Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 327

327 Opening the Boxes

Although the children wanted to see what was in the cave, the adults still chased them away just in case.

Then, they asked Chi Tu and the others to go into the cave with ropes and slowly bring the boxes down.


They did not know how big the cave was, but there were 40 to 50 boxes inside.

Initially, everyone thought that there were only one or two boxes. When they saw more and more boxes being lowered down, the villagers’ expressions changed.

“Could this be some kind of treasure?”

“If there are only a few things, we can keep them for ourselves in our village. If there are too many things, won’t we have to hand them over to the authorities?”

“This must have been left behind by the Great General, right? With so many things taken out, will the officials surround our village and chase us away?”

“Now that you mention it, there really is such a possibility!”

“That’s impossible! Our family has been living here for generations. Where else can we go if we’re chased out?”

“Why don’t we pretend that we didn’t see anything and put these boxes back…”

Village Chief Hu’s expression darkened as he listened to the villagers speak. “Alright, carry the things to the courtyard first. Don’t say such depressing words.”

Moreover, when had Ah Yu ever harmed them?

If not for the fact that they were afraid that the child’s luck would be ruined, they would have wanted to build a temple for Little Ah Yu and pray to her.

However, at the thought that Old Madam Wang would chase after everyone with a broom, he could only thank Ah Yu in his heart from time to time.

Everyone sent the boxes to the courtyard outside the ancestral hall in the village.

Not all the villagers could watch the scene. They chased out those villagers who were not very tight-lipped and called in the people who had authority in the village.

Originally, the contents of the boxes shouldn’t be shown to everyone. It would be best if the village chief’s people opened it privately. However, now that everyone in the village knew about this event, it would be problematic to hide everything.

Honestly, it was just to avoid unnecessary trouble.

The Wang Family was also present.

Old Master Hu and the other elders sat at the top. “Open it.”

A few strong folks stepped forward and opened the boxes one by one.

Unexpectedly, there was no gold, silver, or silk. Still, it was not trash.

“Eh, I’ve never seen these things before.” One of the villagers walked towards a box and muttered as he looked at the things inside. “They look a little like armor, but not that similar.”

Indeed, upon closer inspection, the things inside the boxes looked like pieces of armor, but they were scattered and did not look like complete pieces.

Most of the other boxes were also filled with these things.

They felt like jade but were not jade, like iron but not iron. The material was cold to the touch. When they made contact, they sounded like metal colliding, but the material was very soft.

Old Master Hu held a piece in his hand and looked at it for a long time. Under everyone’s puzzled gazes, he hesitated and said, “Perhaps this is a part of an armor, but it hasn’t been assembled yet.”

Perhaps because it had been too long, the thing that once connected the armor had broken, leaving only these pieces.

It was not impossible. After all, there was still some unknown powder in the box. He did not know if it was because the rope had weathered.

“What is this?” Another villager approached the other boxes and removed the topmost cloth. A cloud of dust burst out, and the contents were revealed.

Everyone recognized the things inside this time. It was a box full of books.

This time, without waiting for the others to say anything, Old Master Hu picked up the book at the top.

The material of the book was especially soft, as if it could disintegrate if one was not careful.

This time, Old Master Hu’s eyes lit up. “It’s a long-lost military book!”

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