Gamers of the Underworld

Chapter 452 - Polio’s Request for Help

Chapter 452: Polio’s Request for Help

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Dragonborn was captured by the Wyvern. To be precise, he was riding on the Wyvern’s back.

His name was fitting for his current situation.

The gamers were agitated when they saw Dragonborn being whisked off by the Wyvern and immediately uploaded the video to the discussion forum.

They thought Dragonborn would appear and write about his Wyvern-riding experience. The gamers waited for a long time, but Dragonborn didn’t create any posts in the discussion forum.

Dragonborn wouldn’t go offline. It wasn’t easy to get the chance to travel together with the Wyvern. If he were to go offline, his opportunity might be gone.

“Is that how a Hidden Mission is triggered by the Wyvern’s Plot? Dragonborn is awesome!”

“I feel that we’re the stepping stones for Dragonborn. I was burnt alive right after the mission commenced. That’s too much for me.”

“You’re all bad. You attempted capturing the Wyvern without telling us. If we knew about it, we would have suggested that you hook yourselves to the Wyvern’s body, just like Dragonborn.”

“Is Dragonborn the rider of the Wyvern? He could have some awesome achievements.”

“It’s hilarious. Where did this awesome gamer come from?”

The gamers enthusiastically discussed Dragonborn’s experience with the Wyvern on the discussion forum.

Most of the discussions involved gamers of Victoria City. The gamers of Eternal Kingdom weren’t interested, as they were busy rebuilding the Gundam.

In the Dungeon Lord Main Hall of Eternal Kingdom.

A black kitten was sprawled lazily in his own dwelling. Above him was a parrot who was pacing around.

Eggface was sitting in front of the computer, typing furiously on the keyboard. He was working and chatting with the gamers who were queuing up online to chat with him. He would help provide solutions for the problems faced by the gamers or record their feedback on the game. He would then reflect his findings to Sherlock during his free time.

Eggface seldom encountered gamers who were asking for help in solving their game-related problems. Most of them wanted to chat with Eggface, whom they thought was a lady Black Dragon.

“I’m getting restless. Can we have something like the battle at Specter College?”

The parrot paced restlessly on the cabinet.

“It has only been around ten days since our last battle. What are you thinking about, meow?” Polio said as he looked at the parrot.

“I feel that Lord Sherlock has the charisma of Michelangelo. Why don’t we coax Lord Sherlock into attacking Winterfell? If we can occupy it as our Stronghold, it will be a good start for our world conquest,” the parrot said excitedly.

However, Polio disagreed, saying, “Perhaps you were locked up for too long. You don’t understand the current times, meow. Do you know about Magic Cannons? It’s a Magic Weapon that can blow half a mountain to bits with a single shot. Even if Lord Sherlock were to take a direct hit, it wouldn’t be pretty, meow. Let’s not even bring up the Gundam.”

The parrot scoffed at Polio and said, “So what? Lord Sherlock is powerful, but he’s still far from Michelangelo at his prime. I feel that Lord Sherlock is an interesting Devil. If he’s willing to conquer the world, he might just succeed.”

The parrot and Polio were solemnly discussing whether Lord Sherlock would conquer the world. Eggface, who was working on his computer, said, “What are you talking about? Conquering the world? Impossible.”

Eggface shook his head without hesitation as he said, “Because only I, the King of Darkness, Master of the Mystical Flames, Hades Ruler, can conquer the world…”

Footsteps were heard outside the Dungeon Lord Main Hall, and someone opened the door handle.

“Lord Sherlock. Besides Lord Sherlock, I won’t support any other creature who is conquering the world,” said the bragging Eggface, suddenly changing his tune.

The door was opened, but Lord Sherlock didn’t walk in. Instead, it was Brainiac who carried the tortoise.

The tortoise was the commander of the Ancient Gods army, Frangipani, who created a big mess in Specter College ten days ago.

Specter College suffered great losses due to Frangipani. Besides the one-tenth of the students who lost their bodies, even the principal of Specter College perished.

The students who lost their bodies could revive using their soul boxes, but it was different for the principal. He was deemed guilty of reviving Frangipani by the Specter Committee and sentenced to death. His execution occurred a day before.

