Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 794 - Godly Explanations





We explored my Divine Realm for hours with my family, friends, and Gods, reaching the skies and even meeting the Gods that worshipped me, which arose some strange and funny interactions.

"You guys should be grateful that Kireina-sama has spared your lives after devouring your powers like this! Worship her harder!" said Agatheina, she was about to take out a whip and hit the Gods, who were all gathered in a large temple made of gold, which was set above a beautiful floating island, all the gods' presents were kneeling and worshiping a statue of myself… I think they made it themselves.

"It was thanks to Nirah-chan that they were given such a chance… but there is no need to be so rough anymore, Agatheina, they had already learned their lesson. Although I didn't let Kinesis come here, so I just completely made him disappear," I said.

"Kinesis was not the same we thought…" sighed Thanatos.

"Indeed… Oh, and we are thankfully for Megusan… Even though we treated you like that in the past, you forgave our lives and even gave us a second chance of living, even without our powers anymore, just living is enough… at the side of Varilok…" said Milmeloth.

"Well, I was feeling a bit bad over it, and mama just did it! Isn't she the best? And well, my memories as Megusan remain, but I do not feel at all like him! So do not worry, there is no need to apologize for what you did, after all, it was not as if my past self did you fair either," said Nirah, since she regained her memories that her mind had matured a lot, and she was now able to speak rather coherently as if she were a big girl now.

"I see… so your new identity is Nirah… as a person, you've really improved…" said Primidone.

"Indeed… Well, now that we live in here, we would like to remain in here… being outside of the conflicts of the world… this truly feels as if we were in heaven," said Oculus.

"However, what Megusan- I mean Nirah had become, is this what the second chance is all about, Kireina-sama?" asked Jozrath.

"Indeed, although I was not the one that revived her like this… But yes, there is a possibility for all of you to become new people and begin anew like her… But I am not forcing you, do as you please," I said.

"Hmm… if we could be given such a chance, we could become Kireina-sama's children? Indeed, it does sound good…" said Apollo.

"Wait, is that me?" wondered Cyrene, as Cyrene, my clone, was at our side.

"Oh, hi," said my Cyrene Clone.

"Oh, so this was you the whole time, one of Kireina-sama's clones… Indeed, she is incredibly cunning! The world will be hers," said Apollo.

"It is really me… well, my body," said Cyrene, glancing at my clone.

Well, the clone was herself at this point, separated from my soul.

"Well this is awkward," said my Cyrene Clone.

"I-Indeed, let's not see each other ever again…" said Cyrene.

"…I agree," said my Cyrene Clone, moving away into the crowd behind me.

Indeed, that was a very awkward interaction!

Anyways, after Agatheina had her fill roaring and ordering these Gods to worship me more fervently, we descended into the middle layer and joined the beach with everyone there, we were greeted by many former Aquarians, and we had a large seafood feast until the night came in both the outside world and my Divine Realm.

"Amazing… so this is a Divine Realm… so big, it is like a world of its own, Kireina-sama," said Sakura at my side, as she was enjoying a roasted fish.

"Indeed, this is but one of the powers that Gods have… I am sure that you will also have a beautiful Divine Realm when you become a Goddess," I said.

"M-me? A goddess?" asked Sakura.

"Well, of course, I am not settling for anything lower. Now that you're my wife, you will be obvious given the power to raise to godhood and acquire the strength you have been training for, yet you did not completely acquire," I said.

"That's… but… I feel like… I am not deserving of it… I am a mere servant… I will not be able to give you anything in exchange for giving me such a gift," said Sakura rather saddened, she seemed to have a complex over her powerlessness.

"Being at my side is already a beautiful gift, Sakura. And later on, I am sure that you will bring me more gifts…" I said, petting her belly.

"A-Ah… Y-You know? I didn't want to tell you until I could confirm it but… it seems that…" muttered Sakura.

"I can feel it already, life is growing within you. The creation of our love is slowly growing… I wonder if it will be only one, or several? I should investigate more about Arachnes…" I said.

"A-Ah, I am sure that it will be one… I am a small-type Arachne, so we only have one or two children, until Big-type Arachne like Jorogumo who can have up to five," said Sakura.

