Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 995 - The One Thoughts


Within the confines of the universe, the Primordial Deity of Eternity and Creation seemed to be watching over the universe silently.

His appearance was the opposite of Chaos, instead of being a spiraling mass of darkness and dark colors, it was an immensely bright glowing white light that was so enormous its own existence created a dimension of its own.

He was often named The One, by many, although he was also often called God by many parallel Earths. He was exactly this "God" in a sense, as he had indeed created Lucifer, the Gates of Hell, or the Heaven Plane… Angels, Archangels, Demons, Archdemons, Nephilim… All of such creatures registered in many types of human civilizations religions, he was their creator.

It wasn't a coincidence that humanity across many parallel worlds knew about his existence, even non-human races, aliens, knew about him, he was a god prayed upon by a near-endless quantity of life.

But unlike what many would believe, he didn't obey these people, nor he cared about them, even less he heard their pleas.

It wasn't because he was selfish, nor because he had no heart. He merely didn't want to interfere with his powers… There were so many people, so many possibilities, even then, perhaps he could resolve all the problems if he wanted to… but to what goal?

Only for the entire living beings to grow conceited so they end up destroying themselves…?


It didn't seem to be a good idea, especially because the universe was vast, mysterious, and filled with powerful beings. Helping them had no point.

He knew that they would all end and that they would all be reborn… He knew it all, the future, the past, the present.

Yet now several dots were interfering with the Truth.

Truth, this was the Trait of The One.

Truth had the power to give The One knowledge about everything, the truth about everything.

Naturally, he knew how to do everything, how everything would end, and how everything would begin… Due to this, he had grown aloof of everything, deciding to not take any paper into the entirety of the Universe. It seemed pointless because he already knew what would happen anyway.

But now…

Now… It was different.

"That Demiurge changed it all within this universe… And now, many dots are emerging, fragments of the Demiurge, and the heralds of the others… Huh. Azathoth and the Outer Gods are interested in them too. But what is the purpose of this? This is the first time I do not know something. And as I've known everything for so long, this gives me excitement and something to look forward to. As someone like me, I know that I can do everything within my universe, yet, outside of it…"

The One watched over into the outer universe as he realized the terrifying things within it… Outside of the Universe, what did lay within? The vast Outer Void, which was like a sea of abyssal darkness, every universe within it was like small islands, endless amounts of them.

And even then, within these islands, there were zillions of galaxies, if not even more…

But even then, away from the near-endless sea of the Outer Void… What was there?

An enormous bubble layer that encompassed the universes into a multiverse, only to find that there were ever-expanding bubbles of multiverses stuck together and compacted together…

But what… was even outside of it?

He knew it…

But what was the point of knowing it? He already knew that within the universe he lived, it was nothing but a speck of dust.

Yet… a being with the Trait to change everything has been born from Chaos.

"Chaos… You created this… I don't know why I was not able to foresee this Trait. Perhaps there is within this whole mystery some kind of Multi-versal treasure?" wondered The One.

"Hm… I can't tell either. When it is about levels above the Universe, I cannot see them through with Truth unless I exert more power… Bah, but where would be the fun if I were to do this?" wondered The One.

He decided to continue browsing the Universe until suddenly, he got another divine message from an entity.

"Samsara, I will not help you," said The One.

"Even when those entities are threatening the Transmigration Cycles of many worlds?! The One, just how lazy can you be?" asked Samsara.

"I don't mind what you think about me," said The One.

"Even when these beings are heralds of Azathoth himself?! And even worse, they are your children and also Chaos'! Are you letting them go rampant?" asked Samsara.

"Are you telling me how to be a father now?" asked The One.

"At least I am quite responsible," said Samsara.

"Responsible? Of what? Of letting your children be eaten by mine? Well yes, thanks for giving them good meals," said The One.


"Enough of your stupidity. I feel like I am becoming as dull as you every time I speak with you. Having your position within the Universe doesn't give you the right to speak to me in that tone. I created you and so the entire Universe, and if I wanted, I could tell Azathoth to end it all," said The One.


"Now stop bothering me with your needless affairs. My children are allowed to do whatever they please within the Universe. Whatever this leads to their demise, or the demise of others is of no problem, everything will one day end to be reborn and to end to be reborn once more… Everything you think is pointless, and so your feeble thoughts," said The One.

Samsara suddenly got incredibly angered, and dared to speak back to The One!

"Do you believe that because you are a Universe-level entity, you can say and do whatever you want?! I will soon become a Primordial Deity as well! You will see!" roared Samsara.

