Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1606 Spamming [Purification]!

Chapter 1606 Spamming [Purification]!

An enormous spear made of chaotic energy was created in mere seconds, as I pierced Sol's chest with it!


However, I couldn't!



A damned smile surged on his lips.

So it is as I thought, his armor had been upgraded and became something like part of his body after he was transformed into his Sol Alter form, I assume?

Damn, even his hair turned white, is he really going to come back to normal eventually, right?

Maybe if I just shower him with light…

"Alright then…"


Sol didn't waited for me to come with a solution, as he gathered his Miasmic Aura of Black Flames within his sword, as I felt the power of his Divinity Stat increasing exponentially. The Elemental Particles of Fire and more gathered around his entire body, enhancing his power further and further, this was madly insane, this dude already reached the level of gods!


An enormous storm of black flames was unleashed at the same time as his sword clashed against my entire body. [Water Armor] once more triggered as I combined it with [Harden] and Bubu's [Dao Barrier] and [Magic Shield], resisting the enormous and explosive power of his fire barely, although Aquamarine was beginning to feel slightly more weakened. If we kept this for too long, it would be indeed quite detrimental.

However, this was the perfect time to strike, in these splits of a second where Sol was attacking me with his enormously strong Black Flare Blast or whatever it was called!

"White, do it with me…!"





Sol Alter quickly stopped attacking madly as the light of utter purification shone brightly, bathing his body with the holy light of Jesus Christ! Of all the gods in fact, as many as you can imagine, Jesus, Buddha, God, Zeus, all of those damn Gods, all of them!

And like a wacky Water Goddess once said…

"[Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]! [Purification]!!!"


I countlessly conjured [Purification] alongside White, who also had the same Skill. This is the special technique I call, [Literal Exorcism]!


Sol Alter cried in agony as he began to pull back, the holy light of our Skills began to burn through his Miasmic darkness consuming his body and turning him into his Edgy Self. This was the perfect counterattack. The Skill of [Purification] was ideal to purify all darkness and miasma stuff, and this one guy was just a massive sack of it.


We continued pushing him down as he continued losing darkness. His armor suddenly began going back to his original color as his hair slowly gained the red color as well, his eyes and his skin turned of their original color bit by bit…


"You mere puppet can't do a single simple thing such as defeating that freak?! Just get over it already!"

Suddenly, the voice of the Blue Genie was heard in the background, as I realized an enormous army of monsters began marching forwards towards our position. Thousands of black-colored walking cactuses with spikes looking like they were made of purple and black crystals, they were all infested with Miasma and could be even called Chaotic Cactuses! Wow, what a stupid name.

And not only that!


Out of nowhere, an explosion of black flames emerged from Sol as he quickly pushed us away. The explosion of power was so strong that even Bubu couldn't block it all, so I grabbed him and flew away. At the same time, the lazybones of Luminous finally caught up with us. Our fight was so fast paced that he was barely able to reach us right now. Wow, I really do fight fast.


The scream of Sol resonated across the skies as the darkness of the Blue Genie kept being infused into him, boosting his power but also constantly brainwashing him even more!

"SOL!" Luminous cried. "Kireina, what's going on?!"

"Isn't it obvious?! He got brainwashed by the blue dude from the Avatar movie in there!" I sighed, pointing at the Na'vi in the sandstorm.

"Avatar… movie?" Asked Luminous without understanding my amazingly clever reference.

"Ugh, you're so out of touch!" I sighed. "Anyways, the Genie!"

"O-Oh, that bastard that chased me down before! So he has brainwashing powers? But I saw you using so much light yet Sol has yet to be purified…" Said Luminous.

"Yeah, I figured out that he is holding some sort of catalyzer that connects him with the Blue Genie. He probably is getting a good supply of Miasmic Essence from him through that item. We have to both locate the item, break it, and purify him so he doesn't die." I said whit a nod.

"I see, then let me aid." Said Luminous.

"Yeah, I know…" I sighed. "But the monsters down there are a real pain in the ass… Silva, go help them out with your monsters, produce as many as you can to hold off the invaders until we are done."

"Okay mama!"

Silva flew down like a blazing meteor, her beautiful appearance was now noticeable to even Luminous as she didn't looked like a mere Kitchen Knife at all and looked beautifully decorated. Like those knives you see on video games used by thieves that you find in the last dungeon treasure chests.


Suddenly, as the people of the city panicked, Silva summoned Hundreds of Skeleton Knights, around fifty Fortress Golems, and tons of Fire Salamanders for long-ranged support.

"I can't believe it, so many monsters are coming together…"

"This is the might of our goddess… She has summoned her monster army to protect us!"

"Monsters? They're divine beasts!"

"Indeed, indeed!"

The villagers were left both fearful of the new invasion of Corrupted Miasma Walking Cactuses and at the same time relieved I was there for them. Of course, Ariant and Eriant were not just going to sit there.

"Everyone, we have to also fight and protect our village, don't just sit there!"

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