"I see… I should really have investigated a bit more, sorry…" I apologized.

"N-No, it is fine! I am glad to answer any question you have about my race… Well, it isn't as if I originally knew that much, after all, I used to be a Hairy Spider, a lowly monster. It was thanks to you and the opportunities you gave me that I and my siblings became able to evolve into Arachne!" said Sakura.

"Oh yes, I can kind of understand that feeling. Growing from a tiny insect into a humanoid really felt quite weird at first… Remember when I used to be a Butterfly? I think you should remember, I do remember you before becoming an Arachne when you were the only Arachne to have evolved into a cute, pink-colored Giant Jumping Spider," I said.

"I do! I remember you when you were a purple-colored butterfly, Kireina-sama! You were really cute… but I was a creepy spider, so I didn't try to approach you…" said Sakura.

"I mean, I am pretty sure that I was creepy too. Have you seen butterflies in detail? They have long proboscis to drink nectar, and large eyes with several lenses, I must have been pretty weird, especially because I was using so many flashy powers that shouldn't even belong to a Butterfly," I laughed.

"Indeed… Now looking from back then, you have really become a Goddess! It feels almost surreal…" said Sakura.

"If you feel like that now imagine how I feel…" I said.

We continued festivities until very late, where I spoke once more with the Gods.

"Kireina-sama, your Divine Realm is immense… and the number of natural resources growing from it is also very large… Such Divine Realm could only belong to a Great God… yet you have it! All these resources could be used to enhance your Divine Realm even further, and hasten your cultivation a bit more!" said Agatheina.

"Oh? How so?" I asked.

"It seems that you are a special case amongst all Gods, as you have the power to wield all attributes. This is why your Divine Realm seems to be in complete harmony with so many attributes as if nothing… something that wouldn't be possible for normal Gods," said Morpheus.

"Although that might change now that every God can acquire Divinity Devouring and adapt their souls by eating other Gods souls that might not even match their Attributes…" added Hodhyl.

"However, as Morpheus said, you are special, as unlike all these Gods (including us) who began to eat other gods from different attributes after raising to godhood, you had already eaten many different attribute Gods before even becoming an immortal. This means that your own existence as a Divine Entity began by merging all of such attributes… previously, your Fragmented Divine Realm was submerged in complete chaos, right? But now, it has all converged together into a beautiful scenario of harmony between all elements…" said Agatheina.

"You see, Kireina-sama, we Gods can raise in strength by nourishing our Divine Realms. If we can absorb the Souls and Divine Realms of other Gods matching our attributes, our Divine Realms will grow in quality… This quality is based on the number of Attribute Particles we possess," said Morpheus.

"Attribute Particles?" I asked.

"Attribute Particles are the marks of attributes within all of existence, they are the representation of the attributes. Gods in the Realm of Vida maintain the Attribute Particles in the Realm and keep them in harmony, if they go berserk, the entire Realm might end up being destroyed, Attribute Particles are the foundation of attributes and well, of existence… Although there might be different names for them such as Attribute Particles, Existence Elements, and more, we called them Attribute Particles in the past," said Agatheina.

"Those capable of reaching a high level of affinity and mastery over an element can be named as Attribute Grandmasters, among many other names. However, you are special as it seems that you are capable of reaching a level of understanding and attainment as an Attribute Grandmaster with all attributes," said Gaia.

"Although this world might seem to have many Attributes, all Attributes come from big ones that reign over everything…" said Agatheina.

"Oh? Care to explain a bit more?" I asked.

"Of course, the main Attributes, where other lesser and more rare attributes diverge from are Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Space, Time, Life, Death, Dark, and Light," said Gaia.

"Well I kind of knew about that already, but it still interesting to know about it… Wait, but what about other Attributes such as System, Chaos, and Order?" I asked.

"Those Attributes are called Greater Attributes, and are build upon the foundation of all other attributes combined, as some other attributes diverge from some, such as Phantom and Soul diverging from Death and Darkness, there are Attributes that diverge from many combined attributes… Chaos, System, and Order are some of them. Void, as well, diverges from Chaos and Space," said Agatheina.

