Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 712 - Preparations

[Day 279] 

[Kireina] gained +26.300 Skill Points and Subclass Skill Points due to the prayers of your believers!] (Added!)


[Kireina] gained +81.000 Dungeon Points due to the combined energy gathered by your Dungeons!] (Added!)

[Kireina] gained an exorbitant amount of EXP due to the prayers of your believers and previously slain enemies (Random Dungeon Monsters)!]

[Kireina] has gathered the sufficient amount of required Experience Points!] 

[Kireina] Level has increased from Level: 144 to Level: 146!]

[Current Level: 146/250]

I have been working with my Slime Clones and Aura Clones the whole night, I have been mostly doing a ton of preparations for today, as I was going to go to the Dark Steppes with a True Body Clone while leaving another in the Empire.

A lot of preparations, indeed, I am predicting that Hephaestus will try to attack my weakest point, my Empire.

I have already evacuated the people of the vassal nations into the Empire's underground, and my Slime Clones, Aura Clones, and other types of clones had all stopped their normal, often production-based activities, gathering and constructing several layers of space around my Empire, I have built around three hundred as of now.

As if this were not enough, I had distributed several powerful mech bodysuits to all of my soldiers, every single one of them, and the strongest allies and servants had received special, custom made ones, not the ones I mass-produced through the bio machines I made through the combination of my Slime Clones, Flesh Clones, Aura Clones, Soul Clones, and magic technology coupled with magic science.

After finally succeeding in adding the fusion component into this equipment, they were given a few more upgrades and were finally done.

Each of such equipment is even capable of exerting the power of a very weak Divinity Devouring, and also carry a copy of my will and memories, so whenever an enemy tries to steal one of them, it will autodestruct.

Now that these Mech Transformation Equipment exist, I can combine it all into simple and easy to wield accessories such as rings or pendants, which whenever a soldier activate them, would cover them in a biomechanical bodysuit that can shape to their liking, of course, I didn't have much time to guide each soldier, but they should be capable of getting used to it quite well with the guidance of my split minds in each of such mass-produced items.

However, as I wake up with my family, take a quick bath, and then breakfast, I can't help but get this odd feeling out of my gut that something is about to happen.

This might be the effect of several abilities that grant me a slight foresight to the future… But I cannot see it very clearly, and the only one I could ask to see these things, Altani, had lost her ability to do so long ago.

To make sure of things, I create a few hundred more Slime Clones, while devouring a mountain of Dragon Corpses, and I leave them all preparing and reinforcing the spatial barriers and other many things I am preparing.

Creating more Slime Clones will most likely weaken me and lower my stats, as I have exhausted my own self quite a bit as of now, but this should be… enough, I hope.

Afterward, I also prepare even more things, opening a large teleportation gate in the underground and in the middle of the Empire, which leads directly to my DreamWorld, into a planet specific that has good conditions for most people to inhabit.

I have not moved my people to such places because I have not experimented enough with the aftereffects of traveling into a dreamworld, which might even, as I fear, turn them into beings that can only exist there if they were to stay too long.

Especially weak and not so battle-oriented people with strong bodies and souls…

The gods had also said that they will do everything they can to protect my Empire as well, so I hope that things go accordingly, and I have them to back them up at least.

Although I personally do not want to rely on them, I have a big enough army filled with talented warriors already.

As I prepare the last things with my Slime Clones, my family quickly notices the clear concern in my face.

"Masta, are you okay?" asked Rimuru.

"Ah, yes, I am fine, my dear. Don't worry… Whatever comes, I will viciously crush it so they cannot dare hurt us," I said.

"I see in your face that you're still concerned though…" said Zehe.

"O-Oh, well… You know, I have a lot of paranoia and stuff," I said.

"And stuff?! That's pretty bad… Here, sit in my lap~" said Nesiphae, grabbing me and sitting me in her 'lap' or more like her tender and large tail… it was very warm despite her being cool blooded.

Ah, this actually relaxed me…

"We know how hard you work, we also want you to trust us some more, will you? You're always worried because you want to pretty much do everything…" said Brontes, she was a bit annoyed with my attitude…

She is kind of right…

"I-I know… But I just… I just don't want to lose you… nor anyone…" I said.

