Genius Summoner

Chapter 1381 - 1381 Unexpected Change (2)

1381 Unexpected Change (2)

The two of them finally settled Yun Xiang down. Bai Qingfeng was extremely worried, fearing that something would happen to Yun Xiang, while Yun Feng pondered quietly on the side. Yun Xiang was pregnant, so she certainly couldn’t participate in the advancement of forces, let alone break through to the God Level at this stage. Everything had to wait until the child was born safely. Yun Xiang was the strongest among the younger generation of the Yun family. If she couldn’t fight, who would the Yun family send out to fight among the younger generation? The others were still quite far from Yun Xiang. Yun Feng planned to help Yun Xiang break through to the God Level this time, but it seemed that she had to consider everything carefully. Even if Yun Xiang insisted on participating, she wouldn’t allow it.

“Yun Feng, do you understand what I meant now?” Bai Qingfeng glanced at Yun Feng. After confirming that Yun Xiang had only fainted, he was finally relieved. Yun Feng looked at Bai Qingfeng with her black eyes. “You mean, you’re waiting for me to come back and fight for Yun Xiang?”

“Exactly.” Bai Qingfeng nodded. “Yun Xiang has only been pregnant for a month. It’s a critical period. I can’t let anything happen to her. Luckily, you came back at this time. The Yun family won’t lose anything even if Yun Xiang doesn’t participate in the battle.”

Yun Feng, however, frowned. “Yun Xiang must not participate in the battle. I agree with that, but don’t forget that there are five segments for the advancement of forces this time. I have to participate in the pharmaceutical segment, so I certainly can’t participate in the other segments repeatedly. And the Yun family…”

“You don’t have to participate in the pharmaceutical segment,” said Bai Qingfeng casually. Yun Feng raised her brows. Right, Bai Qingfeng was also a pharmacist. She almost forgot about this. Even though Bai Qingfeng’s pharmaceutical skills weren’t low, would he definitely be able to defeat the others?

“Don’t underestimate me.” Bai Qingfeng raised his brows. “I might not be as good as others in terms of strength, but there aren’t many people who can beat me in terms of pharmaceuticals!”

Yun Feng smiled gently. “You must know how important the advancement of forces is to the Yun family this time. Best of five. The Yun family must win the round of pharmaceuticals!”

The corners of Bai Qingfeng’s mouth curled up. “Of course I know. Even though I’m not very good at making grandmaster-level potions, it’s not difficult for me to succeed.”

Grandmaster Level? Yun Feng was shocked. She didn’t expect that the Yun family wasn’t the only people who had improved in five years. Bai Qingfeng’s pharmaceutical skills had also improved a lot! It wasn’t difficult for him to make Grandmaster Level potions. The only opponent of the Yun family, the Shentu family, would probably be able to do so at most.

“It’s very likely that the Shentu family will invite external help for this segment. You must make more preparations.” Yun Feng remembered that the Shentu family was also the one who tried to snatch the Weightless Fruit at the auction. This also proved that there was a pharmacist in the Shentu family who could make weightless potions. “Grandmaster two-star. If you want to participate in the pharmaceutical segment, you must reach such a level.”

Bai Qingfeng frowned. “Grandmaster two-star… It seems that the Shentu family is indeed tricky. Even though it’s a bit difficult, I’ll try my best to make it.” Bai Qingfeng looked at the unconscious Yun Xiang with a hint of gentleness in the corners of his eyes. Yun Feng was relieved in her mind. Everything Bai Qingfeng did was for Yun Xiang. Yun Xiang was right to get such a person to grow old with him.

“If that’s the case, I’ll leave the pharmaceutical segment to you.” Yun Feng had seen Bai Qingfeng’s strength with her own eyes. Bai Qingfeng’s identity was certainly fine. The son-in-law of the Yun family certainly wasn’t an outsider. In this way, the Yun family wouldn’t suffer any loss when she participated in the younger generation segment.

“Have you told the three elders that Yun Xiang is pregnant?” asked Yun Feng. Bai Qingfeng shook his head. “I haven’t told anyone yet. I’m just afraid that Xiao Xiang will have a bad reaction if she finds out. I can be completely at ease now that you’re back.”

Yun Feng nodded. The three elders would definitely be delighted when they heard the news. The entire Yun family would definitely be delighted!

“Let’s talk about breaking through to the God Level later.”

“Of course. Everything will have to wait until Xiao Xiang gives birth,” said Bai Qingfeng. Yun Feng got up. “Take good care of Yun Xiang. I’ll leave first.”

Bai Qingfeng also got up. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of her. Nothing will go wrong.”

Yun Feng turned around and left with a smile. Mu Canghai, who was next to her, heard Yun Feng’s low laughter. “Mu Canghai, another little life of the Yun family is about to be born.” There was joy on Yun Feng’s face. Mu Canghai also put on a smile. Yun Feng looked ahead with her black eyes. “The Yun family will return to the position of the first-rate family. Treat it as a gift for this kid.”

Due to Yun Xiang’s pregnancy, there was a huge change in the candidates of the Yun family for the advancement of forces. Yun Feng directly fought on behalf of Yun Xiang. Luckily, Bai Qingfeng was here, or the Yun family wouldn’t have any chance of winning in the pharmaceutical stage at all. The Yun family was also very lucky to have got a son-in-law who knew how to make medicine back then.

In the five rounds, the Yun family was almost certain to win the potion round and the younger generation round. If they wanted to pull the Shentu family down as expected, they would have to find the third round that they would definitely win. It certainly couldn’t be the leader competition. Even though the three elders of the Yun family weren’t necessarily worse than the Shentu family’s master, if the elders used too much of their strength in this round and risked their lives too hard, the Yun family would definitely suffer a heavy loss if anything happened. They would certainly just deal with this round of competition between the leaders casually. The strength of the three elders of the Yun family must be preserved 100% just in case.

Next was the competition of the second echelons. The strength of the older generation of the Yun family was fixed. Even if they could improve it through special means, the effect might not be much better and it could easily cause unnecessary trouble later. They could only try their best in this segment.

There was only one last segment left, the competition of the family’s foundation. There was still no telling what the competition of the family foundation was like right now. If they were to compare the rarity of the things they took out, Yun Feng believed that the existence of the Golden Cauldron Tree would definitely give the Yun family a high chance of winning. After all, Yun Feng had poached the only Golden Cauldron Tree of the Shentu family and there wasn’t much left in the Shentu family’s Treasure Mirror. Unless the mastermind supporting the Shentu family behind them was willing to support them, the Yun family would definitely win.

What could they offer? Yun Feng sneered. There might be a lot of rare treasures in the world, but she definitely had as many as anyone else did. Ultimate Crystal Beasts, the Dragon Palace, the Finger Spiritual Jade and the Golden Cauldron Tree. Any one of them was enough to shock the world, not to mention the Magic Beasts with extraordinary bloodlines that Yun Feng contracted. The Magic Beasts of summoners could certainly be considered a part of the family’s foundation. Yun Feng smiled. So, the Shentu family couldn’t compare to the Yun family in terms of foundation.

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