Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 773 - Love And Warmth





Now that I was done with moving the Gods, dealing with Kaggoth and her sister, and all of that, I kept chatting with the Gods while boiling the claws, Agatheina was tightly stuck to me, sitting on my lap while kissing me occasionally, she was being very lovely, to the point of obsession… not like I am complaining.

"Kireina-sama, never let me go!" said Agatheina, hugging me tightly again as we kissed once more.

"D-Don't worry, I am not going anywhere now, you can stay with me as much as you want, Agatheina. Having you sitting in my lap is very comfortable," I said.

"R-Really?" asked Agatheina while blushing.

"Of course, you're just very lovely, I can't help but shower you with my tender love," I said, caressing her silky silver hair as Agatheina blushed even more.

"K-Kireina-sama… L-Let's go to bed…" she said with a low tone near my ears.

"T-That soon? But the Gods are here…" I said.

However, Agatheina gave me a very needy look that I could not resist…

In the end, we left the Gods chatting and I created a sound-proof barrier around Agatheina's castle, where I began to do love to her.

Meanwhile, I created a True Body Clone that I moved outside of the Divine Realm of Agatheina, moving to the castle where I opened my Inner Realm Portal and finally let all the army of friends and family members get into our new outside city.

However, a part of the citizens remained inside of Inner Realm, as the temperature of the Lower Realm is not good enough for some of them.

Oh well, they could be able to use magic to offset such things, but little children are not as good at it, even less those that do not fight and are more production-based citizens, which often work on their factories, producing items and the like.

My Inner Realm: Soul World seems like the most peaceful and stable of all of them, so these people will remain within this place for the moment.

And well, there is the whole ordeal to raising to godhood, which I honestly do not know how I will do it…

Oh yeah, there are also all the new demon citizens from Thanatos, who had mutated and become rather loyal to me now…

Well, they are still confused and processing it, so I cannot do much for them for the moment, I have to let them stabilize and attend to their needs with my Slime Clones.

There is the Demon King of Thanatos, who is an Incubus, who seems to have woken up from his evolution, and seems to want to talk to me, but I will have to make him wait a bit, as I will be busy celebrating with my family.

No wait, I can actually talk with him right now through an Aura Clone or just a Slime Clone that is connected with my mind.

I guess I can do that…

It not like I forgot about it or something because I actually didn't care about talking with him or something.

No, no, you got it completely wrong there!


Anyways, that is for later!

I let my people enter this new city I have built, which I am still improving with every second through many Slime Clones working for it.

Through even more Slime Clones, the people are guided towards their new homes, and most of them just seem exhausted, wanting to take a break or just sleep until tomorrow.

Anyways, my children and wives emerge, and they all jump over me.

"Mastaaaaaaa!" cried Rimuru, as she hugged me with her blue slime tentacles, and kissing me afterward quite lovingly.

"Mommy, you're okay!" said Ailine, hugging me with even more slimy tentacles, she's such a lovely girl.

"Kireina, never do that again! Sniff…" cried Nesiphae, entangling me with her tail and then licking my entire face with her long snake tongue, which I didn't mind at all, but it was embarrassing, nonetheless.

"Mom! I am glad you are fine! …Well, it was obvious as the Inner Realm still existed! But still, I am very happy that you're okay," said Amiphossia, as she entangled me as well with her tail, and kissed me cutely on my forehead… Being kissed by your daughter is really comforting, although I feel like she's treating me as if I were her daughter!

"Honey… I… I was… I was confident that you would win… But it still… hurt me… knowing that even after growing this strong… I am not reliable enough… I… I promise you to become stronger… So we can always stay together, even in such chaotic battlefields… I want you to rely on me! I want you to… Count on me!" said Zehe, crying aloud, as she hugged me tightly… this… really broke my heart. I comforted her as much as I could, hugging her, kissing her, telling her how precious she was to me, she smiled a bit, and then called me an idiot… Yes, I am quite the idiot.

"I am not going to cry or anything… I know that you… would somehow pull a win, I remembered that you had other Clones around, even if that you died, another you would remain, the different body but the same soul, isn't it? Yet… I couldn't help but feel bitter… As your first son… I need to become someone reliable enough, mother… I will use this power I have cultivated and awaken it even further… until the point that I can clash against Supreme Gods, I will make you rely on me, you want it or not," said Ryo, glancing at me with a fervent conviction that made me open my eyes wide… My son… You have grown so much… I am so proud of you, but I still remember when you were a little and naïve boy… I hugged Ryo and kissed him, he seemed mildly annoyed but didn't resist like before, fufu, he's so sweet. 

"I… Please never go away like that… I was so worried… Never… never ever do that… I will… always stay at your side…" cried Brontes, hugging me tightly with her strong, steel-like muscles, she was also very warm… alongside the large rivers of warm tears coming from her single and beautiful eye, I cleansed her tears and kissed her, telling her that I would never do this again.

"Mommy, I wash sho worried! Shnif…" cried Vudia, flapping her wings and hugging me from my back, she kissed my head and hugged me tightly, I could also feel her tears, which I wiped and then kissed her forehead and cheeks, comforting her.

