Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 820 - Side Chapter: Envy


The Yggdrasil's Sprout is the largest tree within the Realm of Vida.

Since the creation of the Realm of Vida, it was born when a branch of the original Yggdrasil Tree, an enormous tree that once existed in the past of Genesis broke apart into pieces during the destruction of the planet, fell from the debris over the early Realm when it was still growing.

Thanks to the Divine Energy inserted by the Gods when they began to form the Realm, the Yggdrasil branch absorbed such energy and started to grow slowly, sticking its roots deep underground, and taking hold of this new Realm.

Growing bigger and bigger, it feeds the Realm with rich oxygen through its absorption of carbon dioxide and other contaminating gases and miasma left behind after the explosion of the world, and slowly turned these energies and products into pure and clean energy, nourishing the Realm as a whole.

And as time went by, new races began to appear all around the world, Elves, Fairies, and other beings who were not originally from this Realm, the children of Freyja and Freyr migrated here by the grace of the Gods, and were placed in this area, around the large Yggdrasil sprout, letting them prosper around this area that benefited their physiology, while the Gods received their prayers to gain energy and power to sustain themselves.

Like this, for thousands of years, a large number of Nations emerged around these areas, but after several disputes, wars, and conquest, only one single nation was left dominating the entire area around the enormous Yggdrasil Sprout, the Everwood Kingdom.

Dominated by powerful Light Elves, the purest and most well-known race of elves that have spread all around the Realm through the thousands of years since their relocation into the Realm of Vida, this Kingdom lived a peaceful and self-contained life, without much interaction with the outside world.

This area of the Border Continent was located into the left side of the Continent, in the center of the left side, which was surrounded by beautiful nature, forests, jungles, rivers, and planes, they were one of the closest Kingdoms to the Azuma Empire, however, they did not interact much with each other, and the only thing they did was the trade of resources and materials and only a few times per year.

Within the depths of these forests surrounding the beautiful and glorious Yggdrasil Sprout was the capital of Everwood, Alfheim, named after the Realm of Fairies and Elves.

In here, both Fairies and Elves lived in harmony, the beautiful scenario, the large buildings constructed above the trees and immense ruins of old civilizations covered this capital, which was bustling with people everywhere, although pure Light Elves were all of the same race, their appearances, hair and eye colors were all varied and colorful, the same thing was for the Fairies, who were Light Fairies and not Dream or Nightmare Fairies, which were excluded from the Realms of Freyja and Freyr.

Colorful Elves and Fairies of all shapes and sizes walked and flew around the streets and enormous trees, giving an atmosphere of life and brilliance…

The people seemed happier than other times, as they had recently got to know about one of their governors, an Elven Princess, had been given the Title of Realm Menace of Envy!

…Wait, wouldn't that be a bad thing?

Indeed, the people did not really know about this, and only the Gods societies were the ones that were spreading such news, as mortals were mostly unaware that one of the elves had become a Realm Menace, nor they needed to know anyways.

The highest place in this city was the castle built above a branch of the Yggdrasil sprout, a glorious and beautiful palace where all of the royal family of Everwood lived.

Within the largest room, the throne room of this castle, a slender and beautiful woman sat down over the throne that should belong to the Elven King.

Her slender and beautiful figure would stun anyone who was to see her splendor, her eyes shined brightly with emerald light, and her long and blonde hair shined with a golden hue, her slender figure combined wonderfully with her enormous pair of breasts, which showed that she was indeed an elf of high caste.

Her beauty was unmatched in the entire nation, and her powers… as well.

As the Realm Menace of Envy, Faylen Holone possessed an immense amount of power, unmatched even by her most talented of siblings and her own father and mother.

However, acquiring such a Sin came with the drawback of making her envy everything.

Everything was enviable to her, and similarly to Greed, she decided to possess it.

But unlike Greed, she was also okay with destroying it, as long as it was not of no one, it was fine by her.

Such feelings, however, were already inside of her mind since she was a child.

Faylen grew in a family with many talented siblings, who always stole the attention of her mother and father.

Always desiring attention, she became obsessed with having what others earned from either their own efforts or their own talents, and enormous envy against anyone who got what she did not have grew inside of her heart, shaping her character as someone lonely that could never be satisfied with what she already had…

However, she was also prideful, and had tried many years to prove to her family that she was worthy of their recognition and attention… but by growing in such a dysfunctional family of people that lived way too long and that treasured bonds way too little, it was obvious that they would not see her as important anymore.

…Even more when she developed magic that was not supposed to be born in Light Elves… Dark Magic.

Due to the uniqueness of her new Magic Attribute, Faylen thought of herself as someone important and amazing and secretly trained her magic so she could one day showcase it to her family and finally gain recognition, attention, and some love, which she desperately looked for everywhere.

However, she was in the wrong, and the day she showed her magic to her family was the day that everything went completely downhill…

Light Elves were not given the name of "Light" for nothing, they were indeed wielders of Light, Life, and Nature Attribute Magic, and Dark, Shadow, and other attributes that were the opposite to them were only wielded by the "lesser" and more "savage" of Elven subspecies that were despised by the Everwood Kingdom and treated as slaves, such as the Dark Elves, Night Elves, or Poison Elves, amongst other variants created by different Gods when they mated with Elves.