"Sheesh, you're not going to lose anyone!" said Adelle.

"I mean, it's good to prepare and all, but not to the point of putting yourself in such a mental stress," said Zehe.

"I know… I'm sorry…" I said.

"D-Don't be sorry! Stop being like that… You should never be sorry about anything!" said Oga.

"Eh? Well…" I said.

"That's right, Kireina-sama. Don't feel sorry about anything, you've done plentiful of amazing things already, also, try to relax a bit, we had been also working very hard, so you're not alone in this, many preparations had been done on our side," said Sofarpia.

"Indeed. Although it is harder for us, by combining our Skills and Spells, we can help as well… We had trained very hard so we can finally be of some use, so please, leave some of the work for us," said Sofelaia.

"Indeed, although you are fairly superior to all of us, so we had to admit that… But still, we are now strong enough that our help does make a difference…" said Zehe.

"Yeah, you already saw it in the latest battle against those three gods, right?" asked Nesiphae, caressing my hair.

"That's right... Without all of you, I would not have been capable of winning, I was being mildly overwhelmed," I said.

That's right.

Why have I been so stupid?

My family had been always helping me so much.

And I keep thinking that they are not strong enough, that they are not prepared for all of this.

I have been the only one who is not prepared for this.

I am the weak one…

Without them, I would be even weaker.

I guess… Everyone here is also part of my total strength, just as I am for them.

"See?! Don't be like that, let's prepare all together like we always do…" said Gaby.

"I believe in teamwork, Kireina-sama. Although I have lost the utility of my foresight and divination, I believe that I've become strong enough to be of use," said Altani.

"Well, it is not all about being of use to me, you know? Now that I have changed so much, I just want all of you to be happy… It pains me every day that I have to make you all go through battles after battles, without letting you all rest and live peacefully. I guess this remains within my mind and nature, I used to be a neet on Earth, and was too used to those peaceful days, which I miss even up to this day," I said.

"It must be hard to change so drastically from a world of peace and tranquility to one like Genesis… In here, everything is strong enough to eat you up, so there are always danger at every corner…" said Lilith.

"Hm, but I believe that one day we might find the peace you seek, Kireina… We must work hard and strive forward for that time to come," said Charlotte.

"That's right, let's all work together for that day! Don't worry so much, we got your back!" said Nereid, she was oddly cheerful, perhaps my attitude made her act this way, aside from her usual tsundere side.

"Master, I will always be your side… So please, calm down," said Kjata, moving near me and kissing my cheek… She's so adorable… And that she is petite-sized makes her even cuter.

"Yeah, yeah, calm down for a bit now. Also, since we got those overpowered accessories, we can even beat down gods now," said Smilkas.

"I-Indeed… Although we are still growing, if we can combine all our power into a single being, even those weak like us can make a difference…" said Ocypete.

"Kireina-sama, I enjoy slaughtering those that oppose us, so leave the hard work for me, please. I would gladly slaughter the whole world to please you and bring you happiness," said Alice with enamored eyes…

"No need to be so aggressive, Alice-sama…" said Jonette.

"Of course! We'll beat anything, I got my chicks to back me up, although I'm sad that they grew so fast, they're crazy strong! They make their mommies very proud!" said Nephiana.

"Chupii!" The chicks cheer me up as well, chirping.

"Rest assured, Mady, Ismena, and I had left several barriers all across the Empire, alongside many other secret traps and more, so we have prepared ourselves thoughtfully," said Nanako.

"Fufu, that's right… We have to put a lot of our power into all these things," said Mady.

"It was quite complicated, but I've evolved a lot my Spells and Skills since the last fight! It was a crazy amount of experience and skill proficiency that we all earned, so we got pretty strong since then!" said Ismena.

"Indeed, and I will work within the shadows, devilishly slaying the enemies that try to sneak in!" said Acelina.

"This place has become my home as well, my Empire. I will not let anyone put a finger on it, Kireina-sama. I've converted the earth of this place into my domain," said Nixephine with a very serious tone.

"Indeed, as the sovereigns of this place, we cannot possibly let it be destroyed, even by Gods, we had prepared ourselves even for their strength. I will use the light that illuminates us this day to our advantage," said Nefertiti.

