Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 602 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet's Labyrinth Conquest] 64/?: Zudig's New Powers!


"Gahahaha! This power… I can now shift my body at will?! Just what… What is this?! I love it already! Kireina, you are no longer that different from me, it seems! Let us see if your servants can even stand a chance against me now!" laughed Zudig, falling into the rush and adrenaline of the moment, his body had already completely changed into a mass of rotten and decaying flesh, covered in scales, eyes, draconic heads, and voracious worms twisting all across.


He seemed to have found the power to shapeshift monstrously with ease, and as he kept expanding his flesh, it seemed to never end. He was going all out on his exhilaration, he expanded his body as enormous worms appeared from the flesh, rushing towards his enemies. And at the same time, his Divine Aura began to cover his entire body, showcasing newfound powers that he did not seem to possess before.

"With the power of Parasitism, Shapeshifting, and Divinity Devouring… am I not the same… or even better than you now, Kireina?! In the end, you are still not a true goddess, you have not undergone a divine trial nor have a God Title after all! You are still a mortal at the end of the day!!! I have properly raised to godhood, unlike you! I am superior to you now! I have finally surpassed you! And now I shall devour you and your allies! Become my complete nourishment! Perish to my flesh! I will soon raise towards the pinnacle of this world! No one would stand a chance against my might! GAHAHAHA!"

Zudig had finally attained a power similar to Kireina… or so he thought. Since he was born in this world that he always desired to become the strongest, to stand at the pinnacle of this world, to become unbeatable and unparalleled. Since the moment that Zudig got to know about Kireina and her cheat powers, he could not help but feel a furious rage, a terrible envious feeling, he desired the same things as her!

Why could she do this and that? Why was she so special compared to him?

She was a mere mortal! How could she eat Gods and not him?

How could she do such feats without even being a year old?!

He, like many other gods, held a tremendous and furious jealously over Kireina's entire existence… and due to his plans and a bit of luck on his side, he had managed to take over David, the only Athetosea Hero who had survived due to Kireina's whim…

And through such mistake on her part, Zudig was allowed to acquire a chance, a way to slowly raise through the stairs towards greatness… towards the leagues of those beings that could develop endlessly and become the pinnacle!

He was no longer that different than Kireina! He had now acquired the same powers, after all, that is what he thought.

He obtained the body of a Legendary Hero, and then Divinity Devouring! He seeks to devour gods and to strengthen himself now, and he had finally started, with Begudhur as the first dish, a Primordial Beast!

Taking such an amazing opportunity, another mistake on Kireina's part, Zudig finally reached a new stage of existence!

Was there any difference between him and Kireina now?

On his mind, he was an equal now, and perhaps, even greater due to other factors that he possessed but Kireina lacked.

And he could not help but forget about escaping or even doing anything of the sort, he was confident in his new powers… and he was letting it get to his head.

Due to having eaten the Primordial Beast, Uroboros, Zudig's strength was skyrocketing at every second. Even after he already ate Begudhur, he was still digesting him inside of his soul, and the constant rush of power constantly pulsated through his entire being.

"Expand… Expand! With this power… I can expand endlessly, and become just like you, Kireina!" laughed Zudig, as he glanced at Kireina's entire fleshy body, which had expanded all across her domain, resembling a dome made out of flesh, various appendages, eyes, and many other things… Zudig was quickly enlarging his body, becoming something similar!

His plan was incredibly simple, he would expand and eat anything that came his way until he finally filled the whole dome made out of Kireina's flesh and then begin to devour her in a fight for who could devour each other faster!

Zudig had no more strategies than that, he was betting it all on this!

He had forgotten about Kheseerad already, he was simply fighting while trying to devour anything on sight like a wild monster.

As Zudig laughed, Kireina glanced at its surroundings.

"Begudhur is out… I got a nice bite on him before he was taken by Zudig… Everyone else, regroup, Truhan, you cannot beat it alone anymore, give it up" said Kireina through the telepathy that each armor had, which connected them to her mind.

"I'm sorry, Kireina-sama… I really thought I would have been able to do something…" muttered Truhan.

"Don't worry about that, it was a nice lesson for you. You've barely found a good opponent in a while, knowing that you're not all-powerful is good to build your nature to be more cautious and to forge yourself as a better warrior" said Kireina.

"Ah… That might be true, Kireina-sama. Thanks for the trial you have given to me, I feel a bit more… I don't know, intelligent?" muttered Truhan.

"He really didn't almost die, but he was slowly getting overpowered, our support alone wouldn't have done it enough… Truhan, don't be such an idiot next time!" said Celica, reprimanding her husband.

"Celica-chan! I will not! Teamwork is always the right option!" said Truhan.

Alongside Celica and Truhan, the Blood Fairy Sisters Trio flew near Kireina.

"Kireina-sama, we did what we could, but Zudig was way too strong! Although we had good defenses, his power kept increasing as if he had an endless fuel on his entire soul and body!" said Silvana.

"What will we do now that he ate the big worm?!" asked Philomena.

"We'll beat him to death, that's what we will do!" said Timandra.

