Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Book 6: Chapter 025: Revival Convention

Book 6: Chapter 025: Revival Convention

The counterattack happened extremely quickly. Nothing unexpected occurred during the offensive against the three sects and two dynasties—mainly because the other factions in the region did not interfere. Hence, Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike could repeatedly send reports of success back to Borderless Heavenly Capital.

There was a great difference between imperial dynasties and royal dynasties. The sovereign of an imperial dynasty would be in the Middle Heavenly Palace Realm or even the Upper Heavenly Palace Realm. There would also be a group of Middle Heavenly Palace Realm officials. Just like Imperial Emperor Xi Yu back then. Had Imperial Emperor Xi Yu interfered, the Han Nation’s army would have suffered many setbacks.

The surrounding factions had only just received word of Gu Hai’s return, and they were unaware of the Han Nation’s current situation. Furthermore, his infamy from the Heavenly Realm had spread. Now that Gu Hai was back and was making an example, if anyone interfered, he would not let it rest, so the imperial dynasties and middle-tier sects did nothing.

Although the Han Nation had many Lower Heavenly Palace Realm soldiers, it did not have many powerful experts of higher cultivation. Otherwise, those three major factions would not have pressed it so hard, getting all the way to Borderless Heavenly Capital.

Gao Xianzhi’s method used brute force to suppress violence, killing the sovereigns of the royal dynasties after contending against them.

Mo Yike took a soft approach. If the sect master of a sect decided to surrender, he would leave it. If they did not submit, he would use the agents he had planted to foment trouble inside. The Patron Sect surrendered, but the Azure Cloud Sect resisted to the end. However, after he sowed dissension, internal conflicts broke out. The Azure Cloud Sect Master went crazy and killed the elders, and the sect collapsed. As for Incense Burning Valley, Mo Yike killed a group, recruited a group, and a group fled.

In just a mere half a year, the five factions were eradicated. a.21895

Blessings constantly poured into Borderless Heavenly Capital.

After Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike destroyed the three sects and two dynasties, they immediately returned to the capital. The remaining matters did not require their personal attention. There were countless enthusiastic Han Nation officials wanting to prove themselves in those royal dynasties and sects. The two did not need to deal with that work and could leave the opportunity to make those contributions to others.


Blessings kept accumulating above Borderless Heavenly Capital.

Mo Yike and Gao Xianzhi returned to the Soaring Palace Hall.

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“Nation Protecting Supreme Commander, First Corps commander, Gao Xianzhi, made contributions by capturing territory, killing the Glorious Night Royal Emperor and Everlasting Governance Royal Emperor. He is conferred the Han Imperial Dynasty’s Nation Protecting Duke Third Class! He shall be rewarded with one hundred million superior-grade spirit stones!” an attendant shouted.

Gao Xianzhi took a deep breath and said with a smile, “Thank you, Your Reverence!”

“Nation Rousing Supreme Commander, Fourth Corps commander, Mo Yike, made contributions by capturing territory, recruiting the Patron Sect, leveling the Azure Cloud Sect, and destroying Incense Burning Valley. He is conferred the Han Imperial Dynasty’s Nation Rousing Duke Third Class! He shall be rewarded with one hundred million superior-grade spirit stones!” that attendant shouted.

“Thank you, Your Reverence!”

Gu Hai issued many rewards to the officials who contributed to expanding the realm.

The rewards meant that Gu Hai had let the officials’ mistakes be bygones.

“Your Reverence, the Nation Protecting Duke and the Nation Rousing Duke recaptured the cities and expanded our territory significantly. My Han Imperial Dynasty now has three hundred cities. As an imperial dynasty, we are one of the few powerful imperial dynasties!” Chen Tianshan said with a smile.

“Three hundred cities? However, it is not peaceful. The citizens’ support is unstable, and the nation’s prestige has not been established. We need to gain the citizens’ support and spread our virtuous governance,” Gu Hai said from the throne after some thought.

“Yes!” The officials nodded.

“Chen Tianshan!” Gu Hai called out.

“This official is present!”

“From today on, you will be responsible for gaining the citizens’ support. You are to monitor for virtuous governance and get the new Han Nation citizens to accept the Han Imperial Dynasty without reservation. Take the wavering hearts and turn them into hearts for the Han Nation. The support of the citizens equates to the support of heaven. We cannot lose it or suppress them. We need to respect and love them,” Gu Hai instructed.

“This official obeys!” Chen Tianshan answered.

