Endless Fall

Chapter 26

Those Who Argue and Watch the Show Suffer

Sun Feiyu had offended many people, but they were all pushovers unlike Lin Jiao.

She suddenly felt a surge of anger. “Do you think I want to stick my nose into your business? If you don’t want others to know, why did you talk in front of us all?”

“I was talking to my friend. Did I ever ask you about your opinion?”

Lin Jiao continued with a mocking smile, “If you like to stick your nose into everything, why don’t you find a job in a tabloid?”


“Oh, I almost forgot that the tabloids don’t need someone who doesn’t even know the basics of manners. All you know is talk and talk.”

After being interrupted by her, Sun Feiyu’s mind went blank. She couldn’t even remember what she wanted to say to her.

She couldn’t stand losing face in front of others. In a fit of fury, she stood up and splashed the coffee at her.

Lin Jiao nimbly dodged it, and an ear-piercing scream came from the right.

Feng Yunjie, who was standing there watching the show, did not have time to dodge before her vision was blocked by the coffee that was splashed at her.

“Sun Feiyu, are you crazy?!” She wiped away the coffee stains on her eyelashes and looked at her coffee-stained dress. She covered her face and cried.

“I… I didn’t mean to splash it at you.” Sun Feiyu was scared.

She quickly picked up the tissue box and took out more than ten tissues to wipe Feng Yunjie’s dress.

“Do you want to get away just by saying you didn’t mean it?” Feng Yunjie shook off her hand and sobbed. “How can I walk out like this?”

“I’ll buy you a new dress. How about that?”

“No way!”

No matter what Sun Feiyu said, Feng Yunjie, who was squatting at the corner of the table, was unmoved.

Her cries quickly attracted the attention of the other colleagues in the planning department. Even Wu Xiuwen stopped taking his break and walked over.

He closed the door of the resting area. After hearing what happened from Wang Rui, he scolded Sun Feiyu for a long time and asked her to compensate Feng Yunjie and write a self-reflection letter.

“You are at your workplace. In the future, think before you do anything. Otherwise, you’ll cause trouble to yourself!”

“Understood.” Sun Feiyu clenched her fists.

No matter how indignant she was, she did not show it.

She noted down Feng Yunjie’s size. Before leaving the resting area, she shot Lin Jiao an angry look, as if warning her.

Lin Jiao raised an eyebrow and walked out.

She returned to her desk and continued choosing ingredients. She did not forget to send a message to Pei Zhi. “Uncle, are you allergic to seafood?”

The moment Pei Zhi received a message from her, he felt indescribably happy.

He took a puff on his cigar and replied, “No.”

“Then what do you like to eat?”

“Anything is fine except mutton.”

“Roger that.” Lin Jiao returned to look at the ingredients she had chosen and sent him a screenshot. “Are these enough?”

“It’s enough.”

“Alright, I’ll go and place the order first.”

Pei Zhi opened the sticker collection and was about to reply when his thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

“Boss!” Qu Shao strode over, his entire body emitting a gossipy light. “Miss Lin just quarreled with someone.”

“With whom?”

“A female employee from the planning department.”

After confirming that Lin Jiao was not injured, Pei Zhi calmed down and listened to him telling the entire story. “Why did that person target her?”

“She hates the rich.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“Probably.” Qu Shao thought of the chat history he saw earlier and analyzed the situation to him, “It was the first time they interacted. The most likely reason is jealousy.”

Pei Zhi was silent for a moment. “Get someone to keep an eye on her.”

If Sun Feiyu really tried to hurt Lin Jiao out of jealousy, she would definitely bear a grudge after being embarrassed.

Since he had no reason to fire her, he could only use this method to protect Lin Jiao.

“Alright.” Qu Shao immediately opened WeChat and looked for his subordinate in the planning department. “I’ll Inform you immediately if anything happens.”

“Good.” Pei Zhi stubbed out his cigar and wiped his fingertips with a wet tissue. “What about the thing I asked you to investigate last time?”

“No results yet.”

“That slow?”

Qu Shao scratched the back of his head and said without confidence, “There is a time difference between here and overseas.”

“Is that a reason?”

“It’s not. I’ll urge them to hurry up.”

Pei Zhi glanced at him. “Get out.”

“Yes sir!” In order to avoid having his monthly income deducted, Qu Shao ran away.

When he returned to the assistant’s room, he first sent a message to the foreigner and scolded him for ten minutes in lousy English. When he felt better, he hung up.


When the clock pointed to six, Lin Jiao avoided her colleagues from the planning department and went to the parking lot alone.

She followed the route map sent by Pei Zhi and found the A3 sign very smoothly unlike last time.

“Sister!” Xue Jing, who was picked up by Qu Shao, smiled when he saw the door to the back seat open. “Are you tired today?”

“I’m not tired.” Lin Jiao leaned forward and wiped the biscuit crumbs from the corner of his mouth.

Sitting between the two of them, Pei Zhi stiffened when he smelled the fragrance that belonged to her.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the strands of hair that brushed against the back of his hand. His heart was racing and he was nervous.

Fortunately, Lin Jiao quickly sat down on her seat to his right.

She took out her phone from the bag between her knees. “Uncle, do you want to have a drink tonight?”

“You want to drink?”

“A little. What about you?”

When she said ‘a little’, she salivated. Pei Zhi chuckled.

He agreed. “Then, I’ll drink a little too.”

“Do you like red wine?”

“I’m not picky.”

“I like white wine!” Xue Jing raised his head, looking very confident.

“Have you ever drunk white wine?”

“I did. Dad bought it for me before. He said that I have a humongous tolerance for alcohol and won’t get drunk no matter what.”

Lin Jiao knew that he had been fooled.

She opened an app to shop for wines while teasing. “Then can you show us tonight?”

Xue Jing nodded. “No problem!”

He climbed onto Pei Zhi’s lap and stuck his head out to look at her phone. He insisted on choosing two bottles of white wine.

Lin Jiao had no choice but to add them to the shopping list.

She turned slightly to the right and sent Pei Zhi a WeChat message when Xue Jing was distracted. “Uncle, find a chance to change it to soda.”

Pei Zhi’s attention was all on Xue Jing.

He was teaching Xue Jing about safety inside the car when he heard someone cough.

“Sister, did you catch a cold?” He asked anxiously.


“Then why are you coughing?”

“I accidentally choked.”

After fooling him, Lin Jiao looked at Pei Zhi and raised her chin at Pei Zhi’s pocket. “Uncle, your phone seems to be ringing.”

Pei Zhi quickly took out his phone.

After reading the message that popped up on the screen, he looked up at her smiley face and chuckled.

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