Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 670 - Side : They're Back!




An enormous squid-like Monster roared, its size surpassing twenty meters with ease, as its body was completely white. It possessed one large eye in the middle of its body that gleamed with a scarlet light, while each of its tentacles had another of such eyes. The creature roared through its enormous beak, which possessed razor-sharp teeth.

The gigantic aquatic monster moved through a lake of waste and toxic fluids, moving forward with immense speeds towards its foe, a beautiful Titaness that shined in many colors.

"Come forth!" she said with a valiant voice, as her entire body began to move as if it were made entirely out of liquid fluids that shined in bright colors. Her body was covered in a beautiful, gothic-styled armor from head to toe, yet this heavy armor did not inhibit her movements in the slightest.

She raised her two arms as enormous weapons emerged from within her rainbow aura, a spear and a long sword appeared, clashing against the squid-like beast and releasing a loud crashing sound.



The monster roared, various of its tentacles were instantly sliced off, while a sharp spear penetrated its eye, enormous amounts of green-colored blood began to stream out of it as they bathed the beautiful slime Titaness, her slime growing bigger as she suddenly transformed, her appearance became fiercer, as even fur, a tail, and ears grew into her body, becoming something akin to a wolf beast-kin, her weapons shapeshifted into enormous claws, as she began to slash and destroy the monstrous creature.


The monster roared, as it pointed its sharp beak towards her, the beak moved at a speed that she barely could detect, penetrating her body and leaving an enormous wound within the armor and the slimy torso…

However, within a few seconds, the 'wound' was completely healed, as the monster glanced one last time how hopeless it was until it died completely, having its entire body torn apart.

"Hm! Done!" said the titaness with the voice of a mature woman.

"That looks tasty, can we eat it already?" asked the slime titaness once again with the voice of a wild girl.

"I am quite hungry," said the titaness with the voice of a young girl.

"Okay, let's eat it!" said the titaness with a gentle voice.

"Isn't it the boss though?" asked the titaness with a tomboyish voice.

"Oh right! I guess we just defeated the last boss from the last dungeon around here!" said the titaness with an energetic voice.

"Oh, it has been… quite a while since we went back to the Kingdom… A lot of things had happened there, I bet!"

"I heard that Kireina-sama became a goddess?"

"Wasn't she always one though?"

"True to that!"

"Indeed, from the reports that we get from her Slime Clones, she had done quite a lot!"

"It will be nice that you girls finally come back home, we all miss you," said a small, red-colored slime that was stuck to the ceiling, accompanying the girl.

"I guess we took a lot of time now…"

"Y-Yeah, we might have been a bit too inversed into this…"

"Hahaha! No worries, let's go back! We can make up for it later!"

"You're right!"

"We'll bring lots of treasures for everyone!"

"You girls can keep the things you won, I will be coming with my Main Body to steal these dungeons soon, so don't worry," said the red-colored slime, one of Kireina's Slime Clones to the enormous rainbow-colored slime titaness, which was the combination of all the Slime Family members.

"Really?! We got a crap ton of rewards!"

"Can we even equip them all anyway?"

"I think we should be able to!"

"As long as we fight separated, each piece of equipment will be used quite well."

"But do we even want to do that?"

"I kind of want to, to be honest, it feels nice and all… but I want some privacy, you know?"

"Right… I guess everyone wants it deep down, I can clearly read your thoughts,"

"Yeah that's the problem with this, we share all our thoughts so it's confusing and a bit annoying, we want some privacy for now…"


After finishing off the enormous squid-like boss, the girls browsed through their rewards, which had their Item Box almost filled with riches, and then separated, each one equipping new sets of armor, clothes, and weapon, with a minimum rank of Legendary.

"It really been a while since I see you girls separated, you all seem to have matured a lot too, this makes me a bit proud…" said Kireina's Slime Clone, she possessed Kireina's memories and emotions and remembered how each little slime was once summoned. They were summoned as oddballs with a different and more promising power than the rest of the slimes, ending up becoming allies instead of Experience Points bags for Kireina and her family.

"Is that so~?"

"Well, it really has been quite a while…"

"I wonder how Rimuru-san is doing!"

"I heard that she had a child with you, Kireina-sama?!"

"Ah, indeed, our daughter's name is Ailine, she's a precious little girl…" said Kireina's Slime Clone.


"She's about to get a ton of aunties!"

"Master, can we have children with you next?!"

"Yeah! I want some too!"

"Pretty please!"

"As a reward, maybe, we worked pretty hard!"

"Err… I.. I will think about it…" said Kireina's Slime Clone, it was nothing but a Slime Clone, so it could not take direct decisions from her main body unless she were to ask it personally… And Kireina's main body was currently sealed.

"Aren't we rushing things through?"


"No, I want to be like Rimuru-san and have babies!"

"Baby! Baby!"

"Wait for a second, you guys are way too crazy!" said Kireina's Slime Clone.


"Wait, shouldn't there be that thing that people do to reproduce before the baby though?"


"Wait, do you mean that… R-Rimuru-chan, d-did that… d-did that with M-Master?!"

"How's that called?"

"It's sex! It's called sex! We'll do lots with Master!"

"Wait, this is a bit too much now!"

"Ranga, stop talking about such embarrassing things!"

"These girls…" muttered Kireina's Slime Clone, as she accompanied the girls out of the dungeon.

Meanwhile, within the dungeon where the Wyvern Overlord was once sealed, a large battle was approaching its climax.

Within an enormous hall made entirely out of red-colored bricks and scorching heat, an enormous monster roared, it had three heads with long, snake-like necks. Each head was that of a different creature, from a Snake, a Lion, and a Goat.

