Gate of God

Chapter 587 - An Odd Pretense

Chapter 587: An Odd Pretense

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

“If you answer correctly, I won’t smash it!” Su Qing, who was shivering, said as he stared at Fang Zhengzhi atop the capital gates.

Of course, he knew what Fang Zhengzhi was up to.

But he was also aware of his situation. It felt as though he was a drunk lady pressed under a huge, burly man.

With every inch of her body groped by him.

Although resistance was futile, she would still struggle and scream “No! Stop! Save me! Please let me go…”

It was useless.

But if she didn’t scream, what else could she do? Well, she couldn’t just shut her mouth or shout “yes, yes, hug me tight, fuck me harder”, right?

Obviously, it was impossible.

So, Su Qing could only shout. And he must shout something that he felt would allow his opponent to free him, though his chances are extremely minute.


When Fang Zhengzhi’s said that, many thoughts flashed by Su Qing’s mind. Then he clenched his teeth and shouted: “You did it on purpose?”

“Your answer is correct!” Fang Zhengzhi was pleased with Su Qing’s response, then he smiled and said: “But the time’s up!”


Time’s up?

What an insult!

It was truly an insult, an insult so plain that one could not resist. Though Su Qing knew what would happen, it was difficult to contain the anger in his heart.

“Blurgh…” A mouthful of blood spurted out of Su Qing’s mouth. Then he watched Fang Zhengzhi drop the Near-Life Gate onto the Four Appearances Ancient Formation. “No!”

At this moment, Su Qing was heartbroken.

But no matter how heartbroken he was, he had to accept this fatal blow. As the Near-Life Gate dropped, it smashed onto the Four Appearances Ancient Formation.

The bronze ornament that was once attached to the capital gates began to shake as green lines flowed around it. Then they flowed faster and faster…

Until a deafening blast was heard.


A flash of light erupted, then countless pieces bronze ornaments burst out as they transformed into streaks of light, resonating with the cries of the injured, moving through the bodies of the Northern Barbarians Army and then in various directions.

It was a shocking, yet depressing scene.

“Fang Zhengzhi, I’ll kill you!” Su Qing said with bloodshot eyes as he clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white. His burst out in a deafening growl that reverberated through the night.

In the palace.

The battle was absolutely heated, with the Palace Guards, Southern Region Army and Royal Guards all mashed into one.

Qian Wu’s eyes were bloodshot. He knew that he had lost control of this war, but he still had a glimmer of hope.


He heard a deafening blast.

The loud blast that originated from the capital gates. It was so intense that he could hear it so clearly from within the palace. And it was as though the entire Yan Capital was shaking.

“How is this possible?” Qian Wu stared the bright glare that shot up toward the heavens. Of course, he would be able to guess its location, but he never expected matters to reach this stage.

He had planned so meticulously for ages.

Everything had been flawless, from the arrangements within the palace to the four walls of the capital. Everything was carefully deliberated and thought through.

And victory was in sight.

Then, how could this happen?

Qian Wu’s gleamed of intense coldness, staring straight at Emperor Lin Mubai who was not too far away. Of course, he could choose to fight this war till the very end.

But if he fought on, what would the result be?

No one knows!

In some obscure residence within Yan Capital.

Moonlight cascaded from the heavens and shone upon a lady who was standing by an arbor, her snowy white dress radiated a silvery glow.

“Young Lord, Domain Chief Ying has sent me to deliver this!” A black figure walked into the courtyard, kneeled in front of the lady and presented it to her.

He was holding on to something that resembled a mirror. A complicated symbol was carved on its side. It seemed very immaculate.

But compared to a normal mirror, this mirror wasn’t reflective at all. Or rather, it was darkness. Pitch darkness.

“Hmm.” The lady nodded as she reached out to receive the mirror, her slender fingers lightly caressed the mirror of darkness.


It made a tiny sound.

The black mirror suddenly lit up, like moonlight shining upon a dark lake. A piece of scenic painting slowly took shape.

Mountains, sea, lotus.

Then the painting slowly turned to sand, drifting about in the air, forming an image of an ancient city at dusk.

