Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 325

325 Cave

Today, the boys were busy watching the pigs being slaughtered in the village. Some of them took the opportunity to play by the river before the weather turned completely cold.

Bian Dan brought Little Ah Yu to the back of the mountain. When the little lamb saw that its little master finally stopped trying to watch the pigs being slaughtered, it shook its legs and followed.


“Little Sister Ah Yu, your body is really good. I feel tired even after climbing up here. You haven’t even sweated.” There were several mountains at the back of the mountain. The mountain where Third Aunt Hu’s banana trees were found was at the highest point. They climbed for an hour before reaching the top.

Bian Dan was already panting from exhaustion, but Little Ah Yu’s face was not red and she was not panting.

She didn’t even sweat.

Little Ah Yu chuckled and patted her chest. “That’s because I practice martial arts!”

Bian Dan was a little envious. “Is martial arts really that good? Can I practice martial arts too?”

“Of course. I’ll teach you,” Little Ah Yu said. “It’s very simple!”

Bian Dan was excited at first, but she quickly became depressed. “My mother will definitely not agree. It’s useless for girls to practice martial arts.”

Not to mention practicing martial arts, even when Old Master Hu asked the villagers to study, Third Aunt Hu did not allow Bian Dan to go. She said that it was useless for girls to learn so much.

Actually, Bian Dan really wanted to study.

Listening to the children in the village recite poems from time to time, she was especially envious. She felt that she was different from these children.

Little Ah Yu thought for a moment and said, “Who said it’s useless? There are still female teachers in town. My mother is a female teacher! She’s not very literate either, but she still teaches us how to recognize things in school every day. Moreover, if you learn martial arts, when you grow up, you can teach everyone martial arts. Why do you say it’s useless?”

“Big Sister Bian Dan, everything we learn is useful!”

Bian Dan had never been to town before. When she heard that a woman could be a teacher, she was extremely surprised.

Actually, it was also Little Ah Yu and the others’ fault. A woman could never be a teacher, unless it was the kind of female teacher who specializes in home schooling.

However, the Yang Family Private School was not that particular. Mr. Yang’s wife also taught the children how to recognize things. Liu Shi happened to be able to take over her job.

Originally, the families who sent their children to the private school were not too particular. As long as the school could take good care of the children and not disturb them at home, everything would be fine.

However, Little Ah Yu’s words caused a storm in Bian Dan’s heart.

Many years later, Bian Dan would become a famous educator of the Great Chang Nation. She taught generation after generation of outstanding students and told them that women could also be very strong. From time to time, she would still remember the cute little girl on the mountain who told her with a smile that every bit of knowledge was very useful.

At this point, Bian Dan just said hesitantly, “Then I’ll give it a try.”

If her mother did not agree, she would practice secretly.

Little Ah Yu whispered, “My Big Brothers all know martial arts. Third Brother and Fifth Brother’s martial arts are very good. You can learn from them.”

Bian Dan: “Alright.”

Bian Dan finally located the two banana trees, found a vine and a wooden stick, tied the sickle to it, and cut off two bundles of ripe bananas.

The two of them enjoyed a few bananas under the tree first.

As she ate, Little Ah Yu saw something vaguely on the mountain wall.

“Big Sister Bian Dan, what’s that?”

Bian Dan followed Little Ah Yu’s finger and saw a mountain wall between the neighboring mountains. Vines hung from it.

“It’s nothing.” Bian Dan shook her head.

“No, look, there seems to be a cave there.” Little Ah Yu took a closer look. “There’s a small cave behind that tree vine. Big Sister Bian Dan, can’t you see it?”

Bian Dan still shook her head. She didn’t think there was anything there.

Actually, it was because Little Ah Yu drank the Myriad Spirit Water every day. Her vision was no longer comparable to ordinary people. To her, the cave entrance vaguely revealed on the mountain wall was clearly visible.

However, to ordinary people, the mountain cave hidden under the vines was just a part of an ordinary cliff.

“There’s really a cave!” Little Ah Yu felt wronged.

Bian Dan said good-naturedly, “Then let’s go back and find a few good climbers to see if there’s anything there, okay?”

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