Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1530: A Fragment Of The Primordial Seed Of Reality!

Chapter 1530: A Fragment Of The Primordial Seed Of Reality!

I noticed that Silva can also level up her Monster Summon Skill and gain Skill EXP from it. Apparently by summoning, obviously. She was able to gain 10 Skill EXP with each Barbarian Monkey, which were 14, and she gained 40 Skill EXP from the Armored Rhino. Based in this calculation, it could be said that she gains 10 EXP every 100 EXP.

This means that she get 1 Skill EXP for every 10 MP. Interesting. I guess it would be better to make her summon a lot of Rhinos and Monkeys equally. I guess there’s not much inventory or storage limitations aside from the dungeon space itself.

Hm, I might already have begun to get a good grasp of how to use Silva’s strength in the war that is coming tomorrow or tomorrow morning… But! There’s another Skill that got me interested, and one very simplistic Title Skill. The other Ego Weapon Title Skills they had were quite unique, they granted them special bonuses to stats and skills, and even granted slightly small special effects. But what can a Title Skill as simple as [Dungeon] do?


[Dungeon: Lv1]

Skill Proficiency: 28/5000

As a Fragment of the Primordial Seed of Reality that enacts the word of “Dungeons”, the user has been gifted the database necessary to recreate the past untold. Grants special characteristics of Ancient Dungeons of old, special powers, and the ability to defy Reality through Dungeon Skills. Enhances all Dungeon Skill Effects by +50% with each Skill Level.

However, as a penalty, the user is clueless about its own powers.



What the fuck did I just read?


Fragment of the Primordial Seed of Reality?! Silva is that?! No way! What is this? Am I hallucinating? Why is she… Huh?

Okay, let’s calm down for a bit and analyze things correctly. Since I got here that I’ve got to know a bunch of strange words. I myself got Seeds of the Primordial World or whatever, and then there’s this with Silva… Maybe she’s an Ego of such a thing? And she enacts the word “Dungeon” and therefore gains powers related to this? Huh… This is insane, there’s no other real answer to this.

Ugh, but I do remember from Mammon something about the Primordial Fragments of Reality, and about one true reality that was divided into our many dimensions… This Primal Reality, could Silva be part of this? But why! Why is she part of this? Ah… Well, not like it affect us directly, it just a title, but I guess she’s more unique than I thought before.

For now, I should calm down, there’s no point in panicking, especially because there’s no real answer to all of this. Let’s relax by looking another of her Skills I am interested in.


[Dungeon Ego: Lv–]

As a Dungeon Ego, the user is capable of exerting the power of a Dungeon and merge it with the power of the Vessel and their unique Soul Book, born from both the Ego’s origins and the Vessel’s origins. Enhances the effects of all Dungeon-related Skills by +100%.


[Labyrinth Embodiment: Lv–]

Grants the Ego the ability to embody their form as a Labyrinth, materializing the Labyrinth and opening a gate for someone to enter. Other skills are required to enter the dungeon if the permission is given by the Ego. Additionally, traditional forms of entrances can be made. While in Labyrinth mode, the user recovers MP twice as fast.


[Mana Regenerating Core: Lv–]

A special Core that all Dungeons possess, this special core grants the Dungeon the ability to possess MP and recover it at a rapid pace. The stronger the dungeon grows in all aspects, the larger the Mana Regeneration Core will become. It is possible to absorb items rich in Mana, and also Corpses to convert in more MP. Additionally, the Mana Regenerating Core is able to stockpile Mana up to x10 the Dungeon’s total MP Amount.


All these Skills sounded pretty awesome. It seems that Silva requires all these Skills to properly function as a Dungeon herself. The Mana Core one is the one that most surprised me though, it seems she can absorb corpses and other items infused with magic, just like normal dungeons can do to restore MP. And to boot, she can stockpile up to x10 her total MP to use later… For now she doesn’t seem to have any stockpiled MP, but is there a way for me to give her more MP? Maybe I could find those Monster Mana Cores they sometimes have inside of them? Maybe the monsters she summon themselves…

“Silva, try to consume the monsters. Eat them like you ate the dungeon before.” I said.

“Okay!” Silva answered nonchalantly. Suddenly, a terrifying scene happened, all the monsters began to scream in agony as the void itself began to delete them slowly out of existence.

After a few seconds, they were all gone, not even blood was left. I checked back at Silva’s Status, and saw she recovered around 60% of the MP she used in summoning the monsters… I guess it is not that efficient if she’s going to lose MP anyways, but I guess it could help prolong the MP she gains. Or also, if she creates tons of monsters and wait for her MP to refill, then she eats them and regains 60% of the MP, then she can begin stockpiling it, right? Oh yeah, I had never considered that as an option.

But for now, what we really need is a big army, so I’ll bring her stuff to restore her MP while she begins summoning more and more monsters.

“Silva, can you summon as many monsters as you can while I am off for a bit?” I wondered..

“Okay! Which one of the two?” Silva asked innocently.

“Half and half, is that ok?” I asked.

“Yes!” She said happily, as Barbarian Monkeys and Armored Rhinos started to emerge out of magic circles from the floor, a truly wondrous sight. This makes me miss my Dungeon Powers.

…But there’s something telling me that Silva’s Dungeon Powers are in a completely different level than those.

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