Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 811 - Revelations 3





Huge plot twist!

Who would have thought my past was so freaking complex?

This is really ruining the entire story now!

…Or is it making it even better?

Hard to tell.

Well, it is my life after all…

So, I guess knowing about my actual past and the truth of everything… makes me happy.

And who is cutting onions?

Geez, am I really crying now?

I do not even have my physical body in here!

Well, my past is my past.

It is not like I will begin to act differently or something…

Whatever I am, I am me.

All the memories I have forged in Genesis are still there.

My family, my friends, my Empire, and all of that, it still there.

It is not like all of that will disappear!

I am… ME!

Yeah, it sounds redundant and stupid…

But for some reason, now I feel better.

I do not know why.

But just knowing about this… just knowing about the truth is really quite refreshing.

I do not know.

I feel like something deep within me was being sealed, and now, it is finally being freed.

So here I am, with my mother.


How anticlimactic.

I really thought I would need to go "back" to Earth.

But it seems that… I was never from Earth, to begin with!

"The memories implanted into your mind had made you virtually someone else, however, after you awaken your true memories, it seems that both personalities have merged. It could be said that the real you is finally here… My child. However, what you had already forged in Genesis are still precious memories and people… It makes me happy that you have gone so far…" said Chaos.

I see…

I guess it still the same, huh?

Although… Now I am very pissed as well.

And sad.

Just when I got to know you and finally realize that you are actually my mommy, you're going away?

Please tell me that the thing about you slowly dying was some kind of sick joke…



I can't let you freaking die!

"It is… a complex thing. As of now, we cannot do anything against this. And that is why… I wanted you to inherit my power. I want you to become the Primordial Deity of Chaos… My beloved child…" said Chaos.



Do not die!

I know that I am mature now and all, but it really just fucking hurts to see this!

Mother, don't dare say that now!

When I finally got to know that you are you, you are telling me to let you die?!

I will not let that happen!

Tell me who do I need to slaughter to help you!

I am just going to annihilate the entire galaxy if I need to!

"…I am glad that you are so eager to help me… I am just happy to see you as you are now… you have really become someone else while I was sealed, all this time… Right, my child? No… Kireina…"

I am also happy to see you! I wish I could actually… hug you…

But I am not exactly a kid anymore, I even had my own kids too!

"I know… I am happy to have been blessed with so many beautiful grandchildren… The moment I knew that you had children through our connection, I immediately felt incredibly happy… I never thought that I would one day become a grandmother…" said Chaos.

I really want you to meet them all… But… everything is so complicated now… I still have so many questions…

Like, who is Quinn then? Is she still from Earth?

What happened with the original person whose memories belonged?

Should I still worry about Earth?

Even after knowing that I was never a human, to begin with, I still want to go there!

Is there no way of saving you?

How would I even be able to wield your power? Wouldn't I explode into pieces?

"Many questions, I see… But I can answer every one of them…"

"Quinn is indeed the soul of a human from Earth, your memories are of that human she called Neet, but your soul and its origins are those revealed to you… I do not know what the intentions of the System Master were complete. But I do know that he is trying to bring souls from other worlds into Genesis to make the Fate and Destiny that suppresses him there to destabilize..."

The fate and destiny… are that big of a problem for someone like him?

"It is. Even as the System Master, Destiny is incredibly strong, and it decides the lives of everything. However, by bringing souls from other worlds into Genesis, he had become capable of destabilizing the destiny and fate of the world, which had given him more freedom to do whatever he pleases. Souls from other worlds possess destinies from their own worlds, so when they are forcefully inserted in a different world, they make the entire destiny of that world change and destabilize, generating errors, and loopholes…"

That's… I see… It makes some sense now, so the bastard is doing all of this, putting so many innocent lives in danger just for his selfish goals?

Well, I would do the same, maybe.

"I can see that, as my child, you are indeed quite malicious. You make me very proud. As agents of Chaos, bringing chaos is the best thing you can do, actually, it is the thing you were born to do the best," said my mother with a warm voice.

It seems that we are somehow of a villainous family here.

I am glad she did not get angry at me for slaughtering so many innocents (or not so innocents) for my own selfish goals, but it seems that she would have done the same happily.

I guess we instantly clicked as mother and daughter!

"Of course, a mother would never be afraid of her own child… Answering your other question, the original wielder of the memories that the System Master inserted inside your mind did die, he was reincarnated by the System Master in Genesis some years ago… By analyzing things, I believe he became the wielder of the Original Sin of Gluttony, and it is still alive, wandering the Realms of Genesis in search for someone…" said Chaos.


Big reveal!

