Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 822 - Family Time




As I joined my family back and woke them up for dinner, we had a nice family time together while having a nice dinner.

And then, the Gods also decided to join us, alongside Wagyu, Truhan, and most of my close aides, so I found it a nice time to finally talk about what had gone through when I was sleeping.

I spoke about Chaos being my actual mother, about my past, what happened to her, how she got chained and how I was separated from her, about the Overseers, the System Master restraining my power and trying to use me for whatever he was planning, and a lot of other stuff…

Everyone was left surprised…

"This is hard to take, guuuu! Everything changes now, guuu! Masta, are you okay with all of this?" asked Rimuru, as she approached me and began to pat my head gently.

"Hm? Yeah, yeah, do not worry, talking with my mother was very refreshing, learning all about that… the truth… Really, it made me open my eyes a lot… But let me tell you that I am not going to change how I have always been. The me of now is the personality and being that I have forged as myself, even if those false memories I originally had were not really mine, they still shaped me as a being, now that I know the truth, I only feel more relaxed. But! I am still me so do not worry. All of you are my precious family, I would never forget any of you because of learning some of my past truth," I said.

Everyone seemed to feel relieved after this.

Indeed, if you suddenly learn that all of your past and what you believed made you a person was all a lie and the memories of someone else, you will clearly get a bit off… Perhaps you could even fall insane as you remember the actual truth, and both experiences mixing together in your mind would be too much to take.

I would not blame anyone else going through the same thing as me to have a mental breakdown and probably even lose all their memories due to the intense trauma.

But my mother knew very well that I was very strong-minded, and all of this truth, although very impactful, did not break my mind.

Mostly because my mind had been shattered into pieces many times already, what I had gone through since reincarnating as a caterpillar in here is no joke, being near death so man freaking times forged my mind, as it shattered over and over again to reform over and over again.

At some point, my mind became so strong that nothing really affects me mentally.

I may get a bit emotional at the time of the event, but I will not keep being sorrowful for the rest of my life.

I do treasure emotions, so I let them out, but I also don't let them take over my own judgment.

I am me, Kireina, and I am not letting anyone control me.

And because of that, my Defiance Trait awakened, and I devoured my own Epic and all of the ones connected to me, alongside the Blessing of the System Master that has been with me for so long since I was reincarnated.

The source of all my power but also the source of my restraints, and these memories I acquired which were not really me.

I do believe that this Blessing of the System Master forged me as to how I am, so I am rather grateful to the System Master because of that, but that is enough.

I am not going to let him use me.

That is why I gladly chomped a nice chunk of his soul before completely closing all my connections with him.

I was really happy with you, my dear, but I believe that we must part ways now… Sniffles.


I will probably try to eat him if I meet him.

The hate I feel for him outweighs the gratefulness, and it's not like just because someone does something nice for me I will suck up to them.


I do not fucking care what he thinks, even if he feels betrayed or something.

Fuck that retard, I am out of your stupid plans.


Because I am going to do them even better, and I will be the protagonist of this whole thing!

Your tool?

I am on my own now.

…No, actually, I am never on my own, I am always surrounded by amazing people and my family.

I am not alone, I am a giant army, in fact.

I have already defied the heavens and destiny.

And I can now take on my own destiny and help anyone with me carve their own path as well.

And through these threads I have…

I am going to manipulate the odds in my favor and against anyone that tries to get into my path!

Ruthlessly, this world will be mine, and then, the entire universe.

Because I know very well what is above all else, waiting for me…

Oh yeah, I am going to screw them all over…

The Overseers…

Just you wait, mother, I am going to make sure that you hear their screams of agony as I devour them entirely and make them all my own power.

Damn, I cannot fucking wait.

I explained all of this in detail, and after calming down my family, they all jumped over me and began to hug and give me affection…

"Alright Masta, if you say that you are okay, then it's okay, guu!" said Rimuru, kissing my cheeks and caressing my hair as if I were her little pet! …Not like I dislike it.

"Yeah, yeah, glad you got yourself together pretty fast~! We are here for you anyway so you shouldn't even get worried!" said Gaby, hugging me too.

"That's right little butterfly~! A family is always together!" said Amiphossia.

"Yeah, calm down and relax with us!" said Oga.

"You can touch my tails, master!" said Kaguya.

"Woof! You can also touch mine!" said Wagyu.

"No, mine!" said Kekensha.

"We'll be here to protect you as always, Kireina-sama!" said Truhan while feeling inspired.

"Yeah, leave it to us!" said Celica.

"Haha… Everyone, thank you so much for your love…" I said.

Oof, I was a bit angered there when I remember "Overseers", I think they got a bit concerned with my aura, so they smothered me with some love…

Hmm… Much better now…

"Kireina-sama, I am happy that you are still yourself," said Gaia.

