Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 622 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet's Labyrinth Conquest] 84/?: Class Change Session! 4





Without further ado, I changed Classes and decided to exchange the skills and stat bonuses right away.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

[Kireina] changed Classes to [Nyarlathotep]!]

[Kireina] gained +500 HP!]

[The Levels of the [Enshrouding Transformation; Level 2], [16th Winged Demon Overlord of Lust Transformation: Level 9], [Ancient Blaze Demon of Hell Transformation; Ifrit: Level 4], [Black Flames Beast Transformation; Fenrir: Level 6], [Shadow Transformation: Level 3], [Kasha's Overlord Fiery Phantom Transformation: Level 5], [Aberrant Decaying Zombie Dragon Demigod Transformation: Level 1], and [Phantom Blood Transformation and Manipulation; Level 8] Skills have increased!]

[Kireina] has exchanged 2000 SP for the [Nyarlathotep: Level 1] (1000 SP) (Required to Complete the Class) and [+500 HP, +100 MP, +50 Strength, Defense, Magic, Resistance, Speed, Charisma] (1000 SP) (Required to Complete the Class) Skills and Stat Bonuses!]

[Kireina] acquired the [Nyarlathotep: Level 1] Skill!]

[Kireina] gained [+500 HP, +100 MP, +50 Strength, Defense, Magic, Resistance, Speed, Charisma]!]


Just like in the previous Class change, my body began to convulse constantly!

My mind began to cloud as I felt the presence of all the creatures, I was capable of transforming into.

They all glanced at me as they kneeled, and then ran towards me, my body seemed to be made of slime completely, and as they jumped towards me, they were merged into my formless mass of body one by one.

An enormous wolf made out of shadows, a giant chimera with dozens of heads, an enormous metallic giant with many arms, a shadow of myself, a giant demon covered in flames, and many others.

One by one they became one with me, as I felt that we constantly merged and spiraled into a single and fused being.

And as I kept expanding and changing, I became grotesque and monstrous, my body was covered in countless tentacles, eyes, jaws, tongues, and all of the oozy stuff. I was quite something.

However, although this might seem like a nightmare for many, this was normal for me, I always change into such shapes, so it did not affect me nor made me despair… It was simply who I was.

"The chosen one… carry on my legacy…" muttered the voice of an adult man, seemingly around his thirties that dissipated just as fast as it resonated within my ears.


Then, my mind was taken back to reality, where I found myself just like before I changed into this Class.

Everything seemed normal, what I experienced was a kind of vision… And just as my mind came to reality, more System Windows began to pop up.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

[The Skills [True Grotesque Existence; Demon Goddess Hermaphroditus; Level 10], [Enshrouding Transformation; Level 3], [16th Winged Demon Overlord of Lust Transformation: Level 10], [Ancient Blaze Demon of Hell Transformation; Ifrit: Level 5], [Black Flames Beast Transformation; Fenrir: Level 7], [Shadow Transformation: Level 4], [Kasha's Overlord Fiery Phantom Transformation: Level 6], [Aberrant Decaying Zombie Dragon Demigod Transformation: Level 2], and [Phantom Blood Transformation and Manipulation; Level 9] have merged and awakened into the superior unique Skill [True Divine Aberrant Existence: Demon Goddess Hermaphroditus Nyarlathotep: Level 1]!]

This is it… It finally awakened! And it fused all the other transformation Skills that I often use to transform into my different shapes… this is really useful now, I feel like I can shape into any form with even more ease…

But there is something that troubles my mind a little bit…

What is with the Nyarlathotep Class description?

It says something about me not having a defined form… But this form is my base form! My true body… right?

Have I become… not what I truly am anymore? The Class said that I had not a defined form, that I was always changing into something else… Have I lost my sense of self before even realizing it?

I glanced at my wives sleeping peacefully, and then remembered my beautiful children, which were all healthy, none of them was a grotesque creature like me… It is fine then, right? After all, I am willing to become whatever I need to be to secure their safety, and as long as they are fine, why should I care what I have become?

If it was not for them… If it were not for the bonds I have made in my life with these people, with the ones I love dearly and with the offspring of my blood, what sense would my life have other than survival?

I would simply become another of these bitter old Demon Gods, without feelings or emotions, embracing their loneliness and walking through a path that only desires power and nothing else.

