Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Book 6: Chapter 022: Imperial Emperor Ruling the Nation

Book 6: Chapter 022: Imperial Emperor Ruling the Nation

Chen Tianshan quickly made arrangements. Soon, he got a large altar laid out in the Soaring Palace Hall’s plaza.

He arranged for a big table to be placed on the altar, and set a golden silk scroll on the table. This was the scroll used when the nation was established—the Han Nation’s first decree.

Gu Hai entered the Soaring Palace Hall and changed into black imperial robes with golden embroidery. Wearing a crown, he walked out of the Soaring Palace Hall.

“Approach the altar and implore heaven!” Chen Tianshan shouted, functioning as the master of ceremonies.

Gu Hai stepped up to the altar.

Then, he raised his head, looked at the blessings above, and bowed to the sky.

“Today, the Han Royal Dynasty’s Gu Hai implores heaven. With us as the witness, the royal dynasty has already reached its peak and desires to advance to an imperial dynasty. Today, we make an offering to heaven with our blood as a demonstration of our sincere convictions. We—Gu Hai—will treat our citizens with kindness and rule the Han Nation with kindness!” Gu Hai shouted.


The blessings cloud sea in the sky trembled. Gu Hai’s voice spread throughout the Han Royal Dynasty, making countless citizens pause.

“His Majesty is advancing the nation to an imperial dynasty?”

“This is…His Majesty is making offerings to heaven?”

“The Han Royal Dynasty is advancing?”

Countless people immediately revealed shocked expectations. Then, they felt anticipation.


Apparently having sensed Gu Hai’s thoughts, the Han Royal Dynasty’s dragon vein underground roared, the ground throughout the Han Royal Dynasty’s territory shuddering. a.21895

Overhead, boundless gales suddenly appeared out of nowhere above the blessings cloud sea as if a presence had descended on the Han Royal Dynasty.

When Gu Hai called on heaven to witness, this heaven did not refer to the Six Paths Immortal but the immortal firmament itself. The beings birthed by the immortal firmament included the Six Paths Immortal. The Six Paths Immortal was just the one with the greatest accomplishment and thus held and controlled the immortal firmament’s laws. The Six Paths Immortal was Heaven. However, this Heaven was just the master of all life.

The heaven that Gu Hai made offerings to was the entire immortal firmament.

When one established a royal dynasty, one had to bow to heaven and earth.

When establishing an imperial dynasty, one bowed only to heaven and not earth.

After Gu Hai shouted, he vaguely felt a connection with the entire immortal firmament, a harmony with the laws of the world.

He extended his right hand and cut it; blood came out of his finger. Then, he wrote a large character for “Han” in blood on the golden silk scroll.

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This was the Han Nation’s first decree. Previously, he had written the character for “Han” when he established a royal dynasty. Now, he wrote the character for “Han” again.

Boundless blessings descended from the sky, rushing toward the decree.


The blessings entered from one side and out the other before returning to the sky. The golden silk scroll suddenly gave off a dazzling golden light, appearing to have gained spirituality.


Gusts of wind curled around the golden silk scroll as though the world was testing the weight of the golden silk scroll.

“Three kowtows to heaven!” Gu Hai shouted.

After shouting, Gu Hai was the first to kneel.


All the officials and citizens in Borderless Heavenly Capital followed suit. At the same time, the blessings cloud sea sent Gu Hai’s voice to all the citizens’ ears, so the citizens in the other cities also kneeled.

“I implore heaven to advance the Han Nation to an imperial dynasty! The first kowtow!” Gu Hai shouted, kowtowing to heaven with all the officials.

When the citizens heard Gu Hai’s voice, they kowtowed. At the same time, they shouted, “I implore heaven to advance the Han Nation to an imperial dynasty!”

“I implore heaven to advance the Han Nation to an imperial dynasty! The second kowtow!” Gu Hai called out to his citizens again as he kowtowed to heaven.

“I implore heaven to advance the Han Nation to an imperial dynasty!” countless citizens shouted while kowtowing.

“I implore heaven to advance the Han Nation to an imperial dynasty! The third kowtow!”

“I implore heaven to advance the Han Nation to an imperial dynasty!” the Han Nation citizens shouted.


An intense wind howled furiously above Gu Hai’s head. Rainbow light appeared out of nowhere, rushing towards the golden silk scroll.


The golden silk scroll suddenly shone with bright rainbow light.

When the rainbow light appeared, joy flared in Gu Hai’s heart. This procedure had been passed down for countless ages. The rainbow light’s descent meant heaven had given permission. It was the proof from heaven of an imperial dynasty.

“We—Gu Hai—thank heaven for permitting this, giving us the proof of an imperial dynasty. We now establish the Han Imperial Dynasty!” Gu Hai shouted.

As Gu Hai shouted, he stood up and raised the Heaven Suppressing Divine Imperial Seal. Then, he stamped it on the golden silk scroll.


The Heaven Suppressing Divine Imperial Seal landed on the golden silk scroll.

Gu Hai, the Heaven Suppressing Divine Imperial Seal, and the golden silk scroll seemed to merge, giving off a coruscating rainbow light.

The light shot into the blessings cloud sea, and it immediately gave off rainbow light as well. The light continued spreading all over the land.


Suddenly, a gigantic golden dragon soared up from the ground. This was the dragon vein. After its head received the light, it also gave off rainbow light.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The light continued to propagate, starting from Gu Hai to the blessings cloud sea, to the dragon vein, to Borderless Heavenly Capital’s officials and citizens. All the officials and citizens gave off rainbow light from their bodies.