So the real… whatever this guy name is, whose bit of memories I possessed, is actually in here!

And he's the Sin of Gluttony no less?!


This a shocking plot twist as well!


No way!

Should I find him and make him my ally then?

It would be weird to speak with someone who has part of your memories…

But not remember my name nor that of those 'parents' is most likely because the System Master changed things around…

"Indeed, the System Master tweaked your memories to form a new personality within you based on this human. It seems that he had found his memories to befitting of someone that could survive, so he chose them instead of letting your own original memories or personality do it."

"Your mind and emotions as a child of chaos were unstable and chaotic, suppressing them and then replacing them with another memory to form an actual mind like the one you had was a quick way to make you mature… However, I do believe that what he did was horrible, but at the same time, he saved your life and allowed you to meet with me…" said mother.

Yeah, I have mixed feelings about this guy. At the same time, I am grateful and also angered…

And all of this is… well, overwhelming, even after knowing it.

"I can understand how you feel… But I do also know that you are strong, and you will be capable of coping with these changes. You are my child after all…" said mother while being quite proud of me being simply… me.

Uwah, so this is what having a mommy is all about.

I do not know why but I feel so happy when she accepts me for who I am…

It makes me relieved…

…Am I becoming too childish now?

"I wish I could cuddle and hug you as I often did in the past… My child… I have missed you so much… But through all your journey, I could feel your dim presence traveling through the cosmos… You were always being watched over by me… And although as I am now I was not able to help you as much as I wanted, I have indeed done more than I thought I could… The Abyssal Chaos Demon Body Parts are in fact those demons that were your friends and servants. They willingly decided to help you as you were now, and fused with you to increase your strength," said my mother.

I see…

So these guys… They were really my former servants…

She created them to make me company and play with me, but after so many millions of years… they still remembered me?

Well, they are now all one with me, and I appreciate their strength.

"Now, answering your other questions… That you should worry or not about Earth is not really something you ask me, this is your decision if you want to or not. Bear in mind that such a world is not originally your home. However, you are free to do as you please, the last thing I would like to do is restraint, my own child, we are beings made of Chaos, after all, there is anything more painful than being restrained…"

Yeah… I guess I should have not asked you.

It is really just a thing for me, I have to decide either worrying or not.

And I choose to do so, but only a bit.

I really just want to explore it one day…

"I am glad that you understand. Take your own decisions and never let others decide for you, my child…" said Chaos.

Thanks, mother… And I know that it's not like I don't…

I am also wondering… Was I originally a woman or a man?

"Hmm… Although I am technically your mother based in several lifeforms cultures, much like me, we do not possess a gender. We are genderless entities. Your gender can be whatever you desire to be, and whatever form you want to take, you are still my child, and I love you… Do not feel restrained by the memories inserted within your mind, and make sure to love anyone you want. Your emotions and the true and sincere love you feel for your family are what make me so proud of you… such a complex mind…" said my mother with tender words.

Aw, come on, mom, you are making me embarrassed now…


I was never a guy, to begin with…

I was not even… a corporeal being, I didn't even have a gender…

And well, just like now, I am free to be whatever I want.

Well, I can already do that, I can change genders, appearance, and all to whatever I want to…

Maybe I should not restraint my own feelings anymore?

I mean, because of being a former guy as I believed, I always thought that I should always be attracted to women, and I truly was…

But now that I got my memories back, this strange restraint I had just is not even there anymore.

Should I…?

Well, at this point I do not really care any longer.

But for now, I do not think it is a good topic to talk about what guy could I be with or whatever.

It's not something important either, or I am rather content as I am with my family…

But this just opens this slight possibility.

"Being fluid about your sexuality is very beautiful. Acquiring a mortal vessel had given you new experiences that not even I had gone through, it had made your mind and experiences rich, and your mind itself is already way better than mine…" said mother.

Being fluid?

I guess I could do that…


"Talking about the other questions, and to answer them… I don't know. I don't know if there is a way to save me… As Primordial Deity, my existence is vast and almost boundless. To actually heal all this power and existence I have lost, you would need to become a being who has transcended all the universe, something similar to an Overseer… And I don't want to force you to do so without being given proper help… but the only way I can give you enough help to achieve that goal is through my very power… for you to inherit it. But that, would also kill me in the process…" said my mother.

So there is… no way out?

Will I really… See you die?!

After all this time?!

Those bastards… Who do they think they are?!

Even going as far as to chain you, a Primordial Deity!

"Calm down your wrath, my child. I am sure that one day, you will be able to exert it over their faces… but for now… You must not. …And about giving you my power, sadly, it is not possible yet…" said my mother.

Not possible yet…?




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