Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 482 - [Scripted Event] [Sunclaw Kingdom Conquest] 7/?: Defeating Pawns While Family Planning?


Celica flew towards Anadia while being shrouded in dark shadows, she decided to leave her daggers and gauntlets inside her Item Box, while using her new Legendary Rank Dark Axe to practice her Axe Technique against her new foe.


Her Axe was then engulfed in shadows as Celica chanted the name of an Axe Technique.

"Shadow Decapitation!"

Her axe fell at tremendous speed while leaving a trail of shadows through the air, Anadia was almost frozen due to the tremendous pressure that Celica exuded, Geggoron's split soul from within her body overflowed her Aura with its divinity, enhancing her physical capabilities.

Anadia moved to the left like a flash of dark and purple mist, barely evading the attack.


However, the axe slash fell over the ground like a meteor, slicing her left arm and part of her left leg, the explosion produced by the battle-ax hitting the ground made her small body fly through the air like a tattered ragdoll.


"Ah, you evaded in time! Well done! Vertical Shadow Slash!" roared Celica, immediately deciding to attack Anadia while she was in midair.

Her axe moved vertically while being shrouded in shadows, releasing a powerful slash of darkness that crossed the air and was directed against Anadia.


"Agh! Nightmare Barrier, Nightmare Barrier, Nightmare Ba-"

Anadia created three Nightmare Barriers as she saw the slash of darkness easily piercing through the three and breaking them into pieces as if they were glass.

Clash! Clash! Clash!

"W-What?! She has Divinity Devouring as well…!? Agh!"


Anadia could not evade in midair, and as her three barriers were destroyed, she was sliced in half by Celica's attack. Her intestines flew across the air as her two halves fell over the ground. As Celica glanced down below, Anadia was still struggling to live.

"Gah… Ugh…! H-How could it be… that speed for a giant… and coupled with her strength and weight… and she has somehow acquired Divinity Devouring? R-Ridiculous… Bogehh…" Anadia said within mouthfuls of blood.

"Well, that was disappointing, I can clearly imagine Truhan having a similar experience…" muttered Celica.

"Ugh… you filthy giant, don't make fun of me! I am one of Geggoron-sama's fervent believers! I will not let you… trample over me and my faith!" roared Anadia, baring her fangs as her poisonous and nightmarish aura began to exude from within her two halves. Both halves started to regenerate large amounts of flesh while their Aura became wild and aggressive.

"Oh? You're transforming… Night Slash, Moonlight Decapitation!" roared Celica, she didn't even let Anadia transform in peace, slashing her expanding flesh multiple times, quickly deforming her appearance into a mass of sliced flesh that kept struggling to get together.

Clash! Clash! Clash!

"GRAAAAAA! STOOOOP… At least… let me… transform… Ugh… but the artifact…!"

Anadia's soul was already being minced just as much as her flesh, Celica ended up being even more merciless than many of Kireina's allies that Geggoron's split souls (who are capable of sharing information and memories) had fought before.

"The moment I saw your face I knew you were not even worthy of my time, now begone!"

Just as Celica was about to destroy Anadia and Geggoron's split soul attached to her, Anadia brought a strange artifact in the form of a crimson eye.

"Haha! Y-You fool! You will die with me!" roared Anadia, as the strange artifact flashed in a dark and crimson light, detonating!

 Or did it?

"Hm? What is this?" asked Celica, she had the artifact in her hands and was suppressing its detonation by closing her hand, the artifact could only tremble.

"W-What kind of strength… does she has to suppress the detonation of… an artifact made by Hephaestus?!" said Anadia, as her body began to fall into pieces, her soul slowly solidified, breaking apart into dark glass.

"Oh? You are wondering just how I got it out of your hands? Well, I changed classes a lot and was rather good with Thief Classes. Never bring shiny artifacts in front of someone with a high level in the Steal Skill. This thing really wants to explode, should I eat it? No… Ah! I will just put it inside the Item Box," laughed Celica, as she placed the item inside of her Item Box, completely negating the detonation. The item was then frozen in time inside the Item Box space.

"T-Thief…? S-Steal…? The Steal skill… can be used like that…?!"

"Well yes, I awakened it three times though, it is named Shadow Night Rogue Assault," said Celica, raising her axe and clashing it against Anadia, her soul finally breaking completely apart.

"Ugh… How could… everyone related to… Kireina is so ridiculous… Uugh…"


Celica glanced at Anadia's soul and divinity breaking apart into dark glass-like pieces, her death was now secured.

"Well, it was a bit intense, but nothing much, I would still prefer exploring dungeons and fighting dungeon bosses, even if they're weaker than me, they always put some good fight." She said.

The difference in size between a giant and a beastmen was immense, it was obvious that a beastmen would never have as enough HP to resist the massive attacks of a giant, meanwhile, dungeon bosses were often bigger as they were stronger, so they could naturally take more of Celica's hits even if they were particularly weaker.

"I suppose its HP would have increased if she transformed, but I wasn't in the mood for sitting and waiting for her to transform, perhaps Truhan waited for his adversary to transform. Ah, Axe Technique and some other skills leveled up… and what is with this Experience Points amount? One billion?! That's more than the final boss of the dungeon we explored…"

Celica then sat down, butchered the mashed corpse into pieces that she saved in her item box, alongside the fragmented divine soul.

"Hm, what am I going to do with that bomb? Maybe I should throw it into the sea… ah, Master should be able to eat it, so I will give it to her," said Celica, as she glanced at the left and saw Truhan walking towards her while slaughtering several monstrosities.

"Ah… he's back… I suppose I should tell him about the baby," Celica thought, bracing herself bravely.