His bones were burnt to ashes, and his soul box was destroyed.

It was tragic. With his execution, Professor Bacon became the new principal of Specter College.

Based on their cordial relationship, Sherlock and Specter College signed a new agreement.

The new agreement included the gamers of Victoria City as the combatants for the graduation examinations. The last principal wasn’t happy with the participation of Humans, Elves, and Fairies, but Professor Bacon signed the agreement without much consideration.

Before long, the gamers of Victoria City could challenge the Instance Dungeon of Specter College.

Brainiac walked in and put the tortoise in the new glass tank bought by Sherlock.

The water in the glass tank wasn’t a special liquid but common underground water. Sherlock found that even if he helped to treat the injuries of the tortoise, he would go against Sherlock, doing things like knocking his head against the glass tank.

Though a glass tank didn’t cost much, Sherlock still felt the pain. The tortoise didn’t have money, and Sherlock couldn’t sell him for money.

Brainiac left after placing the tortoise in the glass tank.

“Let’s see who’s back.”

The parrot flew down to the side of the glass tank and gazed at the tortoise Frangipani as he teased.

Eggface and Polio walked to the tank and looked at the tortoise. They were curious about what kind of punishment Frangipani received.

Besides feeling mentally exhausted, Frangipani’s body seemed intact.

“Didn’t you die? I thought Lord Sherlock would kill you, meow,” Polio said as he tapped on the glass tank.

The tortoise was in the glass tank, looking at the three animals outside. He became fierce and looked as if he was constipated.

“Are you thinking of breaking Lord Sherlock’s Rune Mana?” the parrot asked as he observed the tortoise’s expression.

After hearing the parrot, Polio said, “It looks like it, meow! It looks like the other time. It’s the same expression, meow.”

Polio was referring to the parrot by the side.

To Frangipani, these insolent creatures were laughing at him, but he wasn’t bothered by them.

It was only a common failure. Though Brainiac’s experiments were frightening, they weren’t able to daunt him.

He was once the highest commander of the Ancient Gods army. It was a joke that he was being kept like a tortoise in a glass tank. He wasn’t a pet tortoise!

He wouldn’t yield!

Sherlock didn’t have time to contemplate the feelings of his pets. He didn’t keep them for fun or because he thought that they were cute. Polio, Phoenix, and Frangipani weren’t cute.

He required their help at certain times. For the rest of the time, they could stay in Eternal Kingdom and eat, sleep, and drink well.

They were all prominent characters. If Sherlock were to kill them, it would be a waste. It was better for them to stay in the Dungeon. He could use them as henchmen when appropriate. Most importantly, he didn’t have to pay them a salary. Where could Sherlock find such good labor?

Right now, Sherlock needed Polio’s help.

“Meow? Lord Sherlock, are you serious, meow? You’re going to have me be your dance partner for the Merchants’ Gala of the Merchant Alliance, meow?”

Sherlock returned to Eternal Kingdom and informed his pets about the invitation to the Merchant Alliance’s event. He wanted Polio to become his female dance partner for the event.

Polio couldn’t believe it. He was a tomcat. Even if he wasn’t a kitten, he was still a male Devil.

“It’s only a disguise. The event requires all participants to have a dance partner. It’s decided. You’ll prepare yourself as my dance partner for the rest of the time,” Sherlock said to Polio.

Sherlock left after speaking to Polio, who was deep in thought while the parrot was having a great time teasing him. Frangipani still had the expression of constipation in the glass tank. As for Eggface, he was engrossed in his computer game and had no idea what had happened.

“Lord Sherlock, is that your choice? I thought you would choose that unreliable Succubus or Queen Victoria. They were the only two female candidates in your list,” Bru spoke to Sherlock in his mind.

“Evelynn and Lilo? Forget it. They aren’t in my consideration,” Sherlock said casually.

“I understand. I fully understand. After the embarrassing event at the Drama Theater, it’s understandable that you’re not considering them. Nobody likes to be in the Asura Arena, though it’s exciting for a bystander. You must be feeling bad about it,” Bru said excitedly.

