Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1067 - Gaia Meets Her Mother




Hm, oh right, I should tell her about Gaia…

"Anyways, Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin. Talking about daughters… one of my lovely wives is one of your daughters." I said.


I should had brought her beforehand, but I was too concentrated into the talk…

I waved my hand and suddenly teleported Gaia in front of me, she was already prepared to meet her mother, I had told her beforehand and she had also sensed her presence in here.

The beautiful Gaia emerged, a tall beauty with wide hips, large breasts, flashing emerald eyes, long blonde hair covered in plants, and a beautiful chocolate-skinned body. Glossy and healthy, her face was near-flawless too. Such a beauty!

She was already Great Goddess and helped in the war with Agatheina and the rest.


The Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin looked at the beautiful woman in front of her.

Her titanic size slowly began to shrink a bit more, as Gaia looked at her creator and mother in silence, several bubbling emotions coming into her heart.

"Ga.. Gaia?"

The Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin looked at her long-lost daughter in awe.

Perhaps one of her first daughters too, Gaia was created when the Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin had just become a Supreme, when the world of Genesis was still a planet.

I remember seeing her memories, she was molded through earth, like a clay doll, and then, give the breath of life, becoming a beautiful and young Titan of Earth, who would later become the mother of most Titans too…

Gaia couldn't contain her tears as she looked at her mother while her lips trembled, her emotions bubbling continuously from her heart, her aura flashing around uncontrollably.

"I don't know how I was able to come back… But I am back, mother."

The Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin suddenly shrank to the same size as Gaia, if not two meters bigger, and jumped over her daughter.


"I missed you… I missed you so much! I can't believe it… you're alive?! I can't believe it! But… your Origin, I can feel it! It is really you! My dear Gaia… My little girl… My baby!" cried Flora, hugging, and kissing her daughter, tears began to come out of her eyes like enormous rivers.

"I missed you too… I missed you so much… I never thought we would meet again… You were so distant… So impossible to reach… But… But you're here… Sniff… Ooh… Mom…"

Gaia and Flora continued to hug and kiss each other's cheeks and forehead.

"How… you were… torn apart by that despicable Zeus…" cried her mother.

"And my fragments were used to make completely different things, right? One of them became a shield, another became a Realm named Aztlan… and another, a little piece of it was me. The one that retained her memories… I survived this whole time so I could one day find you… I was even caught by that horrible spider of Kheseerad, but Kireina saved me, and even helped me be reconstructed... Now, I am a Great Goddess like I used to be, and even stronger than before too!" said Gaia.

"Indeed… You've grown strong… My dear… You don't know the sorrow I felt when you died… For a moment I just wanted to end everything… I just… wanted to kill them all! I was so hard to contain myself… You went to fight because you wanted… and I suppose… You were willing to sacrifice your life." Sighed the Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin.

"Indeed… But I am happy to see you again! I wan to see my other siblings too… Agatha and Ova, I saw them a bit too, they have grown a lot." Said Gaia.

"That's right, you had to fight their army though… Hahh… Sorry for not being able to predict such a  fight would had happened… I-If I knew you were there, I would had stopped everything…" sighed the Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin.

"Mom…" sighed Gaia, hugging her mother again.

"Gaia…" sighed the Supreme Goddess of Life and Origin, hugging her daughter again.

The Supreme God of Star Ocean looked at me as his stars shone.

"You're very amazing, Kireina. You've brought her something that she lost and something that had made her change a lot after her death… To think that her main consciousness thrived somewhere else… She knew that one of her larger fragments became a realm, but she also knew that it wasn't her daughter anymore, but it had developed a different mind, a different entity…" sighed the Supreme God of Star Ocean.

"I see… We'll go to Aztlan before going to Helheim, I want her to absorb that entire Realm and powerup. Also, there's some Gods there I want to meet, and there's also the World Origin Core Fragment there… And an old enemy approaching it." I said.

"I see! Let me accompany you if possible." Said the Supreme God of Star Ocean.

"Wouldn't your power make everything too easy though?! You're like a cheat code…" I sighed.

"Hahaha! Well, you can feel free to call for my aid at any time, it is not my intention to ruin the fun for you." Said the Supreme God of Star Ocean.

"Fine… Thanks for being this close. I feel like you're going to betray me at any time though, being you're an old and scheming bastard. I guess I still gotta have an eye open for you." I said.

"Eh?! After all I've done you still have suspiciousness about me… Gah…" sighed the Supreme God of Star Ocean.

Did I just broke his heart?

