Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1035 - [The Fated Holy War] 23/?: The Heroes Emerge! Kireina's Scheme!


Isaac knew that Kireina would emerge before the Central Continent's capital sooner or later. Jupiter had told him after all!

Kireina emerged in her monstrous Abyssal Primordial Chaos form, which she used to carry her family with as well. She had quite literally shaped herself like a drill and drilled her way upwards into the surface!

Although her presence should have been frightening and outright terrifying to the people, she somewhat didn't felt that way, and was somehow "normal" to the people and most of the weaker gods assigned here to take care of the mortals…

By glaring at her glorious chaotic nature, the only thing these people were able to see was… Someone that they needed to follow, no matter what!

It was simply something too glorious! They didn't know why, and various of them felt weirded out at first, but the shadows and chaos quickly turned back into the fairy form of Kireina, as everyone was left shocked…

Isaac's eyes shone as he glanced at her true form, a beautiful fairy who he couldn't help but find incredibly enchanting. However, his desire over anything else was to make her pay for her crimes and kill her to avenge her older brother who had died long ago, and he wasn't going to give up until he achieved such a goal!

Nonetheless, the people all around the capital didn't think the same as his and were easily encroached by her very presence, which was the "trigger" to make all these people her devotees.

After all, she had visited them day and night, bringing them happy and fulfilling dreams and helping everyone wake up happily and revitalized… She was the "Dream Fairy" that everyone saw multiple times through their marvelous dreams!

"S-She's here?!"

"That's… Kireina isn't she?!"

"Kireina-sama… Kireina-sama is so splendorous!"

"Incredible… And her beauty is outstanding!"

"She's the one that makes me so happy in my dreams…"

"She really exists?"

"That's… the Dream Fairy!"

"Did you see her?!"

"By the gods!"

Thousands after thousands of mortals began to kneel before Kireina, as Isaac glanced at this scene with an angered expression.

"Oh? It seems that I got a pretty welcoming party here!" she laughed.

"Look! So many people are praising you, Masta!" said Rimuru.

"You're quite popular with the Central Continent, aren't you?" asked Brontes.

"Fufu, I like how they're kneeling before the might of Kireina-sama…" said Nesiphae.

"Interesting, is this because of the dreams?" asked Zehe.

"Hehe, let's wrap this up already… Later we can recruit all these people so they can pray for Kireina!" said Gaby.

Five of the strongest of Kireina's wives were present with her in this raid, alongside a few others. All of them surrounding her while being infused with the power of up to three totems each. They were so strong that they were able to easily get more than one into their bodies without any problems, something that the other gods of Kireina's pantheon found impossible. One was already overwhelming for them, but three?! That was completely insane!

Isaac glanced at Kireina with anger, his team shone with divine auras around him as they noticed his wrath.

"How are they kneeling before you?! What have you done to these people?!" asked Isaac.

"Huh? Me? Nothing! I swear!" said Kireina while playing dumb. This only infuriated more the childish Heroic Great God!

His aura shone brightly as his Divine Aura Domain of Starlight continued to expand across his surroundings, enhancing his power and the power of his allies exponentially!

Kireina admired the power of Isaac, a true Legendary Hero blessed by an Epic who had reached a high Rank as a Great God!

After more training, he and his team even reached as far as Rank 9 at the end, being at the pinnacle of the Great God Realm! Their Attribute Particles were shining with bright colors, unleashing the power of their divinities and elements to the world!

Although they seemed packed with power and attribute particles, Kireina couldn't find… much Law Comprehension.

Actually, Isaac, who had the most, as only at… 5%?! What was that?

Kireina couldn't help but laugh!

All her wives noticed too, and they pointed their fingers at them. Even the weakest of them had at least 40% comprehension in their main elements… Meanwhile, Isaac and the rest were like babies loaded with modern weaponry, but they were kids at the end, so they probably didn't even know how to properly wield the power they had.

It was truly like watching toddlers!

"Pppffff…! Hahaha! What is this?! Oh my god, Isaac, how much Law Comprehension do you have…?" asked Kireina.

"Eh? W-What are you laughing at?! My Law Comprehension of Light and Space Attributes is at 5%! Jupiter-sama said that it takes hundreds of years to reach that far, and I did it in a few weeks!" said Isaac.

"Yeah! Don't dare look down on us! We trained hard to get here!" said a beautiful young woman with emerald-colored hair and yellow eyes. Her facial features were fine and smooth, with a small, pointed nose and thin eyebrows. In simple terms, she had the charming beauty of an elf in a human... It was Ana, one of Isaac's loyal subordinates! She was an exceptional archer and held a powerful Divine Rank Bow Artifact.

