Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 860 - Truhan & Celica POV


<Truhan POV>


Hmm, such a good day.

It has really been a relaxing week.

We really needed to take a break from the fights.

Even I, someone knows for liking to fight, want to take a break and enjoy simple days with my beloved family.

Celica-chan is at my side, looking as beautiful as ever.

And sitting at each side of my shoulders, my children, Nephilim, and Rephaite point at anything they see curiously, we decide to walk around each stall we came across, buying a lot of the delicious and simple food that they sell in this festivity.

Oh, we are usually very big to come to the Empire, but we have developed the ability to change our size by drinking a special potion crafted by one of Kireina-sama's wives, Charlotte, I think…

It lasts for a long time, so we can stay smaller and enjoy ourselves with the rest of the people.

After evolving so much, we had become… incredibly big, so we felt rather happy to be able to join with everyone at more normal sizes, although being three-meter tall is still considered a giant, it still better than before.

"Papa, there, there!" said Nephilim, pointing with his tiny finger to a pink-colored stall.

"I want that! That… erm…" muttered Rephaite.

"That is called corn, my dear. My love let's go buy one, I also want to taste them," said Celica-chan, as she guided me to the stall and bought four grilled corns covered in a delicious soy sauce.

It was so good I ate it in like two seconds…

"Eeeh? You already ate it?" she asked me while pouting.

"It was way too good…" I said.

"Maybe we should have bought more than once…" said Celica-chan, rubbing her chin.

"Daddy, have mine!" said Nephilim, as she offered me her corn, which I took a bite off.

"Thanks, Nephilim-chan," I said, petting my beloved offspring, the most precious thing in my entire life.

Although they were born fused as one, they can separate now and are independent beings.

Their power is monstrously outstanding, but they know how to use it well, seemingly even when they are rather young children.

"Nephilim-chan, you spoil your father quite a lot, huh? What about mommy?" asked Celica-chan.

"I can spoil mommy! Have my corn!" said Rephaite, as he offered his corn to his mother, who took it happily.

"Oh, my beautiful little prince, thank you!" said Celica-chan with a gentle smile.

We cross through the stalls taking more and more food as we go, chatting and simply relaxing.

Days without fighting are also quite nice.

Oh, there are more divine presences than before now… probably all of Kireina-sama's family had become Gods at this point.

I do wonder if we could one day become gods too.

I and Celica-chan are in the last levels of our current evolution, but the amount of EXP we need is rather ridiculous.

However, it seems that Kireina-sama might help us reach the last levels and ascending the next days, which excites me.

After having wrestled against Gods on their full strength in the last war, I have been desiring to acquire this power.

By fusing with Celica-chan, we can reach incredibly new and higher heights, and thanks to our awakened Wrath Sin, which we can only use while fused, our power is enhanced based on our own rage.

Such power is dangerous in inexperienced and immature hands, but as we can only use it while being fused, our minds are never alone and we help each other overwhelm the power of Wrath, making it ours.

It is like… erm, well… like, you know. Like having a "calm wrath" as they say.

The old Wrath seemingly died because it was not able to turn off the power of Wrath, becoming a berserk beast that was said to leave the central continent on ruins and then escaping the Realm, leaving a trail of destruction wherever it went until it died due to exhaustion and having his soul eaten by the sin itself.

Indeed, to activate sins, you do not need mana or life, you need to give it soul energy, part of your soul.

This is why it is a dangerous tool, if we leave it for too long, our entire fused souls might get eaten.

However, I believe that as long as we become Gods, it should be possible to offset this after effect, even if by a tiny bit.

Nonetheless, it is a dangerous power that should never be taken… erm, how was it?

Lightly! Yeah, lightly.

Hehe, I am not the same muscle-headed man of before! I am rather eloquent now.

When you evolve, not only do your muscles get strong, but your brain also develops more!

Celica-chan always said I was rather a dummy before… Well, I still consider myself rather stupid.

But I am not the same as before, hey!

Hmm, it has really been a long time since the days we were Trolls.

We have reached way too much in these last months, it is almost baffling.

I even have a family with Celica-chan, something I never thought possible back then.

I am just very happy that Celica-chan reciprocated my feelings back then…

Since that day I swore to protect her, but it seems that she also protects me now, her strength had increased a ton since then, and she is a giant just like me…

Her beautiful body is packed with muscles as hard as mountains… Hm, just by taking a glance at her beautiful, sculptural body I cannot help but admire it.

My wife might be the most beautiful woman in the entire world…

Good thing she is my wife, hahaha!

"What are you even laughing about?" asked Celica-chan, as she was eating ice cream with my children.

"O-Oh, nothing…" I said, licking the ice cream and pretending that I did not actually laugh like an idiot there…

Maybe I am not as smart as I thought?


<Celica POV>

Phew, we really deserved this little week to take off. Well, I think it had been more than a week.

Since the time goes faster inside of Kireina-sama's Divine Realm, it had only been a couple of days outside, I bet.

This is rather amazing.

Kireina-sama herself had said that when she looks outside, it is as if everything was in slow motion, how hilarious.

Like this, her enemies will take a while to even make a single step, while we can both prepare and also relax as much as we want.