"Indeed! Kireina-sama is no one to even have a mental breakdown or whatever! She is way too strong for that! And more importantly, I cannot believe my wife is also the daughter of a Primordial Deity! Oh my, so all of Kireina's children are… the grandchildren of Chaos herself?!" asked Agatheina in shock, as she rubbed her belly, she was also pregnant, although the baby still hasn't formed and was only little cells and a clean, divine soul.

"Oh right…! So Chaos-sama is our mother-in-law! Amazing! Ohohoho! So we are even more justified to be as devilish as we want with such a patron at our side!" said Acelina.

"Indeed, I can't believe to have such a being as our mother-in-law… it make sit all better I suppose," said Nesiphae.

"So our grandma is in fact not a human but a primordial deity?! Neat!" said Vudia.

"What about grandpa?" asked Ailine.

"Well, my mother is actually genderless, so she could be considered to be both," I said.

"Ohhh!" said Belle.

"Amazing, so she is both grandma and grandpa!" said Valentia.

"So cool… But I am not really related to mama… so I am not really her granddaughter…" said Nirah.

"Hmm… I could make you my blood-related daughter as well, Nirah," I said.

"Eh? Really, mama?" asked Nirah.

"Sure, here," I said, as I generated a tiny needle and pincher her little arm, inserting my blood.

As my bloodline has evolved, I can now do something as easy as sharing it by inserting it directly into the blood of others.

Nirah was so emotionally connected to me that the blood immediately accepted her.

"Eh? I am glowing!" said Nirah, as she felt a rush of enormous power.

"Did you just gave Nirah your bloodline?!" asked Redgaria who had been looking at us in silence.

"Yeah, I am only giving it to those I consider my children though… SO you are not getting a share!" I said.

"Sheesh, not like I wanted to be the children of an abomination- UNGH?!" cried Redgaria, as I hit him with my Aura and sent him flying, hitting the ceiling as he fell over the floor.

Quite cheeky I see.

Well, that is fine, he always takes a hit, he had grown plenty strong himself, I might even let him become a God soon.

Leaving the cheeky necromancer unconscious, Nirah was left in shock as she felt an emotional and also bloodline connection with me!

"Mama… I am so happy… I am really your daughter now!" she said, as she hugged me.

"Of course you are, you have always been! And now you even have a grandma too! How nice, right?" I said as I kissed her forehead.

The rest of my little babies quickly jumped over me, all sticking to me as Nirah did.

"Haha, everyone is so playful today, you really missed me so much, huh? Fufu, let me give you a few tickles then!" I said happily, as I started to play with Vudia, Ailine, Nirah, Belle, the Seven Harpy Siblings, Marduk, Nammu, Nanshe, and more… even Valentia wanted to be tickled, she's really a little girl in a big body, isn't she?

"Hahaha! Mommy, stop!" laughed Vudia as she moved around cutely.

"No, no, no~ I am going to eat your little tummy up! Nom, nom, nom!" I said, as I began to playfully munch her little tummy as it released little and cute sounds, Vudia began to cry a bit of how much she was laughing, she really was weak to tickles and playful things like this.

"Hmm, what a delicious little tummy!" I said as Nirah came to "Rescue" Vudia, throwing herself into me and entangling me with her tail.

"Gaooo!" she roared, as she roleplayed as a monster as she usually liked to do.

"Oh no! Someone save me, the tyrant Nirah is here!" I said. I have to admit that such things were a bit cringy, but when it came to doing it with my little babies it was fine.


Belle emerged while flapping her wings, as she started to attack her several armpits with little tickle attacks, making her laugh playfully.

"Hahaha! Nooo! Hahaha…!"

Nirah was defeated, as she was thrown over a bed of cushions!

"Oh, my heroine, thanks for saving me!" I said, kissing Belle in the forehead, as Nirah jumped over my bed groaning.

"Gaoooo! I am not done yet!" she said,

"I am also evil now!" said Ailine, as she jumped over Nirah and entangled her tail, gently biting her shoulders playfully.

I continued just going along with my children and playing for a few hours, which really lightened any fear or anger in my heart… overall, I just felt happy.

Though I think that Vudia and Ailine are already mature enough similarly to Amiphossia, they still want to play around like little girls… well, it is fine.

Actually, Valentia had decided to join, but she was just enormous. Nonetheless, we attacked her with all the tickle-based attacks we had at our disposal!

And then even Amiphossia joined, and Aarae and only Ryo kept glaring at us play childishly while crossing his arms.

"I-I am not joining! I am already a grown-up!" said Ryo.

"Aw, come on!" I said, as I grabbed him with a tentacle and threw him into the pillows, then, everyone attacked him until he was forced to laugh at our side!

"Noo! I am actually weak to tickles! Please! Agh! Hahaha…! Haha! Noo! I am… Hahaha!"

"Why are you laughing if you were so mature, huh?" laughed Amiphossia.

"T-This is not fair, nee-sama!" said Ryo while blushing.

Haha, it is nice to be alive.




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