Genius Summoner

Chapter 1546 - 1546 The Elder Sister Appears (1)

1546 The Elder Sister Appears (1)

“There’s the aura of the water element ahead.” Yaoyao slowly closed her big eyes and felt it with her heart. After mumbling, she opened her big eyes and pointed in a direction. “Xiao Feng, it’s there! The aura of the water element is coming from there!”

Water element? Yun Feng raised her brows curiously. There were only bones and dry land as far as her eyes could see. There was water element in that direction? It seemed that there was really another world!

“Little Fire, let’s go!” Yun Feng gave the order. The Fire Cloud Wolf immediately turned around and went straight to the place where the water element was emitted under Yaoyao’s perception! Yaoyao was a mermaid and was quite sensitive to the water element. Coupled with the ancient power absorbed in Yaoyao’s body, it was even more so! If she said that there was the existence of the water element, it was definitely there!

“Master, it seems to be ahead!” Little Fire also felt it clearly as it ran all the way in that direction. Yun Feng nodded. A faint water vapor assailed her nose and she could even hear the faint sound of water flowing…

“That’s it!” Yaoyao shouted excitedly. Little Fire ran forward quickly and felt that the soil under its feet was gradually wet. This proved that the water element had penetrated the ground! The Fire Cloud Wolf jumped and a different scene appeared in front of Yun Feng’s eyes!

A huge ancient tree stood in front of Yun Feng. Its branches were lush and the trunk was unusually thick. Even if there were twenty people surrounding the trunk, they wouldn’t be able to hold it! A breeze blew and the lush leaves were green and shiny, emitting a faint fragrance. This fragrance mixed in the air and filled this small space!

“What a huge tree…” Yaoyao raised her head and couldn’t see the top of the tree at all. Little Fire and Meatball were the same. Meatball stood up from Little Fire’s head and blinked its big eyes. Little Fire was also very surprised. “How can there be such a tall tree… How can there be a tree here?”

Yun Feng jumped off the back of the Fire Cloud Wolf and carried Yaoyao down. After landing, she wasn’t stepping on dry land anymore, but a lush grassland! Yun Feng looked down and saw that dense grass was growing in a certain radius of the tree, as if there was an invisible boundary. It was extremely dry outside the boundary, but green inside.

Yun Feng squatted down and touched the grass under her feet. An extremely dense water vapor spread on the grass. There were many tiny water drops on the tender green grass. Little Fire transformed into a little boy. It looked at the grass under its feet curiously with its black eyes and reached out to pull one out, putting it in its mouth. “It’s much better than the ones in the Foggy Forest.”

Yun Feng chuckled. Little Fire quickly blushed and threw the grass in its mouth aside. “I’m a meat eater. I’ve never eaten grass.”

Yaoyao gently pressed her little hand on the ground and closed her black eyes slightly. When she opened them, surprise flashed through her black eyes. “Xiao Feng! There’s the sound of water flowing below!”

Yun Feng nodded. Such a huge tree certainly had huge roots. The water and nutrients were certainly transmitted in the roots. Perhaps because the roots were too huge, the sound of the transmission of nutrients could be heard. Perhaps the green grass was covered by tree roots.

“It’s very strange to have a tree here… The other places are extremely barren.” Little Fire observed carefully with its black eyes and finally focused on the tree trunk. “Such a thick tree trunk… The old trees in the Foggy Forest probably aren’t as thick.”

Yun Feng was also observing her surroundings. It was certainly a bit unusual for such an ancient tree to be erected here. While observing, Yun Feng deeply felt that the environment here was too wonderful. It was different from the scenery along the way just then. She slowly approached the tree trunk and couldn’t help but smile when she saw that Little Fire’s hand was faintly red.

“We can burn the tree trunk with fire… It’s so thick. There must be something inside!” Little Fire whispered. It was about to say something, but Yun Feng stopped it. “The fire element shouldn’t be able to do anything to such heavy density of water.”

“Tsk! I forgot that there’s no lack of water here.”

Yun Feng chuckled. “But such a thick tree trunk does look like it’s hiding something.”

“Then how do we open it…” Little Fire frowned. Yun Feng pondered and the aura of the Sea Clan in her body was activated. Her hand immediately turned into a sharp claw and slashed the tree trunk fiercely! Yun Feng’s eyes were startled. She used a lot of strength. Besides, her strength was even greater after she transformed. Under such an attack, there were only shallow scratches on the tree trunk!

Little Fire was also dumbfounded. Yaoyao walked over and took a look. “Xiao Feng, do you want me to blast it open with my fishtail?”

Yun Feng smiled wryly. Little Fire didn’t believe it. Red light flashed and the huge body of the Fire Cloud Wolf appeared. The little wings on its shoulder flapped and the sharp claws of the Fire Cloud Wolf pounced on it! However, the tree trunk still didn’t move at all, leaving only a few shallow marks!

Was this tree invulnerable? Little Fire and her were both extremely strong, but they still couldn’t shake it at all!

Meatball, who was originally sitting on Yun Feng’s shoulder, moved its body at this moment and its chubby body pounced over. It opened its mouth and bit the tree trunk with its sharp teeth!

“Crash!” The giant tree finally reacted. Meatball’s sharp teeth stabbed deeply into the inside of the tree trunk and the thick tree trunk instantly trembled fiercely! Meatball rolled its big eyes and exerted its strength. With a tearing sound, a very thick piece of bark was completely torn off by Meatball!

Meatball spat out the bark in its mouth and stuck out its little tongue in disdain. It didn’t seem to like the taste in its mouth. Little Fire transformed into human form again and ran to the tree trunk to take a look. “Meatball, you’re indeed carnivorous too…”

Yun Feng looked at the white scar left by Meatball when it forcibly tore off the bark on the tree trunk. She was deep in thought when the ground suddenly shook violently!

“Boom…” The ground shook so violently that Yun Feng almost couldn’t stand straight!

“Xiao Feng, be careful!” Yaoyao immediately grabbed Yun Feng’s hand tightly and walked out with Yun Feng. Little Fire followed closely behind. Yun Feng, the little girl and the little boy hadn’t run far when the ground not far away in front of them suddenly cracked!

“Watch out!” Yun Feng pulled Yaoyao back to her arms forcefully, and Little Fire was also pulled over by Yun Feng. “Earth Shield!” With a furious shout, the earth element quickly formed a solid barrier in front of Yun Feng, blocking the three of them firmly behind! The huge stones that suddenly flew out of the cracked ground were completely blocked by the Earth Shield and scattered around.

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