I think the time difference was rather ridiculous.

One day outside was around 12-15 here.

Indeed, a day outside in two weeks inside of here.

Like this, can't we take everything rather smoothly?

However, Gods might be able to do something similar inside their Divine Realms, so we cannot take things TOO lightly, I suppose.

But as a mother with two children and a spoiled husband, I have to be conscious about this stuff.

And well, now that we are here, let us enjoy it.

I walk around while Truhan-san carries our little angels over his muscular shoulders, they are wide enough that even I could sit there as well.

Oh yeah, thanks to Charlotte-chan, we can shrink our size now, pretty convenient. Although we are still quite big, being around 3-4 meters tall.

Today's festivity seems rather special, it was something that Kireina-sama had been setting up for days and days, something "Japanese-like" as she said, which seems to imitate something from the original worlds of the memories inserted into her soul.

Well, as we all know, such memories were not truly hers, but still, she likes them a lot.

Recently there has been a lot of breakthroughs in magic, science, and technology, with phones and other stuff, which are special artifacts that bring a lot of interesting and fun stuff to do, we don't even need to fight to have fun.

Especially with TV's and movies, anime, and more, we often simply laze around over bed with the kids like yesterday.

But today we decided to come here while wearing these outfits named yukata, which suits us quite well.

Though I think it is pressing a bit over my chest… Ugh.

After feeding milk to my children, my breasts kept getting bigger, they are around two times what they were original.

They are a pain in the back sometimes.

…But well, Truhan loves them a lot, he loves to squeeze them and suck them, and- I shouldn't continue with this topic.

"Mama! I want squid!" said Nephilim, pointing at a stall where a young harpy man, Kenik, the father of Nephiana, one of Kireina-sama's wives was selling grilled squid covered in soy sauce, a special sauce of another world.

"Oh, I want some too!" said Rephaite.

"Me too!" said Truhan, he often acts like my third child.

Well, it is my guilty pleasure to spoil my husband rotten…

I went to immediately buy a few to please my little angels (and my spoiled husband), of course.

"Oh, but if it isn't Celica-sama, welcome, welcome!" said Kenik, the old harpy man seemed rather happy, and he was surrounded by several other harpies as well, which were part of his family, even little harpy brats were flapping around while others glanced at the squid being grilled while drooling.

"Hello, Kenik, enjoying the festival?" I asked.

"Oho, yes! It has been quite a good festival. Do you want some squid? It is 100 credits per Squid stick… Hm, you are four, right? Here, I will give you 4 for 350 credits, just because it is you!" said Kenik with a gentle smile.

"Eeeh? Really? You are such a good man, Kenik, thanks a lot," I said, buying the discounted squid and bringing it to my family, everyone enjoyed the chewy texture of it and the flavor of the soy sauce over it was wonderful. I also bought some fruit juice for the kids and for me and Truhan I got us two cold beers.

Eating hot grilled food with a cold beer is another of my guilty pleasures…

"Hmm, this is way too good!" said Truhan.

"Oi, you ate it all already!" I said, he ate it in one single munch!

Really, he never stops being like this…

Well, I love him as he is.

"Hahaha! My bad, it was way too good! I am not used to this small food yet," laughed Truhan.

I cannot blame him, we often eat giant divine beasts for dinner, grilled whole sometimes.

So trying to slowly eat a tiny grilled squid might prove to be true quite the difficult task.

Now, I do wonder what else can we do…

We go around, reaching a small stall where we meet Palami and Asure, two of the "demon trio".

Nephilim and Rephaite glance at a large pool that is filled with fish.

"Oh, Celica-chan, Truhan-san, welcome, welcome!" said Palami, her belly had grown quite a bit now, it seems that she became pregnant of the young lad right at her side…

"Ah, your kids are so big now," said Raito carefreely.

"Yeah, in fact, they are way bigger, but they drank a shrinking potion," laughed Truhan.

"I-I see… Well, Asure had to drink one too, he went on a date with… Kireina-sama's daughter, Valentia," said Raito.

"Oh? It seems that he's finally going for her, huh?" I said.

"Yep… Anyways, wanna participate? It is just 20 credits per try," said Palami, showing some small nets made of… paper.

"What's this game all about?" I asked.

"Oh, it's pretty easy, you try to catch a fish with this net that can break in the water, if you catch the fish you can keep it," said Palami.

"Isn't that pretty unfair though? Can't we just buy the fish?" asked Truhan while rubbing his chin.

"No, daddy! Dummy!" said Nephilim.

"That's the point of it, it's a challenge!" said Rephaite.

"O-Oh, so that's how it is…" said Truhan.

The kids quickly take the net made of paper stuck to a wooden stick, as I pay the credits.

The two try their best, and both actually manage to catch two very colorful fishes! How wonderful.

"Eeeh? You did it on your first try?!" asked Raito.

"Hehe, those are my kids for you!" said Truhan.

"Congrats, let me put them in a bag and- Ah, you already ate them…" said Palami, as my kids just at the fish.

"Eh? You were supposed to keep them?" asked Nephilim.

Haha, my girl is just like her father…


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