Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1478: The Dark Labyrinth City

Chapter 1478: The Dark Labyrinth City




While I was talking with my Ego Weapons, I was suddenly summoned out of nowhere!


And when I opened my eyes and realized I was elsewhere, I found myself at the side of Elfina inside a very beautiful royal house… Wow! It is all so pretty! And to boot, there was a beautiful pink-haired elf woman that was to die for! Ah, she really had all the looks of a perfect Milf as well.

“Oh my! Y-You can summon her like this?!” She asked while opening her mouth in surprise.

“Y-Yeah, I had acquired this Skill some time ago when I leveled up…” Said Elfina. “I wasn’t quite sure, but it seems that I can summon Kireina to my side wherever I am so she can come help me out! It’s handy!”

“Hey! Don’t summon me around without my permission! That’s super rude! I feel like I am a slave or something now! Who do you think you are?! I am a free caterpillar girl! You can’t just go around summoning me! I don’t feel freedom at all like that!” I roared, ranting my lungs out at the surprised Elfina, who hid behind Fiere.

“D-Don’t get angryyyyyy!” She cried, with tears flowing out of her eyes.

“K-Kireina, please calm down…” Fiere tried to calm me as I ended sighing. I looked back at the beautiful pink-haired elf girl and then stared at her breasts for a tiny bit… Ah, yeah, I guess I feel better now.

“Okay, I am calm now… Erm, sorry for making a fuss… Or looking like a hideous and giant metal bug.” I said to the pretty elf, as she giggled, completely unfazed by my appearance

“Fufu, don’t worry. I am actually quite used to giant monsters as my Class is [Tamer] I got a few giant bugs as my companions as well; I’ve gotten used to creatures like you.” She said with a smile and a gentle demeanor, she soothed my heart and made me feel right at home… Wait! Is this the effect of her Tamer Class?! No! I must resist! I won’t get tamed… I won’t!

“R-Really? That’s nice to hear.” I sighed in relief. “Anyways, what do you want?” I asked to Elfina.


At the end, I was given cookies and tea, which I consumed rather roughly as I had giant mandibles made of metallic chitin material… but I enjoyed the tasty flavor anyways.

What they told me was… Ah, well, I had kind of expected it. Long story short, the humans allied and want to take over the elves. Why? Well, for various reasons, they’ll be able to expand their land, they’ll be able to prosper, and because they probably feel like there’s no way to reconcile with the elves after having kidnaped Elfina and forced her to summon me. Well, I guess they’re really reckless and stupid.

However, there’s a catch! The Human Empire is the one most threatening, the other little nations might as well be garbage, they can’t really do much shit, but the Empire is the big shot, it is the largest nation of humans in the continent, the one with the most population and also funds of them all. They’re famous conquerors of the Fertile Lands, forcing conquered nations to become allies or become assimilated into their territory.

But that’s not all, they got a special quirk that makes them very amazing… or not. They got a giant amount of royal family members who all inherited the unique skills of ancient summoned heroes through special magical rings made out of Vampire magic or something named Blood Inheritance. Apparently, unlike in Genesis where I could inherit my skills and power to my children, in this world doing something like that is absolutely impossible, so they use a power named Blood Inheritance to randomly transfer stats and skills to offspring. They simply had children until all of them inherited some sort of skill from the ancient heroes.

This is how, after thousands of years since those guys kicked the bucket that their skills are still hanging around somehow… Wow, pretty crazy if you think about it, ain’t it? And to make things worse these guys are all coming for this land. Humans really got selfish and greedy now. They’re saying that elves are colluding with demons because of me. They said that the princess Elfina summoned a demon (me) and therefore all demons are allied with the elves now? What sort of crap is that? We just got attacked by a Demon Lord like three days ago!

Well anyways, this beautiful elven milf wants me to slay some humans for the elves. I guess I could join the army and slaughter humans until they stop being stupid and realize they got no chance, and retreat. And I get a lot of EXP… in war everything goes anyways, so I have no problem, especially because it is made of greedy bastards that just want to take advantage of the elves isolated nature. The Emperor of Humans might be a big boss in all of this… Well, not like I’ll ever get the time to go beat his ass, so I don’t really care.

“I see, well sure? I don’t really see why not. I’ve already beaten three Demon Armies of thousands, so I don’t think this should be much of a sweat… Right? Although the Unique Skill guys are going to be a pain… So where is this going to happen?” I wondered.

“In the Dark Labyrinth city.” Said Floresse. “Probably in a couple of days from now… Elfina’s parents already sent reinforcements there so they should arrive very soon, and other fiefdoms including us, will also join. I shall also join the cause with my tamed monsters and wear my war armor and ornaments.” Said Floresse pridefully, it seems she was a warrior even if she looked graceful, I like that in a woman!

“I see… Then let’s rest for today and then let’s hurry there, we don’t have much time to waste to be honest…” I sighed.

Things were turning perilous once more, but I couldn’t help but grow excited about the potential EXP!




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