"Yeah, maybe sacrifice your life for me or something and I will be able to see if you were saying the truth… Oh! How about you let me eat you?" I chuckled.

"Hahaha! Very funny! I don't think you ask that to your wives, don't you?" he sighed.

"It is a completely different thing!" I said.

"Fine, I will make you trust me one way or another… How about a contract?" he asked.

"You will make it? Mine can't really keep up a promise this big with a being like you. And if you make it, you can easily find loopholes." I sighed.

"Ah… R-Right… Anything else than just not eating me?" he sighed.

"Maybe just let's talk and help each other for a while, huh? How about that?" I said.

"That's good enough for me, Kireina." Said the Supreme God of Star Ocean.

"It is nice you're comprehensible, Aura." I said.

Aura looked at me with his shining stars, he was beautiful in the sense of a living scenery.

"I like you, Kireina." He said.

"W-What with that all out of the sudden?!" I said.

"I love you." He said again.

"Ah! S-Stop saying such things! How can you love me?! W-We have barely meet…" I said.

"I just feel it… What's so wrong of a man loving a beautiful woman? You're so beautiful you give me a reason to fight." Laughed the Supreme God of Star Ocean.

"S-Stop saying I am beautiful! Not even my wives, embarrass me this much." I said.

My wives were all glaring me from a bit afar as the supreme god flirted with me, they were all blushing and smiling mischievously, none of them seemed to not like this… What? Are they serious? No objection over a man? Well he doesn't even look like a man but still.

"Fufu, you're cute when you blush." He chuckled.

"I am not blushing! A-And why would I blush with a man!" I said.

"What's wrong with it?" he asked.

"I guess… Nothing, really… Its just that I've been a lot into girls. But I suppose men are oaky too, I just never consider it for some reason, as if some strange force is forcing me to not to." I said

"Well, you don't have to force yourself to anything. I am fine if I am not loved back." Said the Supreme God of Star Ocean.

"Eh? You are?"

"Hm. I bet many love you this way too, right? I see you as something unachievable, a star too far away from my grasp… Fufu, but that's what makes it fun to be at your side, to be at the side of something so grandiose… something you know you cant touch nor take, but that you can still admire for how beautiful it is." He said.

Eh? That was actually super beautifully said?!

"What nonsense are you talking about?" I sighed.

"Hahaha! Maybe I am just being a delusional… I am a hopelessly romantic man. Been a while since my heart has been this lightened with love…" he said.

"I see…"

Did he lose someone? I wonder…

"I… I apologize if I am acting creepy or something. I will cut it out if you don't like this attitude." He said.

"Oh… No… it is fine. I like your attitude; it brightens the mood. You're unlike any other Supreme, I bet." I said.

"Hahaha! I am often insulted for this personality. I am quite the boaster!"

"Yeah, but it is not justified, as a Supreme and everything."

"Oh, I guess… Y-You're really okay with this personality and how I act? I thought you were annoyed." He said.

"A bit! But… there's a charm to such a man." I said.

"Is that… so…"

He suddenly got a bit silent. Did he got embarrassed?

Oh! Hahaha! I made a Supreme God get embarrassed?!

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"N-Nothing… Nothing at all! I just feel like, I like you even more now!" he said.

"O-Oh yeah?" I sighed.

"Let's work together so we can get out of this damned cage of a world, Kireina, so I can show you the ever-expanding outer cosmos beyond the horizon." Said the Supreme God of Star Ocean.

"Aura… you're such a poet sometimes." I laughed.

"It is just my way of speech! I used to be a poet, actually, when I was a mere and feeble mortal." He said.

"Ooh, now that's new."

"I can tell you more if you like!"

"Sure! Go on…"

I don't know why but I feel that there's something on him that's very special. Something on his personality, his way of talking, his poetic nature… Something.


Am… am I falling for a man?

I have… only feel like this for my wives before.

Just… there's something on him that I can't… and this is not a technique he's using or something…

Ugh… I have to clear my mind. I will just listen to him speak some more. A talk with a Supreme God is never boring.

A being so old and so strong, it must have a ton of amazing stories to tell, for sure.


Within the Divine Realm of the Supreme God of Star Ocean, the rest of his true body rested amongst the cosmos of his inner world.

He was able to divide his body like Kireina and control it with the same consciousness, so he sent a second body towards her divine realm, if he had gone with his true body, her divine realm might had been negatively affected by his true presence.

"Kireina… You're so amazing… You remind me a bit of her…" he sighed.


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