Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 827 - Schemes After Schemes




[Day 298]

[Kireina] gained Divine Skill Points due to the prayers of your believers!] (Added!)

[Kireina] gained Divine Dungeon Points due to the combined energy gathered by your Dungeons!] (Added!)

[Divine Skill Points and Divine Dungeon Points have been converted into their corresponding Ranks!]

When I woke up I felt a rush of new energy, as every day, I get showered in Skill Points, Divine Energy, and Divine Dungeon Points.

However, alongside that, there was also a large quantity of these elements generated through constant intercourse with each of my wives last night, what I like to call "Dual Cultivation", which helps me gather even more power, and I believe that it does the same to my wives.

And even more helpful is the System which s being managed by AI-chan, as she transforms these energies and refines them into the current Ranks they require to be now.

Like this, by just existing and having sex I can slowly increase the reserves of power I possess!

…But based on everything going on around the world, that is clearly not enough!

Not at all!

But at least, let me sit down and smell the roses for a bit.

There is a lot to do, and a lot to assess.

Let us start with the most important stuff, last night I got a mental message from some very old Parasite Slime Clones I left spreading around Azuma which I had forgotten about, mostly because I had given them for dead.

But to my surprise, they actually cut down all connections with me willingly…

Why you may ask…

Why would they do such a thing, you may wonder…

Well, it is easy to understand after you get to know that Zeus had certain Gods at his side that can easily detect things, or even see through the future.

But because they are so obsessed with me (I know I am amazing but calm down), they are always targeting me on all of their divinations.

So, by cutting down any ties with me and becoming independent of my own fate, these Parasite Slime Clones were able to become undetected by these bastards.

And like this, behind my very knowledge, they began to parasitize the people in Azuma and managed to get even the Heroes and the Empress and her family.

I really thought that they should have just contacted me whenever they got to it, but instead, they decided to accept Zeus and Athena's help, and even let them nurture their powers to become fitting vessels for them.

I was surprised to know that they were even in the God Realm know thanks to all the help in resources that Zeus and Athena did to them.

However, all of this is also explained through these Clones, as they had pretended to be the lovers of these Gods.

It was interesting to know that Athena was just as lustful as her own father, I suppose the only thing that she has from the ancient Greek goddess is the name but because there is no way that the actual Athena from Greek myth is like this whore.

And well, these Parasite Clones got with these Gods and did it a lot of times with them… I do not really know if they truly enjoyed it or not, but it is not of my concern.

Although it disgusts me that they were with someone like Zeus, seeing how there are many clones in my empire that have husbands and happily mate with them, I would guess that my clones can have very different mentalities than their original being, me, and are simply beings of their own…

It could be said that we are like a beehive, I am the queen that can produce them asexually, and all of my children are perfect copies of me in a way, however, their minds are all independent yet connected by the purpose of making everything for me to survive and thrive, so some take into a few sacrifices… like what these did.

But they had grown so strong that I would guess they do not mind for now.

Aside from that, it seems that things, once more, are more connected than I believed, as Zeus and Athena had supported Kinesis research of the Chaotic Soul creation, the real deal that would let a God walk on land without being affected by the toxic miasma that corrupts their divinities and elemental souls.

Using such research, they used the Heroes of Azuma and the Empress as recipients for very powerful soldiers/vessels, nurturing and mutating their souls into Chaotic Souls so they could acquire the same power through a similar method than Kinesis.

They also helped them awaken their Epics to their very limits, and after all of that prep-work, they let them raise to godhood over and over again.

All of that so they could become fitting vessels for them… Really, they put a lot of work into it.

I guess that this is not only to kill me, of course.

With such new, strong, and amazing vessels, they would be able to be reborn as amazingly strong Gods too.

Too bad these vessels are my own clones!

I don't really know how they are going to use them though, but I would bet that, similarly to how Kinesis did it with Neuron, they will fuse their divine souls with the divine souls of the Heroes and the Empress.

But they are four, so only Zeus and Athena won't be enough… Yeah, I am pretty sure that there will be more Gods with them.

From what I got from Apollo, who is also separated from me and does not share my fate, is that Zeus called his children to prepare for an all-out war.

Somehow he already knows where I am resting… Is he really planning to get into the Lower Realm?

And how?

Will he literally tunnel down a hole in the ground? I do not think he knows about the shortcut through my dungeon, and there is no way I would let him use it anyways.

So… there is this mystery that I cannot even get from Apollo and his family, if Zeus seems confident about being able to reach in here, maybe he got some kind of ally in the Lower Realm… a God he could use to teleport immediately here by entering its Divine Realm through a portal, something similar that Agatheina and the other Gods usually do.

Gods can create a "connection" with other Gods, which they can use to open gates that lead them directly to their Divine Realms.

Through this insane cheat, if they got a friend far away, they can instantly visit it and even leave their friend's Divine Realm to arrive at the destination he was, which could be in a completely different Realm altogether.