I am not like that, I hate people like this. I would prefer to die than to become someone like this.

I want more than this, I want to feel love, to feel happiness, warmth, companionship, I want to sense the beautiful feeling of seeing my children grow and become proper adults, to see them blossom and change the world.

Am I insane…? Most likely, but who isn't in this world? At most, one must hold on to their own insanity and embrace it, as that is what brings you happiness.

Such thoughts made me think about my children inside of my womb, who seemed just as beautiful as everyone else, but it might inherit some of my shapeshifting capabilities a bit more than the rest… I wonder how strong he or she will become… Well, it seems to still be in gestation, so it might take some more to be born.

Hm, thinking about my family always calms me down, alright, time to move away from those stupid thoughts from before and to move on, I have consumed almost all of my Skill Points, but the Subclass Skill Points are over six thousand! So, it's time to spend these!

[New Subclasses have become available!]

[Available Sub Classes]

[Spontaneous Idea Creator], [Alluring and Charming Merchant Queen], [Supreme Governor of the People], [Grand Magical Scientist], [Grand Agronomy Mother], [Matriarch of Harvest and Fertility], [Divine Delicacies Gourmet Chef], [Grand Magical Golem Creator], [Self-Body Mystical Alchemist Master], [Aberrant Self-Body Gourmet Creator], [Resplendent Bestower of Talents], [Grand Arts Mother], [Divine Songstress of Despair and Inspiration], [Divine Ambrosia Producer], [Minerva], [Nuska], [Dyonisos], [Pan], [Brigit], [Saraswati], [Polyhymnia], [Calliope], [Nin-Ildu], [Tayt], [Talented Class and Skill Guider], [Otherworldly Knowledge Bestower], [Seshat] (New!), [Vishwakarma] (New!), [Divine Magic Technology Creator] (New!)

There are three new Subclasses, way less than the Classes, but they still keep popping up after some time… these three new Subclasses seem tentative, well, the third one, named 'Divine Magic Technology Creator'… but I bet that the requirements for Subclass Skill Points are absurd.

This Class most likely appeared after I took most of the magic technology and item artisan Classes, and well, ended up making everyone develop magic technology even faster through my enlightenment, which seems to make artisans, crafters, blacksmiths, and alchemists' minds filled with inspirational ideas never thought before. And remember how the people of the High Thunder Gillmen Nation glanced at me and shouted over gaining so many ideas, it seems that simply glaring at me does the trick.

This Class, I believe, will probably make me even more talented in the creation of Transformation Rings and other types of similar equipment… or even new prototypes using the same concepts but to even greater heights, I have already reached my dream of mechs for everyone, but there is still an enormous amount of room to improve further.

After all, these suits were nothing but beta tests and prototypes, and even then, they were already amazing, I wonder how much I can improve into them if I keep going in this direction… Perhaps a giant mech that travels through space is my next goal.

The other two new Classes were… the names of Gods. Seshat, if I recall correctly is the ancient Egyptian goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and writing. It seems that this might be related to my recreation of the books on Earth. But there might be other triggers that generated this Class, although its effects do not seem to interest me for now, as I am trying to prioritize the increase in the level of the Subclass Fields to be able to handle Divine Materials and upgrade equipment with it.

I remember this Goddess very well because she used to be one of my waifus in a gacha game from Earth… she was depicted in that game as a Goddess of Grimoires and Spell Books, and was a strong magic attacker… but I do not know if that will be the case in here as a Class…

Anyways, the other class is named Vishwakarma, who is… I think some kind of Hindu God of Crafting, I am not very sure. But the Hindu pantheon has always been filled with many gods, it is hard to recall them all, but they are indeed filled with amazing entities. There might have been one character named like this, I think it was depicted as a crafter in the gacha game, and its abilities revolved around buffing other party members.

If this Class is really like the God himself, then it should be capable of increasing my Subclass Fields once and for all… Right? But this one Class is pretty costly, just as the two previous ones, so for now, let us pick the oldest ones and get over it. I am feeling like I will be able to finally break through this barrier that has stopped me from crafting higher quality equipment. It's finally time.