"Yeah, mommy, I and my whole party had also prepared a ton! Don't worry, we are prepared for anything!" said Amiphossia, my beautiful girl, she had grown into a fine woman, and her strength is also admirable.

"Kireina-sama, I shall use all the strength I've cultivated for this, if any threat happens to come, we'll make sure to slay them," said Evan, the Hero of the Empire.

"As your son, I have inherited an enormous talent that I constantly trained for this very moment. I will show you what I am capable of, mother," said Ryo with fierceness… Aw, my little Ryo is so cool~

"This is just the beginning, I am sure that many other threats will come in the future. We must make use of these challenges to sharpen our skills and magic… I will make sure to protect my home," said Aarae, my boy has also grown tremendously, I still remember when he used to be shy… Now look at him, so strong-willed, he even has an air of greatness and magnificence, like a King.

"And I will stay at Aarae's side, even if I am weaker…" said Ervin, Aarae's boyfriend and the prince of the Kelpie tribe, he's strong and very in love with my son, so I believe in his words. Even if he sees himself as weak, there are many items and equipment that I have granted to him to compensate for this.

"I am glad that we might be attacked, I kind of want to beat the crap out of a strong enemy, those three gods fight that we missed had made me a bit frustrated, so you better let me slaughter a bit, alright, mommy?" asked Valentia with the smile of a predator… she indeed had a different mentality that the rest of my children, but this also made her very special, she was my wild little girl.

"Yeah mommy, I will use all of this magic talent to my advantage! With mommy (Rimuru) we set a lot of magic barriers as well, and we even let a nice gift for anyone that tries to break them!" said Ailine… Since she was born that she was very intelligent, her growth since then had just been getting faster and her enormous magical talent put even me in shame… But aside from this, she's still my cute little princess.

"I left a big golem I've been crafting in secret too! Wait for it!" said Vudia… Oh, that one golem, indeed, it is a 'secret', but I already know that she had been creating a Gold Golem while also combining magic technology with it, she had asked Brontes to help her in secret, but I've used my Slime Clones to enhance the golem even further, it is indeed a very strong being… My little Vudia will once again showcase her great talent.

"I will work very hard as well, I will never let my home be taken down, not even by the Gods… I am not wasting this life, nor my family!" said Belle… since she was born that she held great powers, and up until now, she had become even stronger, yet she is way too young, so I will keep an eye on her…

"Leave it to us, mother!"

"We'll beat the crap out of anyone!"

"For justice!"

"By using these powers we inherited from you, we will fight for justice and our home!"

"Chirp! We'll kill any enemy for mother!"

"And then we can drink their sweet blood… Chirp,"

"I am more into eating a dragon steak, but we'll do our best,"

The Harpy chicks all state their opinions as well, all of them are my precious babies, so I am happy for them to have such strong wills of protecting their home and their family.

"Grawr! I will burn them all!" said Marduk.

"Let's fight for mommy…" said Nammu.

"Gishi, my poison is not as strong, but I can manage…" said Nanshe.

"Yes, mama! Don't worry, Tail-chan is always with me, so we are actually a team of two!" said Nirah.

"Now that I have a whole new family, I of course have to put a lot of energy into protecting everyone!" said Habitis.

"We'll do our best, as the wills and minds that compose me want to protect these people," said Ophois.

"The same thing for me, everyone inside of my mind agrees," said Maahes.

"I am not your daughter or anything… But I've grown pretty fond… of everyone here… S-So… I will do what I can," said Yiksukesh.

"Everyone… Thanks…"

I feel like I have been truly an idiot…

I mean, what an army.

If they all combine their powers, they should be even stronger than me, actually…

Damn, they had grown so much this whole time.

I am so glad…

It truly… makes me happy.

"Very well then, everyone… I am counting on all of you," I said, my eyes flashing with conviction, as I felt a rush of power filling my soul and body, even the Sin of Lust, who had been slowly generating its own mind seems to agree with me, showering me not with Lust Energy, but with pure power.

"I guess you're finally letting me wield your true power, huh?" I said to the Sin of Lust, as it remains in silence like it always does.




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