Hm, maybe I will be able to learn more after Zeus fuses with his vessel, whoever it will be.

Although I am sure that the parasite will not be able to take over the fierce God, and everything might go wrong too…

By manipulating the threads of fate, I increased the chance of something going fine, but you never know.

So, I cannot completely put all my trust into the Parasites, and they exert my actual plans, just as a bonus, perhaps.

Though, to be honest, I would be happy if I could kill Zeus myself… but whatever it is, I should be happy.

I do not have to be so greedy over such a privilege.

Also, because these Parasites parasitize the bodies and slowly the soul, through the Soul Parasite Skill, they are not technically replacing the original souls and bodies, only taking over their judgment slowly, without them even realizing.

Similarly to how Apollo started, but now his soul was completely eaten, but with these Heroes and the Azuma Empress, the method is different to ensure that they don't look too suspicious, and it seems to have worked very well because these Gods keep showering them with materials and resources to grow stronger and become even better vessels.

Though I wonder if it was even necessary for them to fuck these Heroes and the Empress… they are going to take over their bodies later anyway, right? Shouldn't they had not fucked the one that will become the other's vessel later?

Isn't it kind of weird?

Or maybe they will not take over their bodies?

Then what are they going to do with them?

Use them as soldiers? Strong and loyal ones?

Or they might take over the opposite sex genders?

A mystery.

Though I want to know…

Although they can get Divinity Devouring and Lesser Uroboros through the stupid shop made by Zubekh, so wouldn't the creation of such vessels become a complete waste of time and resources?

It seems that they still wanted the Chaotic Souls, so their plans might be to get the "whole package" and not just the divinity devouring.

It is possible to build a Chaotic Soul through Divinity Devouring, eating different souls, and mixing them and their powers around chaotically, but it does take way more time than the method Kinesis created, which nurtured the soul when it was still a mortal.

However, I would prefer if these parasites simply let themselves be used as vessels by these Gods and in the last moment somehow betray them, or simply annoy them, that would be enough for their guard to be lowered, if it is at the right moment, it can mean their sure deaths this time.

Suddenly, I receive a new update from the parasites just as I was thinking about them…

They said that Zeus and Athena have planned to use them not as complete vessels, simply putting part of their souls into them to fight.

Oh, I see how it is now.

They are going to use them as something like remote-controlled bodies or something while keeping their real selves saved inside their Divine Realms.

Too bad that it will not happen as he believes.

Thanks to Apollo, I can easily infiltrate their Divine Realms if I want to, but what I desire is for them to grow weaker and surprised.

I guess that's how things are…

This is a big game-changer, knowing all of this can help me guess and plan a few other things around.

But I will not put any reliance on the parasites.

Even with my manipulation of the threads of fate, Gods can fight against it with their Fate Stat…

It could be possible that they always knew about them being parasites and are just doing it out of sadism, even having sex with them just to spite me or something?

Could it be?

Perhaps they know they are parasites but even then, are confident in their victory and that they will be able to use these vessels correctly anyways?

Hmm, so many questions, so few answers.

Everything keeps getting more intriguing and confusing too, there is a lot I want to know.

But the vessels are not sending anything, so I am guessing that will be their current situation or now…

I cannot wait to eat Zeus and his family though.

So there is a lot I have to do before that too.

Now that we got the Parasites issues out of the way, let's move to the Dungeon explorations in the Lower Realm.

Nothing for now.

Alright, let us continue to the next topic.

I should begin making my family and allies into Gods.

I think most of them are nearing max level, but they need a little push to get to it.

I will begin with my family of course, but the plan is to make everyone a Living Deity at least.

Then, they can slowly increase on their own…

Not really, I am going to let them feast on my soul fragments, which will work like Divinity Elixirs and will boost their cultivation.

This means that there will be a ton of fights against Divine Trials… I will help them however I can, hopefully, their Divine Trials are not as insane as mine.

In another topic, the Babel Dungeon Exploration.

It's going fine, my children have been exploring it with one of my True Body Clones, World Dungeons are really amazing.

But because it is my dungeon nothing is really challenging and whenever we go there we hunt for materials, everyone had begun to stockpile them to use them for their soon-to-be Divine Realms.

And now, the World Dungeons do not give rewards…

I will have to go to the external ones to get actual rewards.

Thankfully in these two weeks, I was sleeping everyone stockpiled a ton of materials and used Kiroid and the other Spatial Slime Clones for teleporting in and out of the dungeon easily.

But for real, the whole dungeon is immense.

It is gigantic.

I am amazed each time I enter, there are whole landscapes there.

Huh, I guess it is not that different from other Dungeons I had explored then?

Like Nyzzet or Morpheus Dungeon… just on a way bigger scale, that is all.

Am I making it sound simpler than a World Dungeon actually is?

Maybe Agatheina would scold me for treating something so amazing as dull and boring, but give me slack.

Talking about her, she is peacefully sleeping while resting on my shoulder, she's a cutie.

Oh? and it seems that AI-chan has something ready for me…




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