Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 533 - A Light-hearted Family Time





[Day 247] 

[Kireina] gained +310 Skill Points and Subclass Skill Points due to the prayers of your believers!] (Added!)

[Kireina] gained 6.065.531.331.211 EXP due to the prayers of your believers!]

[LEVEL 097/250] [EXP 12.699.622.338.668/] (Added!)

It seems that overnight, Kaggoth finally met with the other gods and made good friends with them. Her slight fascination with me made her very welcomed by Agatheina, Bovdohr, and Nomera who shared those feelings as well.

After saying my goodbyes to her, I went to sleep with my wives who were all peacefully sleeping, they celebrated a lot at the feast at the coast, and some of them even went to take a dip in the sea, they had a lot of fun. I am considering going more this week if we have time.

Some of my wives such as Gaby, Mady, Adelle, Nesiphae and my children such as Belle, Nirah, Amiphossia, Aarae, Valentia, and even the newborn Marduk, Nammu, and Nanshe enjoyed the seawater the most and liked to swim through the vastness without being hindered by space like it was in the Great Lake of the Grand Forest.

Well, now that we have connected the dungeon there with the one in here, we should be able to travel there almost instantly through teleportation gates, so there is now a lot of seas for everyone to play and enjoy in our territory.

Oh, and about the teams I sent there, they all came stronger than before… Ganjo was nearing the strength of Truhan, and the two had begun to wrestle in the outskirts to practice fighting. Both seem to have immensely tough skin, bones, and flesh. So tough that they cannot damage each other as long as they do not use weapons or strong techniques.

The two beginning to fight was something almost instinctive of them… it seems that they wanted to let go of their stress or maybe to try out their immense strength. I have heard that giants and muscular warriors have to let out a bit of their steam sometimes, especially if they do not challenge some trial in a while.

Talking about Truhan, his wife, Celica is soon to give birth, so there will be new children coming out soon… they feel like my grandchildren in a way…

Now that I think about it, doesn't Celica have my Slime Clones, right? So, her children would not have my bloodline alongside hers and Truhan's…? Never mind, it is better not to think about this.

Anyway, I already had breakfast with my family, and we decided to take a warm bath in the large bathroom that we had.

Washing Marduk, Nammu, and Nanshe was quite the challenge, the two did not seem to like warm water, even when it would never do anything bad to them, their bodies were more than capable of resisting slightly warm water…

But it seems that Mady came out with an answer.

"Well, us Scylla don't like warm water… nor most of the merfolk in that regard… It is often bad for our skin was we prefer cold water baths instead… but that weakness disappears when we grow stronger and warm water doesn't affect us anymore, so it is instead good for us… it is weird" said Mady as she picked up Marduk who used his red-colored tentacles to attach himself to his mother.

"Ma… ma…" said Marduk, seemingly very annoyed by the steam of the bathroom.

"Marduk, you have to be washed. Your scales will get all dirty and you will smell like a rotten octopus!" said Mady, using her tentacles to grab sponges and soap to wash Marduk's scales, armpits, and tentacles.

I extended my tentacles and tightly grabbed Nammu and Nanshe, using more of my tentacles to wash their long hair.

"Gaoo! Gaoo!" said Nammu, using her wolf heads at the tip of her tentacles, which looked more like inoffensive puppies, to bit me. Of course, it caused no pain whatsoever.

"Gyshaa! Ma! Ma!" said Nanshe, using her snakeheads to do something similar to Nammu, but ultimately failing to do anything to me.

After a few tries, the two gave up and were washed entirely, with many soaps of various aromas made by many flowers and oil essences.

Marduk was still fighting, but Mady decided to use a few of her Psychic Powers and managed to overpower our little devil.

"Gao… gao…" said Nammu, resembling a saddened puppy completely bathed, even her wolf pup heads were sad.

"Nyshi…" said Nanshe, in a similar expression.

"Ma…" said Marduk, sighing.

"They're very expressive for children born just two days ago," said Mady.

"Well, most of my children grow very quickly… in a few days they will most likely begin to speak…" I said.

"Yes… I am aware of that… Sigh, still, it is very charming to have children… though they were born very big already" said Mady.

"Yeah, it seems that they developed quite a lot inside their eggs"

Much like the seven harpy babies, the Scylla triples developed incredibly quickly inside their eggs, going from their toddler state, and resembling the state of a three to four years old human when they were born… similarly to others such as Amiphossia.

Talking about the seven harpy siblings, they were trying to flap their wings, but they were all wet. They were all at my side, alongside Nephiana.

Ocypyne, my pink-colored harpy daughter flapped her wings until she barely reached my arms.

"Chirp, chirp! Mama!" she said.

Indeed, the harpies were already beginning to speak their first words… t-this is… no matter how much it happens with every child I have, it is very mesmerizing…

"Ah, Ocypyne-chan~ Let mama wash you up!" I said as I let her sit down in my thighs as I carefully washed her colorful pink feathers. She was a very obedient little girl as she extended her long wings and let me carefully wash them for her. She liked soaps with sweet aromas, to leave all her wings always fragrant.

"Chirp, chirp!"

Then, she jumped off my legs into the warm water, where she used her wings to wash her as a little dove would. All of her siblings were doing the same alongside Nephiana, seemingly imitating her.

