Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 679 - Explaining A Few Things


After having been revealed many secrets by Gaia's words, the 'tea party' between Gaia, Kireina, and the rest of the Gods continued for a few more hours, the discussions, questions, and answers continued as time went on.


Knowing the name of the Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin, Kireina could not help but feel as if it was way too 'simple'… She was not named after any god she remembered, nor anything of the sort, it was simply a name. Although it perhaps held some strong meaning within the tribe of Titans, she was not named after another god or being from the mythology of Kireina's original world, Earth.

"Simple? Well… Do remember that most Gods in Genesis were mortals until they raised to godhood, Kireina-sama. That also includes my dear mother… Sigh, I wonder how she is right now? It might be way too abrupt to try to speak with her though, as she might believe of me as an impersonator of her dead daughter…" said Gaia.

"Wait… If Gaia were to manage to speak with Agatha-sama and forge their bond as mother and daughter again… Wouldn't that make her one of our allies?! If we manage to have a Supreme God as an ally… We might stand a chance against other factions within Genesis!" said Agatheina.

"Indeed, that is what I've had in mind for some time," said Kireina.

"I've also considered the idea… However, we possess no way of communicating with my mother as of now. After my reincarnation, my connection with her had become even dimmer than before, I would need to find a subordinate God of her and try to persuade him into sending a message to her… Supreme Gods are incredibly hard to communicate with…" said Gaia.

"And all of her subordinate Gods…" muttered Kireina.

"Indeed. Most of the ones within this Realm, the Realm of Vida, inhabit the Central Continent Pantheons and are close allies with the Subordinate Gods of the Supreme Goddess of Fate and Destiny and also of the Supreme God of Star Ocean… And both of those factions are allied and, seemingly, enemies of Kireina-sama due to various reasons, such as her status as a God Devourer, a Realm Menace, and more…" said Gaia.

"Sadly, we can't get to speak with them peacefully because they would most likely try to kill us or just escape from us if they were to see us in person," said Kireina.

"So the possibility of having a Supreme Goddess as an ally…" muttered Merveim.

"It's still far away, isn't it?" asked Marnet with a bitter smile.

"I am sorry to say that it is as it is… For now, most of the connections I once had with many Gods are severed, as they believe I have died as of now… Most of my 'authority' is already lost. If I were to appear within the Interdimensional Merchant Shop and proclaim that I am Gaia, many gods would not believe my lies, and those that suspected me would come to hunt me down for obvious motives… I doubt my mother would easily believe such a thing either, as she is a very cautious woman," said Gaia.

"Then, the closest to a Great God as an ally would be… Ova, the mother of the Beast Gods, and Skadi, mother of Lazuli…" said Kireina.

"A-Ah, our mother is… well, I don't think she would become our ally at all. I am pretty sure that she must be very angry at us right now after having become allies with you, Kireina-sama. After all, she belongs to the Central Continent's pantheons and is supposedly part of your enemies," said Morpheus.

"That's right, our mother is a pretty senseless woman, she would most likely never help you out, nor us at this point…" said Maeralya.

"No way in hell, that woman is way too cold," said Marnet.

"Y-Yeah, I believe it would be easier to contact Agatha-sama than our mother…" said Levana.

"And about Skadi, we have no clue either…" said Hodhyl.

"She lives in a completely different Realm from us, so it would be even harder to find her," said Merveim.

"Impossible, as of now," sad Bovdohr.

"Indeed… Sigh…" said Nomera.

"Well, at least we got Gaia-sama! Even if she is not as strong as before, she is still Gaia-sama!" said Kaggoth happily.

"Even if she cannot use her previous authority like before, nor her strength, she still has all of that amazing knowledge. And I believe that her strength will keep increasing as we collect more of her fragments… Though, does someone have any idea where there could be another of them?" asked Kireina.

"It makes me very happy that everyone accepts me even after all I have lost… And yes, I know where my fragments are. Since I 'reincarnated' as of now, my capabilities had increased dramatically. And now, I seem to have developed an ability to track my fragments from far away… The closes one is… a few thousands of meters away, near the mountains that surround this Realm," said Gaia.

"If we gather all of her soul fragments, would she regain her original strength?" wondered Levana.

"Not completely, I would still lack my original physical body, but that one was snatched away… But most likely, I would acquire a very close strength to that… Perhaps even more, as I am now developing into a different being than before, all of that is thanks to Kireina-sama," said Gaia.

"I wish it was that easy for me to regain my original power…" said Hydros.

"Talking about your capabilities, Gaia, how do you feel?" asked Kireina.

After hearing Kireina's question, Gaia checked her new body, which was flawless in appearance.

"I feel fine. I have regained a part of my power, and I should be as strong as a Rank 2 or 3 Goddess… Something curious is that this body is… not exactly a Divine Body, it is a strange 'in between'. Could it be because I used Kireina-sama's flesh and materials?" asked Gaia.

"Indeed, you got something similar to me then!" said Hydros.

"Oh? A pseudo-divine body with all the mortal capabilities included in the package… Indeed, I can now 'Level Up' and gain 'Skills' and 'Classes' way easier than when I was Geie. Well, I could not even level up in that time, as Gods lose such capability. I do wonder, would I 'evolve' if I reach max level?" asked Gaia.

"It should be possible, I believe. Although we have not seen anyone in you or Hydros place reach max level yet… but the closest to that would be… Nirah, who is reaching her max level. We are still wondering what she will evolve or become… My children are also nearing that, and they're a unique existence between mortals and gods too, so I believe that their evolution might immediately bring them into Living Deity states," said Kireina.