The light spread throughout the realm to all the citizens of the Han Royal Dynasty through the blessings cloud sea.

The colorful light scattered into the boundless land.

The countless citizens felt shocked when they saw the rainbow light coming from their bodies.

Is this a sign of the Han Nation advancing? Is heaven sending down auspicious signs and good fortune?

“I feel very comfortable! It’s like taking a hot bath!”

“His Majesty succeeded in advancing the nation to an imperial dynasty? This propitious light has loosened the cultivation bottleneck that has blocked me for so many years? I feel like I’m going to make a breakthrough?!”

“My sickness! It’s completely cured? What an auspicious sign!”

The countless citizens excitedly sensed changes in their bodies.

The auspicious signs descended for thirty minutes.


All the rainbow light seemed to vanish instantly, rushing toward Gu Hai.


The Heaven Suppressing Divine Imperial Seal and the golden silk scroll gave off a loud sound. All the rainbow light in the Han Nation gathered on the Heaven Suppressing Divine Imperial Seal.

Now, all the light on the scroll withdrew. At this moment, the golden silk scroll changed color, turning dark gold.

Then, Gu Hai gently raised the Heaven Suppressing Divine Imperial Seal.


The scroll lost all light. However, Gu Hai suddenly felt a mental connection with it.

He saw four iridescent words form at the back of the scroll, appearing out of nowhere and containing a grand but simple aura.

The four words were: Investiture of the Gods.

“An Investiture of the Gods appeared?” Gu Hai’s eyes gleamed as he looked up at the sky.

The vast blessings cloud sea in the sky suddenly contracted. The blessings coalesced into the vague form of a golden dragon, which then slowly compressed into a golden egg.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A short while later, the blessings clouds sea had shrunk by half. When only one-third was left, everything suddenly stilled. Then, the blessings formed a whirlpool around the golden egg.

Gu Hai waited.

The golden egg remained silent for an hour before the shell suddenly cracked.


The eggshell shattered.

In the next moment, the shattered golden egg exploded.


Boundless blessings blasted out in all directions. Suddenly, a beam of golden light rushed down from the center of the explosion, shooting towards Gu Hai.


When the golden light entered Gu Hai, his figure started enlarging. Replete with boundless energy, he unleashed golden light from his seven facial orifices.


Gu Hai reared his head back and let out a dragon roar that shook the sky. A vibrant lifeforce surged out.


The dragon vein suddenly roared as though happy for Gu Hai.


When Gu Hai opened his mouth, a golden dragon came out—a five-hundred-kilometer-long dragon.


The five-hundred-kilometer-long golden dragon rushed to the blessings cloud sea. Suddenly, boundless blessings surrounded it; the dragon looked like it was happily swimming in the sea.

“A blessings golden dragon? The sign of an imperial dynasty?” Chen Tianshan said with joy.

The golden dragon swam around in the blessings cloud sea for a while, appearing exhilarated.

At this moment, Gu Hai’s expressions mirrored the golden dragon’s somewhat. He had discovered that he could see what the golden dragon saw. It was like he was the golden dragon.

“Our blessings golden dragon!” Gu Hai showed a joyful expression.


The blessings golden dragon suddenly roared. As it stood above the blessings cloud sea, it seemed incredibly excited.

The blessings golden dragon looked into the distance, seeing far away in an instant.

“Azure Foundation City?” Gu Hai’s eyes suddenly lit up.

The golden dragon’s vision was his vision. He could see however far the golden dragon could.

The golden dragon looked everywhere. After going one round, it had seen everything in the entire Han Royal Dynasty.

Gu Hai could see everything the golden dragon could see. As long as he was in Borderless Heavenly Capital, he could see everywhere in the Han Nation, no matter which city.

No wonder a sovereign wants to manifest a golden dragon. No wonder Imperial Emperor Xi Yu could see Vacant City and Dragon Vein City from Major Metropolitan City. It was because of the blessings golden dragon.

“The Investiture of the Gods appeared, and a blessings golden dragon manifested. The advancement succeeded?” Gu Hai said with joy in his heart.

“Reporting to all Han Nation citizens, we have received approval from heaven and the support of the citizens. From today on, the Han Royal Dynasty no longer exists. Now, there is the Han Imperial Dynasty in this world!” Gu Hai shouted.


The blessings golden dragon roared, spreading Gu Hai’s voice to all of the Han Nation’s citizens.

“The Han Imperial Dynasty? He succeeded! His Majesty is incredible! No, it should be His Reverence now. His Reverence is incredible!”

“Long live the Han Imperial Dynasty! May the Han Imperial Dynasty live for ten thousand years!”

“Long live Your Reverence! May Your Reverence live for ten thousand years!”

Countless citizens immediately saluted loudly. A royal dynasty and an imperial dynasty differed by only one word, but it was a whole world of difference. One could make a claim on the world only after advancing to an imperial dynasty. A royal dynasty was just an existence struggling to survive at best.

The salutes echoed in the mountains.

Voices from all over the realm reached the blessings cloud sea, erupting in Borderless Heavenly Capital.

This was the sign of a great nation. Countless citizens saluted loudly.


The dragon vein roared as though congratulating Gu Hai. Then, it dove back into the ground. Everywhere the dragon vein went, countless trees and flowers spouted, life flourishing.

The blessings golden dragon in the sky lay in the blessings cloud sea, breathing the blessings in and out to strengthen itself.

The Han Nation now had an imperial emperor ruling the nation.

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