"They learn very fast…" I muttered as I caressed Caellaeno, my dark-colored harpy son. Unlike his siblings, he was a bit silent, it seems that despite having their souls merged, their personalities developed separately depending on their natures.

I washed his silky black hair as he began to chirp, perhaps because he wanted me to embrace him with my arms.

I did so as I glanced at his dark and blue eyes, shining in an ethereal gleam. I kissed his little nose as he was way too cute to resist.

"Chirp!" he said, flapping his wet wings and releasing the water in them, while washed his little bird talons. His claws had grown quite long and sharp since he was born, they could easily tear down metal.

But due to being so big, they would also get nasty quite quickly, so I always procured to wash him properly.

Then, after getting his daily washing, he flew into the warm water with Nephiana.

"Caellaeno always likes to be with you! With me he's always silent!" said Nephiana.

"Is that so?" I said, as my bright green harpy daughter, Nyphenne, flew towards me, embracing me with her large wings.

"Mama! Wash… wash… wash me!" she said, her emerald eyes shining with innocence.

"Oh? Does my little princess want to be washed by her mama? But of course!" I said, gently petting her plumage and kissing her forehead.

"You got so big already my little girl… Every time I see my children growing stronger, it makes me both happy but also quite sad… I just hope that whenever you set off from your family, you will still remember us" I said.

"Mama! I never… go away from… mama! Never!" she said, hugging me tightly.

T-This is too much.

"Ah, w-well, it was just a commentary, my baby. If you do not want to go away from mama you can stay with me for all eternity if you want, mama will never mind" I said.


"Kireina, what are you talking about? Our children are still far too young to leave the nest yet! And there is a whole city in here, so I don't think they will go anywhere" said Nephiana.

"Oh… I guess so, I was just remembering… something" I said.

As I washed my children, I remembered a time when I went to live alone on my own, away from my parent's house in my first life.

It was a very hard life, and I could barely find a job stable enough to sustain the rent, food, and everything else… I ended up resisting for three years before going back to my parents' house.

At that time, I felt very pathetic with myself… I ended up being stupid, thinking that I could live by myself… but life in Japan was quite hard at that time, and without any important title other than the one as a programmer, I could not do much.

I refused to be a corporate slave because I wanted to live a life worth living… so I ended up working at a local store for a miserable income, but it was enough for me to give me my own little gifts from time to time while not having to worry about rent by living with my parents…

I remember how my mother and my father said that I would be always welcomed in the house whenever something bad were to happen, and when I came back to them, they received me with open arms, they didn't tell me that I was a failure or anything at all.

They only said 'You did your best; we are proud of you'… haah… I feel like I own them so much.

I do not know why I always get these stupid flashbacks when I am with my children… I guess they are like his grandchildren in a way… I wonder how would they react? It is all so mesmerizing to think about.

I really hope that one day… I could meet them again…

I am sure that they would be happy with their many grandchildren, after all, they were always fantasying about how my children would look like…

Well, I had the opportunity to have a family back then, but the only girlfriend I had at that time left me after a few discussions over money, I could not simply maintain us both, so she ended leaving me.

I do not really hold any grudges against her, it is understandable to feel like that in that situation, our relationship did not end abruptly either, so it did not feel bad.

I am no longer a human anymore, nor I live on Earth… so I cannot really go around thinking about that life. This is a completely different and new life, thinking about the past will not do much… well, perhaps what my parents taught me will always remain with me.

"Mama! Wash me!"

Nirah appeared in front of my sight, bringing me back to reality, she had been being taken care of by Nesiphae and Amiphossia but rushed towards me with a happy smile.

"Mama… mine!" said Nyphenne, tightly wrapping me with her wings.

"Nee-chan, let me be with mama!" said Nirah, discussing with Nyphenne.

"You two, don't fight for me, there is enough of me for everyone, okay? It hurts me deeply to see my little daughters discuss things like these… alright?" I asked.

Nirah and Nyphenne glanced at each other and calmed down.

"Okay… if mama says so… But wash me, wash me!" said Nirah.

"Wash me too, mama!" said Nyphenne, flapping her bright green wings.

I extended my limbs into various arms, taking care of my two little daughters. Washing their armpits, feathers, tails, hair, arms, and snake-headed tail tips.

Nirah's snakehead did not seem to like shampoo nor soap, but it seemed to have become tamer since back then. I wondered if it had a brain of its own or it was connected to Nirah…

Checking on Nirah's physiology, the snakehead has a small brain that is connected to Nirah's spinal cord, so it seems to be more like a small auxiliary brain that has a small consciousness or perhaps just natural reflexes that mirror Nirah's state.

In any case, I washed it as well, the scales can get very dirty if not properly washed.

"You… you!"



I glanced at the snakehead again, but it seemed to be normal.

I could swear that I heard a small, evil voice coming from it.

Was it my imagination?

I inspected the snakehead several times with countless skills, such as 'Schrödinger Law', even my own aura and divinity for a few seconds… but nothing seemed to show up.

"Mama?" asked Nirah.

"Ah, nothing my dear…"

Although there were not any signs, I suspected that it could be what I've been thinking for a while… but better not rush things, it is better to always have Nirah with one of my Slime Clones or True Body Clones.




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