alive?”

Mu Lingxi was grounded after she had been taken back to the headquarters of the Demonic Sect. But, she kept searching for news about Zhang Ruochen’s.

Last time she had heard about Zhang Ruochen was when the Immortal Vampires invaded the Ancient Race of Prison Guardians.

During the fight, all students in the Saintess Palace worried about their Palace Ruler, Ling Feiyu, and only Mu Lingxi worried about Zhang Ruochen.

Mu Lingxi hadn’t heard a word about Zhang Ruochen in the last two months. She once believed that he had died and wept secretly.

Nowadays she even stopped practicing. She was laden with anxiety and often sit alone in a trance.

She had tried to run away from the headquarters several times to find Zhang Ruochen in the Ancient Race of Prison Guardians. But each time she had been stopped by powerful figures of the Mu Family.

Mu Lingxi was thrilled to have heard about Zhang Ruochen again.

The female student looked restless. She said hesitantly, “Zhang Ruochen is surely still alive, but…but…”


Mu Lingxi felt something and became nervous about the losses immediately.

“But he killed two saints of the Divine Sect, and took the Heir Stamp away after he had cut the Son of Deity’s legs.”

Mu Lingxi turned dull for a while, and giggled, “No way. Although Zhang Ruochen is powerful and can beat everyone at his own state, he can never kill saints. Someone must have used him as the scapegoat.”

The female student shook her head immediately, and said, “It’s true. Many have seen it.”


Mu Lingxi didn’t care about the life and death of the two saints of the Demonic Sect. She was only interested in Zhang Ruochen. She asked, “Zhang Ruochen never kills people for no reason. So it must be the two saints who have done some terrible things?”

“It is said that Zhang Ruochen was saving a woman, a quite beautiful woman. He took the woman all the way out of a spot of the Divine Sect by killing many powerful figures of the Demonic Sect. Blood was everywhere. And the whole spot was erased.” The female student spoke cautiously.

Mu Lingxi couldn’t smile. Her two willow-like eyebrows knotted tightly. Her hands couldn’t help but pull her hair.

She was kind of jealous and curious, and also found it hard to believe. She said, “He has done this or a woman, and a beautiful woman? Who’s that woman? Isn’t she Huang Yanchen, one of the Nine Heirs?”

The female student shook her head, and said, “It’s said she was just a slave taken back by an elder of the Divine Sect, nothing special.”

“No way! It’s impossible!”

Mu Lingxi shook her head at once, and said, “Unless he was crazy, he wouldn’t behave like this.”

After a thought, Mu Lingxi’s clear eyes made a roll. She said firmly, “It must be someone who pretended to be Zhang Ruochen. What a hateful person! If I knew who that is, I would cut him into pieces.”

The female student added in a low voice, “It’s said that Zhang Ruochen used the Power of Time and Space. Nobody could pretend in that way.”

Mu Lingxi was shocked again. She bit her lip lightly. She had an impulse to leave the headquarters immediately and go to the Tiantai State.

She wanted to ask Zhang Ruochen in person. Why did he do it?

Was it because of his lust? Or was there more to it?

The female student went on, “The Hierarch has learned of it and issued the Death Command. He commanded to use everything in the Divine Sect to kill Zhang Ruochen at the fastest speed.”

Hearing this, Mu Lingxi’s face lost color. “The Death Command has been issued?”

“Yes! After it was issued, nobody would survive the third month, even saints. Perhaps, Zhang Ruochen…”

The female student didn’t finish her words, for she found that Mu Lingxi had rushed out of the secret house and disappeared.

Water flowed smoothly in the wide old river. The water’s surface was like that of a flat lake.

A green boat floated on the water. It went with the current to the Royal Capital.

Three days had passed and Zhang Ruochen had recovered from his exhaustion. He was now in high spirits.

He sat at the bow with Luo Xu, talking about some interesting stories of things that had happened in the Heavenly Devil Mountain.

There were great gaps between their ages and cultivations. But Zhang Ruochen didn’t feel restrained, and appeared to be at ease.

Luo Xu admired Zhang Ruochen’s mind state, and heard that Zhang Ruochen had comprehended some of the Luo Water Fist Technique, so he wanted to teach it to Zhang Ruochen.

“Do you want to know how I created the Luo Water Fist Technique?” asked Luo Xu.

“If the elder wants to share, I’d like to hear it,” Zhang Ruochen said humbly and attentively.

He knew that Luo Xu was guiding him, which was a rare chance that not many would get.

The special Rule of Heaven and Earth contained in the Luo Water Fist Technique was profound. As Luo Xu kept improving it, it might become an unparalleled saint spell which could be passed on forever.

Who wouldn’t want to learn some of it?

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