"Don't worry girls, I do have a few plans saved below my sleeve… What we'll do is of course… combine!" said Kireina.

Mady and Ismene appeared as well, flying towards Kireina alongside the power and speed given to them by the armors.

"Kireina, will the other girls come to join us now? I am sure Amiphossia and Brontes want to kill this guy more than anything, to be honest…" muttered Mady.

"Yes, the new prototypes are ready for them, we were still producing them back in the Empire, but my Clones had finally finished the remaining ones needed, so now everyone can join," said Kireina, as a portal to her Inner Realm opened, revealing the rest of Kireina's wives who have not been participating in the battle up until now.

Alongside them, the enormous combination of the Demon Trio and the Five Wolves appeared at Kireina's side after having recovered from the powerful surprise attack from Zudig.

When they fell to the ground, they were carefully caught by Kireina's flesh and had been recovering up until now, the armor had taken on its original appearances now, although it was damaged, the armor was designed to have shape-memory, making it take on its original form naturally.

"And what about Kheseerad?" asked Ismene at Kireina's side, or well, at the side of an excessively big eye that was popping out of the flesh.

"The plan that I had with the Gods came to fruition easier than I had expected, he has suddenly slowed down tremendously, and is barely digging a centimeter per second through space, I've kept creating more layers of my Domain, so his work hasn't simply become easier, but even harder… However, I still need you girl's help to take him out of his pocket dimension. The quicker we do it the better, so I can quickly eat him and then attack Zudig with all of my strength without having to concentrate on this guy" said Kireina.

Mady, Ismene, Zehe, and Nanako joined into a single group, alongside their own unique armor body suits… these four girls were in charge of forcing Kheseerad out of his cage.

Zehe was an important part of such operation, as she could slightly manipulate space through the incredibly advanced Dark and Shadow Magic, which she had taken towards the route of Black Hole Creation, which ended in the branching towards slight Space Manipulation.

Mady and Ismene had the ability of Illusions, and Mirage, which was highly necessary to trap Kheseerad into a new space through the solidification of such illusions, Kireina would be boosting their power through her various means.

And lastly, Nanako and well, Mady too, had the power of Telekinesis, which give their minds the power of manipulating space and could reinforce such space where they want to entrap Kheseerad so he can be eaten quickly.

Kireina, however, knew that Kheseerad would be capable of escaping this trapping space after a few seconds of having been sent there, but just ten seconds was all she needed to devour such space (and subsequently Kheseerad) and be done with it.

For this, the four girls combined their armors and formed a new design of Mechanical Warrior, although it did not have any flashy name as of now, unlike Rainbow Kaiser EX2: Code Wolf.

The combination of the four girls' enormous armors was a sleek and refined design, a beautiful, slim, and flexible mechanical warrior with a feminine appearance. The armor was completely black and dark blue, alongside possessing long butterfly-like mechanical wings of purple and pink colors.

It also possessed red-colored tentacles attached to its hips, aside from its actual legs, which made it seem as if they were a dress. The helmet design resembled a furious beast, with long and demonic horns spiraling from its head. The mechanical giant was around forty meters tall, just enough for them to move around at a respectably good speed.


The four girls flew towards the area indicated by Kireina, while the rest of the group resisted against Zudig and while using their giant mech forms…

Zehe, Mady, Ismene, and Nanako felt as if their minds had become one, or that at least they were sharing somehow the same brain, without any adversities whatsoever. It was a strong feeling of empowerment and a rush of adrenaline, the entire mechanical body felt like their body now

"The weirdest part about this transformation armor is how familiar we feel about using it, despite never having practiced on using something like this before!" said Ismene.

"Indeed, this is a wonderful piece of the new magical technology that Kireina and the rest are developing, even I am surprised," said Mady.

"This is what we call technology? It's so advanced, it does not feel like any other magic armor… or anything at all of the sorts! Not even spells would be capable of creating such a thing without having to use absurd amounts of Mana and your own mind to keep the spells working constantly…" said Nanako.

"This is something that only our Empire and Honey would be able to achieve in the entirety of the World of Genesis. Girls, we are pioneers in this field! Let us show Honey that her inventions are not to laugh at!" said Zehe with inspiration.

"Kheseerad is half a meter near, to the left, upwards!" said the voice of Kireina within the enormous mechanical giant, her soul was connected to it, and she naturally transferred information to them as if the mech had an intelligent AI computer that helped the heroines.

"Very well, Honey! Shadow Space Perception!" said Zehe through the enormous mechanical giant, activating her spell but whose power was increased by tenfold thanks to the enhancements in the armor that made her powers increase their strength exponentially.

An enormous dark blue and black magic circle appeared above the mechanical giant, as shadows extended to all directions as if they were smoke, mixing with space itself and slightly distorting it.

Through such distortion, Zehe and the other girls glanced at Kheseerad's pocket space!

Inside such space, resided a giant, twenty to thirty meters of height spider made entirely out of white and transparent jewels, which was seemingly resting in the ground while barely infusing Divine Energy into space so it could keep advancing.

"There he is!" they said at the same time, as Kheseerad felt their presence approaching, and glanced back through the peephole that Zehe generated.



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