Genius Summoner

Chapter 1146 - 1146 Just Lucky. So? (2)

1146 Just Lucky. So? (2)

There was a period for rest after the team competition. It wasn’t a long time. One week. Then, it was the individual competition. The final ranking depended on the total points in the team competition and the individual competition. In other words, Yun Feng gave up the opportunity of additional points from the beasts, which gave the other two schools a chance to surpass her in the individual competition.

Speaking of this, even though everyone from Juxing felt that it was a pity, Yun Feng’s decision certainly couldn’t be wrong. After saying that regretfully, Rong Xin burst into laughter again. “Are you kidding me? That third uncle of the Wei family doesn’t look like a good person and he even seems to have a conflict with my junior sister. We can’t let him get away with it for nothing!”

The other members of the Juxing School certainly agreed. In their eyes, whoever had a grudge against Yun Feng would be their common enemy.

The individual competitions that followed would only be about individual strength. Even though a week was a bit short, they could more or less consolidate their strength. The Fifth Elder went out again, as if he was meeting someone. The people of the Juxing School certainly went into seclusion to practice and strive to improve in a week.

The next seven days were absolutely quiet. The Star Cloud School and Huafeng wouldn’t be stupid enough to provoke them. They were probably holding back their anger and exerting themselves secretly. Even though there was a gap in the team competition, it could be made up for in the individual competition. Juxing would face the fierce firepower of the Star Cloud School and Huafeng again in the individual competition. However, the people of Juxing were all indifferent. Other people had potions too, but not everyone had potions mixed with the Golden Cauldron Fluid.

While everyone was cultivating in peace, Yun Feng had already entered the Dragon Palace. She wanted Er Lei to answer her many questions. As soon as she entered the Dragon Palace, Qu Lanyi had already opened his eyes and smiled at Yun Feng warmly. Yun Feng glanced around and found that Er Lei was in a far corner.

“Why is he standing so far away?” Yun Feng asked suspiciously. Qu Lanyi chuckled and made a pleasant sound deep in his throat, kissing Yun Feng’s cheek. “Who knows? Perhaps he likes to be alone.”

Yun Feng, whose cheeks were slightly red, looked at Qu Lanyi’s eyes that were as black as the night. She stood on her tiptoes gently and her soft and slender body approached, kissing the man’s cheek gently. A hint of dark red flashed through Qu Lanyi’s eyes and then disappeared quickly.

“I’ll go find him.” Yun Feng whispered and quickly walked over. Qu Lanyi, on the other hand, stared at Yun Feng’s back. He gently put his finger on his cheek and touched the place where he was kissed just then. A faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. His wife seemed to have learned to express herself.

Er Lei, who was standing in the corner and thinking about something, keenly noticed the sound of footsteps behind him. He immediately turned around and was relieved when he found that it was Yun Feng. “F*ck, I thought it was…”

Seeing that Er Lei was obviously relieved, Yun Feng couldn’t help but feel puzzled in her mind and she stared at him for a while. Yun Feng sat on the ground and patted the ground, asking Er Lei to sit down too. Er Lei didn’t care about trifles and sat down very straightly. “What do you want from me?”

Yun Feng nodded with a smile. “A lot of things.”

Er Lei opened his mouth and showed his sharp white teeth. “What do you want to ask? Tell me.”

Yun Feng pondered for a while in her mind and finally said, “First question. Why did that Emperor-Level Magic Beast call you sir?”

Er Lei was stunned. He scratched his head with his hand. “F*ck, who knows why that guy calls me that?”

“You don’t know?” Yun Feng raised her brows. Er Lei put his hand on his knee. “If I say I don’t know, I don’t know.”

Even though Yun Feng didn’t know much about Er Lei, she could tell from the way he spoke and did things that he was a man of his word. If he said he didn’t know, he definitely didn’t know. “Alright, I’ll pass. What’s your original form?”

This question stunned Er Lei for a long time. In the end, he seemed to be a bit angry and shouted, “Original form? I’m afraid I’ll scare you to death if I tell you my original form!”

Yun Feng burst into laughter after hearing that. “I really want to know what this original form that can scare me to death is.”

Seeing the smile on Yun Feng’s face, Er Lei was a bit embarrassed and angry. He suddenly stood up. “F*ck, I usually don’t tell people. This time, since you want to know so badly, I’ll tell you!” Er Lei’s loud voice also attracted Qu Lanyi’s attention. He looked over indifferently with his black eyes. After understanding what Er Lei meant, he raised his beautiful eyebrows slightly and walked over.

Yun Feng also stood up and was prepared to hear this answer that could scare her to death. Er Lei put his hands on his hips and looked at Yun Feng, taking a deep breath. “Listen up! My original form is… a dragon!”

Yun Feng was immediately stunned. Qu Lanyi couldn’t help but widen his eyes. Dragon? The original form of Er Lei was… a dragon?

“Dragon?” Yun Feng said in surprise. Er Lei burst into laughter. “What do you think, Yun Feng? Are you extremely surprised? Do you find it unbelievable? Hahahaha!”

Yun Feng looked at Er Lei and was a bit suspicious. Dragon? Was Er Lei really a member of the Dragons? This… didn’t seem very reliable.

“This answer is beyond my expectation.” A lazy male voice came, which made Er Lei shiver. He suddenly turned around and saw Qu Lanyi walking leisurely and standing next to Yun Feng. There was a faint luster in his black eyes. “If you’re a dragon, take on your original form.”

Er Lei was stunned. Yun Feng also nodded. “Er Lei, since you’re a dragon, show me your original form. Are you a Black Dragon or a Red Dragon?”

“F*ck, why should I transform just because you ask me to?!”

Qu Lanyi raised his brows. “You’re not transforming? Are you bragging?”

“I’m not bragging. I’m a dragon to begin with!”

“If you’re a dragon, why don’t you transform?”

“If I don’t want to transform, I won’t. Why should I listen to you?”

“Oh, it seems that you’re still bragging. You’re probably just jealous of the appearance of the Dragons and wants to glorify yourself.”

“Damn it! I’m a dragon! I’m not glorifying myself. I’m a dragon to begin with!”

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