“Your Reverence, Lord Li, the deputy minister of rites, was diligent and worked hard for the people. He previously proved the innocence of countless falsely accused citizens in Mending Heaven City, which earned him the nickname Justice Li. However, the Embroidered Uniform Guard broke into his home and captured most of his family. They even killed those who resisted. Your Reverence, Lord Li was innocent! My fellow officials and I impeach Meng Tai, the Embroidered Uniform Guard’s envoy commander. He misused his authority and harmed loyal citizens!” a minister suddenly said.

“This official seconds this! Your Reverence, please punish Meng Tai and uphold righteousness!”

“This official seconds this!”

“This official seconds this!”

Many officials immediately stepped forward and made accusations of the Embroidered Uniform Guard’s Meng Tai.

Gu Hai gently tapped the throne’s armrest. Then, he looked at Meng Tai through the bead curtain veil of his crown.

Meng Tai stepped forward.

“Reporting to Your Reverence, the Embroidered Uniform Guard received information that Lord Li, the deputy minister of rites, conspired with the Everlasting Governance Royal Dynasty. He worked with his son to open Mending Heaven City’s city gates, cooperating with the Everlasting Governance Royal Dynasty from the inside, selling the nation for personal gain. This eventually resulted in the deaths of the Mending Heaven City Lord’s family in the city lord’s official residence. He was brutal and unfeeling, committing countless evil crimes. The Embroidered Uniform Guard conducted a thorough investigation. When we entered the Li Residence, Lord Li even dared to resist, unrepentant. That’s why we killed him. Here are the charges and evidence against him. Please take a look, Your Reverence!” Meng Tai respectfully proffered a thick stack of documents.

“Hand them to my dear officials for them to see for themselves,” Gu Hai said indifferently.

“Yes!” Meng Tai handed over the documents to the officials who had stepped forward to accuse him.

The officials received the thick stack, feeling confused, then carefully examined the documents. Initially, they thought that Meng Tai had trumped up the charges. However, as they read on, their hearts pounded heavily. The evidence was ironclad, causing the officials to break out in a cold sweat.

“Your Reverence, this official was fooled by villains and misunderstood Lord Meng. I beg Your Reverence to forgive me!”

“This official was fooled by villains and misunderstood Lord Meng. I beg Your Reverence to forgive me!”

The officials immediately changed their stance and pleaded for forgiveness.

“The ignorant are not guilty,” Gu Hai said indifferently.

The officials immediately returned to their columns, conscience-stricken.

Today was just the start. The Embroidered Uniform Guard’s bloodbath was just beginning. As it relentlessly investigated the major officials, it uncovered those who conspired with outsiders while the nation had been in turmoil. Kill! Kill! Kill!

Memorials impeaching Meng Tai flooded the emperor’s study. However, Meng Tai had collected sufficient evidence before taking any action.

The Embroidered Uniform Guard gained a reputation for demonic militance. Over the past month, the Han Nation’s officials all felt like they were in danger.

Fortunately, after one month, everything calmed down; the Embroidered Uniform Guard stopped killing people. However, Gu Hai needed to start stabilizing the political environment.

Everything moved smoothly in the Han Imperial Dynasty. As it had just advanced to an imperial dynasty, there were many things to do. Fortunately, with Gu Hai at the helm, changes in laws and decrees were enacted expeditiously.

The Han Imperial Dynasty quickly shifted to the right track with the various decrees issued.

The officials across the realm did their best, continuously working hard to gain the support of the citizens in the three hundred cities.

Meanwhile, the neighboring factions sent envoys to befriend the Han Nation. Gu Hai also instructed the ministry of rites to send envoys abroad. The Han Imperial Dynasty became like an ordinary imperial dynasty, recuperating and building up its strength.

This continued until half a year later, when a guest visited the Han Imperial Dynasty.

Guan Ninth, the Heavenly Go Pavilion’s Ninth Young Master, had once played Go with Gu Hai on Nine-Five Island and had helped Gu Hai. Later on, Long Zhanguo invited him to be a host for the Ten Thousand Sages Convention, in charge of the Go Dao.

Ninth Young Master came alone, and Gu Hai gave him a cordial welcome. Gu Hai did not meet him during an assembly with grand ceremonies. Instead, he hosted a home-style meal with just the two and a group of attendants responsible for bringing food and wine.

“Ninth Young Master, it has been a long time since we parted. What brought you to my place today?” Gu Hai smiled as he raised his wine cup in a toast.