"Why are you laughing?! Do you think you can laugh to my beloved Isaac-sama and get away with it?!" said a cute girl with ruby-colored hair and aquamarine eyes. She has excessively pale white skin, plump yet adorable cheeks, and a charming and pure smile… Although she got angered and showed a rather unsettling expression! She was Tanya, the main healer of the group and also a proficient wielder of Fire Attribute Magic! She also held a powerful Divine Rank Artifact in the golden staff she wielded.

"How dare you, you damn beasts! I am going to show you off the might of Isaac's big brother!" said a young man with brown skin, filled with small scars and short black hair with brown eyes. He has a youthful and handsome face, although he seemed to have a domineering presence! He was Ray, the "big brother" figure of Isaac, and also a friend of his that was a former orphan. His amazing ability with the axe as a physical barrier and his bulging muscles made him a resilient and deadly fighter! Especially with the gigantic axe he was wielding, which emanated a powerful presence.

"Filthy monsters, I am going to slice your tongues for offending my master…" said a handsome man with long black hair made into a ponytail. His skin was pale white, and quite smooth, while his eyes are black as the night, with a slim and flexible body. His presence seemed smaller than the rest but that was because of his amazing hiding abilities. He was Sagrid, one of Isaac's strongest stealth-based fighters. A powerful assassin that ruthlessly took the lives of his targets! He wore sacred clothes that helped him at hiding, and he had two sharp knives as well with were Divine-Rank Artifacts.

"Well, they have the right to laugh, did you sensed their Law Comprehension? We are completely outmatched in that regard," said a young man with short dark hair, his eyes were aquamarine, and his skin pale white, like a vampire. His stature was smaller than the rest, but his presence was strong, emanating a strong shadow and dark aura of divinity. He was Sate, a cunning and malicious member of Isaac's team that specialized in curses, dark arts magic, shadows, darkness, illusions, and even some nightmare magic. With the power of his divine-rank staff, he was a fearful adversary!

"Pff! Hahaha! Weak, guu!" laughed Rimuru.

"You're really quite weak… Oh my… I hope you can entertain us a bit though…" sighed Nesiphae.

"Is this the Central Continent's last stand? Where's Leoganz, or Jupiter?" asked Brontes.

"Have they chickened out?" wondered Gaby.

"More importantly, let's get rid of these clowns, shall we?" asked Zehe mischievously.

However, Kireina couldn't lower her guard! And even this act of laughter was but a bait to make Isaac act first and surprise him with a deadly attack that could finish him off in one hit. However, it seemed as if he wasn't taking the bait so easily… how frustrating!

"Calm yourselves. They are trying to lure us into attacking them first… Kireina's powers are too vast and mysterious. Even after knowing some of them, she might hide a hundred more… Let us maintain together so we can fight more effectively. After all, we are a Legendary Heroic Team, we work best together!" said Isaac. As his white and golden armor shone brightly, releasing bright starlight cosmic essence all around his body, making him seem like a true Great God!

"Huh, you're rather intelligent, kid. Let me tell you something…" said Kireina.


"You're already playing on my game." Said Kireina, as she clasped her fingers and suddenly, the world around Isaac changed!



Suddenly, Isaac found himself trapped elsewhere!

He was in a similar Grand Formation than where Ova was trapped!

An endless and enormous Grand Formation made of countless small formations stuck together, a place that was impossible to escape without tremendous power such as the one that Ova had!

But Ova's power was incredible. Could Isaac achieve the same and escape, however?!

And the worst part didn't end here. No, it didn't end in his complete disbelief of being trapped in this area without even noticing… Not at all!

The worst part was…

"Ah! Ray?! Tanya? Ana?! Sate! W-Where did everyone go?!"

Isaac was left speechless, his entire party was gone from him!

But… they were just right at his side just a few seconds ago! What could have happened?!

The laughter of Kireina began to resonate through the entire Formation.

"Divide and conquer! Did you really think we would let you fight together? How about one against one fight instead? Are you confident in your own strength, Isaac, and company? Because we are certainly confident…" said Kireina.

"Kireina! Reveal yourself-"

"I am here, foolish boy. All yours!" said Kireina, as she emerged right in front of Isaac, her tall figure surprised him. She actually dwarfed him in her normal form, as Isaac wasn't taller than two meters, and Kireina was over three meters tall now.

"So? Where's your strength and bravery now, hero? 5% of Space Attribute Comprehension will never help you escape this place. Even Ova, a Goddess that isn't even of the Space Attribute had more comprehension than you-"

"SHUT UP!!!"


Isaac roared wrathfully as he raised his golden blade, starlight cosmic essence came out as he released a powerful slashing attack against Kireina!


The powerful slashing attack reached Kireina as she was sliced apart!

The attack not only reached her but reached the wall behind, shattering it!

"Ah! I-I defeated her!?"


However, the two sliced parts disappeared into pink spoke, as a finger touched Isaac's shoulder.

"I am here, boy…"


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