The day she showed her Magic talent was on her 40th birthday, a young age for an Elf, as she was still considered an infant.

However, the moment she showed with a bright smile the shadows and darkness that she was able to wield and their monstrous colors, aura, and power, his family was horrified…

"You… You are not my daughter!" roared her father.

"I… I never gave birth to you! My daughter would never… never wield such a wicked element!" said her mother, as she began to cry sorrowfully while her other children comforter her.

"…Eh? F-Father? …Mother? Is it not… good?"

Faylen glanced as her family glanced at her with scorn, fear, and hate.

"Silence, you lowly demon! Enough of masking yourself as our sister! Guards, send her to the dungeon!" roared her big brother, as Faylen was taken against her will, suppressed by sealing bracelets that canceled her magic, and sent into the depths of a dungeon within the capital… where other criminals were sent.

There, Faylen was tortured by her wicked brother, who she believed loved her…

"Why?! Why are you torturing me?!"

"What have I done to you?!"

"What am I done to anyone?!

"What is wrong with wielding dark magic?!"

"Why…! Just why do I have to suffer so much…! I am… a princess! Unhand me!"

She fell into a pit of complete despair, abyssal suffering, and agonizing sorrow.

By the wicked rules of their religion and nation, Dark Magic was banned for some reason, and she was treated as a monster, or a demon, even.

Her brother, a wicked man who was always interested in her body and the luscious and degenerate thoughts of savoring it had finally gone loosen when she was apprehended into the dungeons, coming every day to torture her.

Preparing her for that one day… where he finally decided to step further into her punishment and deflower her ravenously like a beast…

"Let me goo! Don't…! AGH! AAAGH…! It hurts! Brother, why?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THISSSSS?! IT HURTS…! MOOOM! HELP ME! SOMEONE… HELP MEEE!"

"This is what you deserve, Faylen! This is what you become, my little whore! Scream more! You filthy dark witch!"

For many months, even years, Faylen underwent terrible torture and sexual abuse, her mind fragmented into pieces, and whatever innocence was left on her, whatever hope she had over a bright world, and whatever left of light in her heart extinguished completely…

At some point, the only thing burning through her very heart was an indescribable desire to steal everything from everyone, everything that made them themselves, everything that made them happy, she envied all of that, she could not believe that this world was so unjust, she desired to make everyone suffer as she stole all that they loved.

And then, it awakened.

As her expressionless and lifeless eyes glared at her brother penetrating her insides like a beast, and filling her womb once more with his disgusting seed, her heart burned with black flames as her eyes became red.

She had met the requirements.

And on that day, a new Realm Menace was born.

Her Dark Magic awakened and created the derivation to it, Chaos Magic.

Her heart turned into a Miasma Heart, and her entire body began to exude an aura of corrosion that stole the energy around her…

The seals put over her body to rend her useless were broken in seconds.

And as her brother glanced at her with a perverted, sick smile, he felt as if something slimy took into his penis.


He glanced with horror as his member began to melt into bloody liquids, falling apart into the ground.

The pain was indescribable, and it made him go mad, falling into the ground and shrieking in terrible pain.

Faylen walked towards him expressionlessly as her eyes glowed with more envy and hate than ever.

Envy about his perfect life.

Envy about all the attention and love he grew up with.

Envy about his powers and fortune.

Envy about how he could do whatever he pleased his entire life.

Envy about how he was the most perfect and amazing sibling she had…

Envy about everything within him.

She even felt Envy about his wickedness, she wanted to be like him, she wanted to be evil, monstrous, wicked, terrifying, abyssal, ruthless, sick, and more…

She wanted everything.

Her miasma moved inside of his flesh as he screamed in agony, all of his orifices were raped by monstrous and slimy tentacles made of miasma as Faylen made sure to let him alive… if he were to die it would be no fun after all…

Since that day, everything changed in the Everwood Kingdom, and now, Faylen sat down on the throne, after having stolen everything from anyone she envied.

Her entire family kneeled on the ground, all of them were nude and being constantly raped by her miasma, every single day.

And if they were to be broken, she healed their minds through Illusion Magic and Life Magic to make their bodies as good as new… only to resume the suffering, never-ending abyssal suffering.

As she rested her legs over the back of her father who was suffering horribly, she sighed.

"How boring… What is there left for me to steal? I envy everything… I cannot stop envying everything! I might as well… take away everything… right?" she asked, as a figure in front of her resembling a beautiful and tall woman with long green hair wielding a golden bow… her sharp golden eyes resonating with the malice within Faylen.

"Of course, Faylen, I shall let you take away from everything you envy… And I am sure that you will envy her life, she is enviable, even to us the Gods," she said.

Faylen then smiled wickedly, showing her white teeth as her emerald eyes gleamed with crimson light.

"I can't wait…"


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