"That would be wonderful. Though, with my strength comparable to a Rank 2 to 3 God, what would I become if I evolve?" wondered Gaia.

"We will know when it happens… Anyways, I've wondered for a while, but did you acquired some kind of Divine Realm? Or is it lost?" asked Kireina.

"I had one when I was a Titaness, but it was stolen. Then, I had another when I became Geie, but that one was also stolen… Now, I seem to not have been capable of producing one. It seems that although this body and capabilities are outstanding, I had not gotten some of God's basic powers, such as a Divine Realm… But maybe if my next evolution would turn my body into that of a Living Deity… perhaps I may acquire a Divine Realm," said Gaia.

"The same is for me… I lack a Divine Realm as well…" said Hydros.

"I see, that is quite the bummer, but for now, it seems that due to your new body capabilities, you can come to the surface without complications, don't you? It would be nice to present you to the rest of my family, and because you read part of my memories, you must know most of them already, do you not?" asked Kireina.

"Indeed, I do… I am excited to see all of the wonderful children you possess, Kireina-sama. I will make sure to be a doting auntie for all of them~" said Gaia with a gentle and motherly smile.

"Agh! You can even go to the surface and all…! K-Kireina-sama, could you make a physical body for me as well? A pseudo-divine one! I implore of you!" said Agatheina.

"Ah, me too!" said Merveim.

"Is it possible? I would like to jump into the boat then," said Hodhyl.

"And me!" said Marnet.

"It would make me exceedingly happy," said Maeralya.

"Me as well!" said Nomera.

"And me, please!" said Bovdohr.

"K-Kireina-sama…" said Kaggoth.

"I would appreciate the gesture," said Morpheus.

"If grandmother gets one, I should as well! Right?" asked Levana.

"I-I am not interested in it," said Nyzzet.

"Shut up! I am getting it first!" said Agatheina.

"Everyone, please calm down… I have already thought about this several times, but the things that you would need to lose to properly acquire a body like that would be… way too many, I do not want to weaken your power, especially because you are part of the pantheon, and your strength means a lot, if you all suddenly weaken, it would be highly detrimental. Also, I have no clue if I could let you keep your Divine Realm or if it would be lost like Hydros or Gaia, so it would be better to not do it unless you do not have any other option left… If you have not noticed, only those that had lost most of their strength, physical bodies, divine realms, and all of that were given new physical bodies through my abilities. And unlike them, all of you are healthy and strong, it would only weaken you… Sorry Agatheina, but no…" said Kireina with a gentle smile, she felt a bit bad to reject all these Gods who had helped her so much, even more Agatheina who was always so devoted to her.

"Oh, what a bummer…"

"Man, well, I guess it is understandable!"

"Yeah, we can wait,"

"Hm, no rush,"

"Perhaps another day when Kireina-sama perfectionates her techniques,"

"Yeah, we still have a long road ahead of us!"

"N-No, I understand, Kireina-sama… I understand that you are worried about our strength lowering if we were to undergo such changes… It would be very detrimental for our Pantheon… Haha, what was I thinking? I am perhaps one of the strongest here! If I were to weaken, wouldn't the entire Pantheon weaken as well? Fufu, I shouldn't be so foolish!" said Agatheina, masking her melancholy.

"Agatheina… Everyone, thanks for understanding. At first, I really thought that it would be hard to socialize and make Gods my allies. I always thought that every god in existence would only wish my death… But it seems that I was utterly wrong, all of you have been excellent allies and partners in this life of mine, and let me tell you that I hold dear every one of you within my heart," said Kireina.

As Kireina dropped such emotive words, the gods, all of them excluding Gaia, could not help but begin to cry out of happiness.

"Oooh! Kireina-sama!" cried Merveim, as manly tears dripped from his eyes.

"You didn't need to say such things… Such sweet talk, are you trying to seduce me? Because it is working, fufu…" said Hodhyl.

"But it is sweet to hear them, nonetheless. It is nice to know that you see us as more than just pawns, but as allies and even family," said Morpheus. 

"I am glad that you see us like that, I've never thought that I would become such a close friend with a mortal, to be honest… Ah well, we even have children together, but that is kind of awkward…" said Marnet, as he dropped manly tears as well.

"Oh my, that really hit deep into my heart… Kireina-sama, thanks…" said Maeralya with a slight blush.

"T-That was w-way too embarrassing to hear…! Uwawawawah…" cried Levana.

"Haah, after hearing that, I've become the happiest god alive!" said Bovdohr.

"Indeed! Kireina-sama, such words! I can't believe how benevolent you are to us lowly servants!" said Nomera.

"Well, that was a bit off-putting…" said Nyzzet while trying to mask the embarrassment by playing the cold character.

"Haah~ Kireina-sama, this only makes me more devoted to you!" said Hydros with an enamored expression on her face.

"Hm, she is very devoted to us as well," said Gaia.

"Kireina-sama, I love you!" said Agatheina with a fascinated expression in her eyes, as if her eyes had now heart-shaped pupils of crimson red. Her face was completely blushed and excited, as she jumped over Kireina with all of her might, breaking down the seal put into her and embracing Kireina in a tight hug, resting her head into Kireina's soft and bouncy breasts.

"Haaah~ Kireina-sama, Kireina-sama! I Will do anything for you! I will always remain at your side! Forever!" said Agatheina.

Kireina could not help but smile at Agatheina show of affection, petting her silverly white hair with a motherly and gentle smile.

"I am glad to hear that, I will never leave you behind either, Agatheina…" said Kireina.


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