"I know that you were worried about us and stuff, but… we were supposed to stick to the end together! I… I do not know what I would have done if I had lost you… Kireina, you are way too precious for me and my life, and our children! You… don't have to be so reckless," said Gaby, she was containing her tears as she hugged me and kissed my neck and ears, I apologized for my behavior and told her that I wouldn't do this again…

"I-I knew you would be fine, mother, you're… Well, you are you, after all… But… Kinesis was too strong and I… was rather worried… But… I am glad that you're fine…" said Aarae, giving me a warm smile as I embraced my adorable boy and kissed him all over his face.

"I wanted to wreck that asshole! …But I know that you were worried about our safety… I guess… I will have to keep growing stronger so you can trust on my strength some more, mom," said Valentia, my sweet little (or big?) girl, I hugged and kissed her, and she kissed me back and shared her warmth with me.

"Sigh… What am I going to do with you? You are truly a hopeless woman… But you are also the woman I have fallen in love with… Just make sure to not be so reckless, alright? I will try my best to be useful to you… So you make sure to… to not die… Alright?" asked Mady, containing her tears, although the eyes on her tentacles were dripping with tears… I hugged her and she embraced me with her tentacles and kissed me on my lips… Mady has gone through a long life of hardships, I want to make her happy… to make her life not as bad as it used to be… And I am doing a terrible job at that… I will try to improve, for her, and everyone else.

"Mama… I… I want to grow stronger! So… make sure to not… do dummy things…" said Marduk, he was still young, and he could not easily muster words, but they were all filled with sincerity, whatever you were before, I do not care, you are my son now, Marduk… And yes, I will make sure to not dummy things… my precious little boy, I kissed and hugged him, and made him sure to remember this comfort and warmth.

"Mama, mama…! Don't… don't let us behind the next time! Nammu will make sure to get stronger and fiercer for you!" said Nammu, as she hugged me while waving her dog tail, the puppy heads within her tentacles licked my entire face, and she did so as well… She is such a beautiful little girl… and she keeps licking me… Well, I could be like this all day.

"Giishii… I do not… really like fighting that much… I like to be at ease and at peace with you, mama… Gishii… But I… will grow stronger and make… sure that you can rely on us… Sniff…" cried Nanshe, as I carried her with my arms and told her that she did not have to worry, I will make sure that her life can be peaceful and happy, this is why I battle, after all, to make them all happy… My beautiful girl… I wish this world were fairer to those as innocent and good-hearted as you… But this world is crude and raw… filled with dangers and the wicked… So I will make sure to become so monstrous and terrifying than anything else, so we can finally attain the peace you deserve…

"You're truly an idiot, aren't you? I told you time and time again that I will always stay at your side, I train and get strong, evolve, and evolve, yet… you drop me off when you think we might die?! I mean… Yeah… I… Hm… I get it… I guess even after all of this, I am not… strong enough, right? It just… It's so frustrating to be weak… Even though we always train so hard… But… You survived, and here you are! Let's… work together and become stronger with Belle, alright? …W-What? I-I am not crying, you idiot!" said Adelle, she was resisting her tears… I understand that feeling very well, and let me tell you that I am also quite weak… I am truly sorry for putting you into such a situation… It's just… I… I was worried… I know she understands me, yet, I still feel a bit bitter… But after kissing and embracing her, I promise to help her grow stronger… So we can stay shoulder to shoulder on the battlefield.

"Mommy… I… I have something to tell you…" said Belle.

"My love… What is it?" I asked Belle, as I carried her in my arms, she glanced at me with her beautiful eyes, one was yellow gold and the other crimson red, with a purple hue.

"I… I am… I… I am Belle…" said Belle.

"Hm? Yes, you're Belle…" I said.

"No! I mean… Mother… I… I am really… Belle, the… mermaid princess, the one cursed with… a long life… and the one… killed by Caspian… I… reincarnated as your daughter…" said Belle.



I mean…

I named her Belle, but not so she could…

And when she died, I couldn't reincarnate others…

So… I really thought her soul was already long gone…


Is this… fate?

But why?

And how?



This is…

I see…

I guess those little feelings I had that something was up…

Belle's intelligence…

Her maturity…

So she was her, wasn't she?

"So that's how it is… I see… It makes so much sense now… My dear Belle, don't worry, even if you were the actual Belle before, you're now my daughter… Let me make sure to make this life more enjoyable than your previous one… Alright?" I asked her.

"Sniff… Of course… It has… been very enjoyable this whole time, mommy… I have really been… Such a wonderful life… Filled with so many friends, aunties, and siblings… I couldn't be… happier than now…" said Belle.

"W-Wait a second! Belle, you are… the reincarnation of aunt Belle?! Oh my…" sighed Adelle, falling unconscious due to the shock…

"Ah! Mommy!" cried Belle, going towards Adelle as we healed her together, making her come back.

"Ah! …Alright. Okay, I get it… Still… Oh my god… I… Well… Um… Well this is a bit awkward now…" sighed Adelle.

"Mommy I… Even if I was someone in my previous life, I am your Belle! And I… I really love you… I don't want you to treat me unfairly… because of who I was before…" cried Belle.

"What? Of course not… You are my beautiful little princess… I just… am very happy. I hope I am giving you a better life…" said Adelle.

"Of course… Both of you… Are so precious to me…" cried Belle, as we hugged her together.




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