"I have foreseen the future, and let me tell you something, it won't end as you believe. Even less if you keep being this stubborn," sighed The One.

"I will prove it to you! I will prove it to everyone…! I will show all of you that I am someone worthy of becoming a Primordial Deity! I've worked hard since my creation, and I will show you…!" roared Samsara.

"You seem even more immature than Lucifer. Go on, do as you please, foolish man. Please yourself with your own ego. Let's see how far it will get you. And let me spoil you, it won't get you far," said The One, his voice was firm.

Samsara didn't answer as he quickly cut off the call.

"Because he is the entity in charge of all Transmigration Cycles within the Universe, does he truly believes to be capable of reaching a Primordial Deity? He lacks a lot of potentials and also the power. And these younglings, all of them, will surpass him soon enough. Fool, he will become but food for the ones who truly deserve to reach such a level of power," said The One, sighing.

Samsara was a powerful being, his level of strength was just below the Primordial Deities, he was often referred to as the fourth pillar of the universe by many of those below him. He was the one that took care of souls so they could flow across the Universe. His children extended all across the universe and took care of the Transmigration Cycles that controlled the influx of souls through countless worlds.

Although there were other entities capable of doing this, he had made a monopoly out of this "business" and had dominated the entire galaxy with his enormous family, each of his children was but a piece of his own immense and never-ending soul.

Through the System, he had created that controlled the transmigration cycles, and by using his children as the administrator of each group of worlds, he slowly gained a tremendous quantity of divine energy, which had been nourishing him since his creation, and has been making him even stronger.

He calculated that after a few more eons, he would finally become capable of reaching Primordial Deity Realm, and become an official Fourth Pillar of the world.

The One, however, didn't think so. Through Truth… he was able to see what his destiny would be, and it looked grim.

Perhaps it looked impossible for such a possibility to happen for now, but soon enough, the promising younglings would rise out of their contained worlds and explore the outer universe… Well, some of them had already done it, but lost themselves midway through, killed each other, and were reborn from their very corpses…

Such as Anir and Kelsus, two Gods that were two halves of the same entity, another of The One and Chaos children, a powerful child of them who had a tragic end as he killed each other with both of his halves after being tricked by an entity near his level.

Of course, such a powerful being could not die but transitioned into two corpses that formed two worlds. The One had foreseen this to happen but let it happen, there was no point in not letting it happen. After all, he was aware that it would be reborn again anyways.

"The reborn children had become more aware of their powers, but how long will it take for them to retake the other half? Hm… Not so long. Whenever Samsara's forces are ready to attack them, they will have the power to fight back," said The One.

He knew that his children would be reborn from their very corpses, that their immense souls would fragment into one that would travel through the transmigration cycle and then, through fate, be led back to their original body, to retake it.

"Interestingly enough, there seems to be an entity within it that is also them, but that has taken a more drastic approach to be revived… A fight of wills, a fight between my child and itself… No matter who wins, he will be ultimately revived," said The One.

The One knew that they would ultimately be reborn once more, that they would regain their memories and that they would become one. But he found it interesting that something that he did not foresee happened, a small spawn of Chaos' child, Kireina, ended aiding them, making their work easier, as she gave her powers to them.

"It is certainly fortunate for them to be aided by such a being, even the little clone she created by the mere materialization of her immense consciousness has now reached a high level of power within that world, interesting…" thought The One.

"Every time she gets involved, things I didn't foresee happening, which makes of everything even more fun to watch. I did well in blessing her. My powers are hastening her growth a lot, only Azathoth needs to give her his blessing, but he seems focused on the other anomaly, born in a world that one of her fragments brought into an Apocalypse. Noah, is it? Soon enough the Watchers will reach that planet and try to harvest the World Origin Core. Will he let them do as they please, or will he fight? I do wonder… Heh, how interesting… Truly, how interesting. By her fragmentation, she is now changing everything…" said The One.

"Of course, this anomaly is no one else than Azathoth's child… But even he has been alienated from his true self and the two selves had split, one is the human and the other… the dormant son of Azathoth. One day, they will fuse and converge into the true son of Azathoth. How wondrous, how marvelous. Azathoth, you surely like to play around, and when you do, you really go with everything… the Outer Gods are cheering for Veronica and Ervas and even for Noah… Meanwhile…"

"The child of the Overseer is slowly growing stronger. He has to do it slowly, or revealing his true powers might end up destroying his human half… It will be an arduous path before he can fully unlock the power of the Overseer, but when he does… Great things await him… And war, many wars…"

The One continued to watch as these "protagonists" changed the destiny of the Universe one step at a time…


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