"Ah, Celica-chan, how did it go for you?" asked Truhan, walking towards his wife and hugging her. Although after evolving he looked particularly intimidating and scary, he was a lovely husband.

"Ah, nothing much, I think I've already forgotten the name of this girl… Ah, she had some strange artifact that she wanted to detonate on me, but I stole it and saved it inside my Item Box… I practiced some more Axe Technique and it reached Level 7!" said Celica.

"Oh?! Celica you are getting better at it already! I knew you had a talent for it! Hey, how about we have a sparring match?" asked Truhan.

Although they were lovers and considered each other as 'married' (although they had never performed any ceremony) they were battle-driven giants that sparred against each other. Both Truhan and Celica did this willingly as their bodies were so strong that they were capable of withstanding each other attacks without much trouble as long as they did not use techniques or arts.

This way, Truhan was accustomed to asking for Celica to have a sparring match once a day, especially in the morning, or before night. After that, they would have a relaxing bath and then a busy night together. It was a simple but enjoyable life.

By the way, Truhan and Celica were mostly even, if one were to defeat the other in a sparring match, the next one would be the winner of the subsequent sparring match. It was unknown by the rest of their party members if they did this intentionally or if they were just so strong that their strength was almost equal in that regard.

"Ah… yeah, maybe later… Well, I have to… t-tell you something, Truhan," said Celica while flushing, glancing at the ground.

"C-Celica-chan? What is it?" asked Truhan, Celica suddenly grabbed his sturdy and large hands. Although Celica fought just as much like him, her hands were delicate, beautiful, and feminine, and Truhan always liked to hold her hands but was often flustered by this, due to this, he was even redder than his skin color.

"I… have been saving this secret for a long time… but I think it should be time to tell you what is going on…" said Celica with a serious yet flustered expression.

"W-What is going on…? I-I don't get it, Celica-chan…" said Truhan.

Celica began to pat her belly, which was covered in beautiful and sturdy biceps.



"I-I… I am pregnant!" said Celica, finally mustering the words she wanted to say to her husband for so long.


Truhan was frozen, even his red skin became white all out of a sudden.

"Truhan? Truhan?! Hey!"

Celica slapped Truhan's head with her large yet feminine hands, making him come back from his frozen status.

"Ahh… C-Celica-chan… is it… true…?" muttered Truhan, his eyes becoming oddly serious, yet he still could not believe Celica's words.

"Yes… and it is yours if you're even doubting that… y-you're going to be a father Truhan!" said Celica, with a mild smile, tears beginning to fall from her crimson eyes.

"Ah… T-This… I am going to be father… me? Really? Is this… real life?" asked Truhan once more.

"It is, meathead!" said Celica, crying in happiness.

Truhan glanced at the sky and began to cry large droplets of tears from his eyes. Each tear was enough to fill a pool of water.

"UOOOOOHH! I am going to be a father! Finally! Celica-chan! Thank you! Thank you!" cried Truhan, hugging his wife tightly, with enough strength to crush a mountain, but her wife was just as strong as him, and his strength only felt like pure love.

"W-Why did you doubt so much you dummy?" asked Celica, while kissing her husband's cheeks.

"B-Because we have been… doing it for so long… yet you never showed signs or anything… I was worried that we might have been… infertile…" muttered Truhan in tears.

"Of course not! I have been… pregnant for five months now! It's just me being stupid and never telling you because I still wanted to explore dungeons and fight with you, I feared that you might become too overly protective to the point that you wouldn't let me do anything!" said Celica.

"What? I would never… Well, maybe…" muttered Truhan.

"Anyways! I was just worried… but five months…? Celica-chan, how is it possible, aren't trolls born quite fast?" asked Truhan.

"It is because I've evolved many times since I got pregnant… and by that time I wasn't even a Troll either, I don't know very well about this, but I think that Giants take a long time to gestate inside the womb… And that time might have increased each time I evolved, and our child became stronger due to this…" said Celica.

"I-I see… so that's how it is…! Ah, I am so happy… Celica-chan, let us raise him or her to be a nice warrior! I cannot wait for my little boy or my little girl! Gahaha!" laughed Truhan while in tears of happiness. 

The two kept hugging each other while remembering their lives, although it has not even been a year since they started as a couple, it has felt like a tremendous time for them, where many things had happened through their lives.

One of Truhan's greatest dreams was to have a child with his beloved wife, and now it was finally coming true. His warm and embracing Aura converged with Celica's dark and shadowy aura, as the 'little' life inside of her womb slowly absorbed and assimilate this energy.

Then, Celica's stomach bulged out of the blue.



"It finally bulged?! And just at this time… It will probably be born in a few days from now then," said Celica.

"T-That's! We got to prepare a lot of things then! A party! A celebration around the entire Empire! I-I will ask Master, she is already a father and mother, so she should comprehend the joy of having a child, right?!" shouted Truhan.

"I-I don't think that she would let you hold such a thing… well, we don't lose anything asking her. At the very least we could hold something around the Royal Castle!" said Celica.

"Yes! My child! Haah, I can't wait to see it's adorable and chubby face!" said Truhan, carrying Celica with his large and muscular arms like a princess while dancing around, his footsteps creating tremors all around.

"Hahaha! Get me down, you dummy! I am not as little as I used to be!" laughed Celica.

"I won't! You will always be my princess, Celica-chan!" said Truhan.

"Haha, stop with that, it's so embarrassing!" said Celica, kissing her husband on his forehead.


Corrosive Poison Sword Hyena Knightess, Anadia and her medium-sized Geggoron's split soul: deceased.

Cause of death: crushed to death by Celica's apprentice Axe Techniques and immense strength.

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