The monster had long, dragon-like wings and a tail with the head of a dragon roaring as it released its blazing breath.


However, the beast was actually struggling, its breath was getting heavier and its entire body was covered in large wounds all across, bleeding streams of crimson blood that made a small puddle below its enormous, over thirty meters tall body. 




The monster was struggling not only against a large group of powerful wyverns and monkey-type beast-kin but also against a strange, living sword that roared as if it were a wyvern, it covered itself entirely on flames and moved at a speed that could not easily be perceived.

"Self-Body Sword Arts: Blazing Infernal Blades of Purgatory!"

The Living Sword suddenly enhanced its own already ridiculous speed to even greater heights, moving like a flash of flames as it began to release countless slashes, the Aura of the Sword began to leak around itself as it released its slicing attacks, forming countless swords made out of hellish flames that began to fall upon the monstrous Chimeric Boss like divine judgment.


The beast roared in pain, anger, and fear as its body slowly began to be sliced into pieces, although it possessed such resiliency and high HP stat that it even survived such an attack.

Unfortunately for it, it quickly came to an end when the wyverns behind it charged their combined attack.


"On it!"

"Let's do it!"

"Don't disappoint me!"



Each Wyvern converged their Auras as their merged within their breaths, each dragon released a powerful and distinctive-colored flame that began to accumulate over a large sphere in midair.

"Heavenly Aura Convergence: Extermination Breath!"


The enormous sphere suddenly exploded, as a gigantic draconic entity made entirely out of flames of different colors emerged, opening its jaw as it released a powerful breath attack that could only be compared to a magic cannon.

The Chimera monster tried to escape, but its legs were already too weakened, and its breath was way too heavy, its entire body was fatigued and paralyzed!

"Don't forget about us!"

However, as if things were not looking bad enough, a group of monkey-type beast-kin also began to combine their auras, as their weapons converged together, all of them moving as if they were one.

"All Weapon Art: Aura Armory Onslaught!"

The monkey-type beast-kin weapons flew into the air as they began to grow in size, flying towards the enormous chimeric creature while being covered in the combined Aura of the monkey-type beast-kin men, falling like countless meteors of sharp blades, axes, spears, and knives.

Both attacks from the Wyvern and the Monkeys reared the monster… as from above, yet another attack appeared!

Beautiful spirits of all shapes and sizes were being led by a wise-looking monkey-type beast-kin, as he raised a book, showing countless magic circles across the air.

"Transcendental Spiritual Magic: Yggdrasil's Nine Worlds!"


The Spirits that were flying around the man converged into a beautiful scenario, a gigantic tree made entirely out of Spiritual Energy, which showed nine different worlds in each of its branches, as if they were fruits produced by the tree.

Each world suddenly summoned yet another group of magic circles, as they fired gigantic cannons of colorful colors, each one charged with the power to break through almost anything!

The combined attack approached the beast from all sides, obliterating it once and for all!



An enormous explosion took hold of the entire half, as the three groups patiently waited for the smoke to dissipate, only to find an enormous crater and the beast lying completely dead. Even after having taken all those hits, its body remained without breaking apart or anything of the sort, showcasing of resilience was the body of it.

"Did we… do it?" asked a young monkey beast-kin man, he was wearing resplendent wizard clothes and was the one behind the spirit combination spell.

"We… We did it… Unghh…!" muttered another monkey beast-kin, a burly man with enormous muscles resembling a gorilla, who was barely resisting his tiredness by putting his weight into his blade. The moment the boss monster was confirmed to be dead, he fell to the floor unconscious. 

"Kizuato!" roared another monkey beast-kin of a similar appearance to him, but a bit slimmer, as he left away from his axe and rushed towards his good friend.

"He's okay, he just fell asleep…" said another monkey beast-kin, a handsome man with pale white skin and golden hair, who was wielding several daggers, his entire body was wrenched in wounds just as much as everyone else.

"Haah… Holy shit…" muttered another monkey beast-kin, his skin was brown and his eyes and hair were pitch black, his body was slim as he wore ninja-like clothes, he was barely standing up, his breath was terribly heavy.

"We actually… did it… We… We did it!" celebrated one of the wyverns, the biggest of the five who had red-colored scales and an intimidating face.

"We did it, Abellona!" said another wyvern, with green-colored scales and a smaller complexion, although this didn't mean that it was less strong or that it fought less, as it was just as wounded and weakened as the rest.

"Man, I am beat… I want to… sleep for a few years…" muttered a wyvern with black scales and enormous muscles.


"Meat… Zzz…"

The other two wyverns with similar appearances were sleeping already over the tiredness of the task given.

The enormous sword that was fighting abruptly fell into the floor, showing clear cracks all around its body.

"We defeated it… Somehow… We did it… my children… everyone…" he muttered, he didn't possess a flesh body, so his tiredness came from his soul and the wounds on his sword body.

The only ones that remained seemingly not wounded were the spirits, but that was because their wounds would usually heal quite fast through their high regeneration capabilities as Spirits.

"Good job, everyone!" said a small, red-colored slime, entering the large hall from within the door as it began to multiply itself into hundreds of tiny red-colored slimes, healing everyone present.

"Kireina-sama… It has been a long time…" muttered the sword, the Wyvern Overlord.

"You all had grown incredibly strong, I can't wait for all of you to return to our Empire, many new things are going on, I am sure that you will have a lot of fun and a lot to do!" said Kireina's Slime Clone.

"We are looking forward to that…"


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