These are my current Subclass Fields:

[Subclasses Fields]

[Tailoring; level 10/10]

[Gastronomy; level 6/10]

[Engineering; level 10/10]

[Forgery; level 9/10] 

[Agronomy; level 6/10]

[Science; level 8/10]

As you can see, I need to level up Forgery to ten, and then Science as well, because if I don't combine Science (which is the awakened version of Alchemy) with the other skills such as Tailoring, Engineering, and Forgery, I won't be able to craft powerful equipment, the combination of all these fields is what creates the best equipment, simply grabbing a piece of divine material and making it into a sword won't do, I need to properly infuse many spells into it through alchemy, alongside many other materials merged together and carefully made into a single equipment.

The other skills such as Gastronomy and Agronomy do not seem necessary… But I do feel like they will become useful even through the crafting of items, no field is underdeveloped in this sense, I feel like if I want to truly become good at crafting Divine Artifacts, I also must pay attention to these fields, which teaches and makes me understand other areas within the materials.

For example, Gastronomy might become especially useful in identifying the quality, power, and other factors in most Divine Materials harvested from Divine Beasts, such as their corpses, while Agronomy will be similar but for the Divine, Materials harvested from the earth such as plants or even minerals that grow inside mountains or caves.

Inside of my Inner World: Divine Realm Skill there is a Divine Realm of my own, which is constantly forming new Divine Materials and Divine Beasts… although according to the gods, these beasts and materials are made by many combined attributes, which are unstable to use for crafting, and are mostly imbued with Chaos Attribute and many others… but for me, they seem ideal to make good equipment, although it might seem unstable, as long as I apply my special Chaos Attribute Spells into the crafting process, I should be capable of handling the unstable materials and make good use of them.

Ideally, what I would need is to max the level of all the Subclass Fields and awaken them all at once, it would be the ideal outcome where I would be able to handle the materials well enough.

Due to needing to level up Science, this class seemed quite ideal.

[Grand Magical Scientist]

A Class is unlocked by someone that has developed Alchemy through the knowledge acquired in another world, developing it into something called Science, where the manipulation of the elements and their reactions is controlled to create different effects. Of course, the use of Magic, an element in Genesis present everywhere, is needed for this Subclass to be unlocked as well. 

Combine Science with Magic and change the world around you. Develop your Empire and make prosperity flourish in the bright future. 

This Subclass offers an increase in MP and Magic, alongside an increase in Skills related to this Subclass. 

[Available Skills: [Magic Science Usage: Level 1] (600 SP) (Required to Complete the Class)

[Exchangeable Stat Bonuses: [+200 MP, +100 Magic] (600 SP) (Required to Complete the Class)

It's perfect, let us do it.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

[Kireina] changed Subclasses to [Grand Magical Scientist]!]

[Kireina] gained +200 MP!]

[The Levels of the [Magic Technology Inventor and Creator: Level 1], [Original Item Creation Sudden Insight: Level 6], [Idea Producing Bubble: Level 7], [Information Storing Cloud: Level 6], [Parallel Crafting: Level 8], [Multi-Tasking Master: Level 6], [Original Idea Recipe Creation: Level 7], [Enhanced All-Purpose, Sewing, Cooking, Crafting, Blacksmithing, Gathering and Farming Mastery: Level 6], and [Universal Crafter, Alchemy and Forge Grandmaster Recipe Book: Level 5] Skills have increased!]

[The Levels of the Subclass Fields have increased!]

[Subclasses Fields]

[Tailoring; level 10/10]

[Gastronomy; level 6/10 > 7/10]

[Engineering; level 10/10]

[Forgery; level 9/10] 

[Agronomy; level 6/10 > 7/10]

[Science; level 8/10 > 9/10]

[Kireina] has exchanged 1200 SP for the [Magic Science Usage: Level 1] (600 SP) (Required to Complete the Class) and [+200 MP, +100 Magic] (600 SP) (Required to Complete the Class) Skills and Stat Bonuses!]

[Kireina] acquired the [Magic Science Usage: Level 1] Skill!]

[Kireina] gained [+200 MP, +100 Magic]!]

Ah, even Gastronomy and Agronomy leveled up? Well, they are related to science to an extent, cooking is the science of using products to formulate new reactions within them and make them generate new tastes and flavors, while Agronomy is the science of the understanding of plants, farming cycles, and various other things around this.

After spending 1200 Subclass Skill Points, there were over 4 thousand more to be used. I quickly glanced at the available Subclasses again… 




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