Sherlock didn’t respond to him. He was busy taking stock of the compensation and reward materials delivered by the Specter Committee and Merchant Alliance.

Polio was left with a difficult problem.

How could he be a qualified dance partner?

If it were other creatures, Polio would have scolded them. He was one of the 72 Devils of Michelangelo. Now, he had to disguise himself as a female dance partner. It was killing him.

Polio had no idea what kind of creature he was going to disguise as.

Should he go for a cute look, a sweet look, a mature look, or an Ancient God’s look?

Polio didn’t have any experience being the graceful dance partner of a superior Devil. As the subordinate of a Great Devil who almost conquered the world, he only knew how to fight and disguise himself for collecting intelligence. He wasn’t required to be a dance partner during Michelangelo’s time.

Previously, the Dungeons were platforms for battle and bloodshed.

Dancing at a gala event?


Polio had a splitting headache. Eggface gave him a suggestion, “Why don’t you ask those gamers with green symbols above their heads? Though they are crazy at times, they are good with this kind of problem.”

Asking those undead gamers of Eternal Kingdom? Polio thought that it wasn’t a good idea, but he was left with no choice.

Though Lord Sherlock looked gentle, he wasn’t an easy Devil to deal with, especially when he was fighting them.

Polio had been imprisoned in the Ogre Fortress. The memories of being badly beaten up were still fresh in his mind. What about the parrot? He was once a phoenix, but now, he was beaten to become a parrot who went bonkers at times.

The tortoise in the glass tank was in a perpetual state of constipation, as shown by his expression. Who would believe that he was Frangipani, the highest commander of the ruling Ancient Gods army millions of years ago?

It was tragic.

Though Lord Sherlock didn’t use violent language to intimidate them, his actions spoke louder than words.

Now that Lord Sherlock had given him such a mission, if he didn’t perform well, Polio didn’t dare to think of the consequences.

After much consideration, he walked out of the Dungeon Lord Main Hall and shouted at an Orc who was carrying bricks. Polio asked him solemnly, “Do you know how to become a qualified dance partner? Tell me, and I’ll give an appropriate reward, meow.”

“Gosh, I got a Strange Encounter while carrying bricks!”

The first reaction of the gamer wasn’t to think and answer Polio’s question. He was excited, and the bricks in his hands fell to the ground.

Though the gamer was excited, he recovered from his exhilaration. He didn’t shout loudly since it was late at night and almost dawn. There weren’t many gamers around, but some gamers noticed him and wanted to ask him if he triggered a Strange Encounter Missions. He merely carried Polio and ran towards his Guild Stronghold.

“What did you say? You wanted me to tell you how to become a qualified dance partner? Of course, I can answer that. I can also help you. What rewards do I get?” the gamer asked excitedly.

“Don’t worry, It’s a generous reward if you tell me, meow.”

Polio used a tempting tone to speak to the gamer. As a Devil, he knew how to tempt common creatures to help him. Though he hadn’t done this for many years, he was still good at it. What kind of a reward would a creature obtain by helping a Devil?

“Please wait, I’ll help you find out!” the gamer shouted and fell to the ground, sleeping.

Polio squatted in front of the gamer. He wasn’t anxious or puzzled.

The gamers would faint occasionally. No matter what they did, the gamers wouldn’t wake unless they woke up on their own.

Polio didn’t wait for long before the gamer sat up.

“Apologies for keeping you waiting. I have many books on how to become a qualified dance partner. Take a look at them.”

The gamers dictated a series of book titles like “Etiquette of Smart People”, “Polite and Charming Conversation Techniques”, “Complete Guide of the Waltz from Beginning to Giving Up”, “Sherlie’s Deception Methods”.

Polio left after the gamer finished speaking. These books were of no use to Polio.

The gamer watched Polio leave. He wanted to stop Polio, but he was helpless. He looked depressed as his Strange Encounter Mission disappeared.

The heartbroken gamer decided to expose everything in the discussion forum.

He didn’t expect his post to create a series of chain reactions and cause unexpected consequences.

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