Ninth Young Master no longer had the sharp pride he had previously. Instead, he seemed somewhat bitter as he took a sip of wine. “Congratulations, Emperor Gu. The Han Nation has advanced to an imperial dynasty and is flourishing.”

Gu Hai looked at Ninth Young Master with a faint smile, waiting for Ninth Young Master to continue speaking.

“Gu Qin is Emperor Gu’s son. Hah…he should be the one to come. However, his previous visit with Prime Feng Yue established hostilities with the Han Imperial Dynasty. That’s why I have made this trip instead,” Ninth Young Master said with a bitter smile.

“Hostile? He is my son, after all. There is nothing to be hostile about. However, I am puzzled by Gu Qin’s current state. Is he really Gu Qin?” Gu Hai stared at Ninth Young Master.

Ninth Young Master nodded his head. “He is indeed Gu Qin. He had received the pavilion master’s inheritance, so he bears the pavilion master’s mark. When an inheritor of Guan Qi dies, their three spiritual souls get sent to the Heavenly Go Pavilion, and their physical body will be reconstructed. He is Gu Qin. However, he now lacks all emotions, leaving only loyalty to the pavilion master.”

“Oh? He is really Gu Qin?” Gu Hai’s expression suddenly changed.

“Yes. It is not just Gu Qin. It is the same for the Azure Emperor. They are loyal to only the pavilion master. That’s why Gu Qin’s unusual behavior and hostility are quite normal. Since the Heavenly Go Pavilion brought him back to life, he obeys only the pavilion master,” Ninth Young Master explained.

“Loyal to only Old Mister Guan Qi? They lack all emotions, even past feelings? Is there any way for them to recover?” Gu Hai asked worriedly.

“There is none. Perhaps the pavilion master might know. However, I can’t help you with this,” Ninth Young Master replied with a bitter smile.

Gu Hai showed an uncertain expression. He only let out a soft sigh after a while. Then, he bowed to Ninth Young Master. “Thank you for telling me.”

“It’s nothing much. You would learn of this sooner or later. I just mentioned it in advance,” Ninth Young Master said while shaking his head.

“I wonder, why is Ninth Young Master here?” Gu Hai asked again out of curiosity.

With a flip of his hand, Ninth Young Master took out an invitation and handed it to Gu Hai.

“This is?” Gu Hai received the invitation with curiosity.

The invitation was half black and half white. The white side had the words “Revival Convention” on it.

Revival Convention? Gu Hai’s expression changed.

“The pavilion master will revive one year later, and he invites Emperor Gu to the Thousand Islands Sea to observe,” Ninth Young Master said seriously.

Gu Hai raised his eyebrows. “Old Mister Guan Qi will revive one year later? Revival Convention? Didn’t the Six Paths Immortal eradicate him already?”

“The pavilion master has his ways to revive; hence the invitation to the masters of the two holy lands and the two heavenly dynasties and some powerful experts like Emperor Gu to observe.” Ninth Young Master smiled.

“Oh? One year later? Old Mister Guan Qi’s invitation is very early. Isn’t he afraid that someone will wreck it?” Gu Hai asked with a frown.

If one attended the ceremony with good intentions, it would be fine. However, if one harbored evil intentions and wrecked the revival process, would not all that effort go to waste?

If it were Gu Hai, he would secretly carry out the revival. Why tell the whole world?

“The pavilion master’s revival is not as simple as a simple revival. He is also bringing back the heavenly souls of everyone who died in the past eight centuries,” Ninth Young Master explained.

“What did you say? Heavenly souls?” Gu Hai’s pupils suddenly constricted.

“Yes. Did the pavilion master get completely obliterated when he failed in challenging Heaven previously? No. The pavilion master divined everything in life and made contingency plans. Back then, the pavilion master challenged Heaven to get back his wife’s—Murong Yan’s—heavenly soul. He had probably found it already. When returning this time, he will bring back not just Murong Yan’s heavenly soul but the heavenly souls of all who died ordinary deaths. The various factions have people that they want to revive, right? Family or friends? All the heavenly souls will return to the Thousand Islands Sea with the pavilion master. That’s why no one will ruin it. Instead, they will help protect the pavilion master, hoping he will return,” Ninth Young Master explained.

“Heavenly soul? Heavenly soul? Wouldn’t that mean…” Gu Hai’s heart skipped a beat as joy flooded it.

Chen Xianer? The thing he worried about the most was her heavenly soul. Now, it was returning?

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