"It could be said that the Attribute of the System is a special, artificial Attribute created by the World's Will immense power and attainment overall attributes to their maximum knowledge and understanding," said Gaia.

"I wouldn't have expected less from the literal World's Will…" I sighed.

"Going back to the main topic, by increasing the Attribute Particles inside of your Divine Realm and your own body and soul, which are all connected and the same, you can increase your Cultivation, triggering the chance for a Divine Trial to appear inside of your Divine Realm. Whenever you defeat it, the Divine Trial will slowly decay inside of the Divine Realm and give you extra Attribute Particles, triggering a quantitative and qualitative change, increasing your Rank," said Agatheina.

So this meant that as I was raised to godhood, I gained Attribute Particles for all Attributes, and even acquired greater attainment and knowledge about the attributes too…

To cultivate even further as a God, I need to acquire more Attribute Particles through the method of nourishing my Divine Realm, simply put, add more Divine Materials and Divine Beasts into, which will become the Divine Realm's Attribute Particles and then mine too.

I can do this also by eating other Gods souls, and their Divine Cores which contains their Divine Realms, making their Divine Realm my own, which will most likely fuse it with mine.

I can also consume Divinity Fragment Elixirs, which will bring Attribute Particles of those attributes…

Although I am confused still, I wish the System could show me how many Attribute Particles I actually possess, but maybe it would be too confusing?

"Can you Gods see your Attribute Particles?" I asked.

"Yes, it should appear in your System whenever you scan your own Divine Soul, Divine Realm, and Divine Body, Kireina-sama," said Agatheina.

"I see. That was the step I was missing within this, and why I was so confused at first… I never gave myself the time to actually inspect my entire new being…"

And as I began to do so, I saw it.

So many… tiny dots of light.

Of many colors.

All around my entire existence.

They were all resonating in harmony, hearing my call.

It was as if I could even feel my entire existence, the particles that made the attributes of my body…

So these were Attribute Particles…

I have… a few thousand of each attribute, and a bit more for those I have specialized some more.


There are also Chaos and Fate Attributes, which seem to be what I got from my evolution!

Wait, so this evolution was still chaos-related…

[Attribute Particles]

[Basic Attributes: [Earth: 3.500], [Fire: 3.600], [Water: 3.600], [Wind: 3.400], [Space: 4.600], [Time: 1.000], [Life: 3.250], [Death: 1.100], [Dark: 4.600], [Light: 4.100]

[Diverged Attributes: [Illusion: 5.000], [Dream/Nightmare: 5.000], [Phantom: 5.000], [Blood: 6.000], [Poison: 3.500], [Soul: 3.200], [Nature: 2.500], [Thunder: 2.600], [Ice: 2.000] 

[Greater Attributes: [Chaos: 7.500], [Fate: 7.500], [Void: 5.000], [System: 10.000], [Law: 10.000]

These were my Basic Attribute Particles, the ones from the attributes were others diverge, it was a bit shocking to see that some had pretty high numbers such as Dark, Space, and Light, but it seems that it was because the Gods I ate that had those attributes were fairly strong.

And then there were the Converged Attribute Particles and the Greater Attribute Particles, which were way higher than the basic ones. It surprised me a bit, but it seems that even if Chaos is made by other attributes, it does not mean that the other attributes need to be at the same level as Chaos…

And well, yeah, I had pretty high numbers with these guys.

Especially Law and System, which were because I ate an Origin Core Fragment, most likely.

After telling the Gods about my current attribute particles, all of them felt surprised yet happy, some nodding confidently as if saying 'to be expected'.

"Amazing, Kireina-sama, usually, Living Deity only have around a one thousand Attribute Particles of their main attribute… yet you have so many… this is most likely because of the many Gods you have consumed," said Agatheina.

"So that's how it is… But then again, the ten thousand Law and System must be…" I said.

"Indeed, most likely because you ate that Origin Core Fragment, after all, it seemed to be charged primarily with these Attribute Particles, which became your own after you completely consumed it…" said Agatheina.




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