Then the sand transformed into a dense forest…

And after some time, the pictures disappeared. The mirror returned to its initial darkness without a sliver of reflection.

“There are only thirteen Heaven Dao Sage Tablets?” As the lady watched all these changes, she furrowed her brows and thought deeply.

“Domain Chief Ying had searched the whole of Prince Li’s residence. There are only thirteen of them.” The black figure replied respectfully.

“Hmm, it seems that Xing Yuanguo hasn’t found the one lost in Cang Ling Mountain!” She nodded.

“Could it really be with Fang Zhengzhi?”

“The capital gates have been penetrated?” The lady didn’t reply to his question, instead, she looked upward in the direction of the capital gates with her crystal clear eyes.

“Yes, Domain Chief Ying said that Great Xia Dynasty’s response was quicker than we had imagined. Now that the Heaven Dao Sage Tablet had been seized, he asks for Young Lord to leave quickly and that he will handle the rest!”

“Let’s go.”


At the eastern gates of Yan Capital.

Fang Zhengzhi curled his lips, smiling nonchalantly at Su Qing. He was well aware of how Su Qing was feeling now. But for him to rashly declare that he will kill Fang Zhengzhi…

Wasn’t he a little too naïve?

Of course, these weren’t important now. The most crucial thing was that a man dressed in a scholarly attire was standing before him.

King Xieluo.

“Not running anymore?” King Xieluo asked.

“Of course I’m running.” Fang Zhengzhi said truthfully.

“Where to?” King Xieluo nodded, then looked at the shattered capital gates beneath, and the broken pieces of bronze.

“Outside of the capital.” Fang Zhengzhi replied.

“It seems you’re ready to jump down. But are you sure you can?” King Xieluo smiled slightly, making his devilish face even creepier.

“Well, let’s try.” Fang Zhengzhi smiled back.

“Alright, we’ll see.” King Xieluo nodded again.

“So, I’m going to jump.”


“I’m really going to jump!”

“Go ahead!”

“I’m jumping now!” As Fang Zhengzhi finished his sentence, he turned around and ran toward the edge of the wall.

And King Xieluo moved too.

Like a ghost, he instantly reached behind Fang Zhengzhi, then with his hand, he pushed toward the back of Fang Zhengzhi’s head.

And like King Xieluo had said…

Fang Zhengzhi couldn’t jump down, because King Xieluo was too fast.

At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi dropped the Near-Life Gate from his hands. Or rather, it slipped out of his hands.

And the giant Near-Life Gate blocked King Xieluo’s push.

“Hehe…” King Xieluo curled his lips. He wasn’t surprised at Fang Zhengzhi’s moves. To use his strength for his own benefit? How would he not expect this?

Thus, he didn’t run around either side, or leap above, or push at the Near-Life Gate with his palm. He just lowered his body and slid under the Near-Life Gate.

Then his devilish body appeared right in front of Fang Zhengzhi, staring at Fang Zhengzhi with his strange eyes, while the curved horns on his head gleamed a golden glow.

“So, what are you going to do now?” King Xieluo smiled. He raised his palm again, charging at Fang Zhengzhi, ready to push him.

Closing on…

When that he was about to strike him, King Xieluo squinted his eyes, because he realized that Fang Zhengzhi was not at all panicking or fearful.

On the contrary, he was very calm.

It was as though he hadn’t noticed King Xieluo’s palm.

“Oh, so that’s why!” King Xieluo’s flashed a glimmer, then retracted the palm that was about to strike Fang Zhengzhi.


A deafening crash.

The entire capital wall was shaking, then a streak of red light shone behind King Xieluo. As red as blood, yet as hellishly threatening.

A huge blast wave spread outwards.

The Northern Barbarian Army who was stationed on the capital walls were blown onto the walls.

And Su Qing rolled from the sheer impact of the blast.

It was truly shocking.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to the figure standing behind King Xieluo. A very plain figure.

And at the capital beneath him were many such figures.

The Four Appearances Ancient Formation had been destroyed.

The blockade on the top of the capital walls was destroyed, too. With the capital gates open, they could see what was happening outside of the capital.

Countless black figures, on their horses, gathered outside the capital walls. All of them carried a bow on their backs and a dagger by their waists.

The Yan Cloud Cavalry.

This name unanimously appeared among the minds of the Northern Barbarians Army. It was easy to guess the identity of this person standing on the wall.

He was dressed identically to the Yan Cloud Cavalry beneath.

And as the Northern Barbarians Army lived in the northern region, they certainly knew who he was. Prince Yan Qianli, the Chief of Western Liang.

“He dares to go against the Demon King?”

“What is going on?”

“Even if he was Yan Qianli, this is impossible!”

The Northern Barbarians Army was astounded. The Mountain Breaking Army, too. They knew Yan Qianli was powerful, but it would be exaggerating if he was powerful enough to fight the Demon King.

But the matter of fact was…

Yan Qianli stood his ground, in front of King Xieluo, without even taking a step back.

“Interesting. This has become more and more interesting. Alright, since you’re here, let me enjoy this further.” King Xieluo turned slowly toward Yan Qianli who was standing at the end of the wall.

“Yes, it wasn’t easy for me to come here. It would only be polite for me to have some fun here!” Yan Qianli said with his hoarse but mighty voice.

“Old Mister Yan, you’re late to the party!” At this moment, someone had arrived beside Fang Zhengzhi, his large gown flapping in the wind.

Then three more promptly reached the scene, too.

Prince Li of the First Rank, Yan Xiu, Shan Yu, and Ping Yang.

“Grandfather!” Yan Xiu noticed Fang Zhengzhi behind King Xieluo and heaved a sigh of relief, then greeted Yan Qianli.

“Um.” Yan Qianli nodded. Then he looked around, and said: “Sigh, it’s just merely a junior Demon King, does the Yan Capital need to be in such a mess?”

“A junior Demon King?!”

“Yan Qianli said, ‘merely a junior demon king’?”

Even the Mountain Breaking Army, not to mention the Northern Barbarians Army, watched with surprise. Was there a difference in rank for a Demon King?


It was indeed the Demon King!

Even a sage might not defeat the Demon King, because demons were naturally stronger than humans.

But Yan Qianli had said it.

And even said it so casually in the presence of the Yan Cloud Cavalry, King Xieluo, the Northern Barbarians Army and the Mountain Breaking Army.

Even Fang Zhengzhi froze momentarily. But he thought differently from the others. He felt that Yan Xiu’s grandfather was…

Faking it!

But wasn’t it a little odd?

Shouldn’t things like putting up a pretense be done by the younger generation like himself? Why would an old man fake something out of nowhere?

“Old Mister Yan, we know you are the mighty Prince Li, but couldn’t you be a little humbler? Can you wipe that arrogance of your face?” Prince Li of the First Rank was initially stunned, but he didn’t give it much thought and shook his head in disappointment.

“Being humble? That’s what you enjoy, but I’m not interested. If you want to be humble, you can watch from aside. Let me handle this little Demon King!” As Yan Qianli replied, he took a step toward King Xieluo while taking off his cloak.

His long, silvery hair fell out from the cloaked and draped on his shoulders.

Everyone had their full attention on Yan Qianli, because he hadn’t stepped out of Western Liang for a long time, and never revealed his face.

He was wearing a mask.

It was a mask made of gold, with green fangs and a fierce face. It even featured six blood-red clouds.

“A mask?!”

“Yan Qianli has been wearing a mask?”

“What is going on?”

When everyone had their eyes on Yan Qianli’s mask, they were totally baffled. Because they knew the purpose of his trip to the capital was to attend the grand feast at the Ten Mile Lake.

This meant that he had seen the emperor.

Had he been wearing the mask in the feast at the Ten Mile Lake?

Why was he wearing a mask?

Many questions rose in their minds.

But when Prince Li of the First Rank saw this, he was stunned, while his eyes glimmered with rainbow colors.

“Old Mister Yan, you…”

“Ha ha ha…” Yan Qianli laughed. He didn’t immediately reply to Prince Li of the First Rank. Slowly, he pressed against his mask and took it off.

And a young face was revealed. Sharp eyebrows, big eyes, and glistening, flawless skin.

A face no older than the age of thirty!

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